*Listen while you Read*
Even as the temperature raised, the pair of Mirai's still stood, calm and collected before the raging heat of the Hokage. What they were doing, how they were resisting the heat that the Hokage enforced on the world would seem to be many of the elusive unknown talents she held. If he attacked, the results would be catastrophic. Her clones eyes activated as it seemed that the Hokage would still assault, the three-tomoe swirling as she watched him carefully, cautiously. She watched the pair, knowing that she would need to move fast enough to interrupt his shot, and give Mirai the vital seconds it would take to gain the information she had just learned. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't quiet her thoughts as a single piece of information surfaced when she mentally prepared itself.
It was a marvel how the Uchiha Lady still managed to keep so much about herself secret, and figure out so much about her opponent in the process. As the Sharingan flicked about, observing the situation, it figured out all it needed to know to help give her the upper hand she so needed. If he attacked now-
Both Mirai's gaze flicked away from the Hokage as a familiar presence pricked at the edges of their senses.
"Mujin?" The name fell from her lips, barely louder than a whisper, but containing a tinge of... relief? Her lifelong friend had given chase as well. Another signature surged towards him, a technique she was able to deduce was Lightning or Wind based, given it's speed and clear origins not rooted in Fire or Yin. They were concealing themselves, at first, given that the signature had suddenly blinked into existence a mere 300 meters away. Her eyes pinpointed the source and the original concealed her grimace better than her clone did.
Of course Shijo would attempt to stand before anyone wanting to help her, should the pair fight. He had pit her against the Two-Tails as an experiment, he had followed her home, and now he stood in the way of her back-up. A voice creeped up through her mind, demanding his death. He was making it clear that while he tried to speak as her ally, he was clearly an enemy.
The clones eyes caught the second another surge of chakra shot forward, hitting the Hokage clearly, and the flames ebbed away. Her theory had been confirmed, and she didn't need to do anything to test it out. Perfect.
As the Hokage calmed, her defenses dismissed themselves, the clone holding up the tiger symbol and dispersing, all of it's knowledge and observations now becoming Mirai's. Everything about Shijo, her knowledge on Suzaku, the fact that she had been trailed by three people, one of which directly influenced the Hokage.
She gave a nod at the Hokage's command, her body flickering away, a small surge of chakra coursing through her body as she went through the leaves and branches until they stopped 10 meters away from Mujin and Shijo.
"Come along, Mujin." She ordered simply. Her gaze didn't even look over Shijo, ignoring that he was threatening her fiancé with an unrefined version of a technique the man had been using long before Shijo had his first sentient thought. Mujin would humble this boy quickly enough if allowed, but now she wanted the mans attention. She would handle Shijo Uchiha later, for now he was simply a fly in a spiders den.
She didn't wait for confirmation, her body flickering out of sight once again. She slowed only long enough for Mujin to catch up with her, her Three-Tomoe activating again as her head turned ever so slightly to catch Mujin's gaze. The Hokage might follow them to ensure they both actually returned, and surely a member of the Anbu would trail the pair as well. The safest place to talk would be in his mindscape.
That was only if he still trusted her enough to allow her in. If he did, the world didn't change even in the slightest, the pair still weaving through the forest on light feet. But Mirai would speak only in the Mindscape.
"Thank you, for coming." Her words were curt, but it was clear that she appreciated that an ally, even a shaky one, was appreciated. "I will need to speak with your brother soon."
The genjutsu shattered, the Lady's eyes staring straight ahead as she moved in silence. She didn't bother slowing at the entrance of the gates, her form whisking through the rooftops and streets before landing in front of the Hokage's office. Not concealing herself meant that she was easily detected by the three assistants that seemed to trail her everywhere she went. They appeared shortly after her, walking up to her as she made her way within the building.
"The increased defenses surrounding the UMC have been lowered per your instructions."
"Gyoken Uchiha was not in his hospital room when we went to give him his-"
"Reports state that the Tsuchikage arrived in the village-"
Mirai's brow cocked at the last one, her senses reaching out. There was indeed, an unfamiliar, powerful source of chakra nearby. As she moved deeper into the headquarters, her eyes fell on him: Itami Yamazaki, the current Tsuchikage of Iwagakure. A hulking man, large and loud. Pale skin and large scars, he seemed to defy the limitations of the body, as did the large muscular woman he seemed to be holding like a captive. Her gaze did not remain long, turning to her assistants.
"It would be best for me to be alone, when the Hokage arrives. Return to the UMC and begin our preparations." She frowned for a small second. "Also prepare for a Scenario Four." The look on the girls face as they quickly exited spoke to the degree of Scenario Four.
Now Mirai stood by herself, or at least that how it seemed. Her mind whirled as she reflected on the events that had transpired. She had somehow been detected while leaving, which meant either they were looking for her, or they had other ways of detecting her presence, or even both. Her seal would need to be refined, but first she would need deduce how she had been detected. There was a small thread of chakra connected to Shijo when her Sharingan had spotted him, and it also went in the same direction the unknown person had sent chakra towards the Hokage. A technique perhaps, that allowed for telepathic communication? It was known that a Yamanaka was at the hand of the Hokage; perhaps his skill veered into sensory, using the clans specialty to track her mind. If so it may be dangerous, especially if he refined it enough to read thoughts. She would have to find a way to make her seal encompass her brain signals as well.
What this unknown assailant had unknowingly taught her as well would come in handy. She would most definitely have the upper hand if she found herself on the opposite side of battlefield from the Hokage. She didn't spend long on these specific thoughts. She needed to imagine peace between the pair if she wished to have a productive talk with the man, and thinking of how she would fell him was certainly not peaceful.
For now, the responsibility of handling the meddling Shijo would be solely Mujin's to handle. She was growing exhausted of the child being everywhere to inconvenience her. She did make a mental note to speak with Ichijo whenever she held a free moment. While the father and son were not close, even a single conversation would reveal more than enough for the woman to guarantee his determination to see her made a fool would cease. And she was more than knowledgeable of Ichijo's favor for the Little Raven.
And finally there was the meeting with the Hokage. He would make demands. While she had technically broken only some minor laws; leaving without permission and preparing to fight the Hokage, she had been smart enough to not actually leave the district when she confronted him. On paper she could even twist it enough that the man had overreacted to a simple traipse through the woods. Or even more, label the man who had brought such a reaction out of the Hokage a fool for making such a wild assumption. And if they had sought her for her skills, her requests would be that much more possible.
The ebony-haired woman seemed little more than a statue as her mind worked, solving problems and creating plans as she awaited the arrival of the Hokage, her chest moving the only sign of life in her.
This wasn't the meeting she wanted to have with the Hokage.
Location: Border Between Leaf District and Cloud District
Post Order: Order: Mirai → Suzaku →Mujin Uchiha→ Shijo/Anbu→ Inoka Yamanaka→
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3

Even as the temperature raised, the pair of Mirai's still stood, calm and collected before the raging heat of the Hokage. What they were doing, how they were resisting the heat that the Hokage enforced on the world would seem to be many of the elusive unknown talents she held. If he attacked, the results would be catastrophic. Her clones eyes activated as it seemed that the Hokage would still assault, the three-tomoe swirling as she watched him carefully, cautiously. She watched the pair, knowing that she would need to move fast enough to interrupt his shot, and give Mirai the vital seconds it would take to gain the information she had just learned. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't quiet her thoughts as a single piece of information surfaced when she mentally prepared itself.
It was a marvel how the Uchiha Lady still managed to keep so much about herself secret, and figure out so much about her opponent in the process. As the Sharingan flicked about, observing the situation, it figured out all it needed to know to help give her the upper hand she so needed. If he attacked now-
Both Mirai's gaze flicked away from the Hokage as a familiar presence pricked at the edges of their senses.
"Mujin?" The name fell from her lips, barely louder than a whisper, but containing a tinge of... relief? Her lifelong friend had given chase as well. Another signature surged towards him, a technique she was able to deduce was Lightning or Wind based, given it's speed and clear origins not rooted in Fire or Yin. They were concealing themselves, at first, given that the signature had suddenly blinked into existence a mere 300 meters away. Her eyes pinpointed the source and the original concealed her grimace better than her clone did.
Of course Shijo would attempt to stand before anyone wanting to help her, should the pair fight. He had pit her against the Two-Tails as an experiment, he had followed her home, and now he stood in the way of her back-up. A voice creeped up through her mind, demanding his death. He was making it clear that while he tried to speak as her ally, he was clearly an enemy.
The clones eyes caught the second another surge of chakra shot forward, hitting the Hokage clearly, and the flames ebbed away. Her theory had been confirmed, and she didn't need to do anything to test it out. Perfect.
As the Hokage calmed, her defenses dismissed themselves, the clone holding up the tiger symbol and dispersing, all of it's knowledge and observations now becoming Mirai's. Everything about Shijo, her knowledge on Suzaku, the fact that she had been trailed by three people, one of which directly influenced the Hokage.
She gave a nod at the Hokage's command, her body flickering away, a small surge of chakra coursing through her body as she went through the leaves and branches until they stopped 10 meters away from Mujin and Shijo.
"Come along, Mujin." She ordered simply. Her gaze didn't even look over Shijo, ignoring that he was threatening her fiancé with an unrefined version of a technique the man had been using long before Shijo had his first sentient thought. Mujin would humble this boy quickly enough if allowed, but now she wanted the mans attention. She would handle Shijo Uchiha later, for now he was simply a fly in a spiders den.
She didn't wait for confirmation, her body flickering out of sight once again. She slowed only long enough for Mujin to catch up with her, her Three-Tomoe activating again as her head turned ever so slightly to catch Mujin's gaze. The Hokage might follow them to ensure they both actually returned, and surely a member of the Anbu would trail the pair as well. The safest place to talk would be in his mindscape.
That was only if he still trusted her enough to allow her in. If he did, the world didn't change even in the slightest, the pair still weaving through the forest on light feet. But Mirai would speak only in the Mindscape.
"Thank you, for coming." Her words were curt, but it was clear that she appreciated that an ally, even a shaky one, was appreciated. "I will need to speak with your brother soon."
The genjutsu shattered, the Lady's eyes staring straight ahead as she moved in silence. She didn't bother slowing at the entrance of the gates, her form whisking through the rooftops and streets before landing in front of the Hokage's office. Not concealing herself meant that she was easily detected by the three assistants that seemed to trail her everywhere she went. They appeared shortly after her, walking up to her as she made her way within the building.
"The increased defenses surrounding the UMC have been lowered per your instructions."
"Gyoken Uchiha was not in his hospital room when we went to give him his-"
"Reports state that the Tsuchikage arrived in the village-"
Mirai's brow cocked at the last one, her senses reaching out. There was indeed, an unfamiliar, powerful source of chakra nearby. As she moved deeper into the headquarters, her eyes fell on him: Itami Yamazaki, the current Tsuchikage of Iwagakure. A hulking man, large and loud. Pale skin and large scars, he seemed to defy the limitations of the body, as did the large muscular woman he seemed to be holding like a captive. Her gaze did not remain long, turning to her assistants.
"It would be best for me to be alone, when the Hokage arrives. Return to the UMC and begin our preparations." She frowned for a small second. "Also prepare for a Scenario Four." The look on the girls face as they quickly exited spoke to the degree of Scenario Four.
Now Mirai stood by herself, or at least that how it seemed. Her mind whirled as she reflected on the events that had transpired. She had somehow been detected while leaving, which meant either they were looking for her, or they had other ways of detecting her presence, or even both. Her seal would need to be refined, but first she would need deduce how she had been detected. There was a small thread of chakra connected to Shijo when her Sharingan had spotted him, and it also went in the same direction the unknown person had sent chakra towards the Hokage. A technique perhaps, that allowed for telepathic communication? It was known that a Yamanaka was at the hand of the Hokage; perhaps his skill veered into sensory, using the clans specialty to track her mind. If so it may be dangerous, especially if he refined it enough to read thoughts. She would have to find a way to make her seal encompass her brain signals as well.
What this unknown assailant had unknowingly taught her as well would come in handy. She would most definitely have the upper hand if she found herself on the opposite side of battlefield from the Hokage. She didn't spend long on these specific thoughts. She needed to imagine peace between the pair if she wished to have a productive talk with the man, and thinking of how she would fell him was certainly not peaceful.
For now, the responsibility of handling the meddling Shijo would be solely Mujin's to handle. She was growing exhausted of the child being everywhere to inconvenience her. She did make a mental note to speak with Ichijo whenever she held a free moment. While the father and son were not close, even a single conversation would reveal more than enough for the woman to guarantee his determination to see her made a fool would cease. And she was more than knowledgeable of Ichijo's favor for the Little Raven.
And finally there was the meeting with the Hokage. He would make demands. While she had technically broken only some minor laws; leaving without permission and preparing to fight the Hokage, she had been smart enough to not actually leave the district when she confronted him. On paper she could even twist it enough that the man had overreacted to a simple traipse through the woods. Or even more, label the man who had brought such a reaction out of the Hokage a fool for making such a wild assumption. And if they had sought her for her skills, her requests would be that much more possible.
The ebony-haired woman seemed little more than a statue as her mind worked, solving problems and creating plans as she awaited the arrival of the Hokage, her chest moving the only sign of life in her.
This wasn't the meeting she wanted to have with the Hokage.

Location: Border Between Leaf District and Cloud District
Post Order: Order: Mirai → Suzaku →Mujin Uchiha→ Shijo/Anbu→ Inoka Yamanaka→
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3