Rain District



*Listen while you read*
The people of the town had little info, even the ones that were willing to talk to her. It didn't take long for her to realize that the residents of this tiny village were all making their way to one place. Despite their clear squalor, they all seemed to be enjoying a tale from one of their elders; Gamakichi.

She drew closer, listening and analyzing his tale.

Genzoju, a beast composed of from the essence of the dead. And it trapped it's subjects in an endless labyrinth while draining chakra. Perhaps a beast with abilities based in Yin? The draining of chakra certainly seems to point in that direction, and the endless labyrinth could be a form of genjutsu?

Her thoughts whirled and kept going, picking apart what little details she had received from this folklore. After the tale was done, she moved closer to Gamakichi, carefully, trying not to alert anyone. She was an outsider, and people may not take kindly to her approaching someone they clearly held in reverance too callously. And there was a piece of that story that concerned her, and had her gaze cautiously examining the people around her, ensuring that none stepped to close, her mind focusing on the tinest of details that she could possibly could.

"Gamakichi, it was?" She asked in a low voice when she was close enough to speak to him privately. "I was wondering if perhaps you knew where this shrine you speak of is? Where the rain never stops?"


Location: Tavern on the Outskirts of the Rain District
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​


Staff member

Yumaro held no approval for Suikotsu, nor did he have any regard for the man. The swordsman’s tone bore a striking resemblance to the arrogant Kaguya clan, a breed of warriors Yumaro found vastly inferior to the King. He had little interest in how Suikotsu conducted the mission; his only concern was the gathering of crucial data. The rain village's welfare was irrelevant to him—suffering was simply a consequence, not his burden to bear. What mattered was not returning empty-handed, especially when his own hand gripped arguably the strongest of the Seven Swords.

The Mist Village was at a precarious point. Higetsu, one of their strongest, had recently lost the full potential of his legendary blade, and the ranks of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were not even fully restored. Vulnerability clung to the Mist like the fog itself, making the retrieval of information vital, regardless of the methods employed. Yumaro trailed silently behind Higetsu and Suikotsu, maintaining his stoic composure while his senses remained acutely alert. Despite their ranking, he was prepared to take control at any moment should they prove incompetent. For now, he allowed them to lead, but his patience for weakness was thin—he would not hesitate to act if the situation demanded it.

Location: Outskirts of Rain District → Rain District
Posting Order: Yumaro → Suikotsu → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​



Kakoa Assistant Advisor
(IF and or WHEN the group is in range of the main gate of the rain district then this post is ACTIVATED)

In front of the Rain's gate, the bolts and old gears began to turn, the sound of metal on metal echoing like the cries of a distressed bird. The screeching of hinges chased the actual birds away, leaving only silence punctuated by the discordant strains of a poorly played violin emanating from a rusted intercom. Rumors whispered that Yonrochi himself was the musician, though no one could confirm it—those who tried became rumors themselves.

As the gate slowly opened, light pierced through the cracks, expanding rapidly as a gust of wind sent smoke and debris swirling through the entrance. A younger man stood at the gate, his hands in his pockets, eyes tired. He let out a yawn, hastily disguising it as a cough when he saw the Mist ninja approaching.

"My name’s Kakoa," he began, his voice casual but firm. "I'm the assistant advisor to the honorary advisor, Nurse Tokage. Yeah, I know, we’re closed for the day... but wait a second... You’re Mist ninja, right? Look, I get it, my outfit's a bit off, but trust me, I’m Rain all the way. Lord Yonrochi's with a doctor right now—probably due to your little friend and his toy. He’d want to talk to you himself about that mess you’re after. So, you can follow me to the estate... or what’s left of it."

Kakoa’s eyes narrowed with a cautious intensity, his awareness sharp. He was the one who had gathered the report on the Mist, though he wasn’t as quick as Tokage. Tokage would have seen them coming sooner, but here they were. The wind tousled Kakoa’s hair as he slipped his hands back into his pockets.

"Hey, I’ve got this friend... wants to write some adventure book, real artsy type. Thought maybe he could tag along when you guys leave... IF you leave. And no, that’s not a threat. Just saying, when you hear what Lord Yonrochi has to say, well, we might all have to sit down for this one."

With that, Kakoa lazily took his hand from his pocket, gesturing for the Mist ninja to follow. His demeanor stayed relaxed, yet there was an underlying readiness in his movements, prepared to react at any moment.

Optional Read:

FLASHBACK: Hours after the attack.


Kakoa leans against a broken pillar, staring at his handheld device. Tokage, hurrying out of a room with papers and documents in hand, approaches. A glimmer appears in his glasses as they begin to talk without facing each other.

Tokage: "The power of one, indeed." (referring to the "traitor" swordsmen)

Kakoa: "Yeah, I read the report. Big deal." He speaks, seemingly indifferent but with a keen ear on the conversation.

Tokage: "Yonrochi had another meeting."

Kakoa: "He has those all the time. As your assistant, I can take the load off you, but I'm not really in the mood for--"

Tokage: "--The Mist will come. It’s inevitable. They didn’t react yet because it seemed like a lone attack. But if it wasn’t, it raises the question of why the other swordsmen aren’t here. If they show up and neither I nor Lord Yonrochi is available, give the signal. Remember, they weren’t called the Blood Mist for nothing."

Kakoa: Alright, but what if they’re not here to fight? What if they just want to help?

Tokage: "Help? Unlikely. They’d be searching for their property—the same property Yonrochi let the Leaf contain. It’s a quick way to make enemies. If they ask about the Shibuki, you need to lie. Then again, Yonrochi might have it on hand..."

Kakoa: On hand? You mean like he can summon it?

Tokage: "That’s irrelevant, Kakoa. If things go south... they’ll tear through this place like Vikings. I am merely a clone. You’ve served well if it comes to that."

Kakoa: And what about Yonrochi's sons? The ones you seem so wary of?

Tokage: "At best, they can buy us time. Our only real safety lies in other villages being in worse shape. Think about it: why would the Mist send their best if they were afraid or damaged? They don’t prioritize their home front unless these swordsmen have gone rogue. Be vigilant. Send the signal if anyone from another district appears, especially them." with this Tokage was gone, the two haven't spoken, now the mist have approached.

Location: Outskirts of Rain District → Rain District
Posting Order: Yumaro → Suikotsu → Higetsu → Kakoa
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll





Inugami sat there and took another puff of his blunt but this time he blew the smoke toward the opening of his summon's mouth, to ease his patients and guests of his smoke before Bashira closed her mouth as soon Yonrochi and Tokage entered. Once everyone is seated secured in her mouth she can secure and protect the people in her mouth while her entire body begins to camouflage into the surroundings before traversing the wreckage and some stable buildings allowing her to leap from rooftop to rooftop until she reaches a deeper lake then dives in with a loud splash before swimming off towards the safe zone in Amegakure "Spicy Mantids and Grasshoppers with collard greens and dandelions, here I come!" Bashira sang in her head with excitement, having had this delicacy in the past with Inugami being the cook who brought this, she was surely looking forward to this treat since she'd been with Inugami since he graduated med school, the two had been inseparable since then "spicy mantids and grasshoppers with dandelion, and collard greens salad~" she sang to herself while traversing the water, happy to be back in the village and reunite with her partner, Inugami.

Inside Bashira's Mouth..

Inugami puts out the blunt using the index and thumb on his left hand to squeeze out the ember and stuff it in inside his cloak and leans back with arms crossed but hears the comment Yonrochi made then chuckles at it "Heh, Godzilla? Odd name but I can see myself driving her mad" he mumbles to himself as they settle down, noticing the disapproving look Tokage is giving seems to give Inugami the impression that this lad doesn't lighten up much, seems more like a strict to the rules type. As they watched Bashira's mouth close shut and felt shaking tremors signaling she was moving allowed the medic to relax and address the two men, the nurse stood there wearing his professionalism like a coat which made the doctor feel unwilling to make conversation but knew it would be rude to ignore the uptight nurse. Tokage's comment on Inugami slightly irritated the man who stared back at the doctor with obvious irritation on his silly face but ignored him then turned to Yonrochi "I completely understand Lord Yonrochi, the Amekage must be taken care of in this time of crisis, without you, it'll be chaos and the enemy would have won if they found you" he replies back Yonrochi but listen to more of what the old man has to say but felt worried when he mentioned if he perishes but notices the old man pulling out a scroll and gave it to the doctor who took it and see his stern gaze. Yonrochi's instructions were plain simple and clear to Inugami who hid the scroll in his cloak and listen in on more "Sashimi, Ika and Tako…I got it sir, I’ll make sure to find them and avoid the other Rainmen" he replies back but hears Tokage cut the old man off saying 'we understand the severity' when clearly this doctor never in combat judging by how he’s sweating plus his disrespect to the doctor made him roll his eyes and stare at Tokage "Of course I would get it but a slacker I’m not, be respectful of your peers and elders Tamao" his words firm and directed at Tokage, making sure he hears his words but also purposefully said his name wrong "don’t forget, your in my besties mouth, try not to upset her" giving the nurse a heads up warning in case Bashira does something to berate the nurse for his comments to the doctor.





Suikotsu had spent only a little while asking around and offering coins to those who looked the more desperate, It was mostly for want, even through the devastation and hard times, The Rain District's denizens were loyal. They didn't tell him more than semi-personal things that didn't matter to anyone. If they were starving it's because the Rain District's leadership is failing them. At least that's what Suikotsu thought as he continued walking, now fully numb to the two swordsmen accompanying him, his inquisitive mind pondered the leadership of this place. His eyes looked deeply into the surrounding devastation, uprooted buildings, and the constant damn downpour of rain. No rain was putting it likely, this was just a wall of water, and it was stifling at times. He had Yumaro and Higetsu follow him close, making sure they were paying attention to how Suikotsu tracked in the village. Both a test if they can keep up, and to see their level as Hunter-Ninja.

Suikotsu finally made his way into the center part of the destroyed district, coming to a large gate.


Just as Suikotsu looked up The remains of the district's gates heaved open. Wind and smoke released from the opening as the large doors swung with an ominous clang of metal. An individual appeared behind the smoke and wind, and without hesitation coughed, was it though? As Suikotsu drew closer, the male would seem to be ready to sleep at any moment. He watched as they approached and finally spoke out to them.

"My name’s Kakoa," The man, visibly tired-looking, would sound calm but had experience in his voice that told Suikotsu he had some kind of training. "I'm the assistant advisor to the honorary advisor, Nurse Tokage. Yeah, I know, we’re closed for the day... but wait a second... You’re Mist ninja, right? Look, I get it, my outfit's a bit off, but trust me, I’m Rain all the way. Lord Yonrochi's with a doctor right now—probably due to your little friend and his toy. He’d want to talk to you himself about that mess you’re after. So, you can follow me to the estate... or what’s left of it." The Rain? Shinobi revealed himself to be called Kaoka. Suikotsu's face held nothing but a blank stern stare into the face of the Rain Shinobi. Kaoka's eyes narrowed in on Suikotsu and those behind him, he appeared to be un-trusting of the Kirsigakure shinobi."[/color]

Suikotsu didn't blink, he stared at the man for a while, until it was passed the point of a normal social encounter. He stared blankly at the man

Kaoka's calm voice continued to break the pattern of rain; "Hey, I’ve got this friend... wants to write some adventure book, real artsy type. Thought maybe he could tag along when you guys leave... IF you leave. And no, that’s not a threat. Just saying, when you hear what Lord Yonrochi has to say, well, we might all have to sit down for this one."

Suikotsu turned his head to the left over his shoulder, catching Yumaro's face with his sight line. Suikotsu turned back to Kaoka and nodded before speaking peacefully.

"You are correct. We are from the Mist District. You look fine to me, I don't know what you are supposed to look like. I have no friends, so you must be mistaking me for someone else. If you mean the Mist District's property, you mean the sword we sought returned to our hands, then again, you are correct."

The one known as Higetsu was probably loving the amount of rain downpouring on the group. This would mean he was going to be particularly strong in this advantage. For Suikotsu's own skill set, there was no distance he couldn't cover, and he had hoped his esteemed clansman behind him, Yumaro was of similar skillset.

" I don't think one of my traveling companions will take kindly to those tagging along that aren't officially involved with this, mess, as you so-called it. By all means, however, take us to your Lord Yonrochi, I have no reason to suspect we will be forced to remain here."

Suikotsu offered the man a deep bow And was ready to follow him when he set off. His face turned once more to look at Higetsu and Yumaro. Any trained hunter-nin would be able to tell this performance Suiktsou was doing was out of survival instincts. It was a mask without a mask. If need be no one would be able to force them to do anything here. Suiktosu would cross his arms over his Kirigaure vest and set his hands in the sleeves. Waiting if the two other swordsmen agreed or not, with Suikotsu's current way of handling the mission.


Location: Rain District Gates →
Posting Order: Yumaro → Kakoa Assistant Advisor → Suikotsu → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll
Skip Points: ll[/hr]​





The old man finished telling his tale and in turn when this woman questioned him she would find his milky eyed gaze clearly fixated on her despite the appearance of blindness as a whole. His snaggle tooth smile resembled that of a crazed beast as he began to speak in that same gravely storytelling tone. The people that gathered around the bonfire to listen to his tales all turned their attention to the foreign woman who found herself among their people. Their gaze was almost as depraved as Gamakichi’s own smile. In turn they would all begin to speak in tandem with one another as if a hive mind of sorts. Their heads tilted to the side before their speech began and so they spoke.

“Oh how you seek my attention, such is the folly of humanity seeking power to destroy themselves.” Their teeth chattered rapidly like crickets singing their natural born song before continuing and tilting their head to the opposite side with eyes now a similar milky white to that of the old man. This was in fact the whites of their eyes giving way to the fact that their eyes had rolled completely back into their skulls. Their unified speech continued on.

“A corpse is best left alone, hasn’t anyone taught you humans that, my shrine resides in the remnants of Amegakure, centered in the northernmost region of their lake. Come and find me, your corpse will be an excellent addition to my collection… Their teeth clattered again before their demeanor reverted back to normal with everyone still gathered around the bonfire continuing to tell their stories as if nothing had even happened. The old man responsible for telling the tale of Genzoju now fast asleep in his position in true elderly fashion.

Location: Tavern on the Outskirts of the Rain District
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3



*Listen while you read*

As the old man concluded his eerie tale, Mirai's suspicions deepened, prompting her to discreetly activate her Sharingan. This would shield her from any deceptive genjutsu that might be at play in this peculiar gathering. Her eyes subtly shifted, the telltale crimson swirls of the Sharingan spinning into focus as she scanned the crowd for illusions or manipulations.

Her gaze met the old man's unsettlingly focused, milky eyes. Despite his apparent blindness, it was evident he saw more than he let on. His smile, jagged and unsettling, twisted his features into something reminiscent of a feral creature, adding a sinister weight to his gravely voice. As Mirai questioned him, the crowd around the bonfire shifted their attention to her, their stares piercing and unnerving, mirroring the old man’s disconcerting grin.

Suddenly, the group's behavior shifted dramatically. They began to speak in unison, their voices melding into a chilling chorus that filled the night air. "Oh how you seek my attention, such is the folly of humanity seeking power to destroy themselves," they intoned, their heads tilting mechanically to one side. The eerie synchronization of their speech and movements suggested something far more sinister than mere folklore.

As they continued, their heads snapped to the opposite direction, their eyes rolling back to reveal the same milky whiteness that marked the old man’s. "A corpse is best left alone, hasn’t anyone taught you humans that, my shrine resides in the remnants of Amegakure, centered in the northernmost region of their lake. Come and find me, your corpse will be an excellent addition to my collection…" The message was clear and foreboding, delivered with a cold uniformity that chilled Mirai to the bone.

No sooner had they finished than their demeanor abruptly reverted to normalcy, the bonfire once again surrounded by nothing but casual storytelling and laughter, as if the macabre interlude had never occurred. The old man, now seemingly exhausted by his narrative effort, slumped into a deep sleep.

Mirai, unsettled yet undeterred, knew these were not just tales woven to entertain or frighten. They were a warning, perhaps even an invitation. With her Sharingan active, she felt confident in her ability to see through deception, and she prepared herself for what might lie ahead. This journey to the northern reaches of Amegakure would not just be a search for the elusive Yin Beast, but a confrontation with whatever dark entity had entangled these villagers in its sinister web.

She didn't waste any more time in that small village, disappearing as quickly as she had appeared. She didn't know if something was trailing her, but many things played on her mind; This creature she sought clearly possessed immense power. Even from this distance it had heard her asking about it and sought her out. There was even the possibility that it had heard of her plight all the way in the Leaf Village, and simply waited for her to ask around. But it's range might have been limited to Amegakure with it's more powerful techniques growing the closer she got.

She would need something to combat it. Her mind began to craft another technique as she made her way towards what might be her certain doom.

Location: Tavern on the Outskirts of the Rain District
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3​


yon mouth .png

With Dr. Lori’s words, Tokage swallowed his pride, crossing his arms and looking away, his expression dark with frustration. Yonrochi merely shook his head, his weariness evident, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a scroll. With a swift flick of his wrist, he unfurled it on the ground. A puff of smoke erupted from the scroll, and as it dissipated, a TV camera stood firm, its lens now fully visible.

yon mouth.png
Yonrochi, beaten and tired, began to remove his Kage gown, his movements slow but deliberate. He settled on the floor of the organic chamber, shirtless, presenting himself for Dr. Lori’s inspection. Despite the pain and exhaustion, there was an iron resolve in his gaze as he cleared his throat, his voice steady but laced with the weight of the moment.


“Good afternoon, Amegakure… It is Lord First. This afternoon, we suffered an unimaginable attack—one that may leave us crippled for years to come. But it is not whether we can be beaten that defines us; it is what we do when we are. Do we grovel and bleed out? Or does a true shinobi stand, wobbling on unsteady legs, guts spilling, yet determined to fight until the very end?”

He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in, his voice growing softer yet more intense, like the calm before a storm.

“Amegakure, let your spirits not waver. Let the tears and sweat be the rain that nourishes our village back into the great storm it has always been! Unity in the downpour!

With that, Yonrochi concluded his message, allowing the camera to record his final, resolute expression before he let out a weary sigh. He took a moment to light his pipe, the familiar ritual bringing a hint of relaxation to his otherwise stern demeanor. A playful glint returned to his eyes as he glanced up at Dr. Lori.

“Is there a smoking section around here?” he chuckled, his voice shifting into the lighter, almost mischievous tone he often adopted when not in the thick of battle.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​
Last edited:


Staff member

A chuckle escaped his lips, exposing his teeth to the person who supposedly resembled a Konoha ninja but claimed to be a guard of the Rain District. He rested his arms against his stomach, almost doubled over in laughter, finding the situation amusing. The man had introduced himself as a Rain Shinobi, assuring them that despite his attire, he was indeed a Rain Shinobi. Suikotsu ignored this, overlooking the irony of a Rain Shinobi dressed like a Leaf Ninja, dismissing it due to his lack of knowledge. The rain was anything but gentle, drenching the group with a scent so distinct one could tell it was the rain itself. To Higetsu, however, it more closely resembled seawater. His nose flared in response, almost as if he were savoring the scent. He felt at home in this environment, which could enhance his abilities if he wished. Despite his outwardly happy demeanor, his eyes betrayed his true feelings as they darted to the right, sensing something unusual as the rain touched his skin. "Tch... It's not here," he muttered in frustration. Still, it was intriguing to see what the people of the Rain District wanted.

"So, tell me a bit about the Lord First." He murmured. "I only heard rumors about him - is it true that he hates Uchiha?"

Location: Outskirts of Rain District → Rain District
Posting Order: Yumaro → Kakoa Assistant Advisor → Suikotsu → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​



"With great power comes great merchandising opportunity."

Inugamni sighed at Tokage's actions to the doctor's words and only saw the nurse cross his arms and look away like he refused to acknowledge his inappropriate comment, a dark expression on his face with evidence of frustration only made the doctor shake his head and turn back to Yonrochi who unfurled it on the ground and summon a TV Camera which Inugami looks at it and nods with a fascination and interest, a tool that can help Inugami advertise his cannabis product. Still, this opportunity will have to wait until things are back to normal. Refocusing on the Amekage, watching him sit down on the organic chamber and remove the kage gown, quickly understanding the reason, he approaches Yonrochi and inspects his body, from what he sees, the old man took a beating, a serious one, and suffered bruises, cuts, and burns that seems to remind the doctor of a tool that leave burns on his patients, paper bombs, he's dealt with injuries that are way worse than what Yonrochi suffered but the question Inugami want to know is who was this enemy and why was they targeting Rain District?. While Inugami got to tend to the old man's wounds, he heard the strong and steady voice of Yonrochi, Lord First Amekage, the leader they desperately needed but this old man needed help as well, one man can only do so much for the village.

Inugami listens in on what Yonrochi says to the camera pointing at himself and the Kage next to him, the doctor didn’t dare look up, he didn’t want to interrupt the old man's speech but understood the message, hell he knows deep down that the citizens of Ame and their predecessors from the past has never given up so easily, stubborn and strong willed as much like their ancestors, Inugami read on the history of past leaders that brought ruin or salvation to the village but one person caught his eye as young student years back, it was the 'Angel', an angelic woman that came down to save hidden the rain, her benevolent nature towards people, especially children inspired many to believe in her, to looked up to her even after her death there are still those who look up to her with reverence, even the doctor himself, Inugami Iori.

Once Inugami began deploying a chameleon to crawl on Yonrochi's shoulder and began applying healing chakra to the front of his body while Inugami was stitching up and wrap the wound on the old man's body then apply some antibiotic ointments he took from his cloak to rub delicately on some burns, he’ll have some light scarring while others were worse but he managed to heal the burns to a lesser degree then wrap them in bandages "Alright, your good" he says but leaves the chameleon on the old man so he can recover and feel more rejuvenated but heard the old man Continue speaking to the people, keeping their moral strong, embodying the will of his people, ending the broadcast With Unity in the Downpour, which Inugami believed deep in his soul as a inhabitant of the Hidden Rain. Once he finished healing up the old man, the doctor grabs his blunt out his cloak prepared to light it but hears Yonrochi ask if there is a smoking section with a mischievous tone the doctor caught on to and nods, taps the organic wall twice before they feel shaking and the mouth cracks open a bit allowing the smell of rain and fresh air to flood inside "Yes there is Lord Yonrochi, just got to remain seated while Bashira takes us to safety" lights his blunt and takes a long and satisfying inhale from it before expelling it out towards the opening of his summons mouth before offering the old man his lighter


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