
On the serene island of Megami no Shima, amidst the turmoil gripping the nation, another bleak day unfolded, though such silent dread could even offer a stark contrast to the prevailing violence. The irony of this duality was not lost on those attuned to current events. While this island remained a bastion of peace; long since abandoned due to the various wreckage that would surround the island, the rest of the world was engulfed in a conflict against an elusive adversary. It was one of the reasons why this individual sought refuge here—a sanctuary amidst the chaos, where they could find solace and respite. Yet, amidst such grim tranquility, their thoughts couldn't help but stray to the grim reports flooding in from other districts, detailing the devastation wrought by the ongoing conflict. Standing steadfast atop their majestic serpent, they pondered the terrifying reality as the creature cautiously slithered closer to the grotto they sought.

The serpent itself was a marvel to behold, adorned in stunning albino scales that shimmered brilliantly under the sunlight. Its immense, slender form gracefully twisted and coiled through the sand as it approached its destination. With a regal gesture, the majestic creature lowered its head, allowing its rider to dismount. With quiet elegance, the individual stepped down from their companion, offering a silent gesture of gratitude by gently patting the serpent's snout. In response, the serpent nodded to its master before vanishing into a swirl of unnatural smoke, a testament to the art of Summoning Animals.
Taking a moment to survey the surroundings, the individual orientated themselves before retrieving a small scroll from the sleeve of their kimono. After a brief confirmation of the location they sought, they rerolled the scroll and secured it back within their garment. He could not shake such a feeling that would flow through him, however. As if the very chakra of the island wished to protect.. something from him.
Recent reports had hinted at the presence of invaluable medicinal herbs deep within a garden on this island, sought after for their potential to aid the wounded amidst a string of attacks. Taking it upon themselves to contribute to the welfare of the shinobi world, the individual resolved to procure these herbs. Yet, alongside these reports came whispers of a peculiar mystery—a deadly siren rumored to inhabit the area, her beauty so captivating that many mistook her for a legendary merfolk. While such tales seemed improbable, the individual acknowledged that legends often held kernels of truth.
Taking just a moment to adjust their attire for comfort and ensure the bag slung over their shoulder, meant for gathering the aforementioned herbs, was securely in place, this individual, sporting their trademark grin, began to leisurely make their way in the direction indicated by their reports. Their steps transitioned from sand to grasslands as they moved forward. While unable to confirm, occasional glimmers through the fog suggested the presence of a large, metallic object, enough to put the individual on alert without feeling threatened.

Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll