Leaf District


Staff member

The Uzumaki peered upon the child - it was obvious to him that the young Jinchuriki was relieved almost immediately after discovering that Tentai wasn't the 'father' Gyoken thought he was. Keen as he was, he couldn't help but notice the sudden shift in the Jinchuriki's emotions - another point of evidence to his turmoil. He thought. To the Uchiha's eyes, it was shown on Tentai's expression as the realization prompts him to change his expression from aloof to sadness - almost unsettling. "Ya know... I'm not quite good at that kinda stuff. Beside." He paused, in response to healing.

"I'm pretty undisputed in Sealing Techniques." He continued, his teeth beamed white.

The Uzumaki placed a chair, rotating it to position the back of the chair facing Gyoken. Tentai slid onto the chair, pressing himself against its back, while his arms found a comfortable rest on the surface of the chair's backrest. "I'm not here for that, anyhow," he said, pausing for a moment as he directed his hand, and pointed at the seal containing the Two Tails. "I'm here for that problem of yours, man." As Tentai made himself comfortable in the chair, his focused gaze remained fixed on the seal. The atmosphere grew tense, hinting at the gravity of his purpose. It was evident that the matter at hand involved the Uzumaki to help Gyoken, regarding the sealed Two Tails. "As ya know. The chaos as late is getting worrying so Ketsugo sent me to make sure ya guys can make use of the Two Tails' power." He placed his hand against his chin. "I reckon you'd rather master that to make ya pa proud." He continued to maintain the gaze and appeared to be rather aloof in his appearance.

"It's almost as if you're the main character, and I'm like the wise teacher sent to teach you about something," Tentai said, only for a pause or two to pass.

Suddenly, the Uzumaki cackled out of nowhere, almost as if the situation had a humorous twist. A tear appeared on his left eye, as a result of the joke he uttered. "Enough of that. You're not the main character, and this world is not any fiction. You should know by now, right?" His words danced between a comedic and serious tone as he looked into Gyoken's eyes, referencing to the times he had lost control of the Two Tails.

"Have you heard about the Nagi Academy?" Tentai asked, wondering about whether Gyoken was familiar with it or not. What he mentioned was an academy established by the Five Great Nations on Nagi Island, designed to bring together children under a single flag to learn and study as Shinobi on neutral ground. In truth, it was just to ensure the children have a future as a Shinobi.

Location: Leaf Hospital
Posting Order: Tentai > Gyoken
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll




Listen while you read~

Taichi's mind was racing, what was going on and what faith did his father have in the Leaf District that he didn't know? He knew the Hokage and Him were close but he didn't understand how or why? He listened to this man who Son-Goku presented as dangerous, this was the first time his Tailed Beast gave a sound and fair warning of danger. Usually Son-Goku thought it fun to let Taichi struggle. They were really demons after all.

" Got it. " Taichi said quick and assuring. He would then take pace behind the man in front of him, understanding that he had to keep up or else would fall behind. It was rough but he made sure to keep his wits about him as they traveled. It was a winding, strange path with many of ways to get lost naturally; Chakra wise, Taichi would sense they were passing through some insane seals, He couldn't discern the type but he figured they were protection and would assist in hiding their location. The sudden reality of the weight of Taichi's decision to seek help here was bringing to the village. If Son-Goku was the target of the attack in the Stone District, then Taichi brought another target to the Hidden Leaf.

He would continue to mind his situation as best he could. Hoping his father had a back up plan.

Location: The Fire District Gates boarding the Mushroom District.
Posting Order: Taichi-> Ichijo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Staff member


Without question, Takashi silently follows Mugen down the alley, to avoid any connections between himself and Tenbu. Their conversation would not raise any suspicions and stick to what the two of them might have been seen doing earlier in the day. " The boy's training is progressing but still has some work to do. He'll undoubtedly become a formidable Leaf Shinobi in the future." Takashi remarks as they walk, Takashi relaxes, allowing his chakra signature to become known once again and raises both of his arms up behind his head. As they continue deeper into the alley, a voice is suddenly heard in Takashi's head, causing him to stop completely. "Hanako huh? Will do."

Takashi answers to the order before his gaze turns to Mugen and he raises his hand. " I've got to go, man, be safe." With the swift execution of the Body Flicker technique, he vanishes from the alley, leaving Mugen alone. His destination is the Village Hidden in the Stones where his sister is believed to be. His mission is clear and simple, capture her alive.
However, the specific condition she's supposed to be in when returning was fully up to himself, except for the crucial detail that she must be alive. While he rushes through the village and into the dense forest that shrouds their district, Takashi's mind is already formulating various strategies for the mission ahead

Location: Alley outside the Hokage Building (leaving) -> Iwagakure
Order: Mugen -> Takashi (leaving)
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2



As Mugen walked aside Takashi, hearing his response, the young Uchiha's Eyes slowly fixate towards the heavens, towards the blue skies above as at the same time Takashi had halted, Mugen too felt a voice in his head, possibly the effect of the Hokage's advisor of the Yamanaka clan. Hearing that both he and Lord Tenbo would be sent out to the Rain District, Mugen's expression remained calm. Responding through the telepathic link Mugen thought/ spoke toward the Yamanaka,​
"Understood. I'll depart towards Tenbo Uchiha Right away."
Giving no more information or response than what was necessary as Mugen began walking back in the direction where both he and Takashi had originally left Tenbo, the location of the Alleyway that remained unused by the populace, as he did so Mugen spoke with a calm tone, limiting as much as he could as to avoid their connection towards Tenbo,​
"Let's go, seems I've received a mission with Tenbo Uchiha."
By saying this Mugen gave a look towards Takashi, as to avoid calling Tenbo Lord or Master, limiting the what could be eyes and ears of their connection to Root. By doing this it also kept skeptism from themselves along with Tenbo as Mugen continued walking in such a calm pace avoiding to arouse suspicion, each stride in his step focused on returning to where they had left Tenbo, purposely making it seem as if them bumping into Tenbo would be nothing more than a coincidence. Though it would seem Takashi had roamed off in an oppositional way, rather than going to relay the necessary information to their leader, but this mattered not to Mugen who continued down his path slowly shrouding in the veil of shadows of the alley before beyond the darkness where an opening would cast forth light, he'd come to see the visage of Tenbo Uchiha.

Location: Alley outside the Hokage Building (leaving)
Order: Mugen -> Tenbo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2​


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The leaves of the trees within the park swayed in the wind as a young shinobi with long brown hair dangled from the branch of a tree by what appeared to be a brown monkey tail identical in colour to the boy's hair. The strange boy with the Hidden Leaf headband attached to a beanie could be seen hanging there cross legged with a banana in hand. If it wasn’t obvious from his features that he was human you’d think you were simply watching a monkey.

The monkey boy who hung from the tree wasn’t just some random strange child though he was in fact a member of the mysterious Sarugami Clan, a cousin clan to the famous Sarutobi who claim descent for the great monkey god who presides over the clan on the magical island they call Sarushima, or Monkey Island. This Sarugami in question was in fact the heir to the Sarugami Clan, Kokezaru Sarugami. Well he is specifically the future leader of it’s human members as the clan claims all monkeys and apes that they and the Sarutobi summon are also their clansmen.



Location: Third Training Ground
Posting Order: Kokezaru
Post Time Limit (PTI):

Skip Points:
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Owner and Founder
Staff member

The room was engulfed in a brilliant orange tornado, a phenomenon lasting only seconds before materializing into the form of Suzaku, the Hokage of Konohagakure. His arms were folded, pressed firmly against his chest as his gaze fell upon Ichijo Uchiha, a longtime friend from childhood. Suzaku, careful not to meet Ichijo's mature Sharingan directly, instead focused on the other recognizable features and familiar scent. Beside Ichijo stood a child, bearing scars that hinted at a past outside the borders of the Leaf. Suzaku raised an eyebrow, diverting his attention back to Ichijo. "To think you'd spread your royal oats in another district. Don't tell me this is the son you dreamt of," Suzaku remarked with a straight face, injecting a touch of humor into the reunion, acknowledging the complexity of their intertwined histories.

"Careful, Lord Suzaku. The boy possesses a fearsome power akin to Gyoken," Ayame Uzumaki, Suzaku's bodyguard and assistant, relayed the message telepathically to Suzaku, utilizing Inoka's Yamanaka abilities. The communication among Suzaku, Ayame, and Inoka resembled a direct message to a computer, albeit without a noticeable lag. Suzaku sighed, his frustration evident as he regarded the boy. The Stone District's aggressive actions had transformed a local issue into a problem for the Leaf District. Itami, the Tsuchikage, had effectively forced Suzaku's hand, a fact not lost on the Hokage. "That Itami bastard owes me," Suzaku muttered, his vermillion orbs fixed on Taichi, the child standing alongside Ichijo Uchiha. The tension in the room was palpable, signaling the gravity of the situation.


Location: Konohagakure Hideout
Posting Order: Ichijo-> Tachi-> Suzaku.
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​


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The lessons he'd learned was very helpful and added to his arsenal, a full day of training for the young Uzumaki was indeed something he could be proud of, and considering the fact he bonded with the small pangolin creatures plus completed a summoning contract with them only made the day far more valuable and more successful than he had original planned for. Regardless, he now had no reason to remain in the training grounds and will instead begin moving forward back towards the village main sections, hoping to pump into either his father or Lord Hokage. Though on his journey, the small creature that had been accompanying him the entire day as he trained stuck by the boys side as she spoke out to him.
Amelia: You're quite focused for such a youngling, I'm impressed by your focus and im sure my father is as well since he's allowed you to complete the contract.

Shinsuke at the moment was in deep thought about his training, but he also heard everything the Amelia said to him. The Uzumaki child had big plans for himself but he needed the help of more than just his own clones to help him further grow and learn. Eventually, Shinsuke responded to her with a calm tone.
Shinsuke: I get it from my father, I strive to be better and stronger than he is one day. So I live my life by my own standards and ambitions. Once I feel like i've progressed enough in skill, I plan on challenging him. Learning his weaknesses, his strengths, and how I can win. I'm not afraid to lose as this will all take time and come with failures. But one day, he WILL acknowledge me as the stronger shinobi.

Shortly after his reply to Amelia, he noticed three other around the same area within the 3rd training ground area, the first was part of the exams but he's personally never met him, by name alone he put together that the kids name was Gen. The second one was someone from his own clan, but even so he's never been around him much so aside from brief meetings and seeing him from afar, he didn't know much about Otaru either. However, he did catch a glimpse of someone out the corner of his eye he's never seen of heard of who also seemed to be hanging upside down in one of the trees. Shinsuke of course thought this was quite weird, but at the same time it was amusing to see someone hanging around like a monkey. As he observed the boy from a distance, Shinsuke decided to begin walking towards guy with his hands within his pockets, giving a slight chuckle at the scenery.
Shinsuke: Hey Gen, Otaru.. Monkey.
Shinsuke Divider.png

Location: Third Training Ground
Posting Order: Gen Otaru Kokezaru Shinsuke
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
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The deafening noise echoed through the forest, signaling the onset of destruction and devastation. It was as if a thousand birds screeched in unison, their cries resembling the sound of a mighty tree collapsing under the stroke of an artist's brush. The speed and ferocity of the onslaught were remarkable, with each movement devouring the surrounding trees in its wake.

There was no room for mediocrity in this display of power. It was the manifestation of an enigma, a young Uchiha who had transitioned from a naive child to a formidable man in the blink of an eye. With alacrity in his direction and pace, he left no doubt about the extent of his abilities.

Shijo, born into the lineage of the Uchiha, was no stranger to the pursuit of power. Raised by a tyrannical father and a systematic mother, he had witnessed firsthand the allure and the dangers of seeking power. While he had once been hesitant to embrace it, viewing it as a burden rather than a necessity, he now understood its importance.

The ease with which Shijo executed his techniques spoke volumes about his resolve. With each stroke of his hand, the chaotic scene around him began to normalize, the destruction replaced by a sense of order and control. It was a testament to his mastery over his abilities and his unwavering determination to achieve his goals.

Yet, as Shijo continued on his path, the question lingered: to what extent did he wish to acquire power? It was a question that weighed heavily on his mind, a constant reminder of the responsibilities and consequences that came with wielding such immense strength. For Shijo, the acquisition of power was not simply a desire, but a necessity—a means to protect himself and those he cared about in a world fraught with danger and uncertainty.

Shijo's determination to master the Chidori and its various variations was unwavering. He recognized the immense power and versatility that this iconic technique offered, and he was committed to unlocking its full potential. Through countless hours of practice within the confines of the forest, he honed his skills with relentless dedication.

The Chidori, known for its piercing and destructive nature, had many variations, each with its own unique attributes and applications. Shijo understood that to truly harness the full power of this technique, he needed to acquire knowledge of them all. From the original Chidori to its advanced forms like Chidori Current, he sought to become proficient in every aspect of its usage.

His motivation stemmed from a desire to be not just proficient, but exceptionally dangerous when wielding the Chidori. He recognized that mastery of this technique would elevate him to new heights as a shinobi, granting him the ability to overcome formidable opponents and face even the most challenging of situations with confidence.

For Shijo, the forest became more than just a training ground—it was a crucible where he tested his limits, pushing himself to greater heights with each passing day. Every strike of the Chidori was a step closer to perfection, a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence.

As he continued his training regimen, Shijo remained focused on his goal, knowing that mastery of the Chidori and its variations would not only make him a formidable opponent but also a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. With determination burning in his heart, he pressed on, ready to unlock the true potential of this legendary technique.

Cladding in the village's flak jacket made especially to signal the new Generation of the Leaf District, would show the Uchiha fight for the necessary change that he desires so deeply. In his mind, he lingered upon his master who too was exceptional user of Lightning Release. He cared for his knowledge but to what extent would the man lean to show him more of what he had known? Questions such as these lingered endlessly as Shijo ripped through trees of all different sizes and structure.

"Hmmm Sensei had that jutsu." He thought to himself whilst standing still finally.

Konoha Forest
Posting Order: Shijo/Anbu→ ???---> ???
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​




"To think you'd spread your royal oats in another district. Don't tell me this is the son you dreamt of,"-Lord Hokage

Taichi would stare at the back of Ichijo's head while he and the Hokage talked. " Yeah right, this guy is way too small to be my dad. " Taichi almost laughed but remained serious. As they spoke Son-Goku alerted Taichi that someone else unseen to the boy was aware of the Tailed beasts presence. Taichi figured this was a bigger deal than he imagined. What did his father get himself into?

Taichi could feel the tension in the room, he shoved his weight to one leg and leaned to the side as he crossed his arms and placed them on the nape of his neck.

" So, You're my dad's friend the Hokage? Nice to meet you then. My name is Taichi, I did the Chunin exams with some of the Uchiha kids. They were tough, you guys should be proud of them. " Taichi, in a way of attempting to break the tension, would just act as if nothing was the matter. He would look around the hideout now, noticing the inferior stonework to where he is from. " Oh yeah, If you're wonderin' if my dad is gonna show up here then probably. He probably figured droppin' me off in the land of Tea I'd end up here one way or another." He would poke at the stone wall inspecting it further. He wondered how long he would have to stay hidden in a place like this. He didn't understand the situation as well as he thought, as his only thought was getting to check out some of the food Konohagakure had to offer.

Turning to face the older Shinobi in the room, Ichijo and Lord Hokage, Taichi would cross his arms over his chest. "Ah, you're that Gyoken guy's dad. I felt a familiar chakra coming from him, it's almost the same as mine, which means you guys are probably gonna get targeted soon too. My dad probably figured he'd end up here to help one way or another, he's stupid smart like that. " Taichi closed his eyes and nodded, sure of the plan he made up on the spot.

Location: Konohagakure Hideout
Posting Order: Ichijo-> Tachi-> Suzaku.
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll






Mujin's dreams were always blurred upon awakening, Something that plagued him for over fifteen years. He could barely remember anything from them at all. This time the blurred images were interrupted by a feeling of dread; As if countless lives just blinked out of existence. This nightmare was enough to snap Mujin's eyes open in from sound slumber. The red glow of his eyes would soon focus on seeing Mirai sound asleep. With the honed and trained skills of a shinobi, Mujin sat up in a cold sweat, his eyes darting to the window above their bed. Staring off into a direction he didn't know was the Rain District. This feeling of panic washed over Mujin, reactivly reaching into his bedside drawer, he grabbed his old Jonin vest and outfit. Standing to put the garb on he would sit once more on the bed. Looked back at the nightstand once more to see the picture of their Shinobi Sensei Ichijo and the three Uchiha who made up the Masters of Death, Team Four.

Mujin would look back at the sleeping Mirai, Trying not to wake her so she could sleep longer.
Standing up he would walk out of the room and down the stairs. There he would open the front door and put his Jonin boots on. Closing his eyes and diverting his chakra to his sensory skills, Mujin would make out the chakra of Shijo off in the forest.
" Another restless soul, Hnn. " Mujin would walk off to the gate, opening and closing it to then crouch and leap into the air, before disappearing in a blur of motion.

As he crossed over rooftops, silently coming and going; Mujin's chakra signature would be reduced to one unfindable by even some of the most skilled sensors. Eventually silently came to a field of trees in the Konoha Forest, where the occasional flash of white light and the sound of screaming birds guided his way. He would come to a stop as he visually saw Shijo dashing around the forest, following the Uchiha boy silently until Shijo came to a stop. After Mujin watched him for a few seconds he would allow Shijo to take notice of him.

" Still keeping me awake with that old technique, Hnn... Shijo you don't sleep anymore or what? "

Mujin would leap from the tree branches and land in front of Shijho. Looking over his new style Leaf Vest.
" Yeah that looks way better than those ANBU clothes. " Mujin would chuckle. Before continuing with his gruff voice, pulling out a cigarette and biting it with his teeth.
"I never did get you a gift for getting a promotion did I?"

Pulling out a lighter, Mujin would light the cigarette and inhale, blowing out a large cloud of smoke. Putting his left hand inside the pocket of Mujin's Jonin vest he would Hold his hand out to Shijo. " Activate your Sharingan and watch how my chakra forms this jutsu. "

Mujin's lifted right hand would suddenly burst into a purple current of electricity. Lightning Release: Purple Electricity, was arguably more powerful than Chidori, as the user didn't need anything like the Sharingan to stop the visual tearing from moving so fast, thus allowing a user with Sharingan to focus on other things rather than their target. This makes Purple Electricity vastly more diverse than Chidori.

After allowing Shijo time to examine the jutsu on Mujin's hand, Mujin thrust his hand towards a tree trunk across from the pair of Uchiha. The lightning on his hand shot out like a spear, destroying the trunk and leaving lightning-like scorch marks throughout it as it crumbled and fell to the forest floor.

" Pull the lightning chakra into your fist, instead of allowing it to fill your arm up from the shoulder. Concentrate on the fingertips and then release it. The color should be purple, it should feel free, instead of like it's ready to drag you with it. Allow it to flow. You remember how I taught you before, You get to see it in action one time until I know you are even capable of doing this technique. Shijo, Uchiha.
Begin. "

Mujin would then take a drag off his cigarette, WaAtching Shijo with his Sharingan.

Location: Mirai & Mujin's House.
Posting Order: Mujin->
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
