Mist District


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The tremor.
the shattering pain has roused Mizukage to new heights of awareness and his chakra formed quickly to amortize the shockwave and pressure... A wall of water manifested to that end. Despite this powerful move, the Mizukage felt good amount of pain. When the ground started to collapse under him, Kazuo's personal eel, which was spared from the onslaught upon the shadow, quickly let him hop on it, and together they rose up above it, lifted by the chakra of both beings. Kazuo fought the pain and the eel went on, giving a chance to Isamu and Mellow to hop on and evade the quakes.

Kazuo if anything, was glad he felt this pain. He embraced it, as it allowed him to be closer to his District, alive but crippled. He bathed in it, ensuring his thoughts would relate to the district as much as possible. So many dead. Some even abducted to shadow realm...
We must retrieve them
We must protect what we have
We can't protect what we have; we'll be vulnerable if we don't have it all!
Raise the dead!
No, commune with others,
Make up for manpower with coordination!
Again, thousands of plans hatched in Kazuo's mind. But he told them to calm themselves. Now he must rest. He will set off to prepare the Mist District to compensate for its losses in mere hours. Mellow... in Kazuo's mind, he's had his Chunin exams already, but he chose against the right thing in promoting him on the spot. For two fold reasons:
Firstly, he wanted to see how he'd do in Chunin exams.
Secondly, if he made him Chunin on the spot, he'd have to adjudicate his collateral damage incident with the accused being a Chunin, not a mere Genin. For now he reassured himself that his penance started already. Fighting by side of titans, sinking claws in a toughest foe they faced yet... A good deed does not wash off the bad...

Nor a bad act the good.



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With such an epic and draining battle finally coming to an end, this young genin who had transformed for the first time into his wendigo state; Had finally achieved victory with his own strength against an enemy that was far beyond his level and even with the aid of both his sensei and Mizukage, this was a feat to be proud of nonetheless. Though, even with being in his giant monstrous form, the tremor caused by the falling giant caused Mellow to land wrong due to the ground beginning collapsing which resulting in the wendigo genin to let out a roar of pain as his ankle twisted upon landing. Either way, he temporarily brushed off the pain just long enough to use the power in his legs to jump up onto the eel alongside Lord Kazuo where he then began shrinking back into his normal form but with slight alterations to his appearance. While the boy already had a descent body type, this transformation made his body more toned for someone his age, his teeth had become razor sharp all around with unique engravings on his forehead where a small pair of antlers protruded from. It was uncertain if this was a permanent alteration or not, but only time will tell.

The genin had been weakened and could barely move at all, he only had enough strength to speak, give Kazuo a thumbs up, and keep a hold on the beasts heart with his other hand. His body was bruised and cut from his attack on the beast, as when he travelled through it's torsi to take it's heart, the ribcage of the creature left deep gash marks on the young boys entire body. As such, a low and weak chuckle came from Mellow just before a small cough.
Mellow: Hey.... Lord Kazuo... We may have won, but we look terrible right now. I'm still holding to the heart of that thing, but I don't even have enought strength to eat it.

Should Isamu join them on the eel, Mellow will say one last thing in a very weak and joking tone before finally falling asleep from being tired and wounded.
Mellow: Ahh, so you're alive afterall, heh.. That's good... sensei..
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ARC Begins
Chunin Exams - What's going on!?

In the heart of the Stone District, the day before the highly anticipated Chunin Exams was a flurry of activity. Two weeks had passed since the devastating attack from the Shadow Realm, and the shinobi world was still reeling from the aftermath. However, the indomitable spirit of the villages remained unbroken, and the prospect of the Chunin Exams brought a renewed sense of determination to its inhabitants. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the shinobi continent, as shinobi of all ages and ranks converged on the sprawling training grounds. The atmosphere was charged with energy and anticipation, a testament to the significance of this event in the shinobi world. Banners bearing the symbol of Stone City fluttered in the breeze, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the recent shadows that had loomed over their world. Teams of Genin, adorned in their respective land headbands, gathered to finalize their preparations. The air was filled with the sound of shuriken clashing and kunai piercing targets as they honed their combat skills. The many sensei of the young shinobis watched over them with pride as they were easily able to see that their students were determined to pass their upcoming tests.

Shinobi were getting ready for their adventure to the Stone in order to participate and/or spectate while some villagers left with their children and others remained in their lands to watch on TV. Though, with the memory of the Shadow Realms attack still fresh in their minds, they were prepared for any eventuality. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the world, the shinobi's preparations for the Chunin Exams were nearly complete. The village's resilience in the face of adversity, its unwavering determination, and the unbreakable bonds forged through countless trials were evident in every corner. Tomorrow, the Chunin Exams will begin, and the Stone District will host its first exams and stand as a beacon for the shinobi world.


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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the tranquil city of Kirigakure. Mellow, a young genin with a mop of unruly black hair, sat at an open-air food spot near the cities bustling market square. The pleasant aroma of freshly prepared dishes wafted through the air, mixing with the salty sea breeze that permeated the coastal area. Mellow had just recovered from a grueling battle that left him battered and exhausted, It'd taken two weeks of rest and recuperation to regain his strength, and now, the night before the Chunin Exams, he was indulging himself in a well-deserved meal. He wore a completely different outfit and even his hair was styled different than usual which made him more appealing and caused a lot of others female to be attracted to him. Even so, there was only one he wanted to keep in his mind and give his attention to, and that was Soma, daughter of his sensei. He now wore a blue high collar jacket with heavy hints of purple, his headband was now worn around his neck instead of his head, along with a pair of very dark purple baggy pants with blue leg warmers that matches his jacket, dark purple shinobi sandles, and matching blue arm warmers that covers half of his forearms from the wrists up. He replaced the usual diamond earrings on his ears with double loop earring.

The food spot was a humble establishment with a few wooden tables scattered across a stone courtyard. Paper lanterns swayed gently overhead, illuminating the area with a soft, warm light. The genin had ordered a spread of dishes, each a tribute to Kirigakure's rich culinary traditions. There were bowls of steaming ramen, skewers of grilled seafood, and plates of freshly rolled sushi. As Mellow dug into his meal, his taste buds danced with delight. The ramen was rich and savory, the broth warming his insides, and the toppings adding bursts of flavor. He savored each bite of sushi, appreciating the skill that went into crafting the delicate rolls. The grilled seafood skewers were perfectly seasoned, with a hint of smokiness from the grill. The ambiance of the food spot was perfect for a genin seeking a moment of respite. The soft murmur of conversations from other diners provided a comforting background noise.​

As he ate, Mellow couldn't help but reflect on his journey as a shinobi. He remembered the rigorous training sessions, the friendships he had forged, and the sense of purpose that led him to this moment. The Chunin Exams were a significant step on the path to becoming a full-fledged ninja, and he was determined to give it his all. A group of genin from Kirigakure, wearing their distinctive attire, sat at a nearby table, engaged in spirited conversation. They too were preparing for the exams, and Mellow exchanged a nod of camaraderie with them. The bond between shinobi transcended village boundaries, and tonight, they were all united in their shared goal of proving themselves in the Chunin Exams.

As Mellow continued to enjoy his meal, he felt a sense of anticipation building within him. Tonight, he will head towards the Stone District, and tomorrow; He will step onto the exam arena and face challenges that would test his skills, his resolve, and his determination. But for now, in this tranquil moment at the food spot in Kirigakure, he could savor the simple pleasures of good food and the company of fellow shinobi, finding strength and inspiration for the challenges that lay ahead.
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The devastation that had befallen Kirigakure was a grim reminder of the cost of war. The village lay in ruins, its buildings reduced to rubble, and its once-proud streets marred by the scars of battle. Yet, amid the chaos and destruction, the indomitable spirit of the Mist shinobi burned brightly as they worked tirelessly to rebuild their home.

Shinobi with the rare and coveted Lava Release Kekkei Genkai proved to be invaluable during the reconstruction. With precision and mastery, they harnessed their unique abilities to solidify lava, crafting it into new structures that rose from the ashes. The molten rock flowed like a river, filling in the gaping wounds left in the earth's surface by the cataclysmic battle. Quicklime became a potent tool in their hands, restoring damaged buildings to their former glory. Kirigakure's architectural heritage was painstakingly resurrected, stone by stone, plank by plank.

However, amidst the hopeful signs of renewal, the village's hospitals were overwhelmed. The wounded, both shinobi and civilians, filled the sterile halls. Medical teams worked tirelessly to mend broken bodies and spirits. The morgue, too, saw a surge in activity, as families sought to identify and lay to rest their fallen loved ones.

In this backdrop of resilience and recovery, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding attention. It was Isamu, the former Mizukage, who had led Kirigakure through countless trials and tribulations. His reputation still held immense weight, granting him access to places others could only dream of. As he approached the Mizukage's office, his intentions remained veiled, his demeanor a mix of concern and determination.

"Lord Kazuo, I'm glad to see you're doing well," Isamu began, though his tone belied the gravity of the impending revelation. His eyes, marked by the crimson hue of the Ketsuryugan, bore into Kazuo, searching for a glimmer of readiness to accept the burden of truth.

A pause hung in the air, pregnant with anticipation. Isamu's confession was a revelation that could shake the very foundation of their village and its alliances. He spoke of venturing into the enigmatic Shadow Realm, a realm that existed beyond the comprehension of most. It was a place where darkness and malevolence held sway, and Isamu's journey there was not one of idle curiosity.

"In order to appease Lord Jashin, I required sacrifices," Isamu continued, his words heavy with implication. "But my allegiance to the United Shinobi Alliance prevented me from taking innocent lives in our world. In my quest, I inadvertently weakened the Shadow Realm, setting in motion a cataclysmic implosion that threatens our very existence." Isamu's eyes never left Kazuo's face, his own a mask of vulnerability and uncertainty. He laid bare the possibility that the recent attack on Kirigakure was not mere retaliation but a desperate bid for survival from the Shadow Realm's denizens. The solution he proposed was daring and fraught with danger – a journey into the heart of darkness to confront and eliminate the looming threat.

Yet, Isamu's fears ran deep. The consequences of revealing this information to the other villages could be dire, branding Kirigakure as a pariah and leaving it vulnerable to aggression from its neighbors. It was a gamble, a gamble that would test not Kazuo's resolve but also their loyalty to the United Shinobi Alliance and their sensei and predecessor, Isamu Chinoike.



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Rather than sit on the throne that was given to him, he sat before it, levitating slightly: A meditative state.
Perfectly aware of everything happening around him, including and especially Isamu, he was nonetheless entranced in a vortex of chakra release. Subtle, but flowing like a cloud around him.

Lord Isamu, I'm happy to see you doing well... all things considered.
He slowly resurfaced from his meditation, the eyes returning to normal, from glowing purple, like his veins. He listened. He had to. Any opportunity to seize to increase the Mist's defences, standing... he needed that. But the pause and his expression, determined but concerned more than a demigod ever should be...

Threats. Lord Jashin. cataclysmic implosion. bid for survival.

Soon, Isamu's fear became his, and he realized that after all he's been through, if anything, the worse threat was set off by this. No time for regret. No time for blaming. He, the Kage, just took all of the anguish and trauma of his people from last invasion upon himself and through Mind Release, replaced it... with a song. And now, accidentally, the fearful pulse was travelling from his mind to the ones he communed with. He had to act through chakra quickly, his eyes flashing, a greater impulse encapsulating the fear one in a verse...

on grēnum mǣdwum Engla landa.


Perhaps he spoke it out loud before Isamu. Perhaps Isamu could hear his Mind Release broadcast.

I was investigating a way for people to contribute to a Shinobu's chakra. Without getting into details, I think it is possible for a willing person to empower a Shinobi, even without being one oneself. In a choir, if you will. A side benefit... I soothed the trauma of every citizen who chose to approach... certain places in Mist Island, where they'd knowingly be subject to communion with me through Mind Release. If they are in danger again, it won't be as easy to heal them again... and me leading a choir of trained Shinobi might work, but leading the normal humans is not viable yet.

But the solution was simple. Simply walk into the heart of darkness and beat it. Simple plans, where few parameters could go wrong. The only reliable way to fight such threats. A greater preparation was needed.

I agree that this is best handled by taking the fight to the enemy. As for allies...Yumaro, and, you're not gonna like this... Is parlay with Shadow Realm possible? I believe many of the souls which belong to Mist are still in their bondage. If what you say is true, United Shinobi Alliance will have to know, we need all the help we can get. We can't get Mellow in on this, or even Mizuki... they'll have their place in our plan, but not on the frontline of it.

Thus he planned before his former sensei, smelling his fear, and countering it with his indomitable focus and resolution to save the day again. And the song his chakra still broadcasted. Everything had to go right for this to succeed. He needed to be at his strongest ever for this. And the Mist's diplomatic situation due to this... consequences could be deadly due to this. Tell other villages and they'll lend help to save the world. And then turn on us, no doubt, for the sheer irresponsibility and indirectly causing the Shadow crisis. Keep it secret and we might lose, and existence would be no more except in Kazuo's ever echoing hurricane of thoughts, too easily let go by apocalypse to be a reminder of their failures.

One thing's for sure, I won't distance myself from you unless the alternative is the death of the world. Or this village.
Their eyes met. Kazuo wanted to appear determined, but instead, he felt sad. Fearful. The stakes were more important than any one person and Kazuo knew it. His duty was clear, give his life and his honor for his people, if that's what's asked. And yet, it hurt. It hurt! The affection to his Sensei, it hurt like a deer with broken leg, and Isamu needed but to listen to know.


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The preparation to face the threat Isamu mentioned was going to be a long process. The thing Isamu described was going to be worse than the two Shadow generals Kazuo faced before. Then, the balance of force was evenly matched. Now, he was truly going to be an underdog, even with Isamu.

Preparations had to be made. Before facing the darkness, information had to be gathered, the arts of making the most of our chakra through Mind Release perfected, and parley with Shadow Realm had to be at least entertained. Kazuo poured through the library, searching for any clues, not to make his mission possible: but for whereabouts where to find ancient and forbidden enough knowledge. The knowledge that would matter here. He found a place promising enough to be worth looking into. If succeeded, a raid... or a barter, would arm the Mist district with the knowledge necessary to maximize its chances.

And to perfect the Mind Release communion, he needed volunteers who trusted him as well. He found it was a technique that required as much from Mind Release wielder as the members of the 'choir' that would join. It's not just his commands through Mind Release: It's their mental ability to respond to them with their own unique chakra, and their mutual responsibility to keep the combination of their chakra relatively coherent. Much had to be uncovered yet... and what if it would be too much of a strain for the volunteers? Kazuo intended to test his theories with fellow Shinobi first, and if they'd be strained, he could forget about doing anything with mere civilians.

He sat on his throne. Not meditating this time, but writing on his desk. Although the Mist District rebuilding proceeded apace, with bodies and minds alike being healed and buildings being reforged through Magma Release wielders. But Kazuo had to do his part too: the District's economy used a bit of help devising new supply chains making the most of rebuilding and magma structures. He also held lectures on using chakra for electrolysis, as whilst there were many ways to use chakra in energy generation, using it to generate hydrogen would make a fine export for aerospace industries. He awaited, expecting someone to take up the tasks he needed to happen, by facing him here and volunteering.
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Amidst the bustling streets of the Mist Village, hidden in a thick veil of mist, Kuroshiki Kaguya, strolled through the village with purpose; One that he needed to address with Lord Mizukage. He had just finished a hearty meal at one of the local seafood ramen shops, a favorite of his. His wavy, black hair cascaded down his neck, as his piercing blood-red eyes roamed the area he was walking. The ramen shop, with its wooden facade and lantern-lit entrance, was a cozy haven of warmth and the ramen bowl he had which was filled with tender slices of octopus, shrimp, and crab, topped with fresh green onions and nori fulfilled his appetite. Kuroshiki's path towards the Mizukage office was guided by glowing lanterns, their light dimmed by the mist, casting an eerie, yet strangely beautiful, glow on the streets. As Kuroshiki approached the Mizukage's office, he couldn't help but reflect on the village's storied history. The Mist Village had a tumultuous past, with shifting allegiances and periods of civil strife. Still, it had emerged as one of the most powerful hidden villages in the Shinobi world, thanks to shinobi like himself, his leader, and old friend Isamu. Reaching the Mizukage's office, Kuroshiki stepped inside as he was met by the presence of both Isamu and Lord Kazuo.
Kuroshiki: Lord Kazuo, Isamu. I have an important request. I've been observing the recent behavior of the Shimo Clan, and overheard them talking about an attempt to kill the Kusakage. I understand you want peace within the village and these actions are sure to bring about war if it is not handled. Allow me to handle this for you, Lord Mizukage.​

Should he receive permission from Lord Kazuo to proceed with his mission - the assassination of the Shimo Clan; He'd leave the office as he carried with the weight of his leader's trust and the burden of ensuring the Mist Village's continued safety. Kuroshiki moved silently like a shadow slipping through the night. His journey was not through the bustling public areas but through the labyrinthine network of hidden pathways known only to the most skilled shinobi. Eventually arriving at his home, secluded in the shadows of the village, he sought solace and respite. Relaxing on the roof of his own home, he studied a map of the Clan estate he mapped out when sneaking around during the night, taking notes of the layout to give himself a better chance of completing this without being killed himself in the process. As such, he began to outline his plan. He knew that assassinating an entire clan was a perilous mission, but he was prepared to utilize his unique abilities – the Kaguya clan's bone manipulation and the Ibari clan's unique smoke techniques – to deadly effect. His thoughts were focused, his resolve unshaken.
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After the long journey from the Leaf District, the Masked individual called Mugen Uchiha had alas entered the District of the Mist, though concealing his true identity making it seem as if he was but a lone traveler, this man slowly but surely made his way towards the alleys where he'd find some drunkards babbling on about the Shimo Clan's Failed attempt of assassination. Remaining in the shadows in utter silence as he ease dropped on the information given. Such as how the Shimo Clan had moved towards the western outskirts of the Village, and that they possess a unique Kekkei Genkai like Parasite that can hijack the users body and a victims. This information played quite crucial as Mugen from the shadows vanished, moving himself towards the outskirts of the Mist District, not allowing himself to be seen as he almost seemed like a phantom himself moving through the mist. A faint red glow emitting from his masks eye sockets, he swiftly moved with diligence and determination; the information that he would gather could play crucial as intel for Root. The Uchiha who remained stoic had landed upon a branch of a tree overlooking the Shimo Clan's New estate, where night would soon fall granting the opportunity needed to bring this mission to a conclusion. Standing, Mugen waited as it would be easier to slaughter them in their sleep versus when they are awake. Working from the shadows was what he did best afterall.



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Finally, once Kuro was done looking over his plans for the assassination of the clan, he prepared to leave but not before putting on a black hooded cloak to conceal his identity. Silent and swift, he moved through the fog-laden streets of the hidden mist village; His footsteps left no trace and his presence was little more than a whisper in the wind. His destination was this time was the Shimo Clan estate, a clan he believed to be plotting against the mist village after they tried to secretly kill the leader of an allied nation. The Mizukage, recognizing Kuro's unique skills, had tasked him with eliminating the Shimo clan as a whole to ensure that their illicit activities would come to an end. As Kuro approached the outskirts of the village, the Shimo estate loomed in the distance, partially obscured by the dense fog. Its imposing walls and eerie silence only served to heighten the tension of the mission. The guards patrolling the area were beginning to tire, and Kuro's combination of Kaguya bone manipulation and Ibari smoke techniques made him an ideal choice for this task, though he awaited atop of tree as he noticed another shinobi on another tree next to him. Maybe having the same plan, this could be a team effort and they can be taken out much easier with their combined techniques.
Kuroshiki: What's your business with the Shimo Clan? Are you here as an ally to them or an enemy?

Saying this lowe in tone to keep his voice unheard by anyone outside of the shinobi he was directly speaking to. Even while talking, he continued serveying the guards' movements as his crimson eyes flickered with analytical precision.
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