Mist District




On the serene island of Megami no Shima, amidst the turmoil gripping the nation, another bleak day unfolded, though such silent dread could even offer a stark contrast to the prevailing violence. The irony of this duality was not lost on those attuned to current events. While this island remained a bastion of peace; long since abandoned due to the various wreckage that would surround the island, the rest of the world was engulfed in a conflict against an elusive adversary. It was one of the reasons why this individual sought refuge here—a sanctuary amidst the chaos, where they could find solace and respite. Yet, amidst such grim tranquility, their thoughts couldn't help but stray to the grim reports flooding in from other districts, detailing the devastation wrought by the ongoing conflict. Standing steadfast atop their majestic serpent, they pondered the terrifying reality as the creature cautiously slithered closer to the grotto they sought.




The serpent itself was a marvel to behold, adorned in stunning albino scales that shimmered brilliantly under the sunlight. Its immense, slender form gracefully twisted and coiled through the sand as it approached its destination. With a regal gesture, the majestic creature lowered its head, allowing its rider to dismount. With quiet elegance, the individual stepped down from their companion, offering a silent gesture of gratitude by gently patting the serpent's snout. In response, the serpent nodded to its master before vanishing into a swirl of unnatural smoke, a testament to the art of Summoning Animals.

Taking a moment to survey the surroundings, the individual orientated themselves before retrieving a small scroll from the sleeve of their kimono. After a brief confirmation of the location they sought, they rerolled the scroll and secured it back within their garment. He could not shake such a feeling that would flow through him, however. As if the very chakra of the island wished to protect.. something from him.

Recent reports had hinted at the presence of invaluable medicinal herbs deep within a garden on this island, sought after for their potential to aid the wounded amidst a string of attacks. Taking it upon themselves to contribute to the welfare of the shinobi world, the individual resolved to procure these herbs. Yet, alongside these reports came whispers of a peculiar mystery—a deadly siren rumored to inhabit the area, her beauty so captivating that many mistook her for a legendary merfolk. While such tales seemed improbable, the individual acknowledged that legends often held kernels of truth.

Taking just a moment to adjust their attire for comfort and ensure the bag slung over their shoulder, meant for gathering the aforementioned herbs, was securely in place, this individual, sporting their trademark grin, began to leisurely make their way in the direction indicated by their reports. Their steps transitioned from sand to grasslands as they moved forward. While unable to confirm, occasional glimmers through the fog suggested the presence of a large, metallic object, enough to put the individual on alert without feeling threatened.


Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​





While he sat, the tickle of something on his territory would stir in his mind. He stood slowly, allowing the massive Kubikiribōchō Sword to gleam again against the low fog. The glints of light suddenly stifling, unbeknown to the intruder who casually moved forward, Suikotsu was now rushing him. The growing loudness of footsteps crushing the foliage below them would suddenly be upon Kazumaru. The glint was back, however, this time Kazumaru could see the frightening origins of the sparkle in the fog.

" You... You don't belong here. "
Suikotsu's voice was cold and filled with malice, the Taboo of an intruder upon this sacred location was his life's work. A guardian of the Sea Goddess, he wouldn't allow anyone to taint the ground.
His sword would come from the ground, slicing into the grass before cleaving diagonally and outward aiming to maim Kazumaru's waist and chest from lower right to upper left in a line. There was an unpredictability in Suikotsu's movements, One trained in traditional Ninja Arts would instantly see his grip, his footwork, it was all ... new... Yet it worked, there was a confidence in Suikotsu's motions that made him intimidating.
Following the first slash, Suikotsu leaped back away from Kazumaru, His sword was placed in his mouth, the muscles on his neck bulging and twitching as he now held his massive sword in his teeth. Freeing his hands, The seals for Tiger → Hare → Boar → Dog or Ram → Dog → Ox → Snake Promted the use of Earth Release: Earth Style Wall. This prompted a wall to rise under Suikotsu launching him into the air. Using his arms as balance points he would spin, forcing his body to rotate and back down towards Kazumaru, A second slash via the sword in his mouth now.

It would be up to the Intruder, Kazumaru what happens next, and if he avoids this untrained yet brutally proficient onslaught of Suikotsu.


Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll[/hr][/hr][/hr]​
Last edited:


Urgency in her quiet steps, Azuresato turned her gaze and her direction toward whatever had moved her Suikotsu at such a high rate of speed. Forming a single hand seal triggered the generation of a thin layer of water which acted as a pair of lenses which then permitted her sharp eyes to perform a scanning of the desolate quarry. Piercing with laser like precision through the growing fog, the witch grew only as close to the confrontation as she was comfortable.; That being, until she could lay eyes upon this intruder in her medicinal gardens.

There was no avoiding a confrontation now, in the event that Kazemaru was one of many assassins who yearned for her neck; she would have wanted him dead. Who this person was had been perceived as a hazard toward their solemn home and so there was no putting an end to her protector’s initial testing of the calm stranger’s intentions. Not yet, at the very least, after all, having been lost to time for so long, she welcomed some amusement, no, some action that could help shatter her reality of the mundane.
A flicker of concern flashed across the Goddesses' secluded heart, but nothing changed in Azuresato's features. As the confrontation between Suikotsu and the intruder escalated, Azuresato remained hidden within the gradually thickening mist generated by the seawater around her. If, in the volatile fray, Kazemaru had a moment to glance out into the secrecy of the mist he would barely be able to recognize a lingering specter leering on at his impending death. No more than a ghoulish figure, Not with malice, but purely out of curiosity and utterly unfazed by its sudden commencement. Uncertainty, an instantaneous inducer of nausea, gripped her as the fight proceeded. All the while, the only thing capable of putting an abrupt stop to Suikotsu’s merciless advancing beside the maneuvers of his own opponent was her word and her word alone.

Cradling the fate of the intruder in the palm of her hands, she pondered why she should intervene and would observe how their latest adversary would respond to being sought on so immediately upon setting foot in her humble hideaway. As far as she was concerned, neither of the men knew that she had surfaced at all, with her guard launching himself far too soon to have noticed and the stranger hadn’t either and another thing that she knew was that her very presence there was due to a growing much more prevalent danger which had befallen her home, her people and was coming back for more. Was this person capable of more good than harm, and she also wondered if this was so, if perhaps they too would play an integral part in the collective enemy looming above them all.

Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​




But of course the gleaming of steel was an indication of a larger threat abroad. That which this individual had taken as just more potential wreckage was in fact the gleaming of a sword, a swordsman; though even he himself was able to recognize the blade which sought to cleave him in two. The Kubikiribōchō. One of the Legendary Seven Swords of the Mist. Even with him leading what many to consider a minor nation, Kazumaru had enough sense to familiarize himself with the legends the blade alone held.

"Don't belong? I can sup-"

They had little time to admire it however, for immediately after this stranger had spoken, he was upon them, bringing the weapon to bear against Kazumaru. He would allow predatory instinct to take over, the smile from his face slowly fading as he dropped low; extending his left leg outwards at near a 90° angle, under the swing of the blade, though the strike came nearly close enough to feel the metal of it cut a few loose strands of hair from his head. As Suikotsu would use Earth Release to propel him upwards into the ground, Kazumaru would opt to use Earth Release for a different purpose, quickly weaving three handsigns of his own. Tiger → Boar → Snake, before leaping into the ground, the hard rock beneath him giving way to become soft, malable sand as he would burrow underneath the wall in which the Swordsman had conjured to springboard himself upwards.

As the blade would come down onto the position where Kazumaru had previously been but a few moments ago, the head of the 'invader' would pop up from out of the ground, again wearing that trademark smile of his, and he would make a desperate attempt to reason with the man.

"Now, as I was saying.." the head would speak now, comedically appearing to be a decapitated head to the one who held the seversword, the one known as the 'Decapitating Carving Knife.' This irony would be intentional on Kazumaru's part. "I'm merely here to obtain medicinal herbs for those who could benefit from them, my overly aggressive friend. I seek no conflict."

Could this be the origin of the rumors he had heard so much about regarding this island? Impossible. They specifically mentioned a woman; a siren, and nothing of one of the Seven Swords being here, being wielded by an overly aggressive barbarian. Perhaps there was more to this mystery then he had originally thought? He could not help but be curious at this point, wondering if the two had some relation.​


Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





The eerie atmosphere of the Isle of the Goddess seemed to thicken with the ominous fog as Suikotsu's blade sunk into the earth. The air was dense, filled with a haunting stillness that belied the impending violence. As the dust settled, Suikotsu's stoic figure emerged on the opposite side, revealing the severed head of his victim. A fleeting smirk crossed his face, but it swiftly faded.

"Now, as I was saying..."

Suikotsu's expression turned sour as the head began to speak. Gripping his massive blade with both hands, he showcased the weariness in his eyes — a rare occurrence for one who had faced little resistance before. The decapitated head spoke of seeking medicinal herbs, claiming no ill intent, but Suikotsu was unconvinced. Another flurry of swings followed, the massive decapitation blade arcing through the air.

"I'm merely here to obtain medicinal herbs for those who could benefit from them, my overly aggressive friend. I seek no conflict," the head uttered as Suikotsu, with relentless determination, brought the blade down repeatedly upon the ground. The fog, thickened by the kicked-up dust, shrouded the scene in an eerie veil, muffling the sounds of the brutal assault.

"Don't talk to me, Don't do anything except die!" Suikotsu's voice echoed through the mist as the massive blade cleaved through rock and earth. "You can't have anything from this island! You're not allowed to be here! JUST DIE!" The island's solemn silence bore witness to Suikotsu's relentless fury, his actions resonating through the fog-shrouded isle.


Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll[/hr][/hr][/hr]​


Like a chime, resounding in the air, a shocking cackle escaped from their surroundings.
Brazen battle ensued and Suikotsu’s ferocity did not wane. Eruptions of nature displaced both opponents in ways one more than the other was capable of comprehending. The intensity of it all must have concealed her presence long enough for the mythical maiden to finally feel confident enough to unveil herself. As if manifesting purely from the mist itself time would seem to come to a complete stand still for that one man’s rampaging about when a single porcelain hand found its way to settle as gently as the kiss of a butterfly upon his cheek. Although she deeply admired how unforgiving and brutally he charged down her enemies…she could not ignore that there were times he needed to show significantly more restraint. In most cases, she reminds him of this but there is usually a corpse to be disposed of rather than being able to enjoy one of the most delightfully engaging occurrences she could recall. Though, she was finitely certain of his loyalty to her that even in his most outrageous moments she knew that he would stop short of a centimeter from injuring her in the process.

"That’s quite enough.”

A disembodied voice came from no particular direction until, all at once, Azuresato was in perfect view of their odd-ball visitor’s ‘decapitated’ head still bobbing his head with a cheerful grin ever present. What was more, he had even gone on to announce that he did not have ill intentions against herself, Suikotsu or against this place or had let on that he had or had not been aware of her existence at all. This, even after being so viciously attacked without warning, Although her hand and voice should have irrefutably stayed the executioner’s wrath; For now.
It was actually Kazumaru who the phantom’s captivating gaze had fixated on while deactivating the technique she had previously employed in her initial approach.

“If you have come for these herbs in order to provide aid to people during these turbulent times then you are welcome to them. I will not ask for forgiveness for my guard’s doing of his duty, However, Surely you must be aware of the calamities befalling this world. Tell me, what is the extent of what you know?”

The woman spoke, held her poise and even breathed in a way that exuded leadership. The visage of her was as if the oceans opened up and sent the land of water their champion that would take part in facing the darkness fast approaching. As if she was accustomed to, born for, the role that she was going to play.
A Goddess of the Sea.


Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​




As the berserker would bring the weapon down repeatedly upon the ground in which his head would have been, Kazumaru would duck underground once more, surfacing only for the brief moments between his hammering swings, each time in a randomly selected position; two two of them playing an improv game of whack-a-mole, though not intentionally on Suikotsu's part. As the assault; both physically and verbally continued from Suikotsu, Kazumaru would decide he would have had just about enough of the antics of the barbarian, and would weave a second set of handsigns, while still burrowed underground.

Tiger → Boar → Rat

It would be just moments before he would exhale from his mouth, intending to fill the improv tunnel system he had inadvertently created with a poison cloud, when he had heard her.


What he had heard cackle was a woman's voice, there was no doubt in that fact. At the moment in which she acted in which to stay Suikotsu's hand, he would emerge once more, allowing the conjured up Chakra within him; the Chakra he had intended to use in an assault against the 'swordsman', to dissipate back within his Chakra network. With a brave assumption that the man's rage was satiated, at least for the moment, Kazumaru would emerge from his bunker underground, stepping through the very earth as if it were a staircase, his form raising itself from the ground with every step.

He would take a moment to address his attire, frowning at the very clear marks of dirt and sand that now contaminated the fine silks he had worn to this excursion. He'd hold open the Yukata they wore for examination, clearly displeased with the care and effort it would take to return the garment to it's previous glory. He'd take but a moment to dust off the spots in which were the worst offenders, before turning to the couple, raising his head in whatever pride he could muster, despite his slightly disheveled appearance.

"Now, as I was attempting to explain to our.. friend here, my name is Kazumaru Orochi. I am currently the acting Satoosa of Otogakure no Sato; the Village of Sound.."

As he would identify himself, he'd open the breast of his Yukata, where the steel plate of an old, worn Sound Village headband would be secured in place flush against the silk fabric. He would release the garment with a flourish, allowing it to fall back into place against his form, before continuing.

"... and as such, i have a responsibility to not only my people, but those who may seek my village's sanctum in the future. Therefore, I had come to this island in search of the herbal medicine this land grows due to reports some of my shinobi had given me.."

He would then pull the scroll he had been carrying beforehand from the sleeve of his garment, postrating it before the Swordsman, resting the information on his open palm as he offered it forward to him. Within this scroll, would be many of the reports in which he had received from various messengers, consolidated into one, neatly packed roll of papyrus. This scroll would have some minor Seals upon it, of course, so that the more sensitive information that pertained to Otogakure would be protected from those whom were not intended to recieve the message, however all the pertinent information to the discussion at hand would be available, his shinobi believing that even if such communication had been intercepted, that the information was important enough not to hide, even from prying eyes.

"If you' find yourself behind on current events, perhaps this may be able to help enlighten you, m'lady."

Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​





Suikotsu's blade reared back for another assault as if he was randomly and unintelligently slamming his blade into the ground over and over again, Suikotsu was picking out the pattern of this invader's movements, Readying a horizontal swing the moment he got tired of Suikotsu's "dumb" tactics, It was there, he saw it a sudden delay, the intake of breath. Suikotsu's massive sword changed direction with the whip and rotation of Suikotsu's wrist. Just as he was about to cleave Kazumaru in half, and unbeknown to Suikotsu be covered in poison fumes.

A snow-white hand clutched Suikotsu's face, His mind thumping like a gong as his sword halted. The massive decapitation blade only avoided her neck by the miracle of her placement or was it her plan all along? You couldn't tell. Her neck was perfectly centered in the carving blade's half-circular hole, most used to take heads with. Suikotsu's withdrawal of the blade away from the only one who could stop him was instant.
"That’s quite enough.”

Kubikiribōchō now resting upon Suikotsu's back allowed for Suikotsu's frame to slam into the ground in a bow. His eyes shut refusing to even look upon her. He listened as their apparent gust was someone of waining importance to Suikotsu. He had no ill will to him, he was simply doing his job.

"Now, as I was attempting to explain to our.. friend here, my name is Kazumaru Orochi. I am currently the acting Satoosa of Otogakure no Sato; the Village of Sound.."
The Stranger would speak, but did he know who he was speaking to? Suikotsu shifted uncomfortably but let the man continue.
"... and as such, I have a responsibility to not only my people but those who may seek my village's sanctum in the future. Therefore, I had come to this island in search of the herbal medicine this land grows due to reports some of my shinobi had given me.."

Suikotsu wouldn't stand to face him until he prostrated himself for almost allowing his weapon to touch the Goddess of the Sea.

" I apologize, My Lady Ryu. I will as always do as you command. " He would still not look her way, only directly to Kazumaru.
"If you find yourself behind on current events, perhaps this may be able to help enlighten you, m'lady."

Lifting his head to see the apparent Satoosa of Otogakure, Suikotsu stood to meet his reached-out hand holding a scroll. Suikotsu wouldn't allow any tricks to befall the Goddess of the Sea. So, Suikotsu took it breaking the wrapped ribbon around it, thus clearing the wax seal. Suikotsu's eyes darted down the kanji and absorbed the information. Shinobi of other lands invading our world and destroying districts? Suikotsu's eyes narrowed at this information. He would hold the scroll out to Azuresato and pronounce; " It doesn't seem to be trapped, It contains news on the ongoings of the Shinobi world. It appears Kirigakure needs immediate resolution. "

If Azuresato took the scroll he would hand it over upon her whim, otherwise he would return it to Kazumaru before looking over him once more. This was the first time in over twenty-plus years someone failed to die at his first attack. Were their other Shinobi out there as strong or even stronger? This made Suikotsu excited about the future, and what events are coming after such an exciting day.


Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll[/hr][/hr][/hr]​



As Toshimi looked at Yumaro whose skin was recovering by himself, of course, her mystical palm technique was only helping the white-haired male to recover even more faster than usual. Which in a way was good. She heard another male voice, coming from another direction which was from the Hozuki, only made the red-haired ombre woman her attention. Of course, naturally, Toshimi was pissed at the fact none of the men had answered her, this young swordsman was around Tomogui's age, so naturally in the past she did brush past them once or twice when they were all younger.


Seeing how the Higetsu was bleeding from the lips certainly tempted the young Tomogui to lick, of course, Toshimi was known to devour people, it was their clan's way of healing. Naturally, for her at least the craving for blood was amongst them, for now, she could put up that craving and handed the blood-thirsty male a tissue to wipe his blood. She tutted in response and left the Nuibari wielder to go towards the Hozuki. She noticed his mood had changed to more of a grim expression. With a facial expression that craved blood to be everywhere, allowing his wrath to come underway, Shall Toshimi proceeded to seemingly "mock" not really. But her mouth did open yet again to speak words that came across as being a caring mother.

"Oi, don't get yourself too bloodlusty, save that when you meet that opponent again."

She took a sharp breath as she bit back her words that threatened to spew out the harshness.

"Besides, use this time to get even stronger."

Was all she could advise the wraithful male, her slender feminine hands reached towards his shoulder to give somewhat reassurance but due to the vibes he was giving off, she didn't want to risk losing an arm or even her life. She had another gut feeling there was another person nearby and scanned wary.


Location: Mist District shore
Posting Order: Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Gabimaru -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​

"Now, as I was attempting to explain to our.. friend here, my name is Kazumaru Orochi. I am currently the acting Satoosa of Otogakure no Sato; the Village of Sound…and as such, I have a responsibility to not only my people, but those who may seek my village's sanctum in the future. Therefore, I had come to this island in search of the herbal medicine this land grows due to reports some of my shinobi had given me.."

Although her body and her facial expressions were as still as the ice her lofty hair floating in the mist resemble, Azuresato was making a mental note of Kazumaru’s every move somewhat out of the instinct to detect danger but mostly out of pure curiosity. Firstly, she spotted that he appeared disgruntled, no doubt having to do with the fact that his attire had been dirtied and partly in disrepair. Most who she had faced did not think to mind what happened to their clothing in the least and this disturbed Azuresato. Unfortunately, although his attacker had only meant harm to preserve her longevity, the damage done was not lost on her. Two hundred years she had been alive, half of them submerged beneath the sea hiding herself away from a treacherous world and not once had she met someone akin to this Kazumaru Orochi. As a vibrant mind herself always seeking knowledge and experiences of that of which she is unfamiliar, his presence was endearing. However one second in particular had the woman momentarily transfixed, although she notably blinked. It was the glint of the man’s headband indicating the village that he came from and the credibility that he was telling the truth. At the same time, a growing amount of memories of times long since forgotten, a duty long since abandoned rushed back into her consciousness.


Missions with friends who did not live past the age of five, friendships with people who died the day she had befriended them. Struggling to stay alive yet kill every single day in a world that forgave no one.

but there were good ones too as many of the memories reminded her of her deep love for her land and her people and only solidified her resolve in doing whatever must be done to take it all under her protection.

This, of course, commenced all within a matter of a single breath, before she witnessed her guest present Suikotsu with a scroll no doubt filled with matters that her brethren and sisters had insisted she see to fixing already. Surely most if not all of the other lands and villages were suffering from some semblance of the same dark calamities.

"If you' find yourself behind on current events, perhaps this may be able to help enlighten you, m'lady."

" I apologize, My Lady Ryu. I will as always do as you command. "

Then there was Suikotsu, her sweet and loyal protector and what fortune that he was also impeccably skilled at wielding the sacred sword he had been blessed to carry. Yes, perhaps it had been the thrill of a test of his such loyalty and a test of her trust in him.

" It doesn't seem to be trapped, It contains news on the ongoings of the Shinobi world. It appears Kirigakure needs immediate resolution. "

There was no need for his apologies for he had passed another one of her impromptu tests yet again. To him, Azuresato’s ice cold hand remained on his cheek but lifted his face so that their eyes should meet. Her’s demanding his to stay where she’s placed them and then she continues on. Simply exchanging this glance directed Suikotsu to remain holding the scroll while she browsed about the parchments until she’d be able to find some time to really absorb the information. Not touching the scroll was not at all meant to come off as an insult as to depicting how little she trusted Kazumaru and in actuality this was simply her ‘way’ she took nothing from whom she did not trust with her life. In his defense, they HAD merely just met and she would have done the same for someone she’d met one hundred years ago if she did not trust them with her life.

“It seems I’ve returned to troublesome times and yet, just in time.”

In addition to this, the duo’s interaction was a show for their attentive visitor that implied between the two there was the most precise degree of control and trust. That, or perhaps she enjoyed not truly knowing if she would have survived or not. There was no one alive that could tell exactly what was on Azuresato Ryu’s mind. She moved like a ghost, unafraid of harm but also unintending of it.

”I am sorry, now that I noticed your garments have been a casualty of this clash, I shall see them be tailored and cleaned properly upon returning to my home. Now, we must hurry as there is no more time to waste. Besides...I think there is a chance that we may be able to help one another."

Having stated this, the woman began to head in the direction of Kirigakure no Sato, mist following her like a train of a veil. She did not wait to see if Kazumaru was interested in following suit but she did announce and slightly invite him to join their party and offered him service to make right what was wronged by way of treasured fabric. As for Suikotsu, she knew he’d be at her side regardless, a gesture of her hand commanding him to begin braiding her exceedingly long hair on their journey.

Location: Umi no Megami no Shima ( Isle of the Sea Goddess.)
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu ->Kazumaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​