Rain District



With the mission granted by the Hokages advisor, a direct line of contact from Suzaku himself, Mugen continued towards the Gates of the leaf besides Tenbo Uchiha; Mugen though remaining in utter silence as the two traversed through the district of the Leaf towards the bridge which linked the Leaf District and the Rain, one thing was visually in sight, one in which widened the eyes of the younger uchiha. The remnants of chaos that ravaged the land by an unknown force remained a steadfast burning reminder of what dangers lie in wake for the Shinobi world. Some Tree's torn asunder from their roots; small towns reduced to ruins of their once prideful glory, and the landscape beyond this bridge almost ravaged by a force beyond natural means. And though Mugen hadn't crossed just yet into the District of the Rain, this scene was burned into his mind; with many conclusive theories burning in his mind, a residue of cinders on some of the tree's, likely carried by a powerful force of wind or shockwave remained ignited, though with its faint glow slowly dying, Mugen proceeded ahead of Tenbo though behind his many Rats that scoured ahead into the Rain districts borders, the uchiha's eyes fixated on the destruction as if taking in the truth behind the world he lived in; one only paved by destruction and conflict. And yet as his foot crossed the bridge and into the Districts borders, the sound of shifting soil and broken wood cracked beneath his weight. His eyes slowly adjusting, his disposition recollected, Mugen had a feeling that this must be the after effect of what had occurred in the Rain Districts heart, the Village of Amegakure. Though only time would tell on this matter as the journey ahead was still a long one to be taken. Though this would play as a tribulation, a trial to the mental fortitude of Mugens newly reformed Mental wall concealing his memories, casted upon him by Mujin Uchiha, the Uchiha stared forth unwavering in his mission ahead.

Location: Rain District
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member


In the tranquil expanse that once embraced the denizens of this region, an air of peace and serenity reigned supreme. However, unfortunate circumstances had shattered this idyllic atmosphere, plunging the inhabitants into a state of constant vigilance. The encroachment of an enigmatic shadow upon the Earth had left them on edge, grappling with the capricious forces that now threatened their existence. This unsettling phenomenon was not confined to a specific geographical locale within the shinobi continents; rather, it cast its ominous shadow across millions. Within this unfolding drama, Tenbō found himself captivated by the mystery unfolding around him. The motives of these shadowy invaders remained elusive, their relentless presence an enigma that fueled his curiosity. While Tenbō harbored no immediate fear or anger towards these ethereal beings, he recognized the potential for them to evolve into a formidable threat to his cherished ideals. The denizens of the rain district, nestled at the border between the Leaf and Rain districts, were unwitting victims of a menace whose true nature remained undiscovered by Tenbō. As he, accompanied by Mugen, journeyed closer to the heart of the rain district's capital, the void of information at the border became more palpable. Tenbō grappled with theories swirling in his mind, attempting to discern the purpose behind the relentless intrusion of these otherworldly creatures. The victims in the rain district were caught in the crossfire, yet the nature of their affliction remained an elusive puzzle, waiting to be unraveled.

At the border, the toll exacted by the enemy invasion seemed minimal, a mere prelude to the more profound devastation that lurked deeper within the landscape. Tenbō meticulously gathered intelligence, deploying his network of rats to venture forth and bring back vital information. These resilient scouts wove through the terrain, returning in calculated loops to relay the harrowing scenes they had witnessed. In the midst of their journey, Tenbō, leader of the Root, adeptly transitioned his attire, adopting the iconic garb of a Hidden Leaf Village shinobi. His guise painted the portrait of a loyal protector, seemingly aligned with the noble principles encapsulated by the village's will of fire. A stand-up individual, he navigated the path with a sense of duty, combining the roles of an information gatherer and a vigilant observer. Contrasting sharply with the relatively unscathed border, the closer Tenbō delved into the heart of the rain district, the more profound and undeniable the signs of destruction became. The ravages of the incursion unfolded like a grim sight, each step revealing the ominous toll exacted upon the once-tranquil landscape.

As Tenbō and Mugen advanced through the devastated landscape, Tenbō, the leader, took a moment to halt their progress. Stepping up to walk alongside Mugen, he extended his left hand to signal a pause in their movement, a gesture laden with both caution and consideration. "It has become abundantly clear that the people here have suffered immense devastation," Tenbō observed, his voice measured and contemplative. "The intelligence I've gathered thus far indicates that this was an unforeseen catastrophe. From the border to this point, there's no information about the assailants from the shadows—yet. It's plausible that we're facing another wave of assaults, possibly even more formidable. We shouldn't rush in recklessly. While I'd like to believe the fighting has subsided, I cannot discount the possibility of encountering individuals wielding devastating forces. I'm not prepared to confront such power head-on, and there's the uncertainty of whether it's the work of a lone entity or a collective." His words carried a weight of strategic caution, emphasizing the need for Mugen to remain vigilant. Tenbō had accepted this mission from Lord Suzaku with a specific purpose in mind—to fulfill their duty and unravel the mysteries surrounding the Rain District. The decision to reject Inoka's offer had a purpose, rooted in a commitment to the mission at hand and more.

With a lowered arm, Tenbō signaled the resumption of their journey. The proximity to Amegakure was not lost on them, and the current landscape bore witness to the aftermath of destruction—ruined structures, lifeless bodies of civilians and animals strewn about. The ominous aura hung thick in the air, urging them to proceed with a combination of caution and determination. As Tenbō and Mugen pressed on, the foreboding silhouette of Amegakure loomed just a few miles ahead. The closer they drew, the more the landscape unfolded in desolation. Structures in the distance were simply erased, leaving an eerie void in their wake—a testament to the catastrophic events that had transpired.

The returning rats brought tales of sorrow and defiance. Their allies, kin in the rodent realm, communicated the heart-wrenching losses suffered by those in Amegakure. A formidable warrior had emerged, wreaking havoc upon the village. In the face of this onslaught, the shinobi of the rain district valiantly fought to defend their home. However, the narrative was fractured and disrupted by a cacophony of stories from various sources. Tenbō, raising his index finger, commanded a moment of silence. The multitude of rats surrounding him and Mugen ceased their squeaking, hissing, and chirping, awaiting their leader's directive. Tenbō, with a practiced discernment, sifted through the disparate accounts, attempting to piece together a coherent understanding of the unfolding tragedy. Having gathered what information he could, Tenbō dispatched one rat into the depths of the crater that now consumed Amegakure. A solemn mission, laden with the weight of unraveling the mysteries buried within the heart of this calamity.
Location: Rain District (Near Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




A some time after the attack, Yonrochi stood in a dimly lit room, observing the bodies of the effected in the attack. He appeared deeply troubled as he looked over the bodies, reflecting on the battle of the past. Quietly, He then ordered the medical team present, "Make sure the rest are given proper burials …" His voice was firm, and his face remained hidden in shadows, underscoring the gravity of his instructions.

As Yonrochi left the room, the medical practitioners bowed deeply and replied in unison, "Yes, of course, Lord 1st!" His departure marked a solemn acceptance of his orders, leaving the team to carry out the difficult task ahead.

Yonrochi then proceeded to the the garden of his home that was near the local cemetery, where he began to carve a stone in honor of the young man, labeling it "Yatoru the courageous." It was a personal gesture, reflecting a moment of respect and recognition for the bravery Yatoru had shown.

While working on the stone outside his home, Yonrochi noticed a rat approaching him, soon followed by another. His attention shifted from the rats to an Anbu hidden in a nearby tree. With a reassuring hand gesture, Yonrochi signaled to the Anbu that everything was under control, prompting the Anbu to retreat further into hiding.

Acknowledging the situation, Yonrochi muttered to himself, "So the pied piper is here…" With a grunt, he performed a jutsu that altered his appearance back to normal, disguising any signs of his previous activities and giving off a sense of normal. Standing with his hands behind his back, he waited patiently for the arrival of this man of "rats", ready to confront whatever challenges this new encounter might bring.

Location: Rain District
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​
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As he walked aside Tenbo, and listened to his theory/ explanation of the situation at hand, the younger of the Uchiha kept his cloak on to conceal the missing arm as his eyes remained fixated forward. Though many questions were arisen from the scenario around them as they traversed the landscape drawing ever closer to their destination and yet it seemed quite a distance away; something caught the glance of the young uchiha; a faint chakra signature or residual residing from a singular point on one of the mutilated corpses that had been torn asunder by the unnatural cataclysm. Slowly diverting away from Tenbo as he slowly approached the mutilated corpse, his sharingan honing in towards the focus of residual chakra, a strange gland located in the corpse of what can be concerned as a newly promoted chunin. Slowly squatting before the body, as mugens left hand slowly shifted from the cloak; the crackling chirps of birds filled the air, lightning chakra forming across his hand as he plunged it into the corpse pulling what seemed to be a strange gland from the body. Placing it aside as the lightning chakra faded, Mugen's senses were not dulled; having kept his cautionary side aware of his surroundings; if one could call the ruins and environmental debris such. Pulling a canister from his back pouch before alas placing the gland inside, before sealing it shut and placing it in a reverse summoning as it seemed to be sent back to the headquarters of root's scientific labs. Standing back up, his hand swinging aside to cast the blood from his glove, the Uchiha looked down at the corpse; offering a half measured prayer to the young boy due to his lack of a right arm as he let this moment of silence befall him before placing a long fragment of a tree into the corpses hole as to cover his tracks; returning back to Tenbo's side and continuing their journey. Here Mugen spoke with a low enough tone as to not be heard,​
"With your goals in hand, I think it is best to have collected the body type Kekkei Genkai Gland from that deceased corpse. If the clue leads to an Organization or Market, it would play a bargaining chip for your ideal ambitions lord Tenbo. I do hope you understand."
This being said as he walked beside Tenbo his arms re concealed by his cloak, at this moment a large horde of Rodents returned, where Mugen stood in silence as if realizing Tenbo was gathering Intel, he waited for the news from his superior.

Location: Rain District ( Near Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


Staff member



The recent cataclysm that devastated Amegakure left the land of the Rain District in ruins, beyond immediate repair. Recovery from such extensive destruction would take years. The staggering loss of life could not be overlooked, and it fell upon Tenbo to report this tragedy to the Lord Hokage. The incident inevitably drew the attention of the allied shinobi forces, given its incredible and horrifying scale. The Uchiha, aware of the immense power wielded in this calamity, shuddered at the thought of confronting such force. His own abilities paled in comparison to the devastation witnessed here. The entire village lay in ruins, its impact reverberating across the country and beyond its borders. The death toll remained incalculable; many bodies were reduced to mere ashes, entombed beneath collapsed structures or consumed by flames. As Tenbo knelt amidst the wreckage, he extended his palm to tenderly stroke the army of rodents before him. Patiently, he gathered information from them, expressing gratitude for their assistance. He explained that their reward was not a gift from him, but a result of circumstance. If they hurried, they would find a feast awaiting them amidst the fallen, a macabre bounty born of tragedy.

Venturing further into the ravaged village, one of Tenbo's most trusted companions made his presence known amidst the debris, amidst the remnants of what was once Amegakure, the Rain Village. The sight of the once towering skyscrapers reduced to rubble was a heartbreaking sight for any who had called this place home. Yet, amidst the devastation, Tenbo saw a glimmer of opportunity—a chance for renewal and reconstruction. The outdated infrastructure of the village, now laid bare, presented an opportunity for a fresh start. Gone were the intricate networks of tunnels and pipes that had once made navigation within the village a challenge for outsiders. The destruction had leveled the playing field, making the terrain more accessible to those unfamiliar with its twists and turns. However, despite the apparent absence of the perpetrator responsible for such devastation, Tenbo remained wary. The sheer magnitude of the destruction suggested a power beyond comprehension, and it seemed unlikely that the wielder had emerged unscathed. Tenbo's loyal companion pressed on, forging connections amidst the ruins. Amidst the chaos, friendships were formed, and even love blossomed amidst the ashes. Through careful scouting and gathering of information, valuable insights were gleaned—intelligence that would prove invaluable in the moments to come.

With a flicker of his wrist, in response the small gathering of rats scattered from and continued to go into the depths of the rain district to locate their meals. He wasn't their master but they did respect him, and willingly obliged by his command. Their use was complete as all the information gathered was all they could muster. It was an unsuspecting incident that occurred after all. Leaving minimal information to gather, the best source would be any source which had survived the combat here. Tenbo responded to Mugen "This endeavor carries inherent risks; we must proceed with caution to avoid staining our hands with blood. Our purpose here is to offer assistance, not to be perceived as deceivers or self-serving entities." He stepped closer to Mugen, within arms reach of the Jonin. "I shall not impose penalties for the pursuit of your desires; life is a canvas upon which you paint your own path. Yet, safeguarding the integrity of our mission's perception is paramount. Those who uphold this shall find no retribution from me. However, should you endanger our mission's integrity, be prepared to face the consequences." Tenbo championed adventure, extolled the virtues of curiosity, and embraced reality without clinging to transient ideals that perpetually kept the great nations in a vice grip. However, he knew how to play chess. "Protect the perception, and we will thrive." It stood as an unvarnished truth, serving both as a guiding principle and a discreet cautionary message.

Stepping away from Mugen, Tenbo avoided direct eye contact as he delivered his brief message. Despite the pleasant smirk that adorned both their faces, there was an air of seriousness underlying their interaction. With purpose, Tenbo continued forward, entering the desolate remnants of Amegakure. In the midst of his stroll through the decimated village, Tenbo's foot unexpectedly made contact with a metallic object, nearly causing him to stumble. With a graceful recovery, he remained steady on his feet. Though it seemed unplanned, his movements betrayed a keen awareness of his surroundings. Kneeling once more, his left hand sifted through the rubble until it grasped the handle of an unfamiliar weapon—a relic of the Mist District, recognizable by those versed in its lore. Examining the rusted blade, undeterred by the ravages of battle, Tenbo speculated on its role in the recent devastation. Stories of the Mist District's legendary mystical blades flitted through his mind, suggesting a possible connection to the shinobi of that region. Uncertain yet intrigued, Tenbo held the weapon aloft before dragging it along the scarred terrain of the nation's crater. As he continued his exploration, his loyal companion rejoined him, perched comfortably on his right shoulder. With a series of squeaks and gestures, the rat indicated the path to their destination—the meeting with the supposed leader of the once-minor, now diminished Rain District.


Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​
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As Mugen Accompanied his mentor, towards what would have been the village, the younger Uchiha's gaze having remained focused since his mordifying act on the Young Chunin they crossed during their journey. With that small town in the past of their journey with no traces leading to Mugen's act of defilement due to covering his tracks along with no evidences to be found, the young Uchiha gazed upon the vast crater. Hearing the warning given in Tenbo's words, Mugen kept to himself; his expression almost seeming annoyed by such child like treatment and though the two moved into the village where Uchiha Tenbo would find a remnant weapon of some individual, and though from a mere glance it seemed to be a very unorthodox weapon as Mugen continued observing for survivors, his gaze focused as his cloak fluttered with a gentle breeze. The Uchiha Whose jonin vestments were finally revealed waited, this could prove to be an opportunity for the Shinobi of Amegakure to make themselves known. By doing so Mugen's sharingan gazed upon the destruction, still bewildered by such an act against the Shinobi alliance. Such an act further intertwining the disinvestment in the shinobi's way of handling things, for he believed someone from the shadows should react to such attacks, seeking justice in some manner.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



Yonrochi Tokage Hebi


Yonrochi finished half the statue, it would hopefully be finished later...depending on our guest. Beside this was his home, if another attack would be displayed this was one of the most highest guarded places in the hidden rain territory. Yonrochi stood near his door, and just as he waited with his hands behind his back it felt standing as such was showing he had nothing to hide. His eyes squinted as out of nowhere his assistant appeared. It was no other then Tokage Hebi.

"Well Lord First, seems like we have other visitors. What an eventful week..." Yonrochi stood silent, any intel on these two? he spoke following it with a rough cough. Tokage put his finger to his mouth, "Well given we didn't have prior knowledge of these two earlier all I gathered in such short time is one appears to be they both belong to the leaf shinobi... Not much else... It appears one can summon rats, to think of it, I remember hearing somewhere that Ichijo Uchiha taught a man of similair detail, and then again not much was known on Ichijo either..." Tokage pushed his glasses to his face with a "hmp".

Yonrochi then spoke under his breath as the two mean came closer closing in the distance gap.
"What about the other one?"

Tokage laughed then closed his one visible eye: "The other one is Mugen Uchiha... I learned about him quite a long time ago. Well I should say of him, as he too isn't that known for anything special. People just 'know' of him. They both appear to be Uchiha".

Yonrochi's eyes lite up remembering his slaughtering of many Uchiha families when he was young. It had been years sense he meet another Uchiha sense those days. Could this be the reason for the attack? To destroy everything he held dear? Was it the leaf the one's who did this? But the boy who attacked looked part of the mist...are the leaf and the mist working together? So many conspiracy questions. And no answers.

The gruesome image appeared in his head:

He shuttered but tried to act normal. He smiled with his eyes squinting, still holding his hands behind his back, if one was to see closely his hands were moving, he kept his head straight with his eyes glancing all around. Then suddenly when the group got closer following what appeared to be a group of rats Yonrochi smiled. "Welcome to the Rain...or what it use to be, Heh, I assume you are from the Hidden leaf?" Tokage didn't speak he instead bowed with a strange chuckle. After his boy he let his arms dangle by his side letting the wind blow his sleeves. he kept his eye on them, Both shinobi only looking at the tip of the nose of the Uchiha.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


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"Thank you," he responded to the greeting, sensing the tension and worry that permeated the air. Surviving a cataclysm of such magnitude would understandably leave the shinobi of this village on edge. He didn't expect a warm welcome, especially considering the circumstances. The Rain District was in no position to make assumptions or take risks. All they could do was prepare for potential assaults, and Tenbo remained vigilant about the surrounding spaces. While he wasn't an ally of the Rain District, both nations were partners through the unity of cooperation fostered by the Allied Shinobi Forces. Sent on a mission by Lord Suzaku, a figure whose power far surpassed his own, Tenbo understood the importance of not displeasing such a formidable individual, known as the Fire Sage. Thus, any potential conflict within the remnants of the Rain District had to be taken seriously and carefully considered.

He stopped walking, holding the Shibuki within his hand as he kneeled in the presence of the Rain District leader and his surrounding subordinates. Hidden within various surfaces were a plethora of rats, with the few visible ones joining the root commander on his shoulder and arms. An enigmatic figure, the root commander was an Uchiha with little known about him. Patting the handle of the Shibuki, Tenbo looked up at the first Amekage. "I understand that tension may be high right now, especially with me being in possession of the weapon that may have aided in the destruction of this village. It's a shame that this is all that remains. My condolences to you and the people of the Rain District," he said, pausing to observe the facial expressions and body language of those around him. It was evident that they couldn't relax, given the scent of death in the air and his natural allies feasting on corpses.

"As a bipartisan member of the Allied Shinobi Forces, ordered by Lord Hokage to come and understand what has happened, I am not here to threaten or perpetuate destruction. My purpose is to retrieve evidence of what transpired here. The world of shinobi is on the brink of destruction, and we have been constantly on the losing end. Gathering information to turn our circumstances around is crucial. However, we cannot do it alone; without unity, both shinobi and civilians will suffer. Oh, and Lord Amekage, I am Tenbō of the Uchiha," he concluded, smirking as he awaited a verbal response, ready to adjust and adapt if necessary. It was likely a summit would be called soon, and to have and gather as much information to assist in the delegation of responsibilities were crucial. He hoped this would go smoothly.





Mugen remaining silent as Lord Tenbo did the talking in regards to the Leader of this district and remains of the village; his eyes diverting towards the bellowing rain clouds that seemed to be quite famous across this part of the continent. And though he didn't speak he though is known still held mysterious of his capabilities, as per the training as a member of root this was a crucial factor for survival. His sharingan glowing amongst the shadowed over land yet avoiding making direct contact out of respect due to the feared nature of the visual prowess the sharingan at three tomoe is known for. And whilst Tenbo continued to speak before it seemed his part would come to a conclusion, the younger Uchiha's gaze returned to his leader; his posture remaining steadfast and cautionary as one would in an unknown territory, though a posture not showing hostile intent it was one more so to remain guarded should some enemy ever remain or kept traps across the ruination of what would have been once a beautiful village. Merely waiting for his orders from Tenbo, Mugen kept silent, he had no place to speak in such matters that did not align with the ambitions he held, let alone there was nothing he could say in these delicate matters due to his rather cold personality.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Yonrochi (Yellow dialogue), Tokage Hebi (red dialogue)

eyes shot to the weapon as the man spoke of it. He closed his eyes trying not to frown as he took a hit of a pipe that was covered in his sleeve. "Strange of you to pick something up that does not belong to you...or your village... hmp".

Instigating Tokage his assistant added as well "One would almost put two and two together and possibly with ought much evidence connect you someway in shape to what happened... that is if if we were paranoid..."

Yonrochi then opened his door to his home as they were standing near his steps Afterall. "Brink of destruction? My how many times have I heard such. HA!" he laughed followed by a cough. "I hear these sorts of exaggerations all my life... yet some hero saves the day in the end so why do I care? I care for my people. You find me the source in which did this then I am in. Until then all of you and your villages are potential suspects in this. TENBO Uchiha..."

At this Tokage bowed to Tenbo, he had a smile on his face as he did so. "Being couped up here staggers my knowledge of the outside world, it is an honor to meet the both of you. We mean no malice in in our paranoid state please do forgive us for taking precautions." Tokage then followed Yonrochi to towards entering the house, with his sleeves clapped together hiding his hands.

Yonrochi looked at the sky. then down at the two Uchiha's chest, as he did everything possible to not look at their eyes, active sharignan or not.
"The man who attacked us...was a mere child, paper styled jutsu like Konan of the tales of old. His skill was so massive mid battle I was conflicted on sacrificing my self for the village...not for the sake of not being able to beat this enemy but for the sake of his attacks being so robust in nature, our battle was destroying everything around us. this is what I could make of him."

Yonrochi held out his hand to the two younger Uchiha upon doing so a quick wad of smoke exploded in his palm, it was a small book with the words 'Droplet' on it. If the men took the book, it was thin, no more then a few pages (80 pages in total) it recounts the battle and even has a visual description of the attacker drawn with delicate brush strokes. (He'd hand it to them, if they were not to take it, it would resummon itself )

"If your Lord Hokage is so bent on helping, we do this my way. I call a Kage Summit, same as usual, on my land. It is up to you to and your village to ally everyone as I cant be bothered, I need to rebuild. If you want to take this seriously then be here in five days. If not, then you are merely a bystander or an enemy when we meet again, Tokage Uchiha, and 'friend' and hidden leaf district..." Yonrochi stood at his homes threshold waiting to hear what the uchiha men would say next, his back was to them and his eyes squinting at both men's torsos.