Rain District





Inugami sighs at the arrival of three young young lads, obviously rain ninjas, he smiles softly and stands up as they approach him and the civilians "Hey lads, am I glad to see you lot, thought I had to carry these people on my back!" he says then takes another puff of his blunt feeling the effects hit him lightly but able to function as A doctor properly. He walks over to one of them with a relax small smirk on his face "Oh I see, my condolences to your friend" he says with bowed as well for a brief, silence to honor their dead then pats the young men on the shoulders and nods to the other two "I have five four adults and a child that needs to relocated while I go find more civilians but if you wish, you can rejoin me in the search but stay prepared for anything" he instructs the men, not wanting to waste time and risk not making it to others that need help. He turns to civilians and leads the team to the them, instructing the people to come with the Ame ninjas before dispelling his chameleon medics "Let’s gets some something more mobile" bites his thumb drawing blood then slams down summoning a much large chameleon that seem to even rival Salamanders, native to Ame. The chameleon looks around first before speaking to its summoner "its a pleasure seeing you again, Inugami-sama, it’s been a while since I last seen you" she speak in a high shrill voice greeting her master "Aye, I agree Bashira but we’ll get our time to catch up, right now we need every available hand to help" he explains to the larger chameleon with an apologetic smile which she rolls her eyes playfully at the doctor "hey, change of plans, bring the people in Bashira's mouth, she’ll get there quicker and you guys follow!" Informing the men of the new plan, being more concealed and out of sight feels like a better approach.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​
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Staff member


As the three young chunin began to assist, they were momentarily caught off guard by a dense cloud of smoke that Doctor Inugami exhaled. The odor was harsh and pungent, causing them to cough and wave their hands frantically in an attempt to clear the air. Amidst the haze, they couldn't help but express their concerns, almost in unison, "Of all people to smoke, are you sure you’re in the right state of mind to treat these people?" they questioned, each covering their mouths and noses, hoping to avoid inhaling the unpleasant fumes.

Despite their initial surprise and discomfort, their attention quickly shifted as Doctor Inugami summoned a large chameleon with an impressive display of ninjutsu. The sight of the creature, with its expansive tongue unfurled as a makeshift stretcher, left the chunin both surprised and impressed. Nodding to each other in agreement and admiration of the doctor's abilities, they diligently followed his instructions. Carefully, they began to lift and place the injured Amegakure citizens onto the chameleon’s broad tongue, ensuring each individual was secure for transport. The scene underscored a chaotic yet orchestrated effort to save lives, with Doctor Inugami's unconventional methods proving effective under the dire circumstances.​


High above the crime scene, two birds circled languidly, appearing to any casual observer as mere spectators following the unfolding events in Amegakure. Their presence seemed innocuous, blending seamlessly with the sky, yet their keen eyes missed nothing, capturing every detail below with precise attention.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori --> NPC(Story Post)
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



Color-Guide: Yonrochi (yellow)
Tokage (Red)


The clack of Yonrochi's sandals echoed slowly against the wooden path. Destruction had reared its head throughout the village, leaving a haunting stillness in its wake. "The rain..." Yonrochi spoke seldom, his voice a whisper in the chaos. "The rain... this was never supposed to be, Tokage." Tokage, a few paces behind Yonrochi, walked with his hands clasped behind his back, observing the lands they traversed. Yonrochi, still visibly beaten, moved with determination. His gaze fell upon one of the legendary "Wandering Six," an android puppet hybrid he had crafted with meticulous care, now discarded on the ground like a child's broken toy.

Tokage glanced at the stoic Yonrochi, sensing the pain behind his calm exterior. "Why here... I miscalculated, Lord Yonrochi... I had my suspicions we'd be a target, but not on this scale. I can only imagine what the Leaf and the Sand are going through—powerful nations like them must have been the first to fall. I ramble, apologies. But, what did you discuss with the Piper?"

Yonrochi kept his pace steady, his silver hair flowing in the wind, dancing before Tokage's eyes. "The child merely wanted to offer an opportunity... Piss-poor timing, as always, from the Leaf. Yet... he made an offer. One of delicious promise."

"May I ask what it was?"
Tokage frowned.

"In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure. Time will tell," Yonrochi replied, lighting a pipe. "Also... Tokage?"

"Y-yes, Lord Yonrochi?"
Tokage swallowed hard, bracing himself for what might come next.

"I need to make a... 'trip' to the Grass District. I would love nothing more than for you or the boys (his sons) to come with me, but I feel it’s best to go alone. I'm in no condition—hell, I’ve never been in good condition for a fight, so I need to be checked out."

"...what... more on that later but- I presume this is where we’re headed now? To Dr. Inugami?"
Tokage snarled.

"Dr. Lori, yes. Oh, don’t be that way. You and he have a lot in common. I never understood your hatred for him. He does good work, too! Haven’t you noticed the chameleons around?" Yonrochi smiled, his eyes closing slightly, accentuating the crow's feet around them.

Moments later:

Yonrochi wandered among the bodies of the slain, his gaze drifting to the sky. He noticed a few birds flying overhead, and his thoughts turned to Kazekage Gaara. He chuckled softly, recalling the story of Gaara sensing enemy birds. It was an old myth, one that had become a favorite among politicians for its absurdity—even for the One-Tail's host.

DISCLAIMER (YONROCHI doesn't know about the birds identity, I just wanted to put in a funny joke that this bird thing happened twice to a kage, kinda cool too because it wasn't on purpose I dont think lol)

POST: Yonrochi and Tokage meet Dr. Inugami!!!

Yonrochi was seen from a distance, limping slightly and covered in cuts and bruises. His attire was shabby, a stark contrast to his usual clean and presentable appearance—thanks to a jutsu he used before meeting Tenbo and Mugen. Despite his weakened state, Yonrochi stood tall and praised the group before him.

"Dr. Lori, I don't think we've met yet? Or perhaps we have. The things sake does to an old man's head would make you think I was in a genjutsu all the time... am I? HAHAHAHA!" Yonrochi's famous roar of laughter echoed, a sound often rumored but now displayed in public.

"This is Nurse Tokage, my caretaker and advisor. I'm not sure if the two of you have met... but I have some matters I'd like to discuss with you in private. As for the rest of you, keep up the good work! These people and their lives depend on your efforts as shinobi. So far, well—" Yonrochi coughed, taking a knee briefly before quickly standing. He watched them place people into the mouth of a creature, then chuckled.

Tokage stood without flinching, a departure from his usual behavior. He didn't run to aid his Kage; instead, he observed the doctor closely, almost coldly.

"Alike are we? When's the last time I fed you to Godzilla?" Tokage whispered to Yonrochi. "Give it time," Yonrochi bantered back, and the two shared an unusual chuckle, rare even for their close political relationship.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori --> NPC(Story Post) --> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​




Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing. - Sun Tzu
Inugami chuckles at the three young men's dramatic coughing and questions if he's in the right state of mind to treat people when he's been through years of off and on-combat experience while tending to wounded and providing additional help via his chameleon medic units plus Bashira being the tank and stealth unit for ambush and capture. Inugami takes another puff before responding "Relax kid, I'm fully capable of tending to these people, besides, this ain't my strongest strain blend" he says before turning to his companion "Sorry again, Bashira, once this is all over I'll treat you with some good spicy mantids and grasshoppers with dandelion, and collard greens salad?" he suggests to the large chameleon who seemed to perk up at the proposal, nods then rolls her tongue back up once all the citizens are secured in her large mouth before replying "I would love that Inugama-sama, I'll make sure to hold you to that" she spoke freely with the people on her tongue which the medic-nin chuckles at her response before taking another drag from his 'special joint' he delightedly enjoyed had to cough out the smoke once he sees an old man limping towards his location with someone walking with him, whom he's not familiar nor recognize.

Once the old man got close enough, Inugami quickly recognized this old timer as the Amekage, Yonrochi, the man he'd wanted to speak with before this invasion came to their village gates. Once he fully recovered from the coughing, he responded "Aye, we met briefly at the hospital right before I had to go into surgery, replacing a dying kidney with a compatible, fresh kidney, so trust me good sir," he said to the old man before releasing a laugh of his own once he heard the old man's roar of a laugh that seems to startle but also amuse the doctor, today seems to be looking rather interesting with more people being drawn in, nonetheless, he'll enjoy little chat with him and the young lad before him but doesn't want to waste any more time since he gots civilians relying on him, must keep their spirits up. thanking the old man for the speech, for times like this they need to hear it from their leader "Thank you, Lord Yonrochi" he then looked at Tokage, his nurse and advisor who seemed not too keen on Inu's presence he just nodded the nurse then takes puff of his joint before heading towards his summon "Lord Yonrochi and Tokage, we will be leaving so please join me in Bashira's mouth!" he calls out to them before walking up the side of the large chameleons body starting from her forearm where he easily scaled up and sat in her mouth ready to go.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​
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A storm brewed... rain cried for the village.




The recent attack on the village had left scars, both physical and emotional, Yonrochi the 1st Amekage defended the district taking massive damage to his chakra reserves and body, and now they sought aid from Dr. Inugami, known colloquially as Dr. Lori. Dr. Lori was a man of peculiar reputation, not only for his medical expertise but also for his constant state of being high on weed, which lent an almost surreal quality to his presentation. Despite—or perhaps because of—his unusual habits, he was regarded as an invaluable asset to the village and its leadership.

The trio now stood before the massive mouth of a chameleon, Dr. Lori's signature summoning creature.
Yonrochi and Tokage exchanged a glance. "Well, caretaker, you mentioned something about not feeding me to Godzilla and here you are casually walking me into it's mouth. HA!" Yonrochi's tone was light, almost teasing, as he stepped forward. Tokage's expression tightened in response, clearly disapproving of the casual remark. "Hmp..."

They climbed onto the chameleon's tongue, the surface slick and unsteady under their feet. Inside, they found themselves in a dimly lit, cavernous space that seemed oddly serene. Tokage stood with his usual air of professionalism, while Yonrochi knelt on both knees, a gesture that spoke of respect and urgency.

"Nurse Tokage," Tokage corrected sharply, his voice carrying a hint of irritation as he addressed Dr. Lori. "Perhaps if you were more aware and not 'influenced'...perhaps you'd respect the protocols of our village, you'd use the proper titles."

"Tokage," Yonrochi's voice was suddenly firm, cutting through the tension. His tone left no room for argument. "Dr. Lori, I need to inform you that I won't be able to stay in the village during the rebuilding phase. This decision may appear cowardly, and I risk losing the trust of our people, but there are pressing matters I must attend to. Most immediately, hmp."

He paused, his gaze piercing and unyielding. "The survival and prosperity of Amegakure depend on my leadership. While it may seem selfish to prioritize my own health, my continued existence is vital for the village's stability. If I were to fall now, the village would be left vulnerable and without direction. Therefore, I must seek treatment and ensure my well-being before anything else. Also... if I am to perish..."

Yonrochi, with a subtle motion, lifted his hand and revealed a scroll concealed within his robe. He extended it toward the young doctor, his gaze stern and unwavering.


"This scroll contains crucial information," Yonrochi began, his voice low and deliberate. "Do not open it unless the event of my death occurs. Inside, you'll find the location of the Rainmen, our village's founders. Your first task will be to find Sashimi. After him, seek out the twins, Ika and Tako. The rest are rogue ninja. Shokaku and Fugu are marked as 'flee on sight.' *cough* Do you understand? by no means let them in, banter or even look at them. FLEE on SITE... Evacuate the damn village for all I care. If you even get word that either of them have even found each other-"

"Lord Yonrochi, I t-think we understand the severity...even a slacker like Dr. Inugami could get it. Jeez." Then Tokage stood silently, a bead of sweat forming on his brow as he absorbed Yonrochi's words. He understood the weight of leadership, the difficult choices that often had to be made for the greater good. The rain outside continued its relentless patter like a thousand ticking clocks.


Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



*Listen while you read*
It might've been easy to track Mirai for the first leg of her journey. But it would be a mistake of anyone to think that Tenbo or Mujin were the only Masters of Death who didn't get followed when they didn't want to be followed.

Her form flit through the trees, light and soundless as the butterflies she fashioned her techniques after, disappearing into one side of foliage and never resurfacing from the other.

This was part of the Heavenly Cavern Seal usage. Not many understood that the seal was not some trophy that toted her control over chakra, but a utility. One could track her for however many miles they wished to, keeping her in eyesight. But the seal erased her chakra signature, her scent, all conventional means to track her were gone. And thanks to Tenbo, she had added a small little boost to her stealth capabilities. The second she disappeared from view within the tree's, she was impossible to track.

Her trajectory changed on a dime, changing from the direction that led to bridge that she had confronted Suzaku on to... The Rain District.

She needed to get a head start on information.

Her garb was fashioned to easily hide her identity, and her reputation should have faded well enough outside of her country that the Uchiha woman would not be recognized as she milled from person to person in a small outcropping village.

Her questions were broad, asking for disturbances in the area tied to unknown sources, tales of powerful things that may have just awoken or been asleep for a long time. She was sure that Tenbo was discussing an entity, given how he had spoke of it. So all she had to do now was figure out what the entity was, and where to find it.


Location: Tavern on the Outskirts of the Rain District
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​


Staff member


Tolerating Higetsu was something Yumaro had learned over time. Higetsu had earned ounces of his respect, but the same could not be said for the newcomer who wielded another legendary sword of the Mist. Yumaro hadn't even acknowledged the man verbally. Instead, he positioned himself in a place of comfort, his line of sight occasionally passing over the newcomer. The man’s bone density seemed familiar, a detail Yumaro could discern due to its similarity to his own. Considering Higetsu's verbal exchange, they perhaps shared a similar lineage. However, unless the newcomer proved his merit, he would gain nothing by standing before the King.

Yumaro and Higetsu had saved the Mist District from complete destruction, and now it was time for the newcomer to show his worth. As Yumaro’s feet pressed against the rain-slicked streets of the boat, his cold stare now observed Suikotsu, the man who was expected to take the lead. At least for the time being, for Yumaro would not tolerate a weakling.

"I will not accept you as a swordsman or kin unless you can prove your value. I expect you to take charge and lead us to where we need to go. If you refuse, Higetsu and I will denounce you. You left the village to die; now is the time to redeem yourself," Yumaro declared.

With that, he leaped off the boat and onto the harbor, awaiting the two to meet him ashore. Amid the rats, vultures, and creepy crawlies of the earth that scavenged around, Yumaro stood in silence once more, his gaze blank and his resolve firm. The challenge was clear: Suikotsu needed to prove his worth, or he would face the scorn of his King.
Location: Rain District Harbor/Port
Posting Order: Yumaro → Higetsu→ Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll
Skip Points: ll





"Ya bastard. Now that we're alone" The annoyingly astute shinobi wondered. "Something about your face annoys me... It's like Yumaro... Is it because you're from the same clan?"

Suyikotsu stopped him and placed a hand on the young shinobis' shoulder.

" Yes, but I don't think he takes kindly to my absence protecting the Mizukage for the last two decades. "

Suikotsu would move up past Yumaro as he started to ramble and rabble about things in the past, without once thinking of the future.

"I will not accept you as a swordsman or kin unless you can prove your value. I expect you to take charge and lead us to where we need to go. If you refuse, Higetsu and I will denounce you. You left the village to die; now is the time to redeem yourself." Yumaro declared.

This made Suikotsu laugh; " So would you like me to do what I've learned in the last two decades to these poor people? Should I use our clan jutsu to rip them to shreds after they have already suffered at the hands of others, or shall we walk up to someone and ask around? You speak with hostility towards me for doing what was asked of me by our clan and our Mizukage at the time. You aim to punish me for working? You have another thing coming boy. Don't worry though i'll do your job for you, it seems your people skills are F rank while your brutality is S rank. Simpleton. "

Suikotsu would leap off the dock and then walk up to a fisherman, His clothing was tattered and he had a bit of dirt covering his exposed skin. Suikotsu would lean in with a smile, placing a small amount of coins into his hand. Eventually, the man would point off towards the inland and unbeknownst to the group, the way to the destruction of the Rain District.

" Keep up please "

Suikotsu would then make his way through the streets, occasionally stopping to speak with people and ask questions about the location of certain buildings or find out information the small people might know.


Location: Outskirts of Rain District → Rain District
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Hyogagetsu → Yumaro → Higetsu→ Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll
Skip Points: ll[/hr]​



Staff member

The Hozuki glanced up at the Kaguya clansman as the latter rested a hand on Higetsu’s left shoulder. Higetsu raised an eyebrow, his expression hinting at a cautious attitude. Despite his apparent unease, Higetsu had no real concerns; any physical attack would simply pass through his body due to his unique condition. Like the infamous Suigetsu Hozuki, Higetsu had been mutated by the Hydrification Technique, which allowed his body to transform into water without full awareness. His expression was marked by intense irritation, a grunt escaping his lips as he reacted to the situation with evident annoyance. His disdain was palpable as he exhaled sharply, noting with displeasure that he was surrounded by the two Yumaro-like figures, each presenting their edginess and monotony.

"Great..." he thought, his frustration evident.

As Higetsu moved towards the ruined Amegakure, his footsteps left behind small puddles that merged with the rain. The puddles, animated by his condition, spread out and mingled with the surrounding rain, extending his sensory field as he searched for the lost tool of Kirigakure. His attention was fixed on the civilians, who looked distinctly fearful of the symbol each of them bore. This reaction led him to conclude that the source of their fear must be the individual who wielded the Shibuki.

"Hrmm..." the man mused aloud. "It seems like whatever caused this must be the work of the traitor."


Location: Outskirts of Rain District → Rain District
Posting Order: Yumaro → Suikotsu → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


The small village on the outskirts of the now mostly destroyed Amegakure is a stark testament to resilience amidst ruin. Tucked along the border, this village clings to existence like a stubborn weed in cracked pavement. Its houses are rudimentary, a patchwork of salvaged materials and makeshift construction, reminiscent of a shanty town. Corrugated metal sheets, wooden planks, and tarpaulins stitched together with twine and hope serve as walls and roofs, offering scant protection against the elements. The village is a labyrinth of narrow, muddy pathways, winding between the precariously perched homes. The ground, often slick with rain and mud, speaks of the region's relentless downpours. Rainwater collects in stagnant puddles, reflecting the gray, overcast sky above. Makeshift bridges of wooden planks span the deeper pits, a precarious means of passage for the villagers.

Life in this border village is a daily struggle. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and the faint, lingering acridity from the distant, still-smoking ruins of Amegakure. Despite the harsh conditions, a sense of community persists. Villagers share what little they have, pooling resources to help the sick and elderly. Makeshift lanterns, fashioned from old cans and oil, cast a dim, flickering light in the evenings, illuminating small gatherings where stories of the past are shared. The villagers speak of Amegakure not with bitterness, but with a melancholic nostalgia, recounting tales of its former glory and the events that led to its downfall. In the shadow of Amegakure's destruction, this small village stands as a living reminder of the cost of conflict and the enduring spirit of its people. It is a place where the scars of the past are ever-present, yet the flicker of hope and the will to survive persist against all odds.

The young woman who found herself asking questions could find the people of this little shanty village. While some people were receptive to her inquiries most were shunning away only giving her the time of day in passing but each of them made their way to the town center. The masses inevitably huddle around a fire listening to musings of an old man telling tales of legends and myth alike. His stark white hair is a strong contrast to his ebony skin and milky eyes. Had Mirai followed the trickling river of people as they made it to the shanty town’s square to huddle around a bonfire she could here the tale being told by the old man. Kid’s cheering despite the turmoil they had just been through. “Keep going old man Gamakichi tell us more!”

“In the mist-shrouded outskirts of Amegakure, where the rain never stops, there lies a dark lake with a shrine at its center. Long ago, wars ravaged this land, and the fallen warriors' chakra seeped into the earth, giving rise to Genzoju, a beast born from the essence of the dead. A wandering monk built a shrine over Genzoju's resting place, and rather than causing destruction, the entity found peace in the sacred ground, choosing to inhabit the shrine.

"Listen well," old Gamakichi would say, his voice gravelly with age, "That shrine at the lake’s heart is where Genzoju dwells. Those who get too close are trapped in an endless labyrinth, their chakra drained and their minds haunted by the past. We villagers leave offerings to keep Genzoju appeased, for we know that its power is both our protector and our doom. Remember this, and stay away from the Shrine of Eternal Rest, lest you become another whisper in the rain."
