Rain District


Staff member

He stood in solemn silence, absorbing the words of the leader of the rain district. Amegakure lay in ruins, utterly devastated. Under the guidance of this leader, it was apparent that the ego of its supposed commander must have been severely bruised. The destruction wrought upon the land had only served to deepen the well of distrust, and the palpable fear that emanated from the people was unmistakable to the discerning eye of the Uchiha. With a graceful movement, he straightened his posture, a silent declaration of his resolve. As he did so, the rats that had accompanied him dispersed from his shoulders and arms, returning to the earth, their natural habitat. He had been invited into the home of a man teetering on the edge of desperation and paranoia. Stepping into this enclosed environment carried inherent risks to his own safety, yet he proceeded undaunted. Tension hung thick in the air, suffocating any semblance of ease. The presence of a weapon, which Tenbo speculated to be the very instrument of the land's demise, confirmed his suspicions. He understood all too well that anticipation swirled around his every move, as if he were a key player in a dangerous game of chess, each move laden with consequences yet to unfold.

"I perceive that you are currently navigating a turbulent sea of emotions, which inevitably prompts deep introspection and deliberation among you and your peers. However, let us confront the stark reality that each and every inhabitant of this village has endured immeasurable loss. To speak plainly, as the steward of this nation, you must grasp the gravity of this calamity, unparalleled in the annals of your history. Your steadfastness in the face of such adversity is indeed commendable, and I hold in high regard both your resolve and the solidarity of those who follow your lead. Yet, allow me to dispense with any pretense or subterfuge. My purpose here transcends mere games of deception and evasion."

He paused briefly, taking a moment before continuing.

"The devastation inflicted upon this land extends far beyond the confines of the rain district, spilling over into neighboring borders and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. This is not a localized concern; it has transcended the jurisdiction of any single village. It now falls under the purview of the allied shinobi forces, to which we all belong. Allow me to express my sentiments with the utmost respect, but also with unwavering clarity. The gravity of this situation cannot afford to be overlooked. The weapon responsible for this catastrophe is one that demands immediate attention from the Hokage. Considering the attacks witnessed here and those suffered by the Leaf Village, it is conceivable that other nations have also borne the brunt of similar losses. In light of these dire circumstances, I strongly urge you, Lord Amekage, to consider attending a Kage summit in the allied shinobi forces district at Nagi Island. Failure to do so risks the complete annihilation of this district, without the crucial support of the allied shinobi forces. Drawing from my knowledge and the information gathered, it is plausible that the assailant who targeted you is the same entity responsible for the assault on our own village. Therefore, it is imperative that we unite our efforts and resources in order to confront this common threat head-on.

Indeed, the magnitude of this crisis extends far beyond the confines of the rain district, encompassing all the districts and remnants of the shinobi world. Your words resonate with undeniable truth, highlighting the urgent need for unity and collaboration among all nations. Lord Amekage, I implore you to consider the gravity of the situation. Will you commit to attending the Kage summit when the time arises? The very essence of the allied shinobi forces was forged upon the principles of cooperation and mutual aid. Now, more than ever, we must stand united against the looming threat that seeks to engulf us all. Let us heed the call of duty and honor the purpose for which the allied shinobi forces were established. Together, we can confront this unprecedented challenge and safeguard the future of our world." With a solemn nod, he relinquished the book into Mugen's capable hands, understanding the weight of its contents and the significance of the decision that lay ahead. For now, he remained composed, awaiting the response of the Amekage and his assistant, poised to act accordingly in the face of whatever course of action they deemed necessary.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



As Mugen stood listening though his gaze averted away from the group, everything said stored into his mind as a marker of any specific dialect hints or shifts in tones, something Members of Root are well trained in for the purpose of breaking down any hidden clues or hints of ulterior motives. And though their conversation continued, Mugen's sharingan seemingly turned off, his gaze now shifting down towards the Leader of this ruined village and what could be deemed an assistant of sorts. And though Mugen hadn't spoken up once, it wasn't like he wasn't paying attention, he simply knew that he had no reason to speak in this regards. Though the moment Tenbo had handed Mugen the book given to him by the Leader of this ruined village, the younger Uchiha took it with his left hand, placing it into his hood, concealing it in his back pouch away from possible spying eyes. Though the Uchiha's expression seemed confused at this notion he respected the choice of Tenbo, willing to kill to keep his task going should some outside force try to steal the book from them. And yet his confused expression almost boarded on lack of interest in the ordeal it was more of why would Tenbo had him the Book instead of concealing it on his own persons. Though it mattered not as Mugen simply gave a nod of acknowledgement as his Onyx black eyes observed the Leader of the Rain and his assistant, like Tenbo waiting for a response. And yet remaining in his place as to not disrupt the proper flow of communications, something Mugen seemed to lack since his youth.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




Chakra was felt rising at the words of "complete annihilation". Yonrochi's blood boiled as his brow burrowed, he bit his lip before speaking "You dare come here and speak those words to me?!" Yonrochi's finger pointed to the Uchiha fiercely "You forget how this village came to be... we were always NEGLECTED it wasn't till recently we have had the support of the allied shinobi forces. It was originally me, and the RAINMEN who carved our way to being respected as a village here! This soil is Rain soaked and Rain governed!!" Yonrochi's eye twitched at the arrogance the Uchiha had displayed speaking to him. Given his anger and the chakra flowing through him his disguise broke and from a wad of smoke appeared the true form of Yonrochi...a half metallic humanoid. Falling to the ground on one knee he caught his breath.


Quickly Tokage stepped Infront of his weakened master. He knew Yonrochi wished to submit a pillar of strength to the village, and those foreign, showing his battle beaten form was not on his agenda. After all it was only till recently Yonrochi even let people see his true form, he pranced as a puppet vessel for most his life.


Tokage spoke pushing his glasses up "Forgive lord first, it has been a long day...week even... given what you said to be true about the attack on your own village... it would be plausible to detect a pattern. Perhaps the Sand District and the Mist, possibly even the Cloud may have been attacked too. And here I was thinking we had the brunt of it. We will be there, you can count on the Rain Districts full co-operation at this meeting. As you said Tenbo-was it? This not only effects us." Tokage then smiled his glasses reflecting in the suns light. He knew when he was in the presence of intellectual equals so he played his cord accordingly. "By chance, Tenbo, Mugen... would you indulge me...what exactly do you think is happening? Perhaps a terroristic group of Shinobi? or a lone actor...you said your village was attacked too? Was it the shockwave of this battle or did an assailant actually come? Just asking. I don't mean to hold you." Tokage took out what looked to be a small brown book and pen. Awaiting the answers while his master Yonrochi rested on the stairs trying to regain his appearance.

Optional Read: Tokage thoughts

Tokage may have not been an Uchiha nor a shinobi, merely a medical assistant but his IQ was above many and for that sole purpose he was selected as Yonrochi's care taker. In this event Tokage sensed something different about the Uchiha men in his presence. To his estimate they seemed sharp. He didn't look them in the eyes but noticed their movements, their words were careful. Tokage thought to himself

"These two are far more than simple operatives... Tenbo seems to be the frontman, taking the lead with a certain ease that suggests he's the brains of the operation, particularly in intelligence gathering. His choice of rat summons is no coincidence – a classic sign of a sensor type, adept at remaining under the radar. His diplomatic manner indicates a level of trust from the Hokage, allowing him to negotiate on Konoha's behalf. His ability to communicate, to assert his stance while maintaining a calm, understanding demeanor towards authority figures... intriguing. The mere fact that their mice could locate us implies they've either tagged our chakra signatures or had prior knowledge of our whereabouts. A clever facade, if the latter is true... As for Mugen, his silence speaks volumes. His observational skills are likely unparalleled, suggesting a high achiever in his field. There's a sharpness to him that might even exceed Tenbo's, despite the apparent hierarchy. It's an interesting dynamic – Tenbo appears to dominate, yet Mugen seems content to let him think so. Mugen's silence could be misconstrued as respect, but I sense a deeper strategy at play, gathering data, assessing. The question remains – were they truly dispatched by the Hokage? It's plausible. Regardless, there's something about this Tenbo Uchiha that puts me on edge... I must remain vigilant."
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

The tension in the air was palpable, its weight anticipated, and the prospect of infiltrating a foreigner's home loomed even more ominously. The surge of chakra, a telltale sign of imminent danger, was not lost on Tenbo's keen awareness. Though his eyes remained shut, his senses remained sharp, refusing to succumb to the perilous atmosphere that surrounded him. He was determined not to fall prey in such an environment, his muscles poised for swift action until a subtle anomaly caught his attention. The Amekage, undoubtedly fatigued from recent battles in defense of his people, stood in a vulnerable state—physically and mentally. It was the opportune moment, a chance to exploit the weakened defenses of the Rain District, to strip away whatever remnants of prosperity still clung to its streets. The idea flickered across Tenbo's mind like a shadow, contemplating the elimination of the Amekage and his loyalists, not merely for conquest, but also to secure additional vessels for his nefarious experiments. A subtle smirk danced across the enigmatic Uchiha's lips, an inscrutable expression designed to leave those around him questioning his motives, his intellect, and his very legitimacy as a loyal subordinate of the leaf district.

The intervention of the Amekage's subordinate jolted Tenbo out of his contemplative reverie, redirecting his focus from the thoughts swirling in his mind. It was a timely reminder of the importance of restraint; achieving success in this mission was not just a matter of ambition, but a testament to his keen perception and self-control. Failure to uphold these principles would be deemed unacceptable. Tenbo listened intently as Tokage spoke, his attention fully engaged in the unfolding conversation. The subordinate's words added depth to the discussion, pushing forward the narrative of the current scenario and delving deeper into the pressing matters at hand.

"I humbly beg your pardon, esteemed Lord Amekage. It grieves me to have had to voice such unsettling truths." He apologized before continuing. "The Land of Fire, a bastion of peace, fell victim to a harrowing assault—beset by otherworldly entities we now deem Shadows. Their very presence seemed to sow corruption, turning honest comrades against one another and forcing us to make agonizing decisions. As to the solution to this malevolent scourge, I am regrettably uncertain. I speculate that our ally, the Land of Water, may have unwittingly harbored compromised shinobi responsible for this attack here considering the tool in my possession. Yet, it remains conjecture, as I am unsure whether you faced the influence of a Shadow or a treacherous shinobi. Furthermore, the true nature of these Shadows eludes us; they may possess the ability to assume myriad forms. Our losses, akin to those suffered across the shinobi world, weigh heavily upon us. The efforts of the Allied Shinobi Forces thus far have proven inadequate in stemming this enigmatic threat." The fatal error lies in the glaring absence of coordination and communication, a deficiency that has inflicted not only the Rain District but also the Leaf Village and others with dire consequences. "Before I depart, esteemed Lord Amekage, might I request a private audience with you?" He inquired, harboring no ill-intent or motives that would bring harm to the Lord of the Rain District. The conversation stemmed from genuine curiosity and the potential for mutual benefit, a strategic maneuver that could prove advantageous to both Tenbo and Yonrochi of Amegakure.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll





The moment the phrase "Private audience" reached Tokage's ears, a chill raced through his veins. Torn between voicing his concerns and deferring to Yonrochi's judgment, Tokage wrestled with his escalating fear of Tenbo. Was it his place to speak out? Yet, compelled by a sense of duty, he found himself starting, "A Kage without his council would be—" only to be abruptly silenced by Yonrochi.

Yonrochi's voice bore the weight of his reputation, "Do you not hold me in high esteem? I am Yonrochi the Destroyer, the sovereign of the Rain. Who do you presume to address, Tokage? If I lacked the strength to stand alone, would the village, no, the entire district still pledge their allegiance to me?" Tokage's skin prickled with sweat as a terrifying thought pierced his mind.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 001804.png

He recalled the legendary tale of Yagura and Obito, a story so profound that Tokage couldn't discern if it was mere legend or truth. It was said that Yagura was under Obito's genjutsu for years. Could Yonrochi, renowned for his brutal campaign against the Uchiha, possibly confront Tenbo? Despite his fear, Tokage managed a smile and nodded, "Apologies, my Lord. I— It's just... your well-being. As your advisor, I must ensure—"


"Enough..." Yonrochi's firm utterance resonated like a thunderclap, halting Tokage mid-sentence. As if on cue, the sky wept, and two servants ushered the doors of Yonrochi's fortress open. "Tenbo, please, enter... Tokage, stay outside with... uh... the quiet one," he said, referencing Tenbo's associate, Mugen.

Yonrochi then proceeded into his abode, a sanctuary to those affected by recent calamities, displaying a generosity seldom seen among leaders. He led Tenbo, should he follow, into a secluded chamber, cluttered with scrolls and mechanical debris. With a weary sigh, Yonrochi braced himself, "You have both my attention, and curiosity- Uchiha Tenbo... Speak, child." His gaze straight into the Uchiha's eyes, unflinching and devoid of fear, sought to challenge any genjutsu attempt, a bold move against an Uchiha. Yonrochi's stance wasn't just about defiance; it was a calculated display of power and bravery.

Optional Read: Tokage's Thoughts
Tokage found himself ensnared in a web of strategy and suspicion. As Yonrochi and the enigmatic Uchiha Tenbo retreated into the depths of the castle, Tokage, left in the company of Mugen, another Uchiha with a similarly obscure aura. Tokage couldn't help but analyze the unfolding situation with a surgeon's precision and a spy's paranoia.

"This division, it's been crafted with such precision... It's as if he's meticulously dissected my motives, exposing them without a shred of cover, effectively severing my connection with Yonrochi. What could they possibly be discussing that I'm deemed unfit to hear? Is Tenbo genuinely concerned that I might disrupt his covert plans? Intriguing... This tactic, pulling Yonrochi away from me with the subtlety of a master manipulator, signals we're up against a formidable strategist. Caution is advisable, Lord First, for your engagement in trivial pursuits overlooks the grand scheme being orchestrated by our adversary."

Catching a glimpse of Yonrochi's offspring observing from a distance, Tokage would consider the broader implications: "Should any misfortune befall the First, fingers would inevitably point my way, with those young avengers ready to strike. It might be prudent to evaluate potential escape strategies, weighing the value of alliances and betrayals as my keys to survival. Should Yonrochi fall, one of his progeny would rise to power... a troubling thought. Might the Leaf Village offer refuge in return for the knowledge I possess? Such thoughts are dangerous to entertain but necessary at a time like this..."

As the rain pours down, reflecting the storm of contemplation within, Tokage's encounter with Yonrochi's sons would not instill fear but rather a smirk of amusement at their attempt to intimidate. Then Tokage thought about Tenbo's "answer" to his question "Shadows as threats? Unlikely, for shadows are but reflections, devoid of substance, unless... No, it couldn't be a technique from the Nara clan. They remain loyal to the Leaf—"

"—Fascinating, Tenbo's attempt at deception reveals much without saying anything definitive. Does he truly expect us to be deceived by his narrative? Why does this shinobi incite such unrest within me? It's the mirror effect; our intellects, both honed to perfection, our strategies, entangled in ambition and caution. Indeed, that must be the reason... we are reflections of each other."
This realization brings Tokage a sense of clarity and resolve, as if the tumultuous weather itself highlights the intricate battle of wits and wills playing out in the shadows of the Hidden Rain. He then started to write in his journal he always kept with him, marked with a signature lizard on top of it akin to his name Tokage (lizard)

journal 1.png


Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

Tokage was understandably taken aback by the suggestion, a reaction that made sense given the circumstances that had preceded it. His appeal, however, was not ignored by either of the Uchihas. Yonrochi, the esteemed leader of the Rain District, chose to conduct himself with dignity and courage in response. Tenbo attentively observed the disagreement between the Amekage and his advisor, ultimately siding with the resolution that aligned with Tenbo's wishes. He entered the chamber with caution, fully aware that unfamiliar territory could hold unforeseen risks, yet he proceeded nonetheless. Within the secluded confines of the chamber, designed so that sound could not escape its boundaries, the discussion was rendered secure from any outside listeners. Tenbo's eyelids slowly parted, unveiling his deep, obsidian eyes that fixed directly on Yonrochi. This direct gaze, devoid of any intention to employ his formidable ocular jutsu, might have surprised the leader. "Thank you for extending this gracious latitude to me; your willingness to afford me such a privilege was not required, yet you chose to do so. Lord Amekage, it may concern you to think of me as a potential threat to you and this district. Let me be clear: that could not be further from the truth. The Leaf Village harbors no ambitions to wield power or exert influence over the Rain District. We have no intention of undermining your sovereignty. My assignment from the Leaf was to investigate the origins of the catastrophe that befell your land. Having fulfilled the duties assigned to me, my official mission has now reached its conclusion. Under normal circumstances, it would be time for me to return to the Leaf Village, especially after securing the weapon of the foe responsible for the Rain District's plight and obtaining the information you have kindly shared with us. However, the purpose of my address to you now stems not from my allegiance to the Leaf, but from a personal initiative. This appeal, though personal, is designed to be mutually beneficial—to myself, the Leaf, and, I believe, to you as well. I kindly ask that you grant me the opportunity to elaborate further."

In a fleeting moment, Tenbo granted the Amekage the opportunity to speak before resuming with what he intended to convey. He positioned himself no more than six feet away from the man, ready to engage in the forthcoming dialogue. "I recognize in you not just a leader, but a visionary, possibly one of the most eminent scientists our world has witnessed. It's clear that your pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement knows no bounds, fueled by an insatiable curiosity for the unknown. The marvel of mechanical fusion you've achieved stands as a testament to your genius, overcoming the vast challenges of infrastructure and resource scarcity that our shinobi world presents. You, the distinguished leader of the Rain District, have achieved a level of self-evolution and technological advancement that many could scarcely imagine." Impressive indeed was the work before him, a true testament to talent, knowledge, diligence, and innovation. It spoke volumes of profound ability—the willingness to subject oneself to experimentation, despite the technological challenges or advancements it entailed. Witnessing this achievement, Tenbo couldn't help but develop a newfound respect for Yonrochi. It became undeniably clear that the elder possessed a sharp intellect, if not one surpassing the enigmatic Uchiha in the realm of science. The man standing before him, under the scrutiny of his obsidian gaze, remained largely unknown beyond his title. The prospect of collaboration or mutual work between them was still uncertain, awaiting further exploration and interaction. "As someone who shares the spirit of dreaming, I too hold aspirations that aim to enhance my contribution and inherent growth as a product of humanity. At our very essence, we are creators. As a fellow innovator, I acknowledge that the path to discovery doesn't always align neatly with the moral compass or the shinobi code. My mind is a reservoir brimming with ideas, fully prepared for the journey ahead." He paused, taking a moment to observe the subtle nuances of expression and demeanor, seeking insight into the thoughts and reactions of such an intellectual figure standing before him. If the Amekage had managed to create such a spectacle of himself, what actions had he taken concerning animals or other individuals? The answer to this question could reveal much about the man's character and ethics.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen (Until return) -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




Yonrochi stood firm, his arms crossed defiantly. Battle-worn and weary, his body bore the evidence of recent strife—a testament to his unyielding spirit. The request from the young man before him had been granted; Yonrochi, ever the astute leader, sensed an underlying purpose. "He's buttering me up, laying the groundwork for some grand request," he mused inwardly, his battle-honed instincts on high alert. Yet, he allowed the man to speak, indulging in the rain of compliments that showered upon his work.

As the flattery continued, a spark of pride ignited within Yonrochi, his lips curling into a smirk. It was rare for another to recognize the genius of his craft. But surely, this was not the sole reason for seeking a private audience. As the man waxed eloquent, Yonrochi's mind danced with possibilities, his hand unconsciously stroking his chin in contemplation. Then, with the weight of his authority, he addressed the room.

"Hahaha, quite the charmer, aren't you?" Yonrochi's laughter boomed, filling the chamber with its resonance. The sound reverberated off the walls, a declaration of his amusement. He sauntered over to a corner, dusting off a chair with a casual flick of his wrist, then retrieved its twin from the closet. He positioned them with precision at one of the many desks, a silent invitation to engage on equal footing.

With an open palm, Yonrochi gestured for the man to take a seat. He lowered himself onto his chair with a grunt, his eyes scanning the desk in search of something. Drawers opened in succession; their contents examined and dismissed until, at last, his search bore fruit. "Ah, here we are," he declared, producing a bottle of sake and two cups.

The liquid poured with a serene sound, a moment of tranquility in the midst of unspoken tension. Yonrochi's eyes flickered between Tenbo and the cup destined for him, a mischievous thought crossing his mind as he generously filled it, a silent toast to forthcoming honesty. After filling both cups, he thought to himself with a "hmm" before filling Tenbo's cup a little more "There!" he mused, finishing with a satisfied nod. The sake was vintage, born and brewed from the time the 7th was a child, it was fancy stuff! No malicious intents were present if tested the sake nor any chakra or other nasty attacks, it was simple old aged sake.

"Look here, lad, no need for formalities with me. The Hokage might fancy such talk, but I'm a man of simpler tastes, do us both a favor and loosen your tongue, hm?" Yonrochi chuckled, a rough edge to his voice as he pretended to cough. The sake, rich with history, warmed his cheeks, its heritage as deep as said in the days of the Seventh.

He took a sip, the heat of the alcohol bringing a flush to his face, a soft glow in the dim light. "So, what's this about, eh? You seeking a partner in your ventures, or is it strength you're after?" He leaned in, curiosity piqued, the sake's potency evident in his relaxed demeanor. A belch escaped him, and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, an apologetic grin forming. "Pardon the rudeness; this vintage doesn't hold back."

Yonrochi's gaze, sharp and penetrating, settled on Tenbo. There was no expectation, no pressure to partake—though it would be well received if he did. It was a moment of truth, a crossroads between two shinobi, where words unspoken held as much weight as those uttered.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen (Until return) -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

He found himself not merely welcomed into the Amekage's residence, but rather, he subtly maneuvered his way to earn a place at the esteemed table. This gesture was not only a mark of respect but also a strategic move, acknowledging his presence without seeming too presumptuous. The Amekage, renowned for his scientific brilliance, possessed a temperament that could swiftly oscillate between fiery outbursts and serene composure. Tenbo recognized the dual nature of his host, understanding that beneath the quick-to-rage exterior lay a calm and collected demeanor. As a guest, Tenbo understood he was subject to the whims of his host, but he also grasped the delicate balance of power in the political landscape. Every action was meticulously calculated, every word measured for its impact. This delicate dance of diplomacy was orchestrated by Tenbo himself, leveraging the circumstances to his advantage with his strategic acumen. Now, as he stood face-to-face with the enigmatic Amekage, an authentic smile graced Tenbo's lips, an unconscious reflection of his genuine pleasure at the meeting. He grasped the cup of sake which was poured for him, considering the stakes at hand, he believed that he was safe and secure from any ill intents or harm from the sake. He wasn't much of an alcoholic drinker, and the effects of it may be unknown regarding its percentage, but with Mugen and his natural environmental friends around - his whereabouts wouldn't be lost to the leaf should he become subject to poison. During the moment the Amekage took a sip, Tenbo concurrently had one of his own. His cheeks flushed red as a result of the warmth."This is aged sake - eh?" He inquired briefly.

"It may come as a surprise to you, Amekage, but I seek neither idle power nor vast influence. All that I desire is rooted in curiosity, the fundamental guiding principle of human existence. Creation, for me, is akin to an inventor's bread and butter. However, there exist bureaucratic hurdles and cultural boundaries that cannot be crossed indiscriminately. What may be permissible in one society may not be acceptable elsewhere. My sole aim is to forge partnerships, leveraging the boundless potential I perceive in the exploration of free will driven by curiosity, much like what I observe in your own endeavors. Yet, my aspirations extend beyond mere curiosity. I am a staunch advocate for freedom of expression, respecting the diverse ways individuals choose to manifest it. In essence, I refrain from passing judgment on such matters." He paused to sip his sake once more, allowing the rich flavor to momentarily distract him as he reflected on his candid exchange with the Amekage. It had become clear to Tenbo that he held no remorse for the bombing of the Rain District or the lives lost in the aftermath. Whether this lack of remorse was apparent to the Amekage was uncertain, but it was the impression Tenbo hoped to convey.

"Within the realm of freedom of expression, humanity finds itself equipped to journey into realms previously unimaginable. My father once imparted upon me a valuable lesson: 'Fire may be used to destroy, yet time allows for that which the fire consumed to be reborn even stronger.' It is through this lens that I view humanity—we possess the boundless potential to shape our existence through expression, to transform into anything we dare to envision. However, I am not blind to the existence of consequences. While I advocate for unrestricted expression, I am mindful of the repercussions that may accompany such freedoms. I may not be privy to your desires, Amekage, but if you are willing to aid me in realizing my dreams, I offer myself as an ally in achieving your own aspirations, as well as those of your loved ones." Another sip of sake punctuated his words, perhaps lending a deeper understanding of his intentions to his potential partner. It was evident that Tenbo operated on a different wavelength than most individuals. Now, it was time to let silence speak louder than words. Tenbo realized the danger of revealing too much, potentially exposing himself to a foe. He understood the importance of allowing the Amekage the space to explore his own desires and intentions without undue influence. It was a strategic retreat into the realm of observation, where actions would speak volumes, and silence would guard against unwitting vulnerabilities.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen (Until return) -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



In the shadowed ambiance of the Hidden Rain Village, Yonrochi shared a moment of levity with his guest, his laughter echoing softly as his cheeks glowed a vibrant red, reminiscent of a ripe apple. "Ah, this is indeed a vintage sake. Your silver tongue serves more purposes than mere banter, I observe. You possess a refined palate for the spirits, HAha! ...Do you recognize this brand? It's Kenpo Brand sake, the favored choice of the legendary Fith Hokage, Lady Tsunade, the 'Slug Queen' herself, notorious for her indulgence in the drink—a fact well-documented for those who peruse history. This very brand was present during the pivotal moment when the 'Blue Beast of Konoha' and the Fifth Kazekage confronted the last of the Kaguya clan. (yes, that is the real sake brand Lee drunk in the battle of Lee/Gaara v. Kimimaro) Such is its esteem that even Might Guy, the singular shinobi to challenge Madara and earn the title of the strongest, approached it with reverence. It's a sake of unparalleled quality, reserved for Yonrochi and his esteemed guests, hmph."

As they indulged in the sake and conversation, Yonrochi's demeanor softened, his lips pursing thoughtfully, his gaze drifting towards the ceiling in contemplation. The moment was ripe for reflection. "From your perspective... it's as though you see this entire ordeal as nothing more than the whims of individual will and thought... To me, when lives are altered without meaningful progression, it's a squandered tragedy. The assailant acted on personal impulses, not to herald a new era but to vent his own grievances. Yet, rumors suggest he might have been a pawn, with murmurs of a name uttered before his attack. Nevertheless, these incidents and the shadowy assaults you mention seem disconnected... But let's dispense with the pretense--

--You're seemingly indifferent to these attacks, aren't you?--

Heh-heh, your desires are clear, and I find myself in agreement. Let us forge a bond, Uchiha Tenbo of the Leaf. A union between us could prove immensely beneficial, don't you think? Yet, what dreams do you chase? What is this DREAM you speak of? Shinobi are often guided by nebulous aspirations. As for me, I seek entry into Orochimaru's lab, possession of Sasori's remains, or the control of a Jinchuriki. These are the dreams worth pursuing! My ambitions have been realized: my village is acknowledged, and I am blessed with sons. What more could I desire? Yet, what can you offer that intrigues me further? Moreover, why seek an alliance with me? My history with the Uchiha is... complex, despite these events predating your time. I implore you, entertain the curiosity of an old man."

Tokage and Mugen (Optional Read)

In the ceaseless drizzle of the Hidden Rain Village, Tokage found himself ensnared in a tempest of frustration and contemplation, a stark contrast to the usual clandestine tranquility of the village. The humiliation at the hands of the detestable Tenbo weighed heavily on him, a burden made all the more insufferable by his assignment to stand sentinel alongside Mugen, their gazes fixed on the unyielding door before them. The relentless rain thwarted his attempts to find solace in his journal, smudging words as quickly as they were penned, a bitter metaphor for his current plight.

Mugen stood beside him, a silent figure shrouded in the misty veil of rain, resembling less a comrade and more a fixture of the scenery—so still, so silent. Was Mugen lost in a profound contemplation of existence, or was his mind as vacant as the unending sky above them? Tokage couldn't tell, and perhaps it didn't matter.

His patience fraying at the edges, Tokage's voice shattered the silence, a roar of frustration aimed at the indifferent door. "DAMN IT, IT'S BEEN FOREVER, WHAT'S TAKING THEM!" The anger was palpable, a fiery tempest within him, yet he fought to keep it from consuming him entirely. Despite his efforts, dark thoughts brewed like the storm clouds overhead—fears of Yonrochi's fate, the vengeance of his sons, and the possibility of escape from this village. Among the yelling, a Shinobi stuck his head out irritated.

"HEY TOKAGE! SHUT UP WILL YA? If anything was happening we'd be the first to know it. We have wounded in sick inside this castle and we don't need you shouting out here understand!?" with this the rain Chunin slammed the door.

Turning his gaze to Mugen, Tokage uttered a statement that, while rhetorical, seemed to seek some form of acknowledgment or camaraderie in this shared ordeal. "Hmp. Guess the only smart ones are left in the rain, huh?" His smile, though strained, was an olive branch in the midst of their shared adversity, an attempt to forge a momentary connection in the face of uncertainty and worry.

This scene, set against the backdrop of the Hidden Rain Village's perpetual downpour, was a poignant reflection of the inner turmoil and complex dynamics at play—a testament to the enduring spirit of shinobi, even in moments of doubt and isolation.
New Lore Items: Tokage's Mugen entry
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Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen (Until return) -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​
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The enigmatic Uchiha nodded in agreement, finding the vintage sake delightful to his palate. As the Amekage spoke, the commander of the Foundation interjected. "You intrigue me, Lord Amekage. It appears you hold knowledge that has been lost to the old continent. Considering your age—over a century and a half, if I'm not mistaken—it's miraculous how you've come to know such things. Perhaps this is why you seem to have become one with science." His words were directed at the man before him, yet they also carried the weight of introspection. If this were indeed true, the Amekage might hold the key to fulfilling many of his desires. He watched the man closely, paying keen attention to his actions, verbal cues, and non-verbal communication signals, eager to learn more.

"I hold no allegiances to these people, nor do I harbor any sentiment for the lives lost. I reserve judgment on the individual responsible, for I know not who it was or what drove them to act. My lack of indifference to the suffering stems not from empathy, but because my own desires align with yours, acknowledging that you have suffered a great loss. It is indeed unfortunate—two truths can coexist. I will offer my aid, not under the influence of Leaf authority, but of my own volition and power." Tenbo's words were carefully chosen, yet there was much the Amekage didn't know about Tenbo. Given that Tenbo was the leader of Root with an army at his disposal, the dynamics of their potential cooperation would be strong and beneficial. "If our philosophies can align, we might create something truly incredible," he continued, laying out his ambitious vision. "The cornerstone of my dream involves acquiring Zetsu cells, gaining access to the treasures hidden within the black markets, and conducting experiments on humans to unlock the boundless potential within us. This endeavor will not only safeguard the Leaf but also benefit all those who wish to undergo modification." This statement underscored a bold and controversial ambition, one that treaded on ethical boundaries but promised a revolution in human capability and protection. The potential collaboration between the Amekage and Tenbo, despite their differing origins and possibly even end goals, hinted at a future where their combined efforts could lead to unprecedented advancements or unforeseen consequences.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen (Until return) -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​