Stone District



Hanako Banner.png


Amongst the chaos and alongside Masaru and Shinomori stood the princess of the Hyuga clan. Seeing the unfolding preparation from her partner for his attack. While she saw this, she somewhat copied him, but only made 2 clones of herself which were of course made of water. This giving way to a total of 2 clones as a whole as both clones utilized 4 Fuma Shurikens, each possessing multiple kunai with explosive tag balls placed on each blade with a single flashbang. As such, the second phase of destruction will have followed right after the commensing of Masaru's. Hanako herself will have thrown a flurry of smoke bombs to make combating against her own attack as well as Masasru's more of a challenge. Added, with the use of her Byakugan, escaping her sight was an impossible feat and with the clones also having theirs active, remaining alongside the group and watching all sides in case of a counter attack.

Finally, her actual attack began as her clones and herself launched the Fuma shurikens in the directions towards the thunder dome, while simultaneously duplicating them with the use of chakra, while this still required chakra, it was nowhere near enough for her be winded after performing such an attack, this allowed them to cover the entire frontal area in a cloud of spinning blades. The table had been set for a greater plan and it was sure to play in their favor one way or another. Every move she made was calculated and planned out carefully to play into the objective the group had. For this reason, all the shuriken from Hanako's attack worked in combination with the attack from Masasru, and just as each attack closed in, a kunai from Hanako will fly through the air to trigger the flashbang at the front of the "cloud" closest to the carbon user. Detonating the bomb and blinding the man as the rest of the explosives went off, destroying everything around and within the thunder dome, along with killing anyone else who may have not evacuated the village.
Hanako: Lord Shinomori, Masaru. When the target is drawn out, our mission will be nearly complete.​

Location: Earth District
Post Order: Shinomori -> Hanako -> Masaru
Time Limit:
3 Days
Skip Points: 1


Owner and Founder
Staff member

The colossal leech beast summoned by Shinomori dominated the skyline, its grotesque body coiled around the highest peaks as its shadow blanketed Iwagakure below. Even the towering rocky spires of the Thunderdome stood dwarfed in comparison to this behemoth stretching over 20 meters in length.As the titanic creature writhed, its mass crushed entire buildings with each convulsion. Alarmed screams echoed from the streets as civilians fled in terror. Groups of Iwa chūnin and jōnin urgently worked to evacuate any unable to escape the leveling destruction. Atop the leech's head, Shinomori surveyed the chaos with satisfaction - this act of wanton dominance had accomplished its purpose in drawing out the Stone shinobi. In reaction, various ninjas displayed their techniques in attempt to battle the looming threat.

Atop the towering summoned leech, Masaru gazed coldly down upon the fleeing villagers below. Flanking him were a dozen shadow clones, all drawing shuriken in unison. At an unseen signal, the clones launched volleys of spinning blades skyward. The metallic weapons arced high, positioned to rain death upon civilians and shinobi alike trying to evacuate the village. Augmenting this, each airborne shuriken blurred into an overwhelming amount spectral blades released from the Haze Clones. Over three thousand lethal projectiles now descended from all angles to surround the chaos over a 120 degree envelope. The haze clones themselves then leapt from their high perch, landing to block and herd the terrified crowds into the center of the village square - directly in line for the plummeting shuriken barrage. Masaru cared not if elderly, children, or exhausted defenders were slaughtered in waves. Drowning the earth with blood was itself a tactic to force the Stone's finest warriors into the open. The oncoming storm of shrieking metal portended utter suffering.

The Anbu captain Endo raced onto the scene wielding his crackling electrically-charged kanabō club. As the giant summoned leech continued thrashing, destroying buildings, Endo focused on neutralizing the immediate threat. Charging his weapon with intense lightning chakra, the metal club glowed scorching white-hot. Endo swung with all his might, launching a blistering arc of energy towards the rampaging creature. But the searing blast barely managed to singe the beast's thick hide.

Before Endo could unleash another strike, the rain of duplicated shuriken descended undeterred from Masaru's earlier volley. Helpless before the onslaught, Endo fell victim to the thousands of spinning blades piercing his body. The Anbu captain would have collapsed with blood pooling rapidly beneath him.Witnessing the futile heroic charge firsthand from atop the leech, Shinomori formed an evil smirk. These Stone ninjas woefully underestimated the power they now faced.

Amidst the chaos, the Hyūga princess Hanako moved in lethal synchronicity with her partner Masaru. As he bombarded the village with shuriken from above, Hanako's Byakugan flared - tracking all movements below. She generated two shadow water clones, arming them with giant fūma shuriken swirling with smaller explosive kunai knives. At an unseen cue, the real Hanako and her clones launched the oversized swirling blades in unison, blanketing the entire front quadrant below in a hurricane of metal. Through expert chakra transference, hundreds of duplicate spectral shuriken spun amongst the salvo, engulfing the central buildings in a dense field of shrieking armaments. Detonations boomed across the village as kunai payloads exploded, triggered by a precisely thrown flare by Hanako moments before impact. The fiery shockwaves vaporized structures and defenders alike still reeling from Masaru's bombardment. Deafening eruptions cascaded as their combined assaults fueled each other. Now the entire Thunderdome plaza had become an inferno, smoke and dust obscuring all sight lines. Yet with her dōjutsu Hanako could perceive perfectly the utter devastation their surprise onslaught had delivered. Not even a single rat would have survived near the central impact zone.

As the titanic summon lowered its head, Shinomori descended to the rubble-strewn streets below, striding purposefully towards the fallen Anbu Captain Endo. Kneeling down, Shinomori placed a palm upon the fresh corpse, foul chakra spreading.

Utilizing the Casualty Puppet technique , Shinomori began grafting Endo's body to his own, integrating the deceased's flesh and merging it grotesquely into a parasitic Siamese twin. Through this arcane absorption, Shinomori assimilated Endo's talents - includingmighty carbon manipulation abilities Rising with gnarled veins bulging from the new protruding limbs and tissue fused to his side, Shinomori could feel Endo's power flowing within like it was his own. He could already manipulate superheated carbon particles using the grafted corpse meat melded to his body. "Yes, very good..." Shinomori rasped, his voice taking on a strange doubled timbre from the partial vocal cords absorbed from Endo's jawline and neck now part of his anatomy. Testing his augmented abilities, he exhaled a cube of pure condensed carbon watching the cube rapidly fly towards the deceased corpse in which the corpse would explode into smaller.

Seeing countless fresh corpses scattered amidst the ravaged streets, a fiendish idea formed in Shinomori's graft-mutated mind. Cracking his neck with loud snaps of realigning vertebrae, he began flowing through intricate hand seals with both his original hands and the extra mismatched limbs. Kneeling, Shinomori slammed a claw-like hand upon the debris-strewn earth. Immediately, nearby bodies of slaughtered Stone villagers began to twitch and stir unnaturally. Through his earthen chakra, Shinomori employed the taboo Earth Release Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil forcibly animating the dead with constructs of soil and clay. Soulless zombies emerged, blankly fixated on the living targets before them. They possessed only primal hunger - but the sheer numbers would overwhelm the remaining defenders through attrition.

From nearby structures and ruined homes, terrified screams rang out as more undead arose to shamble towards their hiding places. Soon this place of death would overwhelm all...then the true feast would begin. Soon this entire worthless shinobi district would fuel his might through endless slaughter and grafting. By day's end, he would be legion. Gazing upwards toward his followers, Shinomori growled "Come...more fresh meat awaits our feast...but not in this district." Shinomori paused as he observed the futile efforts of locating the four tails jinchuriki who was not stationed in his homeland. "We're going to Sunagakure where the 0 tails and the 1 tails resides. With my new body nothing can stop me" Shinomori exclaimed, there was something vastly different about him despite not looking entirely different. Shinomori would withdraw his summon and make his way to Sunagakure. He would leave his zombie army to finish any survivors.


Location: Earth District -> Sand District
Post Order: Hanako -> Shinomaru-> Masaru -> Endo (If somehow avoided death) -> Yudoku
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2




Listen while you read~

The Blazing start of a new chapter

Itami stood there in awe as they had ended the exams. Anxiously awaiting the results to show up on the Jumbotron.

The jumbotron blinked into darkness, and the words "Thank you for Watching : ) " in bold white letters marked the end of the spectacle. Iwagakure roared at this moment. Shinobi from all around cheering even for those that failed, as this was a momentous occasion to bring everyone together, even if but for a moment.

As Taichi's name came up as one of the Shinobi who passed the exams, Itami was instantly gone. A flash of smoke and chakra as he utilized his trademark Jutsu to teleport to meet his now Chunin son. The crackle of his movement was hidden in the cheers of those attending the event. Itami moved with a grace surprising of a man his size, going from mountain top to skyscraper to a forest outside the main village, His 'Boogie-Woogie Technique" taking him, eventually under a waterfall and into a cave.

Here the caverns traveled to a small estate inside the mountain. This is where Taichi and a few of their ANBU were expected to be when the exams had concluded. Coming to a booming stop Itami was now outside his front door. swinging it open with excitement he rushed to find his son Taichi coming out of the basement where their own devices are kept.

" Taichi! Congratulations son. So what will you do now? You know we are pretty lenient about what someone does after they graduate to Chunin. You wanna join a team and continue studying with a group of your peers or, you gonna take a different path? "
" You know I was gonna pass, I've trained for this kind of thing... It was kind of too easy if I am being honest with you Dad. "
Itami watched as Taichi responded to him but kind of avoided his question.
Itami went to speak again until Taichi cut him off.

" You know, I think it would be pretty nice to go see the world and learn about other people's way of life.... "

Sudden Reality
Listen while you read~

Just as Taichi was giving his answer to Itami, it suddenly hit him like a brick, and then a gut-wrenching feeling overtook Itami. He sat his hand on his son's shoulder and then cut him off. " Taichi.. Hold on.. Where is your Mother? She wouldn't miss this for.... "

Suddenly alarms were flashing all over the estate in the mountain. ANBU was surrounding Itami and Taichi and the expression on Itami's face shifted to that of anger. One the entire village knows is no good omen. Considering The ANBU Captain wasn't among the Shinobi in the estate that meant he was soon to be engaging the enemy on the front lines.

The grip on Taichi strengthened until Taichi made an audible gasp. Itami side-eyed Taichi and then grabbed him with his other hand on the opposite shoulder. " I'm so very sorry son. I wish we could have celebrated like we had planned but I must make sure you are out of here. No one in their right mind would dare attack this village unless they wanted Son-Goku. I don't know when i will see you again my boy. Adventure, Learn, Grow and most of all be safe. "

Itami's Chakra surged, soaring higher than any around had ever felt. The cosmic makeup of the oxygen around them suddenly grew hot. The ANBU had to leap away, as the stonework furniture of the dwelling started to bend and disfigure from the heat. Memories filled Itami's head as he picked a destination. Itami and Taichi were then suddenly consumed by Itami's chakra. He would use Boogie-Woogie to teleport Taichi to the Tea District a secluded and unknown district on the far end of the continent.

Reality blurred and sped up as Taichi and Itami vanished from the Stone District but all for a split second. Reality warped and became smudges of color blots until their feet were on solid ground. As Itami let Taichi go with a small shove sending the boy falling backward, Itami looked into his son's eyes filled with worry and confusion, Itami focused on the technique, His body crackling with biological electricity as his skin even started to blister and burn mildly.

Using this technique over this distance, and this fast in succession would kill anyone else if they even were capable of such techniques. Itami's dedication to the safety protocol he set up when Taichi was born wouldn't allow him to fail now. No matter the new scars he would gain; Having used this technique like this only once before was how he and his wife share their scars with their son who gained them as an infant.

Reality blurred once more hotter and more violent this time. Itami came to a crash landing inside the dwelling he had just left. ANBU grabbed his falling body and kept him upright. Without pause, he nodded to them and they brought him a small box that was navy blue. Taking it in his large hands he would open the box revealing an old and batted Iwagakure Headband. He tied it around his waistline and intertwined it with his sash. Under the headband were two pills. Itami took them in between his fingers and threw them into his mouth swallowing them.

Suddenly his body flexed, bulging muscle as the chakra pills instantly worked. " Help evacuate the district, Leaf is our alley send an emissary to them at once that there may be a ship of refugees on the way and inform them of the situation. Even I am not fully aware, and to be honest I don't care. Whoever is dumb enough to attack my village needs to be dealt with swiftly. So tell me where i need to go."

The ANBU knew not to mix words or hesitate; "Thunder Do..." Was all he got out before Itami had vanished. The room once again filled with smoke and heat thick enough to choke a shinobi out.

Shinsetsu na Yama "親切な山" (Kind Mountain)
Listen while you read~

Itami's technique would immediately focus on his old friend and ANBU Captain surely on the front lines of battle. As his focus tightened, Itami felt a waver in the flow of chakra indicating Endo was injured. Itami would suddenly and violently appear unknowingly between Endo and a being known as Shinomaru. Without hesitation in the same split second of appearing in front of Shinomaru. Itami's fist connected with his midsection with enough force to blow a hole through a solid steel plate. That chakra-enhanced strength wouldn't stop there, Itami was now under the impression these invaders had taken his wife. The whites of Itami's eyes overtook him as his other fist slammed into Shinomaru at nearly the same time as the first, both releasing a massive blast of explosive chakra that would melt the flesh from Shinomaru's body and impact the leech's head behind Shinomaru to the point of it being severed by sheer explosive waves of megaton force. As Itami's fists impacted Shinomaru's body his hands were already together forming the seals; Snake, Horse, Tiger, Rat, Dragon, Ox. Rhythmically and practiced Giving no breath of air or even time to think, Itami had completed the seals and screamed out; " Bakuton: Devastating Detonation! "

Itami's chakra which had been building up since his dwelling exploded outward, in the most violent and destructive explosion these beings would likely have ever witnessed. Itami's precise control of this technique allowed him to channel the explosion like a fine blade on, thousands of them. Shinomaru's body would be thrashed and gorged bloody and impaled broken and missing chunks of flesh if he could not move out of the way of the sudden and instant attack from the Kage of the Stone District. Itami would fight with everything he had to protect those in his district.

Location: Earth District
Post Order: Hanako -> Shinomaru->Itami-> Masaru -> Endo-> Yudoku
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Staff member

The adversaries crumbled like bowling pins under the onslaught of lethal projectiles hurled toward them. Masaru found the spectacle fascinating, as the demise of his foes brought a sense of satisfaction. The devastation in the stone district extended beyond Masaru; Hanako also contributed to the grim scene with her ruthless methods, escalating the casualties. Despite the efforts of the stone district defenders, the trio, accompanied by a colossal serpent, proved impervious. The massive creature lowered its head to allow Shinomori to land on its surface, intending to approach a fallen shinobi. However, Masaru's heightened senses detected a sudden disturbance ahead, prompting him to swiftly retreat on the serpent's body far back enough to avoid the blast radius. The ominous surge of potent chakra raised concerns, leading Masaru to anticipate a formidable threat.

As he withdrew with remarkable speed, Masaru wielded a kunai infused with ultra-vibrating chakra, executing the Flying Swallow technique. His shadow clones mirrored the action, while his haze clones strategically encircled the enemies. In mere seconds, a multitude of Masaru replicas formed a ring around the target, maintaining a significant distance. The explosive release used by Masaru's adversary became apparent after the blast initiated, revealing them as a Kekkei Genkai user. Now, the Takikage prepared to capitalize on this vulnerability, eager to witness how Shinomori would respond to the impending physical destruction unleashed by the man before them. "Oooo man's trying to cook out here hehe..."
Location: Earth District
Post Order: Hanako -> Shinomaru->Itami-> Masaru -> Endo-> Yudoku
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2
Last edited:




Listen while you read~

The Stone District :
The Gold Masked ANBU, an elite force meticulously chosen by Itami, moved with seamless precision as they dispersed throughout the tumultuous scene outside the UMF office. Their specialized mission: evacuate civilians from the impending chaos. Each member bore the weight of responsibility on their shoulders, knowing that the lives of those they saved rested in their swift and decisive actions.

As they vanished into the shadows, their sleek movements were a testament to their honed ninja skills. The pulse of urgency drove them to execute their tasks with a silent efficiency that spoke volumes about their training under the Tsuchikage. In the chaos that unfolded, the ANBU became a beacon of order, a force devoted to safeguarding the lives of non-combatants.

The single-use scrolls of boogie-woogie, a unique and invaluable tool bestowed upon them by Itami, played a pivotal role in their mission. With a simple activation, the ANBU could transport civilians to predetermined safe zones. The Grass District, with its serene landscapes, the bustling Technology District, and the familiar embrace of the Leaf District were the chosen refuges.

Each three-man squad operated like a well-oiled machine. Their communication was silent, their movements synchronized. As the first rays of chaos cascaded around them, the Gold Masked ANBU orchestrated a symphony of rescues, teleporting civilians to safety with a blink and a gesture. It was a dance of shadows and scrolls, a ballet of rescue that unfolded amidst the chaos, ensuring that those who couldn't defend themselves were swiftly transported away from the impending storm. The Gold Masked ANBU, in their silent vigil, became the unsung heroes of the moment, embodying the essence of protection and duty in the face of adversity. After Civilians were brought to safety, The ANBU would find themselves instantly sent to the Grass District, The Technology District and the Leaf District.

Grass District :
The Gold Masked ANBU materialized amidst the lush, vibrant landscape of the Grass District. The air carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the ominous task at hand. The tranquility that once defined the district had been replaced by an unsettling tension, and the ANBU wasted no time in assessing the situation.

Their primary objective in the Grass District was to locate the Kusakage, the leader of the region. The urgency of the missive demanded swift action, and the Gold Masked ANBU moved with silent determination through the swaying grass and verdant scenery.

Amidst the emerald hues of the Grass District, the ANBU encountered a seasoned shinobi who bore the insignia of the Kusakage. The air crackled with a sense of urgency as they conveyed the gravity of the situation and the sealed missive from the Tsuchikage.

Technology District :
The Gold Masked ANBU materialized in the heart of the Technology District, their silent presence concealed in the shadows. The air hummed with the sounds of advanced machinery and the occasional sparking of electrical currents. The once vibrant and innovative district now seemed to pulsate with an undercurrent of distress.
Amidst the evacuation efforts, the ANBU sought out key figures who could aid in the Tsuchikage's missive. The Tsuchikage's sealed message held the weight of urgency, and the Gold Masked ANBU knew that time was of the essence. They approached individuals who showed a command of technology, their minds racing to find the right allies to assist in the transmission of the vital message.

Leaf District :
The Gold Masked ANBU emerged in a secluded area known only to those with the highest clearance within the Hidden Leaf Village. The surroundings were familiar yet concealed, a testament to the strategic foresight of the Hokage. As the ANBU materialized, the unmistakable aura of the Hokage's chakra enveloped them.

In the heart of the Leaf District, tranquility still prevailed. The district remained untouched by the invading forces, offering a momentary reprieve from the chaos that unfolded in other regions. The Gold Masked ANBU, ever vigilant, sensed the watchful gaze of the Hokage upon them.

Their mission in the Leaf District held a dual purpose — assess the situation for potential assistance to the allied forces and relay the sealed missive from the Tsuchikage. The ANBU, adept in the art of silent communication, conveyed the urgency of the Tsuchikage's message. The Hokage's expression shifted, a brief flicker of concern, before a decisive nod acknowledged the need for swift action. The Hokage would know Itami and have had communications with him before hand. While not the most alliance assured method of getting information to the Leaf, it was the fastest.

Location: Earth District
Post Order: ANBU isolated encounter.
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3



Klink! Klink! Klink! Klink! Klink!

Metal of sharpened ninja tools could be heard clashing against his carbon veil as he amped up living heat from his kanabo. Reeling back his arm he'd unleash a heat wave hot enough to scorn the side of the eel, leaving a bubbling of flesh and blood. Noting more was coming he'd completely reel in his carbons and compressed what was remaining of his Sacred Tool into a firm holding heating the inside further until the blade was white like sunfire sinking deeper underground. evading danger he'd meditate beneath the surface.
The Steel in the ninja tools could be felt as they too were made of an earthily property, or rather his specialty metals. Due to all the dust kicked up in the air, he's now able to use a surface yet high end level of sensory that allows him to see his opponents through tonic vibration and earthily properties such as flesh or rather the carbon that every human has. With carbon he can sense people due to the carbon element within the human body, this allows him to read the momentum of his opponents and give foresight to spontaneous actions. Further compressing and molding his carbon veil he'd draw carbons that he'd instill beneath the village. Many have not known this other than the Tsuchikage but the village is rich with diamond due to his clan's need for the jewel to create special weapons using the richest and purest tamahagane. They're also used to give the weapon life like properties utilizing his lesser chakra nature, fire for techniques such as "Tonton: Carbon Fortress".


Utilzing the foreign seals native to his clan Rhino, Giraffe, & Alligator he'd shift the gear of his carbon from charging the innate heat that let off what was known as "White Strikes" to 2nd Gear of "Tonton: Carbon Armament" which kept the blade at a certain temperature while in combat, the longer the combat lasted the higher the heat would become. While this was heating he'd begin pulling the carbon until it formed carbon and diamond-like armor dense yet welter which he manages the weight lighter to his soul disposition manipulating the carbon from his body to the fortress. meaning it works as a suit of armor or guard. Taking no damage from the flashbang as he is blind his quick retreat got him to safety. The three opponents however were deemed skilled in their own right and weren't being taken lightly which was why he needed more time to complete his timely position. In the meantime he'd sign dog and ox using his other hand while the other built his living fire release into his kanabo to use "Tonton: Carbon Cataclysm". Noting the location of everything touching the ground he strategically moved from one end of the battlefield to where Masaru resided sending spikes of hardened carbon flying out of the ground precisely striking his clones and soloing the other main two targets both him and the hyuuga.

Awaiting for his opportunity to arise while in a race for time was his biggest challenge, for the two were going to be difficult to bind at once even for an anbu captain. His jobs usually work around stealth and soloing targets though he could be marked as a great contender for plus more members. Anyway, What's so special about the village's carbon is that it's kneaded with traces of his chakra which he heats molds shapes and fluxuates to his will. It holds the full extent of his abilities though he has yet to utilize all of the carbon at once he's used a third of it's full resource. This makes him have to use less chakra creating it from his body or sacred weapon and create more diamond like ninja tools.

Furthermore, having damaged his left arm from the explosion he'd use skin carbon and blood pills to stop the bleeding and assist the speed of the healing process. Recovering aswell he'd regenerate until he could move his arm properly again as the attack rippled shards of steel and gunpowder at his carbon veil. Though the damage wasn't too serious if he didn't heal it could make fighting the two of them more difficult.


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After helping to get as many villagers to safety as possible, Yudoku returns to the opening of the mountains that led back into district only to find the districts being completely destroyed. The monstrous beast in the distance, taller and bigger than most of the buildings in the whole of Stone District, sent chills down her spine. She couldn't let that rattle her though. She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart, quickly forming hand signs of a clan technique. Dragon-Clone Seal-Rat-Ram. Yudoku's eyes had changed. The pit of her eyes were now pitch black, the iris' were now gold rings and the whites of her eyes were now black. "Honey Style: Nectar Shield" This technique allowed her to control and manipulate honey nectar. Focusing a small amount of her chakra to the soles of her feet. She can easily change the density of the nectar that now allows her to bounce from building to building or stick to the building walls. If she was going to put it all on the line, there was one thing she had to do first. Quietly and stealthily, Yudoku jumps wall to wall through the darker allies west of where the onslaught continued in the outer village until she reaches the giant Black Cherry Tree in the Kamizuru compound. She wastes no time making the hand signs for an earth technique, "Rock Hive." At the base of the Black Cherry Tree, the earth created a hive made of rock, roots from the Black Cherry Tree coming up from the ground to wrap around the hive, attaching itself to the tree that provides the most pollen to bees.

This tree, when connected with Rock Hive, creates an open door between the animal world and our own. This was the the contract between the Kamizuru Clan and Queen Bee and her massive hive. With this connection in place, Yudoku's odds of survival have increased but will it be enough? Before leaving the compound, Yudoku surpresses her chakra as best she can. Who knows what kinda of techniques these monsters have.

~Listen While You Read :)~

Yudoku moves as quickly as she can, jumping from wall to wall. She needed to stay as undetected as possible until she figures out whose behind all this. She knows the more information she can get before being noticed will be crucial in surviving. Moving closer to the annihilation meant that the fog and smoke created by these invaders, was getting darker, and thicker. With a smirk, Yudoku grips both sides of the goggles on top of her head, pulling them down over her eyes. These weren't your ordinary goggles. They were designed and strictly used by members of the Kamizuru clan. Nigiyakana Yoru: Buzzing Night, are Night Vision goggles that provided its user to see clear as day, in the darkest of places. Bright like a warm summers day however the downfall was that Yudoku could see it all. Blood everywhere.
Jumping a few more houses, Yudoku lands on the side of a building and peers around its corner. The sight of carnage was met with what sounded like endless piercing scream. " it cant end like this." Yudoku looks desperately through the wreckage for those responsible, spotting a woman who looked familiar to her in the distance. Maybe a few km's away. "Wait.." There were 2 clones of her as well and with a second look her eyes widened. Yudoku didnt know her personally, but there wasnt a person in this district who didn't know her face and name. "H..Hanako Hyuga..?" Yudoku then spots a bright red eye on her forehead. "So this is why she was kidnapped... to be used as a puppet on her own people.. It's no use.. No matter what, i have to stop her."
Yudoku forms quick hand signs for another clan technique. "Genho Miminari: Bee Buzzing Illusion.." This Genjutsu technique is a summoning of 1000 bees, wasps and hornets all buzzing simultaneously. She sends them forward, each filled with a some of her chakra to carry out their task. Soon as they begin their journey, Yudoku moves her position to a building a little further back that had a second floor terrace, the wall tall enough to hide herself entirely. Cut outs along the top of the stone allowed her to see out while it was harder for other shinobi to see her. Yudoku watched as the swtarm of 1000 bees, wasps, and hornets get closer to the target, their buzzing in range of the Hyuga Puppet and her clones. If the target allows the buzzing to get too loud, it will start to cause hallucinations that will make hitting real targets and not phantoms harder. If it continues, motor skills will be targeted next. Then finally death if there's failure to break out of this Genjutsu.

Location: Earth District
Post Order: Hanako -> Shinomaru->Itami-> Masaru -> Yudoku
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


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Xaio Tendo Kusakage.jpg


In the skies above the Stone District, as plumes of smoke from the destruction below shroud the approaching white comet; in mere seconds as the sound of air folding against itself creating vibrations that form sonic disruptions in the air, this white vestige of heat and Nova like energy slammed into the land of stone and upon one of the destroyed buildings a good few kilometers away from the over sized eel. Upon impact with the buildings ruins debris scattered abroad, heated into molten slag as from the newly formed cloud of dust and ash a single blue glow emitted before alas strange white light formulated and erupted from the spot. In but a split second where the what seemed to be Hyuuga woman would be in confrontation with a shinobi of the Stone District. This eruptive force which quickly scattered the plume of dust and ash around the mysterious being swiftly soared through the swarm of bee's, scattering them due to the intensified heat around this white comet like vestige, and in that split second the visual appearance of the Kusakage of the Grass District had become known as he would drive his knee into the solar plexus of the Hyuuga woman, the speed in which the Kusakage was traveling through propelling acceleration would supersede the reaction time for the Hyuuga as Tendo Xaio's knee would drive upwards pushing the Hyuuga off her Feet and towards the air. Though this assault was not over as the feet of Xaio emitted a brilliant white glow propelling him once more past the Hyuuga's trajectory, his hands which now emitted this glow swiftly drove down with a sledgehammer assault towards the back of the hyuuga's upper spine directly between the shoulder blades with enough force and momentum being transferred this blow would send the Hyuuga diving into the soil of the Stone Districts damaged city. The velocity in which the hyuuga woman would travel would be of great speed causing the air around her to cone itself as if resisting any form of Air resistance until alas her body would crash down creating a mild crater in the soil.


Landing beside the Stone Konoichi Xaio spoke with a calm tone, his voice seeming charming yet confident, and yet if one took a better look upon the Kage of the Grass, they'd see that his left eye was a brilliant blue color whilst the right was his normal steel grey.​
"Do not worry... I used Non Lethal attacks on her. Subduing her was the optimal path. Now If you don't mind, please restrain her... I've been requested by the Tsuchikage for aid... And Personally; I've got some questions for the scum attacking..."
This Being said, the Kusakage utilizing his incredible natural speed vanished from the Konoichi's position, relocating himself upon a ruined building with view of the other two assailants and the Tsuchikage whilst remaining in coverage of the Smoke Plums and having safety from the Giant Eel. Here Xaio utilized the visual ability of his dojutsu, analyzing and watching the neural signals coursing from the brain through the nervous system of all three fighters as he spoke once more,​
"To think I'd get another chance to face you invading scumbags... And here I was minding my own business dealing with other matters... How Vexing."
His words echoing from the smokescreen caused by the destruction around, with his position hidden giving Xaio the position of secrecy as the once bright white glow faded away concealing his position in the shadows of smoke...

Location: Earth District
Post Order: Hanako -> Shinomaru->Itami-> Masaru -> Yudoku -> Xaio
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2



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With the combined efforts of both Masaru and the Hyuga woman, the fate of the carbon user was sealed. Ending with the shinobi being blow up and ultimately killed as his efforts to complete his movements for his attack fell victim to time. The explosives themselves were already dangerous but the shockwaves from the first only boosted the speed of the rest of the shuriken and kunai which only grew as the explosives went off. As a result, many of the kunai from Masaru will have pierced through the body of this unfortunate sand shinobi with 10x the force, meanwhile some of the fuma shuriken with bombs will have embedded themselves into his body before detonating and blowing his body spart in a series of devastating explosion. The look upon her face was one of excitement and it showed just as she began to laugh at the man who met his end in such a cruel but artistic fashion. With that, the first death of the invasion had been made and more bodies were only going to be added to that list.

Though outside of the dead man, Hanako and her clones were able to see everything else going on due to the byakugan being active. As such, one of the clones perfectly followed the movements of the little girl as she coated her Akali Kamas in water type chakra for more power and damage before launching them in her direction as she went through the alleyways. With the special seal on them as well, the clone controlled them with telekinesis simply by thinking which triggered the blades to move and chase down the girl. One following behind her as such rapid speeds equivalent to that of a normal child being chased down by a full speed super cheetah. The water chakra was not only spinning with the blades but it was thin and more condensed with made the water strong enough to cut through even stone like a knife through butter. Though, the moment the child attempted the next sequence of hand seals, the second Akali Kama will shoot up right from underneath her at double the speed of the previous one. The intentions here were to not only keep the child from attempting any more jutsu but it will definitely case her body to be sliced apart the blades managed to cut her, with the water chakra acting as extended blades of about 2 feet.

Meanwhile, the kusakage was already spotted the moment he showed himself within the village as she simultaneously made the seals (Tiger → Dog → Rat) with the seals being completed just as quickly as she begun them but with the final seal being made just as she was rushed by the man who had just appeared within the village. As such, when the man tried the knee strike on Hanako, he instead seemed to phase through her body and with no connection being made and no time ti fully prepare for another movement without destroying his own body. His fate as well was sealed with what was to come next. The moment, he phased through her body due to the afterimage clone technique; The Kusagake will be struck by the woman right in the solar plexus with her open palm gentle fist style, cutting off his source of chakra before speaking a single line as a large wave of chakra shot from her palm and sent the man crashing back with such force on top of having him being KO'd from the impact of the initial impact on top of the crashing through building the attack will have been sending him through.
Hanako: Eight Trigrams: Hazan Strike!​

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Location: Stone District
Post Order: Hanako → Shinomaru → Itami → Masaru → Yudoku → Xaio
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 1


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In the initial moments of the conflict, Shinomori's gruesome abilities manifested with swift brutality. The Anbu captain, Endo, found himself completely absorbed by the Necromancer. Every fragment of his being, from blood to body parts, merged into Shinomori's unholy amalgamation. As this macabre transformation unfolded, an unexpected change overcame Shinomori. His skin, once human, transformed into an eerie ebony, rendering it as unyielding as diamond. This unexpected metamorphosis added an additional layer of dread to the already terrifying presence of the Necromancer.

In a strategic dance orchestrated by Masaru's erasing capabilities and Shinomori's newfound resilience, they deftly avoided the explosive onslaught initiated by Tsuchikage Itami. The Explosive Release, once a formidable weapon, proved futile against Masaru's power, granting Shinomori the opportunity to create distance. Amidst the chaos, the collaborative efforts of the Kamizuru clan intensified the onslaught. Shinomori, looking upon the battlefield with a detached amusement, commanded his puppet, Hanako Hyuuga, to deliver the final blow. "Finish them off with everything you've got," he uttered, his voice devoid of emotion.

Executing a cunning maneuver, Shinomori enlarged leech that swiftly consumed both Masaru and himself, vanishing into the underground depths. With a blink, they disappeared from the battlefield, leaving their adversaries bewildered and the aftermath echoing with the haunting laughter of the Necromancer.

Location: Stone District
Post Order: Hanako → Shinomaru → Itami → Masaru → Yudoku → Xaio
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


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