Whirlpool District


Staff member


Whirlpool District


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Sumiko Uzumaki

With the earth shaking and her eyes shot open, Sumiko had found she had once again fallen asleep in the office, doodles of future plans and documents with the Helix Labs current production line up, Sumiko rubbed her eyes, a large yawn escaped her lips followed by an exaggerated stretch yet before she knew it the door had shot open.

Lady Uzumaki, we have a Class 1 emergency and no one else is responding.”

With the words ringing crystal clear, Sumiko had shot from her seat upward, revealing her impressive 5’5 stature, her short red Uzumaki hair, her plump lips and blue eyes, Sumiko hadn’t even had anything to eat yet and the day had already begun.

Alright, heading to sub level 1 now - proceed to remove all non-essential members of staff. I won’t risk a leak.”

At this point Sumiko and a younger woman had begun to walk toward the staircase leading to the sublevels of the Helix Lab, the sublevels of the lab consist of the company's darker aspects of drugs and tools.


With that, the woman darted off in the opposite direction, having taken note of everything Sumiko had said.

Sumiko had taken a short-cut down the endless depths of staircases by jumping down railing to railing, being on the top floor, she had to reach down 5 flights of stairs to reach ground, then 1 more to reach the sub levels- at this point the P.A System kicked in.

Could all non-essential staff members please vacate immediately at gathering grounds 3 please, thank you for your cooperation

Right on time, as the PA system had finished its announcement Sumiko had landed on the sub-level 1 before her is an empty hallway with flickering lights and distant screeching.

Each step Sumiko took sent echoes through the hallway, having reached the first set of doors leading into Sub level 1’s lab - Having taken a peek into the door - before she was revealed nothing but smoke and unconscious members of staff.

What happened here..?” Sumiko said to herself under her breath.

Having opened both doors, the smoke gushed outwards to escape, traveling upward and out some nearby windows, Sumiko covered her mouth and shut her eyes for this short period of time, before she knew it the smoke had escaped through the window, now the smoke had cleared, members of staff began to groan from discomfort.

What happened?!

Sumiko spoke, her words sharp, loud and fueled with anger.

The first to respond was a younger man whom had stood up promptly, bowing forward and closed his eyes as he spoke.

F-forgive me Director, I was attempting to mix your Healing tablets with the positive traits of the Middlemist red Camellia flower to amplify the effects and I used to much of your healing tablet and it overpowered the flower, burning it into a vapor that triggered the alarm, also locking us inside!

Sumiko had closed her eyes for a moment, while she is open to new ideas, perspectives and wouldn't dream to shut someone down, she simply exhaled, reopened her eyes and observed the room before her, while the lab isn’t minorly damaged the act of those panicking caused the damage.

Very well. But next time I will have someone supervise you, is that understood?” Sumiko spoke with compassion, respect and authority. He had a chance to prove himself yet needed disciplinary actions taken.

Y-yes Ma’am!” he bowed once more before following the repeated message of the PA system.

Sumiko took the moment to take a breather, before her lay an empty lab which will need to be quarantined for the day - so a day less of production needs to be on her list.

Oh man.. Can’t I get a break? I wish I could be somewhere else enjoying my day...” she spoke as if she was talking about someone in particular, enjoying time away from the Whirlpool district, seeing the locals and exploring the world...

"I'm just glad that didn't escape.." she spoke with a hint of fear and relief in her voice

Location: Whirlpool District, Helix Research Labs
Posting Order: Sumiko > ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days


Staff member

Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.





A week ago...
Mujin, Tenbo, and Ichijo had stood from the mental table in the genjutsu communication they were a part of. Mujin having walked past Tenbo in the real world left Ichijo and Tenbo alone for a while as he readied his belongings for a journey. He had no idea what this adventure would entail how it would unfold, or if he would even return. The following night there was a discussion of change within leaf, Mujin nodded at the news and continued. Allowing himself one more somber night in his bed, Mujin would wake shower, and eat a final breakfast in the kitchen he knew so well.

He often woke before others and was out the door before guards shifted their duties to the next. He had left a small note behind saying he was going on a mission to find out the source of the ones invading and that all information he found would be sent to the Hokage.

Finally, at the gates of the village, Mujin deactivated his Sharingan and entered a suppressed chakra state. He was one of the best at this skill, serving him for years upon years. When Mujin wished it, he was a ghost, unable to be detected. Closing his eyes and taking his belongings into a sealed scroll he would walk forward. No need for flashy goodbyes or farewells, no, Mujin knew other things were going on in the village that allowed him this distraction. He would return, one day, maybe.

The week that followed was filled with Mujin training his new eyes once he was out of the Leaf District, coming across beasts ready to protect their territory, Mujin learned how to control his Mangekyo powers even further. Tsukiyomi and another ability, he was gaining information from the tidbits of lore and history Ichijo had shared with him. Mujin was a famed shinobi and always made sure to cover the evidence of the eyes' manifestation and use of power.



The forest of the Whirlpool district was not unlike Konohagakure's Similar structure and color, yet more dense, as if there was a natural lifeforce here that supplemented those who lived in this place. Mujin's eyes were as black as his clothes, and his tinge of blue hair now let loose and no longer held up high. He walked with no chakra signature, no tell of where he came from or who he was. No Uchiha logo or Leaf badge to show his true identity. He was simply a sage-looking man now wandering the road towards the main district. The path he took to get here was chaotic and often led him to backtrack his route, checking, and making sure he was not followed. There was no one and nothing, apart from maybe Ichijo that would be able to find him.

Finally, the gates of the Whirlpool District were before him at the end of the road. Mujin didn't know what he would find here, or who. He simply had a curious feeling about the district of tides. There were a lot of Uzumaki sprouting up and it drew him to the location. The only one he knew of even slightly was Tentai, a mysterious Uzumaki he never had the chance to learn much about in his home district in the Leaf. Two bells on the brim of Mujin's long robes would chime as he shifted his weight to proceed forward.

The chiming of the bells alerted Shinobi guards from the District of Whirlpools, they stood on guard but were lax. They couldn't detect chakra from the man known as Mujin. So as he approached they simply asked where he was coming from.

"Hello fair shinobi of Whirlpool, My name is Jinnosuke, and I'm looking for my family we were split up in the recent attacks on the Rain District. I was wondering if you had a spare room for a night or two. " Mujin's ability to deceive was unversed if you failed to bear the Sharingan of your own or other methods. He seemed like he fit the part and with little worry, the two guards might let the man enter the district. He would spend a few hours walking around and getting familiar with the district if let in.


Location: Forests of the Whirlpool District.
Posting Order: Mujin Uchiha →
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
