Mist District


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Districts and Locations:

Mist District

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"How should I spend my time today in this dreadful peaceful world?"

The former Mizukage considered the question as his blood dragon eye looked idly at the clouds that passed by. One thin cloud after another content with their place in the sky and briskly sailed by, despite the wind not being particularly strong at the current moment. The light gentle breeze ran through the entire man's body, not confined by a hat or a robe. Concealing his existence from the Mist Council who antagonized Isamu's decision to appoint his successor as Mizukage. While they believed Kazuo was a great Mizukage candidate, they felt he was too inexperienced and his lack of confidence in himself. Their political attempts and legal branches to help postpone Kazuo becoming Mizukage were overpowered by Isamu's prowess. No longer confined to the title of Kage, Isamu reverted to the simplest and most potent form of man. Isamu truly embodied what it meant to be free. A soothsayer of sorts, Isamu knew he was making the best decision for the Mist District. While Isamu fought for his pupil to hold the title of Mizukage, the most popular choice was Yumaro. Yumaro's prowess is likened to Isamu's and embodied the traditional Bloody Mist. While he was Yumaro was a no-brainer, could we have another Kage who had to emotionally mature and understand others' feelings? "Yumaro is content and free...and an army of one..." this thought echoed in Isamu's head. Yumaro in theory was the second Mizukage, one not imprisoned to an office or a knight to the people, like many others Yumaro was a serviceable tool. Even though the Mist Council could not recognize this, they would realize Isamu's in the near future.

Not only was the Mist District in good hands, but the Chinoike Clan was as well. Gracing the world with both of his daughters Soma and Mizuki, their advancement in their clan's abilities and dojutsu far exceeded Isamu's when he was a child. Not familiar with the emotion known as love, Isamu was deeply confused about how he felt about the mother of his children Tamiko Tohatsu. Although he admired the woman for her healing prowess and clan ability, he could not figure out how he truly felt about her and if the feeling was mutual. When advised by the Chinoike Elders, Isamu received a list of suitable partners that could enhance or complement the clan's abilities, Tamiko was an easy choice. Within this modern-day peaceful era, Isamu had a family. Only holding the title of the Chinoike Clan lord, Isamu had a direct influence and oversaw the development of both of his beautiful daughters.


Location: Mist District


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A lot of things in life challenge you, whether or not you prevail over them is determined by the fortitude you possess. Most obstacles are manageable, some are tedious and others are emotionally and mentally exhausting. However, an individual who can stand after each storm is more powerful than one who breaks. Fortitude is inherent to all species yet it is not equal amongst individuals and when faced with despair who will crack and fold? The pressure of success, the force of expectations, and the ability to thrive even when surrounded by a shiver, sharks readied to frenzy. There are those you’d expect to succumb, then you’d anticipate succeeding, and then there is the one who yields to nothing. Isamu had surrendered his position – failure – while Yumaro rejected his clan for his ideals. With the active position of Mizukage no longer reigning over the head of the Chinoike clan lord, Yumaro saw themselves on an equivalent footing. With the swift breeze of the wind, the long-haired man stepped from the environment, silent in movement, and disguised by the airflow his voice penetrated the gust speaking to the Mizukage.

"Lord Mizukage... I am disappointed in what you now stand for. Your time actively in office has not run its course, you are a pillar who has not yet fallen by the blade. The service you forfeited should not have expired until you have taken your last breath or lost to wits or ability to protect this nation. Tell me, why did you resign? I of all, who stand for the ideals that betters this nation deserves to know." He exclaimed, standing five-feet behind the former leader of the mist.

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Location: Mist District


Levina 19.jpg


Mizuki had taken a moment to herself, while having a few years under her belt as a Kage assistant, she still considered herself inexperienced in the filed of defending her Kage and family, while she is eager to meet the new Mizukage, she is also filled with a sense of sadness as she was for however brief it was served under her own Father as his aid, she yet strives for more, standing at a 5'5, a combination of scrolls, text books, contracts and old texts written down from years pass, she was absorbing every piece of information from these, she was a book worm at heart who strived to know everything possible in this world.

She had started at the Library at the Mist District, having collected the multitude of information, almost overwhelming herself with the amount she is carrying, she would walk outside of the Library, taking in this moment she began to deeply inhale, followed by a very soft exhale, her own eye sight blocked by the stacks of books pressed against her she would have taken all but one step and slipped forward...


She whelped, throwing all the books, scrolls and texts into the air while she had landed flat on her bottom, she sat at the floor of the entrance of the library, Mizuki wasn't known for her dexterity, she considers herself to be a bit clumsy.. sometimes, while she had fallen on her bottom, she was still very agile, going so far as to catch each book, scroll and text perfectly, using her hands she caught most of them with ease and using her own knee she caught the rest. balanced perfectly on her knees, she would simply gulp and in one quick motion launched her knees to the side, to which she had caught the rest of them in her hands, she very quickly looked to each side of her, trying to hide the embarrassment of actions from others..

"I need to get a backpack.. or something.."

Having her path set in mind, she would almost vanish into the shadows of each alleyway and corner as she headed toward the Mizukage's office with her new reading materials.

Location: Mist District's Library - Mist District - Heading to Mizukage's office


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Years before the incident.
The silence seeped into the environment as an endless sound can be heard in the background; it was a bird of the sort that makes this noise. At least that was the noise described by those who lived near the airfield; the entire land was surrounded by bursting traffic of airplanes and helicopters that entered in and out of the Land of Water's airspace. The mechanized nature can be said to be made from the foundations of those who split their blood and concretes; the scent of metal engulfed the air. Although it is remarked by those trained in sagehood that because of how things were the sage energy isn't as expansive as in 983 AH. The car pulled up by the entrance for a blonde-haired female to walk out in such a graceful appearance that is decorated with a ribbon; her figure was embraced by a hint of nobility.​

"Thank you, Mister Saigo." The feminine voice said. The man nodded in response after putting her pieces of baggage onto the hand trolley for the doctor to push; as it was apparent that she just arrived to take a flight home.

That day was much different than one could expect as a crowd of people was gathering at the television section which had news stations from all over the world; with such a worrying chatter and some more. It caught her attention as she approached a television; which had the caption "Is the world ending?" plastered all over the screen. "Hm?" endless chatter and ringing sounds from their phones can be heard in the background; provoking the woman to answer her phone.
People. Attacked.
Creature. Apocalypse. Tailed.
Kage. Dead.
Then everything went off.


In an office that can be described as a doctor's office, though it wasn't as advanced as it was more old-schooled in some ways. Her eyes surveyed the surface of a notebook that contained countless patients' histories from today.
"To think I'd miss the lifestyle from back then." the woman murmured.

It was a voice that longed for the comfort the technology offered in the past; more so it is the fact it offers less work for a woman like her in her position. It held true as she would use a computer to keep records of things, schedule her time, and even more; such as her leisureliness no longer exists. Because of the Incident, there were no records of medical history or even birth certificates preserved and so because of that the Government, as well as those in positions, would have to archive and organize information again and there was so much work to do.


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Unnumbered thoughts of unnumbered people came and went through Kazuo. Once, he could sense hostile intent in others through Mind Release if he tried really hard. Then, it came as second nature. Then his reception widened as the Release was perfected. Soon, he could read much more than hostile intent. Inner thoughts broadcasted straight into his mind simply by being. He didn't have to probe for it actively; the technique developed into a mental radio. A disciplined heart could still its thoughts and thus block itself from the radio's reach, but it was for naught if you don't expect to be listened to. Soon, it was second nature. As he grew up, the radio played not only the thoughts of others but the thoughts of many others. At once. As he grew up, intent on training the Mind Release, intent on learning, he unlearned instead.

Unlearned how to turn off the radio.

An unending river of thoughts and feelings rendered him unable to sleep properly. He was eighteen years old at that time. He'd have to exert himself to shut down the chatter actively. His mind was not handling it for the first time in his life. Kazuo felt like a genin again, learning the ropes of coping with overwhelming input. Try as he might, few things worked. As the experts on Mind Release weren't growing on trees, Kazuo was a pioneer with few recourses on how to climb out of his hole. That was the scariest. Being unable to be a student. Being forced to be a scientist on the run, to pioneer a solution.

The answered lied in his Eel, bound by blood contract, to which he came for comfort, company... experiments. He found the Eels less susceptible to Mind Release than most: Perhaps by virtue of not being human beings, perhaps by their natural resistances. But as the eel trusted Kazuo, it found itself to be able to open its mind to him. As far as possible. They'd come together in meetings under the verdant green valleys, and limestone mountains shrouded in clouds. Sit down together. They'd think together... as one. Kazuo sought to investigate the Eel's mind for solutions by mental communion with his eel. But Mind Release with animals, especially ones bonded with you, was truly fickle. The solution came to him, and soon through the process he understood poorly, he was capable of silencing the river of thoughts that once incessantly flooded his mind.

The coming years were uneventful and busy and saw him stabilize his mind. Even his inner voices, once so argumentative, politely fused into one. No one questioned why Kazuo's prowess with Lightning and Water releases improved inexplicably. "You swim like an eel," - Mizuki Chinoke once told him at a lake. He thought nothing of how he did that and how much stronger his desire to swim was. It could be chalked to his contract with the eels, not the way he communed with them.

He was too busy studying. Just like the eel tendencies, the increased intake of statecraft for his studies came trickling down unnoticed. He had too much on his mind, as he'd listen inward to his own subconscious, outward to everything touched by chakra, all to bring secrets of attuning oneself with chakra better. So caught up he was, he overlooked his power and even wisdom grow.

And so when he announced Mizukage, that came as a thunderstrike to him, like many others. He knew the Council's thoughts: That he will be good at it. The expression on will.

He still saw their faces and heard their thoughts. He had to. His mind does it when anxious about what others think; it tunes the mental radio toward them. Thanks to his discipline, it doesn't probe them outright. But he didn't have to hear their thoughts to know what were they thinking.

Anxiety. Fear. Worry. Confusion. Yes, his mental radio conveyed emotions to him, colors, and direct meanings. Having once received an entire torrent of thoughts, it learned quickly to parse them... efficiently. And so it did not catch words, only meanings and emotions. The chakra bandwidth was strong enough for unpackaged meanings, whereas the resources to unpackage words were too scarce on a certain scale of listening.

In a round sanctum, a dome above him, the Council around him, Sensei Isamu before him, he knew they thought what he did: That all this was too early. Isamu was the only one in this chamber who believed in him to that extent and found him ready.
But he did not complain. Eyes shining indigo and imperial violet, he believed in Isamu, who believed in him. Thus the only way to go was to defy himself and do what he had done a thousand times over Trust in Isamu over everything else, defer to his judgment, and, most importantly, make him proud. This made his swearing-in as confident and harmonious as ever: Isamu sanctioned this, and his place was to follow.

The realization that this would be the last time he'd feel like this hit when he made his way to his new office, a fair and spacious room that he had yet to make his own. Oak wooden desk, dark walls, pretty blue carpet. Tiny canals of water ended up in a fountain opposite his desk. He realized that this room was his to bend to his will, no longer bound by Sensei's word. Then he realized that the entire Land of Water was his to govern according to the wisdom Isamu believed in. He stood there transfixed in his ninja pants and tight sweater, accenting his gaunt torso. To govern the country well, he had to know it. He knew so much about it already, but he still took to rehearse what he found most important: His people's hearts and minds. He listened, and the torrent of thoughts entered. Everyday worries. Everyday decisions on what to buy, where, who's getting who, and who's getting fat. Feuds, so petty that they affirmed his belief that man makes conflict just for the sake of it.

And Mizuki? She was his student and the daughter of Isamu. That combination demands utmost care and the finest possible servicing as a master. But there was no anxiety in dealing with her: They had known each other for years. Mizuki was a dear friend. He signaled her thoughts out, and every other one faded. Then his eyes would shine again as he reached out with Mind Release to poke her with telepathy straight to her heart: I have a backpack for you in my office. Go straight there; I await you - he spoke with a reassuring voice.





The life of a forest dwelling beast was quite difficult when trying to adapt to a new environment that was the complete opposite of the conditions that one was born and raised within. The many different stares from the judgmental eyes of others was enough to make a normal person lose their cool; so for a creature out of it's natural environment to constantly be judged by others was one of the worst situation someone could be in regardless of the side you're on in the matter. Luckily, not all members of the legendary Tomogui Clan were vicious and bloodthirsty like most were led to believe, however, it didn't mean there wasn't going to be any consequences for the continuous stares of dislike. It wasn't really surprising anyway especially since his mother normally kidnapped the homeless or random wonderers for the two of them to kill and eat, and since she had a seals to prevent anyone aside from the two of them to leave as well as prevent them from going into the sleeping areas for the two of them, many people were trapped inside which is what the situation happened to be now. While the mother of the younger male who lived there was asleep in her part of the cave, he thought about what she told him when they first moved to the Mist District and got the child approved as a Genin. ("You should make friends here, since Isamu was nice enough to allow us here. You should continue getting close to his daughters and become part of the inner circle. It'd be good for you.")

As such, the male made his way out of the cave but not before grabbing his sack full of raw meat, holding a mixture of both human and animals alike for him to feed on should he get hungry on his way towards the city. This was something new to him since most of the time people stayed away from him once they found out what he actually was which is why he never made much of an effort to keep any friends he might have made. Nonetheless, once he made his way from the Caves within the Karst and exited out into the open world, his journey will have officially started. While it was more of a wetland instead of a full blown forest, it was something the young male could eventually get use to and adapt properly to the new environment. As he walked across the grassy area saturated with water, each step he took made a squishy noise which also caused any water dwelling creatures such small toads and even mudskipper fish to come out of hiding as he stepped on quite a few of them while walking. "This area is troublesome trying to move in, but if this is where mother wants to live then i'll just have to get use to it. Im just worried about actually making friends with the family of the Lord Isamu." Even though not much was said about what Tenken and Mellow are, the Mizukage was probably able to tell they weren't normal humans since the pupils they held were more like symbols instead of regular dots like the rest of the human race.

Mellow only hoped that once he got there, things went smooth but one thing he also expected was to be carefully watched since he was new comer to the village even though they had been accepted. This was also a chance for him to ask about what it meant to be part of a village and a shinobi since he never saw himself as one; Mellow was simply a wild child that killed and fed in order to survive but he needed to learn more about the life within the city if he was going to fit in.
"This is going to be a long day.."

Location: Mist District's Karst -> Wetlands -> Headed To Kirigakure City​



Near the outskirts of the city, two girls were seen laying on the sandy beach while other people on there we either playing volleyball or having bonfires where they can cook the food they brought or to smoke whatever contriban they smuggled into the mist district. As everyone has a blast, the two girls simply lays there, holding each others hand more like sisters, the blonde-white-haired girl turns to the dark skin one with a look of affection "dear sister, what will our parents do once they realize we're not at the training ground with our instructor?" spoke Sōma who has a smug look on her face, the other sister replies back with worry "Well our parents do not like slackers or ditchers so I can some severe punishments bein in ditched on us……but I want to enjoy this feeling right now my sis" Nashiro slightly tighten her grip on her little sister although others wouldn't expect them to be related yet they are due to their mother having had a past relationship with Mizuchi, The Seer of Ashida. The girls simply lays there before getting up together and running off toward the water where they began swimming with relative ease, long and slow strokes of their limbs hitting the water, propelling them outward to sea but they stopped and slowly up on top the water "Want a quick spar?" asked the dark-skinned sister with a hunger in her eyes which Sōma quickly caught on and smirked in excitement "hell yeah" tThe girls stepped back a bit before flying straight at each other, summoning their weapons, a sword and bō staff then clashed into each other with some force behind it before nashiro kicks her back before rushing her with a spinning swing of her staff, forcing soma to swerve and dodge the incoming attack leaving her open for nashiro to follow up with a kick to the midsection, sending soma flying across the water and skidding to a halt "you been training diligently with mizuchi?" which the dark-skinned girl simply drag the staff around in front before nodding up indicating to come on, which, Sōma got up with her sword and steeled her nerves, take a slight shaky breath, staring at Nashiro with new resolve then activates her ketsuryugan, a brilliant red and purple dojutsu glowing with chakra, a power she holds with pride and dedication, she roars before leaping forward with fire encasing the blade and a fury ready to be unleashed while Nashiro staring back and staff ready.


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On this lovely day, Isamu's thoughts lingered and briskly sailed by one thin cloud after another. As one could view his laziness as a sign of his retirement, it helped clear the numerous voices that spoke of hostile intent. Had his time to gather his mental stability been interrupted, the chances of a blood frenzy were high. The numerous devious combined into one and overall became the voice of a father and the leader of the Chinoike Clan. With his ketsuryugan, he was able to detect his daughters through the specific blood type that they shared. The soothsayer observed his youngest daughter, carefully watching the adrenaline levels in her bloodstream rise, which indicated they she was temporarily a victim of fun. With his sole duty to make the Chinoike clan the most powerful clan in the world, Isamu was to bring his daughter above par. Soma was no prestigious student and prodigy like her sister, and because the world was not evilly tainted as it once was; it was Isamu's job to play the villainous force.

"I'd kill my own daughter if I needed to. The Chinoike does not produce weak shinobi." These words released from his grasp and propelled the former Mizukage to stand. The sentence reinforced his pride in being a Chinoike and was regarded as the strongest of his clan. Any being with blood was easily detectable and allowed Isamu to prepare himself for a disheartening conversation with his former student. A white-haired shinobi with distinctive face markings stood within proximity to Isamu. Yumaro's words filled the air with concern and confusion, to the Kaguya Isamu's reign was the end of an era.

"I wonder how long it will take people to stop calling me Lord Mizukage." The words hoped to fill the silence and avoid answering Yumaro's question, but his will to learn the truth amplified the effects of silence. "Yumaro when you become the Mizukage you are bounded to everyone's expectations, dreams, ties, and obligations. For so long, I've installed fear in neighboring countries to prevent any future wars through political tactics and a few military intimidations. I cannot die by the blade if I cannot unleash my full power without killing innocent people I swore to protect. I am an instrument of Lord Jashin and my will is not to protect, it is to slaughter. Shinobi like you and me are meant to be the backbone of the nation. Monsters kill because it feels right and is it a testament to our strength." Isamu's hero facade faded within the instant. Not wanting to draw out the conversation, he'd give the Kaguya shinobi a minute to respond before evaporating into the air.


Location: Mist District
RP Order: Isamu - Yumaro - Mizuki - Tamiko - Kazuo - Mellow - Soma/Nashiro


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The blood that coursed through the veins of Yumaro was linked together by the mist district's two most notorious clans, the Hoshigaki and Kaguya clans. As a descendent of equally bloodthirsty clans who desired action, Yumaro pooled his inherit thoughts into comprehensive contemplation. That is who he was at his core, at his surface, and interior: unlike his brethren Yumaro was sophisticated and a calculative person very distinct from his predecessors. Emerald stones looked intently towards the Mizukage who had renounced his position. Isamu uttered disappointment in his own bloodline, the sentiment was shared amongst his own bloodlines. With emerald stones staring at Isamu in silence the amplification of answering Yumaro grew. Listening intently to what was spoken, Yumaro stood silently with Isamu for a few moments before allowing his thoughts to become known.

“I have no desire to become a leader of this beloved nation, as well as considering most people in this nation have no idea I even exist. A position of Kage requires the responsibility of a weight that I will never accept – for I would never be accepted. I exist for people like your daughters to live comfortably, for your replacement to take a seat undeserved, for the ungrateful to live wealthy, and for the poor to live modestly. I am not a man of the people, I am not a person for the people, I am a creature of the land and nation itself. You were never meant to resign, with you out of position who will be the one to protect the creatures in the night? I am the one who allows the ignorant to live in bliss… I have always known my place as the backbone of the nation, a monster of the sea I am, guarding its barriers. As a father, as the Mizukage, and as a follower of Jashin, you should know a monster kills because it is within its nature. It doesn’t feel wrong because we aren’t concerned that it’s right, because that’s how we survive.”

Yumaro scoffed, flailing his arms up and down with an exaggerated sigh at the irritating answer Isamu had given him. A man… no creature… no a monster should inherently know his role instinctively. With this said the man of the sea would dissipate into seeming nothingness utilizing the most efficient ninja element at his deposal to do so congruent with the timing of the Mizukage’s exit and perhaps join amongst the relocation or maybe venture elsewhere within the vast and beautiful landscape of the mist district.


Location: Mist District​