Gold District


As they moved through the tunnels Gamu could hear the footsteps of Yugo as he followed Yugo's signs to trace the same path he did. Gamu trying to conserve his chakra as his sensei had advised would try his best to move as fast as possible without the assistance of chakra. All the while his clone continued its way down it's path the one that Yugo and Gamu had not chosen. Back with Gamu though he would quickly reach another split , but this time the light had grown much dimmer making it incredibly hard to see. For most this would have meant they'd need to stop and take it slow, but like Yugo and his peebles Gamu had his own tactic and drew his sword and quickly shooting a small pulse of lkightning chakra up through it to act as a light source. Due to the nature of his sword being a Supervibrato Lightning Release Sword it made it much easier to flow chakra through which in turn allowed for Gamu to conserve his chakra while still creating enough light to navigate with.

Upon the creation of his light source Gamu would take notice of the clawed out chuck of the wall and the sound of Yugo's foot steps and headed the same way. No matter how much their opponent tried to separate the boy's they planned to stick together. Knowing full well at the speed Yugo was travelling that he'd be left behind if he dawdled Gamu chose to expend a little chakra and took off accelerating with the Body Flicker using his swords light and Yugo's tracks to guide him on his path making sure to dodge the traps that were laid before him.

Location: Mining District (In the Mine), Gold Distrtict
Posting Order: Gamu -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll