Leaf District


*Listen while you Read*

Even as the temperature raised, the pair of Mirai's still stood, calm and collected before the raging heat of the Hokage. What they were doing, how they were resisting the heat that the Hokage enforced on the world would seem to be many of the elusive unknown talents she held. If he attacked, the results would be catastrophic. Her clones eyes activated as it seemed that the Hokage would still assault, the three-tomoe swirling as she watched him carefully, cautiously. She watched the pair, knowing that she would need to move fast enough to interrupt his shot, and give Mirai the vital seconds it would take to gain the information she had just learned. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't quiet her thoughts as a single piece of information surfaced when she mentally prepared itself.

It was a marvel how the Uchiha Lady still managed to keep so much about herself secret, and figure out so much about her opponent in the process. As the Sharingan flicked about, observing the situation, it figured out all it needed to know to help give her the upper hand she so needed. If he attacked now-

Both Mirai's gaze flicked away from the Hokage as a familiar presence pricked at the edges of their senses.

"Mujin?" The name fell from her lips, barely louder than a whisper, but containing a tinge of... relief? Her lifelong friend had given chase as well. Another signature surged towards him, a technique she was able to deduce was Lightning or Wind based, given it's speed and clear origins not rooted in Fire or Yin. They were concealing themselves, at first, given that the signature had suddenly blinked into existence a mere 300 meters away. Her eyes pinpointed the source and the original concealed her grimace better than her clone did.

Of course Shijo would attempt to stand before anyone wanting to help her, should the pair fight. He had pit her against the Two-Tails as an experiment, he had followed her home, and now he stood in the way of her back-up. A voice creeped up through her mind, demanding his death. He was making it clear that while he tried to speak as her ally, he was clearly an enemy.

The clones eyes caught the second another surge of chakra shot forward, hitting the Hokage clearly, and the flames ebbed away. Her theory had been confirmed, and she didn't need to do anything to test it out. Perfect.

As the Hokage calmed, her defenses dismissed themselves, the clone holding up the tiger symbol and dispersing, all of it's knowledge and observations now becoming Mirai's. Everything about Shijo, her knowledge on Suzaku, the fact that she had been trailed by three people, one of which directly influenced the Hokage.

She gave a nod at the Hokage's command, her body flickering away, a small surge of chakra coursing through her body as she went through the leaves and branches until they stopped 10 meters away from Mujin and Shijo.

"Come along, Mujin." She ordered simply. Her gaze didn't even look over Shijo, ignoring that he was threatening her fiancé with an unrefined version of a technique the man had been using long before Shijo had his first sentient thought. Mujin would humble this boy quickly enough if allowed, but now she wanted the mans attention. She would handle Shijo Uchiha later, for now he was simply a fly in a spiders den.
She didn't wait for confirmation, her body flickering out of sight once again. She slowed only long enough for Mujin to catch up with her, her Three-Tomoe activating again as her head turned ever so slightly to catch Mujin's gaze. The Hokage might follow them to ensure they both actually returned, and surely a member of the Anbu would trail the pair as well. The safest place to talk would be in his mindscape.

That was only if he still trusted her enough to allow her in. If he did, the world didn't change even in the slightest, the pair still weaving through the forest on light feet. But Mirai would speak only in the Mindscape.

"Thank you, for coming." Her words were curt, but it was clear that she appreciated that an ally, even a shaky one, was appreciated. "I will need to speak with your brother soon."

The genjutsu shattered, the Lady's eyes staring straight ahead as she moved in silence. She didn't bother slowing at the entrance of the gates, her form whisking through the rooftops and streets before landing in front of the Hokage's office. Not concealing herself meant that she was easily detected by the three assistants that seemed to trail her everywhere she went. They appeared shortly after her, walking up to her as she made her way within the building.

"The increased defenses surrounding the UMC have been lowered per your instructions."
"Gyoken Uchiha was not in his hospital room when we went to give him his-"
"Reports state that the Tsuchikage arrived in the village-"

Mirai's brow cocked at the last one, her senses reaching out. There was indeed, an unfamiliar, powerful source of chakra nearby. As she moved deeper into the headquarters, her eyes fell on him: Itami Yamazaki, the current Tsuchikage of Iwagakure. A hulking man, large and loud. Pale skin and large scars, he seemed to defy the limitations of the body, as did the large muscular woman he seemed to be holding like a captive. Her gaze did not remain long, turning to her assistants.

"It would be best for me to be alone, when the Hokage arrives. Return to the UMC and begin our preparations." She frowned for a small second. "Also prepare for a Scenario Four." The look on the girls face as they quickly exited spoke to the degree of Scenario Four.

Now Mirai stood by herself, or at least that how it seemed. Her mind whirled as she reflected on the events that had transpired. She had somehow been detected while leaving, which meant either they were looking for her, or they had other ways of detecting her presence, or even both. Her seal would need to be refined, but first she would need deduce how she had been detected. There was a small thread of chakra connected to Shijo when her Sharingan had spotted him, and it also went in the same direction the unknown person had sent chakra towards the Hokage. A technique perhaps, that allowed for telepathic communication? It was known that a Yamanaka was at the hand of the Hokage; perhaps his skill veered into sensory, using the clans specialty to track her mind. If so it may be dangerous, especially if he refined it enough to read thoughts. She would have to find a way to make her seal encompass her brain signals as well.

What this unknown assailant had unknowingly taught her as well would come in handy. She would most definitely have the upper hand if she found herself on the opposite side of battlefield from the Hokage. She didn't spend long on these specific thoughts. She needed to imagine peace between the pair if she wished to have a productive talk with the man, and thinking of how she would fell him was certainly not peaceful.

For now, the responsibility of handling the meddling Shijo would be solely Mujin's to handle. She was growing exhausted of the child being everywhere to inconvenience her. She did make a mental note to speak with Ichijo whenever she held a free moment. While the father and son were not close, even a single conversation would reveal more than enough for the woman to guarantee his determination to see her made a fool would cease. And she was more than knowledgeable of Ichijo's favor for the Little Raven.

And finally there was the meeting with the Hokage. He would make demands. While she had technically broken only some minor laws; leaving without permission and preparing to fight the Hokage, she had been smart enough to not actually leave the district when she confronted him. On paper she could even twist it enough that the man had overreacted to a simple traipse through the woods. Or even more, label the man who had brought such a reaction out of the Hokage a fool for making such a wild assumption. And if they had sought her for her skills, her requests would be that much more possible.

The ebony-haired woman seemed little more than a statue as her mind worked, solving problems and creating plans as she awaited the arrival of the Hokage, her chest moving the only sign of life in her.

This wasn't the meeting she wanted to have with the Hokage.


Location: Border Between Leaf District and Cloud District
Post Order: Order: Mirai Suzaku Mujin Uchiha Shijo/Anbu→ Inoka Yamanaka
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3





As the heat covering the landscape subsided, the raw vibrant energy of lightning took its place. The natural lightning that pulsated around Mujin wasn't intending to stop. As Shijo mistakenly put himself between Mujin and his destination, Mujin's Sharingan would stare through Shijo, into his core, and Shijo's mind. There was a fragment, of the raw killing intent Mujin held within this brief second of interaction. The outcome? Shijo's mindscape saw his own body being shredded into pieces as he collided with Mujin's body made from Natural Lightning. The cold-hearted stare of Mujin would only come to a halt because of the intervention of Mirai. As she asked him to go with her instead of following through, The Natural lightning dissipated, revealing a normal-looking Mujin, still staring past Shijo.

"Come along, Mujin." She ordered simply.

Mujin unsummoned his Thunder Blade and flickered to her side as they moved through the trees. Mujin traveling alongside Mirai would be looking toward her before she even glanced in his direction. His sharingan was scanning the battlefield as well, he knew just as much as she did, this stare as she looked towards him was an indicator of what he knew. As her Sharingan met his own, they flashed into a world of their own minds. Mujin's typically heavily guarded from outsiders allowed her to, if you will, walk to the front gate. There he listened to her but would only reply with a warning.

"Mindscape not safe" Mirai would then be immediately ejected from his mental world. The speed of synapses firing and their talk was over. Mujin would then speak normally. There was something visually wrong with Mujin however, not only that inside his mindscape for the brief negative second Mirai was in there, she would be revealed to a world of abstracts and twisted imagery that was unlike Mujin. Something was breaking, or something was trying to wake up.

" I'll go see what Mugen and Tenbo have discovered then meet you and Lord Hokage at the Office. "

Usually warmer, and more considerate, This Mujin seemed to be direct and telling rather than asking. Mujin would suddenly leap in another direction once they got closer to the Village. Mirai headed straight to the office of Lord Hokage. As he traveled he picked up the sense of Mugen but not Tenbo, weird since they usually were always together.

As he got closer to Mugen, Mujin's thoughts raced with what he had discovered thanks to Mirai, and Lord Hokage. It was almost time, for decisions to be made. Mujin was at a loss, he felt everyone he knew pulling in different directions, going their own way. His mind flashed to the picture of them together as a team, training the genin he had formed a bond with, Shijo, Takashi, and Ayame. Suddenly his footing slipped and he stumbled through the trees lost in thoughts as he crashed into the grassy path below.

Rolling over to his back he would look through the brush to see Mugen. Starting to roll over and get ready to speak out to him. Even his Little brother, who had no idea he was Tenbo and Mujin's little brother, was moving in a way that kept him with Tenbo, even though Mugen is only able to function because of the things Mujin has done, even then Mugen seeks a path away from Mujin.

Everyone was abandoning Mujin, in one way or another. Mujin couldn't tell, but tears started to swell, and roll down his face.


Location: Konoha Forest -> Border Between Leaf District and Cloud District
Posting Order: Mujin (Isn't a part of the posting order unless both individuals acknowledge his presence)
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Owner and Founder
Staff member


As Mirai approached the imposing facade of the Hokage's office, she was met by two figures, their presence as formidable as the building itself. Standing in waiting, the first to address her was Soichiro Nara, a colossal figure whose physical stature was matched only by the intensity of his demeanor. "Lady Mirai, I am going to need you to come with me. This is an order from Lord Inoka, who holds jurisdiction over anything related to the Intelligence Division. I'd ask that you come with us peacefully," his voice, deep and resonant, carried the weight of undeniable authority. Soichiro, known for his muscular build and striking appearance, had spiky black hair that framed his determined face, enhancing the piercing look of his dark eyes. His attire was a testament to his role within the Konoha intelligence community—a standard uniform but with a notable twist. Beneath his flak jacket, he wore a full-body suit that extended over his head, concealing his features except for his eyes, which remained sharply visible, scanning the surroundings and assessing potential threats with calculated vigilance.

Beside him stood Gensaku, equally imposing in his appearance, his identity shrouded by bandages that wrapped around most of his face, leaving only his eyes and mouth partially visible. He, too, wore the standard uniform of the Konoha Intelligence Division, embodying the secrecy and discipline required for their covert operations.

Both men, well aware of the Uchiha's potent abilities, consciously avoided direct eye contact with Mirai, respecting and fearing the power she might wield through just a glance. Their stance was not just precautionary but also a mark of the seriousness with which they approached this assignment. Should Mirai agree to their escort, Gensaku would take the lead, guiding her with a subtle assurance that suggested familiarity with such high-stakes situations. Soichiro would follow closely behind, his figure a silent sentinel, ready to act should the need arise. Their arrangement was strategic, ensuring that at no point would Mirai find herself without close surveillance, yet giving her enough space to maintain a semblance of dignity as she moved towards her uncertain confrontation within the heart of Konohagakure’s governance. This trio’s march from the Hokage’s office to the Intelligence Division Building.

Location: Hokage Office ---> Intelligence Division Building
Posting Order: Mirai Uchiha --> Soichiro Nara/Gensaku Kodon
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


In the heart of Konohagakure, Inoka found himself grappling with the rising tensions and the complex web of loyalties that threatened the stability of the village. With no time to engage in drawn-out discussions, especially not with Tenbo and his subordinate, he turned to the wealth of information he had painstakingly gathered about the Uchiha. His mind sifted through the data, pulling threads together, forming a coherent picture of the unfolding situation. "Ayame," Inoka began, his voice resolute yet imbued with a sense of urgency, "I think it would be best if you visit your sensei. His fixation on Mirai is deeply concerning. He needs reassurance that he is valued not only as a shinobi but as a sensei and father-figure. It's crucial, especially now, to ensure his loyalty lies with the village's interests, above his wife or the Uchiha clan. As formidable as Mirai is, she cannot withstand an army alone. Deploying Lord Suzaku against her is too risky and could lead to catastrophic repercussions for the village. We must tread carefully." His words, though transmitted telepathically, were filled with passion and conviction, a clear indicator of how seriously Inoka took the precariousness of their situation. Ayame, receiving the message, nodded silently in agreement. She understood the gravity of Inoka's concerns and the importance of her mission. With no time to waste, she vanished in an instant, teleporting to the location of her sensei, Mujin Uchiha, to carry out Inoka's instructions.

Meanwhile, Inoka shifted his attention to another pressing matter. He reached out telepathically to Takashi Hyuuga, who had just returned from a mission. "Takashi, welcome back. I need you and the Tsuchikage to get here at once. Time is currently not on our side," he conveyed with an underlying tone of seriousness. Aware of the need for discretion, he added, "Also, keep this form of communication a secret from others. Think of it as an exclusive club," he allowed himself a slight chuckle, lightening the moment despite the severity of their circumstances. Inoka's strategic use of telepathy not only facilitated swift communication across great distances but also ensured that sensitive information remained confined to a trusted few. This method of interaction was critical in a time when every second could mean the difference between stability and chaos in Konohagakure. His careful orchestration of these communications underscored his role not just as a tactician but as a guardian of the village's delicate balance of power and loyalty.
Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Inoka --> Takashi Hyuuga ---> Itami
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Ayame arrived at the designated meeting point just ahead of Mujin, her senses tuned to the undercurrent of sadness that seemed to radiate from him. She bore a deep responsibility, not only as a kunoichi but as someone who cherished her sensei deeply, to ensure he felt valued and appreciated. As Mujin approached, she softly called out, "Sensei..." hoping to snag his attention. In a swift, almost imperceptible motion, she flickered into existence right in front of him, her movement cutting through the air with precision.

There was a moment of hesitation as she gauged his emotional state, then, feeling the time was right, she bridged the gap between them with a comforting embrace. This hug was more than a mere gesture; it was a poignant reminder of their shared past, echoing the many moments of their early days as part of the genin team Mujin had once led. Each memory was a testament to the confidence and sense of worth that Mujin had instilled in her. Holding him slightly tighter, she whispered, "We need to speak." Her words, laden with urgency and concern, aimed to prepare him for a conversation of significant import, one that could perhaps alter the course of their current predicaments.

Location: Forest? (Mujin Uchiha Destination)
Posting Order: Ayame --> Mujin --> Shijo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Staff member


Itami motioned Takashi away from the rogue Hyūga, showing that he didn't need his help with carrying the body. Takashi's expression remained neutral, though he felt isappointment for not being to help. However he respected the Tsuchikage's decision and nodded silently. Leading Itami through the forest outside of the village, Takashi's senses remained sharp, seeing activity among the animals thanks to his Byakugan. Despite the unpleasant feeling in the air, Takashi maintained his composure, focusing on guiding Itami towards the entrance to the village. Upon reaching the village gate, Takashi addressed the Jonin at the gate, reassuring them everything is fine while allowing Itami to observe the village from their position. Takashi remained focused on his duty to escort Itami safely to the Hokage's office even when knowing the man didn't need him.

When they walk through the village, Takashi feels the people's eyes on him, but mostly on Itami. A legend even among Leaf's people who now walking on their streets, it is almost impossible not to set eyes on. Itami's body makes even Takashi look small and he can't help but focus on their destination. "This way Lord Tsuchikage." Trying to get away from the questioning eyes and thought of the people. When they approached the Hokage's building, Takashi swung the doors open, allowing Itami to enter with Hanako under his arm. Although Takashi might not fully understand Itami's insistence on bringing Hanako himself, he respected Itami's decision, knowing that the Tsuchikage had his reasons for this.

Watching as the man made his entrance and placing Hanako in the center of the room. He remained calm while watching the stone ANBU surrounding the Tsuchikage as they whispered their reports. While Itami addressed the room, Takashi listened silently, understanding the importance of the Tsuchikage's tone.

"Now that you have arrived here and your own ANBU also have arrived, I need to move on Lord Tsuchikage. If you'll excuse me," Takashi leaves the room after he had taken Itami to the office. Eager to return to his own duties and report what he has seen during short time at Iwagakure.

Location: Outside of Konohagakure - Hokage's office-Leaving the Hokage building.
Order: Itami -> Takashi(leaving)
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2

Last edited:





Many people could not comprehend the fixation of Shijo upon killing his father; Ichijo Uchiha. It was simply something which he hid from even the greatest of sensory ninjas like Inoka Yamanaka. There was not even an expression which led anyone to believe the youngster was fixated upon this drive. The general thought of this was so far-fetched that even onlookers of Uchiha Clan could testify that the youngster was too peaceful growing up to show or even extend such a resolve. Dampened by the ousting of his mother from the clan and the apparent banishment from the village, he sought to only find the answers to a trivial question he has been asking himself for years. ‘Where could she have gone.’ Questions could also arise such as ‘Is she dead or alive.’

Either way the Uchiha was troubled by it all therefore his mind kept upon it. Situations of the Uchiha Clan were secondary in nature to him because he knew his father was still the one to be pulling the strings of their beloved clan even as an elder. He was the master of the three most promising Uchiha members after all. Shijo studied each one of them but only one captured his eyes even more than his own beloved sensei. Tenbo Uchiha, was the one the man who was an enigma to himself yet did some things that even Anbu themselves couldn’t trace. Listening to the emptiness of the forest as moved from tree to tree, prancing around as if he had nowhere to go with straight indications that he was needed back within the village. He was of course, without anyone, his chakra was undetectable and unregistered within any sensory reach.

Surely the concentration of the Uchiha was upon his brother who was probably still within the confines of the hospital. He was to check upon him to see whether or not he was feeling better. He felt like it was the best thing to do at the given moment and accomplishing that was first nature to him. As soon as he arrived at the gates of Konoha he begun to quicken his steps, prancing even faster before he was at least amidst the buildings scaving from roof to roof until he made a sudden stop, only to take in the very beauty of the Hidden Leaf District.

Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Shijo/Anbu→ ???
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


*Listen while you Read*

As the man approached her, Mirai's eyes snapped up, her thoughts coming to their conclusions and dissipating. She observed them, taking how they were dressed and what they seemed to be doing. A full body armor and bandages? Maybe concealing a technique, or some sort of defense.

At their words Mirai didn't react for a number of seconds, her thoughts swirling again. "Inoka Yamanaka, was it?" she asked, clarifying his last name. This all but confirmed her theory that the Yamanaka was somehow present at the stand-off. And pulling a lot of strings. The lack of trust between the pair and Mirai was present, they avoided her eye contact, and said eyes scanned them with intense scrutiny. Her mind weighed all of the options, before following them in silence. Their distance was also noted. One behind her to to watch her, one in front to show her the way.

As they moved, her sensory began to surround her, she was searching for a single reason to cause her unrest. She was taking a step not many Uchiha would when it came to the village and responding to authority.

She didn't go much further than steps of the Hokage Office. Her form halted as her thoughts finally arrived at their conclusion.

She had been doing that a lot recently she realized. All the events that had transpired in the last day had been the answer she had been pondering all day. At every turn she had submitted to them, and yet here she stood, maybe walking into yet another trap, all for the hope of brokering peace between her estranged clan and the village.

"None of you will ever trust me because I am an Uchiha." She finally said, the words soft, the realization dawning on her. The air grew eerily silent as the glow of her Three Tomoe Sharingan came forth. "It doesn't matter how many bids for peace I extend, you will view me, my people, as a threat to the village." A small laugh floated past her lip, flitting on the wind like a leaf. "None of you will be pleased until I am the lapdog you've turned Shijo into." More laughter came from her.

All her work was against a system that was engineered to collar and eliminate her. She thought of Mujin's mindscape, a shattered plane of existence that was his mind, and she had no doubt that her own might look the same; beaten, broken, held together by threads.

"Today has been nothing but a testament of that." Her laughter stopped. Her features sunk into an unreadable emotion as she stood straight. She thought of all that she had endured in the last day at the hands of "Shinobi". Shijo had arrived and provoked the Two-Tails to attack her, he then turned about and demanded that she report on her clan, the Hokage had chased her down and was going to attack her. Even now, there was little doubt that Inoka, or even Suzaku, was plotting her downfall. "All my olive branches would only be viewed as a ploy, destroyed and dissected to ensure that no hints of betrayal could be found. Perhaps even carved into the kunai you all so desperately wish I would wield against you." A dry scoff escaped her as she walked forward, moving around Gensaku, though not in the direction of the Intelligence Division building, but towards the UMC. "Then perhaps all your preconceived notions and fears would be correct. Then you would have known all along that the Uchiha were the monsters you knew they were!" She paused a couple of meters away from the two shinobi, her eyes looking up towards the sky. "In a place that only sees the Uchiha as an asset and not a people, it begs the question: why do they work so hard to keep us when we're so clearly unwanted?" She looked back at the two shinobi before her. "I've committed no crimes tonight. I will not stand trial. Inoka and Suzaku can meet me on neutral grounds in the morning. The clan must deliberate if the Leaf District is the right place for us to remain."

She would flicker then, disappearing. She was headed to the UMC now. she was sure they would either chase or attack her now, a scenario she was prepared for, but there was only so many times a woman could be tested before she began giving tests of her own. The response of the village would truly show Mirai whether or not her clan was safe here anymore.

It was time for the Leaf to start showing that the Uchiha were their allies, not their enemy.


Location: Hokage Building → UMC
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Soichiro Nara/Gensaku Kodon
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3


Owner and Founder
Staff member


The initial moments of escorting Mirai Uchiha to the Intelligence Division were characterized by a seamless, almost serene procession through the surrounding area. Mirai, the prominent Lady of the Uchiha clan, had initially cooperated, maintaining a dignified silence as she walked. However, this calm was soon disrupted by Mirai herself, who began to vocalize her frustrations. Her words were tinted with bitterness as she spoke of the village's distrust toward her and the Uchiha clan—a sentiment she believed was exacerbated by her own previous attempts to abandon the village. As Mirai's monologue escalated in volume and intensity, becoming increasingly accusatory and heated, Soichiro Nara, strategically positioned behind her, understood his role clearly. His presence there was no coincidence; it was a calculated decision made to limit Mirai's mobility should the need arise. Recognizing the potential for escalation, Soichiro quietly formed a hand seal known well among the Nara clan. As he whispered, "Shadow Possession Jutsu," his shadow crept forward, merging subtly towards with Mirai's. Given the positioning and her distraction, it was unlikely to outpace the creeping shadow that now sought to bind her.

In perfect synchrony with Soichiro's action, Gensaku acted, swiftly drawing a scroll from his pouch. With a practiced flick, he tossed it into the air and executed a "release" hand seal. The scroll unfurled, releasing an astonishing volume of water that seemed to belong to an ocean, enveloping the area above them. This sudden deluge expanded Mirai's shadow significantly, making it an easier target for Soichiro's jutsu. The enlarged shadow was promptly ensnared by Soichiro's technique, effectively trapping Mirai without her even realizing.

Throughout this orchestrated maneuver, Soichiro and Gensaku was careful to avoid direct eye contact with Mirai, focusing solely on her shadow to evade the hypnotic powers of her Sharingan. Once Soichiro had successfully connected their shadows, he addressed her with a tone of respect and sincerity, "Lady Mirai, I have nothing but admiration for you and respect for the Uchiha Clan. You are actually the reason why I wanted to become a shinobi. Let’s work together during this difficult time." His words were meant to bridge the gap between enforcement and empathy, aiming to reassure her that despite the circumstances, his intentions were rooted in respect and a genuine desire for collaboration amidst the village's tumultuous climate.

Location: Hokage Building → Intelligence Division
Post Order: Order: Mirai Uchiha → Soichiro Nara/Gensaku Kodon
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3


Staff member

Tenbo, a member of the Uchiha Clan, stood as an extraordinary talent among the esteemed Sankishi. Revered throughout the Leaf District, he commanded respect from both his clan members and the populace of Konohagakure. Among the elite Team 4, he was one of three shinobi whose prowess remained shrouded in mystery. An enigmatic aura surrounded Tenbo, making it difficult for others to truly grasp his essence. Few understood him on a personal level, and even those who did struggled to articulate his essence. Trying to capture his perspective proved futile without an understanding of his profound philosophies. His renown as a Leaf shinobi was unparalleled, setting a high standard for anyone daring to challenge his skill and intellect.

Much about Tenbo remains veiled in secrecy, akin to the hidden world of insects and rodents that populate the landscape of the densely inhabited district. Little do most know, he shares an intimate connection with the rats of the world, particularly those under his influence or of Nezumi's esteemed lineage and lordship. With such a vast network spanning the residences within the Land of Fire, encompassing various environments, one could speculate that Tenbo's influence extends to every city and town within and beyond Konohagakure. Yet, such knowledge eludes all but time itself. Time, the most precious of commodities, aligns with the swift reproductive cycles of Nezumi and the prolific nature of rats, becoming an invaluable tool for the clandestine leader of the covert operation known as Root.

No chakra activity permeated the vicinity, nor did any audible sound register for the ears. Even the natural movement of the wind masked the vibrations produced by the enigmatic Uchiha, inherently elusive even in stillness. Shielded by nature and approaching with unsuspected stealth, the direction of his footsteps remained indiscernible. Amidst the bustling noise of the environment, even the Inuzuka clan would find it a formidable challenge to detect him. His silent approach, reminiscent of a shinobi from the Mist, evaded chakra sensory, auditory detection, tactile senses, and even olfactory systems. It was all in the precise manipulation of his movements, leveraging the environment to his advantage. At this stage in his life, such stealth had become second nature, requiring no conscious effort. The only indication of the black-maned Uchiha, whose perpetually closed eyes concealed his gaze, was the subtle shift as he positioned himself to the left of Shijo Uchiha, his voice now resonating louder than the drifting wind and air.

"In due season, it is said a seed must be planted, destined to sprout into a beautiful flower. Yet, the nature of that flower depends entirely on the seed sown. However, the quality of its bloom hinges on the soil it's planted in and the nourishment it receives. Yet, the true essence of the flower finds its significance when it eventually falls... Allow me to extend my formal congratulations on your esteemed status within the Uchiha clan and the shinobi village, Shijo."
Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Shijo/Anbu→ Tenbo/Nezumi/???
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​





The faithful convocation was at hand .The Uchiha who seemingly shared the similar eyes however diversity within their philosophy. For Shijo became a martyr within the village as he is confronted with an ideologist in his own right, sitting within the hierarchy of Leaf village’s Uchiha Clan. Pedestrian within the sight of the greatest, yet there was not shudder or quick shift to words which enlightened his very spirit. Words reflected and stood as great justification and even progress exerted by Shijo. Typically, it had seemed as if Tenbo had always grown to know the development of the young Uchiha. Suddenly as his words were graciously delivered Shijo turned completely facing his direction immediately, gazing in the direction of him. His Three Tomoe spiraling his pupil as his eyes conveyed a matured enough Sharingan. It was not a show of strength, no. It was only duly activated due to the fact that it was never deactivated to begin with.

On his very journey from the outskirts of the village, he divulged them. It was a lovely offsetting meeting between two opposite sides of a coin. They stood merely a few distant apart, however it was far enough ground that neither weren’t within arms length. Spectacularly, the youngest of the two who was draped within the clothing of a village whose eye contact was never limited or removed for even a second gathered himself within the same gracious but audacious tone of voice answered towards the peaking vulture known as Tenbo Uchiha.

“Lord Tenbo.. Thank you for your praises. “

The youngster bowed a bit before him, showing a bit of respect or praise towards the enigmatic figure of man who was synonymously a deviant in his own right, but never proven to be. It was the ultimate sign of respect. That even the Lady of Uchiha Clan was never given. The question behind anyone's mind would be why? Tenbo was someone who, outside of his master Mujin Uchiha, he idolized. Given that the two were brothers made it even worse. Tenbo was more enigmatic and resolute within his body and mind, it was just about his serious nature that led Shijo to see him as an idol. However, many knew about this only those who were closest to him could adhere to that notion. Shijo was a great actor and had a creative mystic about himself that left a lot of people only pondering on which side he was on.

Without a doubt it was similar to that Tenbo who gave off a similar aura which could not be traced and duly figured out by simply mind reading him. It was a circus of conflict which would lead you only to closed doors, but it was in fact open as they were about to engage in a more condensed and fabricated environment which had no ears nor would have any as the spot was completely isolated to the pupil as it seemed to be an Alley like.

“Lord Tenbo… it's been a while since we have seen and graced each other like this hasn’t it ? Look how faith has brought you to me finally?”

This was something which the Uchiha had waited for, to be in the presence of Tenbo. A shadow loomed over this conversation as the two Uchiha were to speak about the matters concerning them as well as the clan and what better way was there than in front of each other.


Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Tenbo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Staff member

He wasn't one to act without reason. Deciphering Tenbo's motives was never a simple task. Even Ichijo, leader of the formidable Team 4, had long recognized this enigmatic trait in the Uchiha. This encounter with Shijo was calculated, driven by a desire to gain insight into the young man's potential. Drawing from past experiences and the accolades of other Uchiha, it seemed Tenbo believed Shijo could rival the most reputable members of the clan. Perhaps, his talent and skill already did. Eyes lurked in the shadows, not just in this moment but throughout the district. It was clear: Tenbo had Shijo on his mind. This undoubtedly meant Shijo would be monitored within the scope of Tenbo's surveillance, extending to wherever operatives were deployed. The covert operatives seamlessly blended with civilians, their stealth unmatched. Even more inconspicuous were the subordinate informants, rats, natural inhabitants of every corner of the Leaf District, including the capital of Konohagakure.

The enigmatic Uchiha lifted his lids, revealing his obsidian oculars to the world, though he didn't direct his gaze directly at Shijo. As Mujin's student, it was only natural for Shijo to possess the Sharingan. Tenbo knew this was a common trait among Ichijo's students and associates. Unlike them, Tenbo didn't often display his Sharingan unless it served a specific purpose or underscored a point he wanted to make. His keen eyes eventually shifted to meet Shijo's, not in challenge, but as a gesture of acknowledgment for their discourse. Unbeknownst to Shijo, the commander of the foundation hadn't ventured here without precautions in place should he become the target of any overt action. However, as of now, there was nothing Tenbo had let slip to warrant such caution or necessitate any immediate action. His lips parted from one another.

"Your merit is unquestionable. You've earned your stripes and garnered my respect. I don't need to witness your actions to recognize that you've truly come into your own."

“Lord Tenbo… it's been a while since we have seen and graced each other like this hasn’t it ? Look how faith has brought you to me finally?”

"I wonder Shijo, do you actually belief in such a thing as faith ? And what does fate mean to you?"
Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Tenbo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll