Ouza Island

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Within seconds following the moment Okikurmi issued his orders, the overall shinobi population of Ouza Island - every last one of them - were on full alert. All three-hundred of them. This number included the twenty Genin, ten Chunin, and six Jonin assigned to guard their lord's estate for the day, which was really more along the lines of a castle - how or where it got there was unknown since it had been there even before the Kitsune first laid claim to the island nation one-hundred years ago. As such, there had been no hiding their lord's place of residence - but it also meant nobody could actually enter the building and go unnoticed... Not for long. Even the area surrounding the home of Okikurmi was constantly kept under close observation, with nobody ever making it known just how well protected the leader's throne was - until today.

The four intruders stalking around their king's castle, unfortunately, were familiar enough with tropical surroundings due to their own training to have gone unnoticed so long as they kept their chakra suppressed and didn't enter the 50-meter clearing between the walls of the castle from any direction and the wilderness.

However, it was a very different situation in the harbor that four impostors had been reported to be spotted in. As time went on and the storm got increasingly worse, a GHOST operative - more specifically, one of the only four ANBU-level personnel on the entire island and the only female among that number - signaled to an unseen team of Jonin that those same impostors were headed into town. The violent downpour was enough to completely soak through the populace's clothes in five seconds at the very longest by this point, which meant those same clothes would begin clinging to people's skin which was a welcome thing considering the heat and humidity that the island nation normally had to deal with. To the civilians and anyone else not aware of the situation, life went on as usual. Business was conducted between the locals and the people they traded with regularly, prices being haggled and everything else that came with being primarily a seafaring trade nation.

Ouza Island may have had a policy of isolation, but they were not so distrusting of the world around them - the shinobi of the other nations, to be more specific - that it extended to participation in the Chunin Exams and trade from Civilians. And civilians loved to gossip, which meant Ouza Island not only had a steady and constant source of information, but were also kept entirely up-to-date with the events of the world around them. And in the world of ninja, even the most insignificant morsel could prove critically important later on down the line. It was that same level of isolation built on distrust of the other nations' shinobi that allowed the natives that worked on the docks to immediately notice the four additional Kitsune that they all knew had never been there before, let alone worked on the docks before - it didn't take a genius to realize that they'd been infiltrated, and the shinobi present knew enough to know that where there was one team, there was always at least one more. Hence the earlier message sent to their king.

As a result, in the dark underbelly of the thriving populace known only to those who dwelled in the shadows and all but lived in them, there was a dark and sinister game afoot. Imposters who believed themselves to be the predators were walking through the streets and placing their marks, heedless of the beast they'd awoken - unaware that they'd made themselves targets of the true predators... Predators that had no intention of letting their prey think themselves superior in a land not even their own - that they'd dared to disguise themselves as natives of, and think they would thus go unnoticed. These four would be set upon by a team of four Jonin, the same that had been signaled to by a GHOST operative These Jonin's chakra would be suppressed as they followed their targets, taking advantage of their own superior knowledge regarding he layout of the markets, alleys, and every other corner of this port town.

Finally, in the forests, it had been all too easy for a second four-man squad of Jonin to spot a second squad of intruders. However, instead of immediately engaging them due to the simple fact that this set of invaders had made no secret of their identity as ANBU, the four Kitsune had opted to remain concealed, with one of them discreetly sending a written message back to their lord confirming his suspicions: That Ouza Island had indeed been compromised by no fewer than four ANBU and to expect more than that. The message also said that it was highly recommended to send their fastest bird requesting immediate assistance from the Hokage.

While writing and sending that message, this team of their Satoosa's elite had opted to observe the opposing ANBU from a distance, making use of the raging storm overhead to silently maneuver themselves to get behind them, unseen and unnoticed. Getting the feeling that these ANBU wouldn't be so easy to subdue and apprehend, the leader of this particular squad of Jonin would test the waters by taking out a single kunai, which would then be thrown at the back of the neck of the ANBU closest to him, making sure to angle it so that the harsh winds curved its path to still hit its intended target if he was wrong about it most likely being a trap. Just in case there was at least a barrier in place, he had first attached a smoke bomb to the ring of that same kunai. Once it detonated, the winds spreading the already vast cloud of smoke around to cover a much wider area and thus depriving both parties of their ability to see over a considerable distance in all directions, he and his team would descend to the ground below them in a diamond formation, the lead Jonin prepared to move himself in front of the ANBU if they tried to make a run for it. The Jonin in the back would then begin moulding chakra into her nine tails, while the two operatives on the sides began moulding chakra for a collaboration Genjutsu... What this group of Ouza Island's finest intended to do in order to handle this situation if it came to a fight was for the invaders to find out.

Meanwhile, Okikurmi once again sat up straight in his seat after receiving another message from his ninja, and read it with a heavy frown on his face... It was exactly as he'd feared. History was fully intent on repeating itself after seventy years. As such, he would heed the counsel of the Jonin who had sent him this message, and would see to it that the man received a hefty bonus for his initiative once this matter was dealt with. Standing from his seat, the Satoosa would use the [Flash Step Technique], disappearing in a small flicker of movement and reappearing an instant later in the room that held the island's messenger birds. He went straight to what he knew was the fastest falcon they had on hand, and hastily wrote a message addressed directly to the Hokage that read as follows:​

To Suzaku Goka, Lord Hokage of Konohagakure

I apologize for sending you a second missive so soon following the first one I sent earlier today, unless it hasn't yet reached you. However, time is of essence. I and Ouza Island as a whole respectfully request your assistance with due haste. My land has been infiltrated, and unfortunately, I cannot say for sure who's responsible, or what their purpose is for invading the home of my people when we have done nothing to warrant such. Ouza Island is only about as big as Iron District, and it's a matter of debate whether it's bigger than Nagi Island or not. As such, we have no such forces capable of invading another nation, especially not on our own - such is also simply not our way. Furthermore, my land's village of Yokugakure was founded by myself with the sole intention of having a proper force to defend ourselves with, nothing more nor less. Do with this information as you will. In return for your timely aid if that be your decision, I would like to discuss the possibility of a more long-term agreement between our respective nations.

Okikurmi Kitsune
Sovereign Monarch of Ouza Island
Satoosa of Yokugakure

It was only after Okikurmi had finished writing the message down into a scroll which was then securely fastened into a scroll-sized holster attached to the falcon's back in a way that didn't restrict its movements that the bird would fly off, making sure to ascend as high as it could in order to avoid being shot down by ninja while flying due east as fast as it could, having no intention of stopping for anything until it reached its destination - the Hokage's office in Konohagakure. Okikurmi himself could only hope that this would finally get the major nations to understand that Ouza Island was the furthest thing from a threat.

Once again using the [Flash Step Technique], Okikurmi would then quickly make his way to the forests, easily spotting a dense cloud of smoke and figuring that's where the team that reported to him was at. Even in this weather, the senses of he and his kind were trained enough to be able to tell friend from foe, so he was able to make his way around the confirmed hostiles by jumping right over them, landing in the center of his squad's diamond formation a couple meters behind the two Jonin on the sides. Only then did his use of the Body Flicker Technique cease, which allowed him to properly read the situation depending on how things had gone since he received the message of the Kitsune right in front of him.​

"That was splendid initiative Captain. Once this mess is dealt with, I'll personally see to it that you and your team get a proper bonus in your paycheck. But first, I do have questions for these younglings... Who are you working for, and why are you invading us? What is it that you stand to gain from it outside of a strategic position that grants direct entry to every other nation by sea travel? We're a small nation, in fact we're not even a threat to any of the major nations or the minor nations. We are and have always been primarily a merchant nation that just as primarily makes its living off of seafaring trade, but aside from that we prefer to keep to ourselves. We've never even once involved ourselves in the conflicts you humans love to have on the mainland for the past one-hundred years, so why would we start now? Why should we start now, for that matter? Why is it you humans seem to love forcing our hand like you did seventy years ago?"

It was very obvious who Okikurmi was speaking to after he said he had questions and blatantly questioned the ANBU's ability to think and consider the consequences of their actions before acting first, with his men being even more on guard than they were before now that their lord was present and had seen fit to deal with the situation personally. The Satoosa's own posture and expression were calm... Far too calm to promise anything good for the invading ANBU if they either dared attempting to attack him or gave him the wrong answers - or simply refused to answer at all. The entire time he spoke to the ANBU, he was flaring his intent and will, focusing them entirely on the opposing four individuals with his arms folded in front of his chest. He would get his answers, one way or another.

Okikurmi had also hinted at a daunting advantage being in his people's favor: He and his forces had been training for this very moment for seven entire decades.

The entire process for all of this took less than five minutes, with Okikurmi personally making an appearance at the five-minute mark. If the team in the port town was successful in getting the drop on the other team of invaders that they were aware of - with the Jonin's chakras no longer being suppressed regardless of whether it worked or not, but if it did, that would hopefully be one team of ANBU subdued half a second later - time that the Jonin used for moulding chakra. The ANBU would then find themselves fully paralyzed by paralysis seals and their chakra locked via chakra suppression seals. Both seals were intertwined into a single seal, and the specific method being used was direct application via technique formulas, removing the need for paper seals. Otherwise, the Jonin were fully prepared to fight to defend their home. However, regardless of whether they were successful, no fewer than eight additional squads (a total of thirty-two additional Jonin, the rest of the island's elite forces) would be searching every inch of the island for any form of tampering, anything that shouldn't be there, by tracking the ANBU's scents and using their keen eyes to search every literal inch for anything even remotely out of place. Whatever they missed would be picked up on by the extra fourteen squads backing them up, these all being the small island nation's more experienced Chunin. Any markings found would be burned, and anything dug up would be sealed away.

Two-thirds of the invaders (with the third team having taken the correct steps to go unnoticed by instead not being so foolish as to attempt to blend in with the native population, or go the route of the team that fully gave themselves away except for their village affiliation) had severely underestimated the elite forces of Ouza Island. Less than half a day, not even six hours at that, was not in any way long enough for any first-time visitor to become familiar enough with a place with such an overall drastically different economy and way of life to go undetected for long - especially with such suspicious behavior that was blatantly obvious compared to essentially every other soul that called the island home or regularly visited for some reason or another, but were never hostile. In other words, most of the shinobi that had dared to think they could infiltrate their kingdom had failed whatever their true objective was from the very beginning.

In the meantime, at exactly the five-minute mark when Okikurmi graced the field with his presence, the only four ANBU-level personnel that Ouza Island had would begin using their clan's [Flash Step Technique], intent on converging on his location as fast as they could. After all, if he fell, then Ouza Island was as good as lost, and nobody wanted to even think about the aftermath.
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Location: [The forest of Ouza Island]
Posting Order: Kumogakure ANBU -> Ouza Island
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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[TEAM 1]

Anbu were often the dagger in the night that came to silence the enemies of their nation’s government. However in this case there was something more afoot they observed from a distance almost like a ceaseless watcher. Their mask nestled perfectly against their faces and even as they laid in wait preparing for things to kick off elsewhere in grand fashion and kick off they did. The thing about ANBU of any major nation let alone ANBU in general was the fact at just how adept they were in their studies as shinobi, let alone their specialized fields. In the case of the four Anbu that decorated the landscape just outside of the kage’s manor. In the grand scheme as things began to unfold all over the island these shinobi in question would merely wait to disclose their location when they did however it would be nigh undeniable just how skilled they were in their endeavors…

Meanwhile at the harbor…

[TEAM 2]

The harbor was the star of the show in this operation as a whole. It was all about the cat and mouse game to a group of hunters like the Kumoi and with the aid of Takeuchi the traps were perfectly laid to reveal such a sinister endeavor. The entirety of the docks let alone the very shinobi that found themselves attempting to lay waste to those who lurked amongst their people would find something far worse lying in wait. In fact it would be as if the silence that befell the docks became much more apparent. The team of four that decorated the docks in unison let off a single clap per person pulling back the pierced veil of secrecy that came with the very essence of ANBU itself. It was as if a church bell tolled and with that came the reality of these shinobi’s situation as a whole. Those of the ANBU team that had been stationed at the docks would vanish from the sight of the jonin team that had set upon them. In fact the roles would be reversed in its entirety as everything was laid to bare for the jonin and the populace that decorated the docks like a freshly painted canvas. The same Jonin that found themselves descending upon the team would find the roles reversed with arms wrangled behind their backs. This wasn’t because their hopeful stealth operation was thwarted in the traditional sense but rather they had succumbed to the likes of a genjutsu. This included the Ouza island Anbu that found themselves directing the team from the shadows as a whole. This wasn’t just a simple means of laying a trap for the opponent but rather an elaborate and well thought out ploy that had been in play effectively since their arrival.

When the ANBU team clapped their hands in unison with one another things would become more apparent. It would be as if every drop of lightning and thunder befell the docks once again. A thunderous upheaval would come to the heart of the docks as if a flashbang had gone off in the eyes of the Kitsune. The entirety of the dock from those simply minding to themselves and the shinobi who found themselves to counteract this would-be invasion could find that they had fallen unconscious. If there was one thing that made a hunter great at their job it was the ability to play the long game. The Kumoi and the Takeuchi tasked with handling the docks were just that, the patient hunters. They knew in the long run that they would inevitably be spotted and sought after however it mattered not to them only because these people had been caught in their trap from the very beginning. The people working the docks and even the shinobi in question had failed to properly defend themselves against it and as a result the ANBU concealed amidst the people would now be amidst a pile of unconscious corpses.

The signs had already been there and in fact had been rather obvious from beginning to end. The rain wasn’t making any noise, in fact upon closer examination prior to this encounter everything about the situation in the harbor was awry. The rain was quite literally going sideways not merely coming across the structures in sheets but coming from thin air as if the clouds had gone across the horizon. The thunder that came never made a sound when lightning struck and even more over the voices of the people seemed to be sucked from the ambient noise of the busy harbor as a whole. A genjutsu long in the making and yet it went unhindered for what was inevitably the climax of this symphony of shinobi performance. Just as quickly as the trap was sprung was just as quickly as the squad would dissolve into nothingness. Their images going up in nothing but a blur in the true downpour of rain that met their forms. As for those of Ouza island that decorated the docks with their slumbering corpses they would find their senses dulled and their bodies unstirred from the sensation of rain. The squad on the docks had now pressed their advantage; however , rather than all pursuing the same rendezvous point with the openly exposed team, one individual had gone elsewhere, his feet planted among the stirring ocean.

[TEAM 3]
The team that was openly exposing themselves to the watchful gaze of their opponents were no slouches. That much was a given and should have been the tell tale sign something was a miss with the operation at hand for those of Ouza island. When those of Ouza island found themselves maneuvering around to the rear of the squad of anbu they would find themselves stepping whole heartedly into a trap. The team that had been trekking through the forest to the beat of their own drum had been making it a point to leave their mark on the terrain. Their mark being seals effectively functioning as tripwires to those who thought themselves more predators than prey. The jonin that found himself sneaking around to get the drop on them would find himself met with the confines of a barrier. His image going up in cerulean hue in the same motion that he threw his kunai. What came next however was the very definition of efficiency as the trap was sprung and the kunai came hurtling into their group one could find that the intended target had already moved at the activation of the barrier trap. The smoke bomb tied to the kunai would indeed go up as intended but rather than merely disorienting the group of four one could find they would use this shroud of cover to continue their operations.

The Kumoi members in the squad let off a series of muffled clicks from beneath the confines of their mask to signal to begin. These individuals were choosing combat over simply observing and that was fine for the squad of ANBU involved in the altercation; it was what they were recruited for after all. The Kumoi effectively running a protection front for the Takeuchi that worked with them as the shroud of smoke settled into effect concealing the motions of the Takeuchi members in their entirety. Hands silently clasped together and hand seals formed. This group descended on the members of this Anbu squad in hopes of catching them off guard but in fact each and every one of them had walked right into a trap. Surely if these people could tell they were ANBU they would know such simple tactics wouldn’t work on them. Each member of the squad surged their chakra in order to thwart any attempts at methods of illusion as they simultaneously used this opportunity to erect a barrier over the entirety of both squads. However what would come next was what made the Takeuchi such formidable members of the village's barrier team. The barrier didn’t take more than a second to reach totality with two shinobi working on it simultaneously the end result was that every member of the Ouza island team tasked with engaging this squad of Anbu would be left in a cerulean jail of chakra. Had they been incapable of breaking the barrier via the appropriate means they would find themselves being segregated within individual prison cells. This was through the use of the clan’s World Enclosure technique while openly a defensive jutsu for clansmen they are capable of using it in a variety of ways to ensure their safety by manipulating the faculties of their barriers.

This series of cells would include none other than their leader Okimuri who in a feat of instinctual greed of the hunt came to descend upon the shroud of smoke all the same as his own combatant. Had he not been capable of escaping the World enclosure all the same as his squad of shinobi he would find himself firmly sealed within a cerulean cube much like everyone else involved in the encounter. The initial barrier erected covered the entirety of the smoke cloud and the diamond formation a sum of about 20 meters or so through height, width, and length. Had everything gone according to plan their could find that no ill intent befell him in fact The Kumoi and Takeuchi clansmen alike would be standing in front his position holding up a prewritten message neatly calligraphed onto a scroll. It would read as such “You can’t win this battle. The entirety of Ouza island is already under a weapon our design far beyond what you would ever be able to stop in time. We are not here to cause you harm unless absolutely necessary. Surrender and listen to our demands or you nor your people will make it to the next day.” Had everything not gone according to plan however and these individuals had instead opted to fight it out the Kumoi that accompanied them would be more than ready to strike with a level of efficiency unheard of by most.

The team from the docks had gone in 4 separate cardinal directions getting in position to deliver the nail in the coffin should everything not be smoothed over as intended. If one thing was certain about the level of efficiency that came with being ANBU in the district they hailed from, it was the fact that the very woman in charge ensured her people embodied the very ego of survival of the fittest. In the end it was a matter of do or die for the people of Ouza island and it all boiled down to what exactly their leader Okimuri decided for his people. These individuals were willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause but was the leader of this island willing to do the same?

Location: [The forest of Ouza Island]
Posting Order: Kumogakure ANBU -> Ouza Island
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II


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As it became apparent that the whole of Ouza Island had been outplayed and outmatched from the beginning, Okikurmi and his team could do nothing as they themselves were rendered captive. The Satoosa himself, despite wanting nothing more than to make a slaughter of their seeming captors for the humiliation, knew better and signaled for the rest to stand down after reading the clearly prewritten message - even at this distance he could tell that the ink had long since dried. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew that he and his people were beaten. And he wasn't about to needlessly throw their lives away.

Before he spoke, Okikurmi would cease to flare his intent and impose his will. He also took a moment to consider the words that were written, and then considered the raging storm above their heads - a storm that seemed to become more vicious by the minute. Would that his own people could command the lightning within, or else he wouldn't most likely need to sacrifice his people's freedom. With a heavy sigh and his shoulders sagging with an invisible weight, Okikurmi dropped his head before once again looking towards the invading shinobi.​

"... Heavy is the crown, eh. Very well, speak your demands. But know that with one of our own having been transferred to Konohagakure earlier today, thus opening a line of communication between myself and the Hokage, I cannot in good conscience agree to anything without first informing him at the very least. Especially not since I've already sent a bird several hours ago requesting talks for a more long-term agreement, and am currently awaiting his answer. I apologize, but my hands are tied."

Those were the words Okikurmi spoke, his sincere words making it known to these invaders that regardless of whoever they were sent by, it wasn't just him alone who would need to be informed of whatever their demands were. He was also smart enough to leave out the fact he had sent yet another bird addressed specifically to the Hokage mere minutes ago requesting assistance and reaffirming his interest in a more permanent agreement.​

"Ah, but this is hardly the place for such talk. If it's all the same, I would discuss this further in my office. Again, I apologize, but it's politics that keep me from being able to agree to anything at the moment. Right now, the most I can do for you is hear your demands and depending on the Hokage's response which I should receive within the week, arrange to possibly include your leader in those talks. Is that satisfactory? I seek a bloodless solution to this, same as you. Preferably one that benefits everyone involved, considering the times being what they are."

In the meantime, that selfsame second bird that the reigning Satoosa sent had gone entirely unnoticed and successfully left the range of whatever it was the invading shinobi had that was geared to most likely wipe the island nation off the map if the Satoosa refused to comply with whatever their demands were. It was also high enough and flying fast enough to have long since left the range of any jutsu.
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Location: [The forest of Ouza Island]
Posting Order: Kumogakure ANBU -> Ouza Island
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Despite the rain being a torrential downpour this didn’t stop them from continuing their negotiations. They weren’t planning on moving Okikurmi or even letting him out of his chakra leaden prison to continue. They would merely unravel the scroll even further to reveal the rest of the anticipated dialog. They didn’t care what he actually had to say but it was a matter of speeding up the process. His options were either to agree to the conditions presented or suffer the fate of eradication. They weren’t going to wait around for the answers of the hokage, let alone give them the opportunity to find out about the matter at all. The man and his hopes of letting loose a messenger falcon in hopes of getting out a message about what was happening here was ill planned. The bird had indeed made some distance along the way but unfortunately for both the bird and the man in question things had not gone according to plan. The bird had indeed its may out to sea in hopes of reaching its destination with great haste but the team at the docks was already at sea assuming an effective perimeter around the island with only four people. The bird inevitably crossed the path of said waiting team amidst the rocky surface of the water only to be met with the same fate as Okikurmi, a cerulean cube neatly enclosing the bird as it headed along its path. It was the reality of being an Anbu operation. Everything was carefully orchestrated from start to finish. In the end even if the bird had escaped it wouldn’t matter all this figure knew was that he was under siege; it was the panicked nature of a captured beast after all, crying for help in hopes of saving its betters.

Even if the bird had in fact managed to escape capture it wouldn’t truly matter to the Anbu team involved as far as the rest of the world was concerned Ouza Island was an extension of Nagi island a much more prominent space for the five villages. The message on the scroll being presented to Okikurmi read as such. “You’re now under the jurisdiction of the Cloud district. You aren’t slaves and you’re free to do as you wish but understand that this is for the betterment of both you and the aforementioned. If you fail to comply you will be eradicated with haste. Any attempts to rebel will be met with a similar fate. You will receive aid and funding like any other nation under a district's protection as needed.”

They were not only wearing no means of identifying their mother nation but in fact. Upon closer examination one could find they were dressed as the leaf’s anbu did. Their simple gray flak vest being a dead giveaway at that fact alone along with their animal themed mask. Perhaps if the man being held in place was paying closer attention he would’ve noticed such an important detail. In the end had everything gone according to plan and the man agreed to negotiations in question the Anbu team standing before him would go up in smoke just as quickly as lightning struck their position a means of body flicker secluded by the elements. The teams of Anbu that had come to Ouza island to lay claim to its soil were gone just as quickly as they had arrived. Like lightning dancing across the skies their images were gone in a flash.

Location: [The forest of Ouza Island]
Posting Order: Kumogakure ANBU -> Ouza Island
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II

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Unknown to the invaders, even though they had stopped the second bird Okikurmi had sent, he had not been lying about having sent one earlier that day. So it was really of no consequence. Furthermore, as the Satoosa heeded their demands, he mulled them over in his head, something that was obvious to all that could see him. On a political and military level, the pro's vastly outweighed the con's, at least at a glance. As he'd mentioned in the letter he'd sent to each of the five Kage with each of those letters still being in the process of being delivered as they spoke, land and resources were things that Ouza Island needed. Badly.

Taking a closer look at the ANBU that had invaded his land, he noted that they wore the uniform of Konoha. However, this only made his eyes narrow - he was no fool, and as such didn't believe for one second that Konoha would bear the word of another nation, much less one that had closed off its borders. A team of Chunin and Jonin would have served just as well for that regardless of what nation the message came from. He and his kind were clever and had the brains to see through such deception. However, in the end it didn't matter which nation was responsible - the result would have been the same. He ran a small island and, not including himself, only had a total of three-hundred ninja at his disposal, and less than half of those had any real experience worth mentioning.

All he knew for a fact, in his mind, was that Leaf District couldn't be responsible for it - Okikurmi had already met Suzaku personally when transferring his son to Konohagakure, and the man had come off as the type of leader who would sooner deal with this kind of thing himself, especially for something so simple, and thus didn't truly require this level of secrecy. Suzaku was simply too direct for this level of subtlety as far as the much older Kitsune knew. But before he continued and got too carried away with his thoughts, the Satoosa would take a deep breath and look each of the ANBU in the eyes, his gaze cold enough to give even them the distinct feeling that promised naught but death and destruction if they broke whatever deal came out of this on their end. It was time to give them the answer that would decide the fate of his people.​

"I have no idea who you people are or where you come from, but I know you're not truly Konoha ANBU. I've met the Lord Hokage, and he's the furthest thing from subtle I've ever met in all the one-hundred years I've lived. He'd have come here himself and made the same demands you're making, and nobody would have been able or willing to stop him. Not even me. But that's neither here nor there - you came here for an answer, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were ordered to keep me here until I give it. So here it is: Cloud District shall have the full cooperation of Ouza Island and her people - but let it be noted that the only reason I'm doing this is because as a leader, as a person, and as a shinobi, I have no desire to see my people brought to extinction."

It was only to be expected. As much as he hated the very idea of being under the thumb of anyone else, with he and his kind having made their own fate almost entirely on their own for the past century, he hated the prospect of their freedom coming at the price of extinction even more. "Liberty or Death" indeed, but this time those two things may well be one and the same. He hated it, but he had no choice.
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Location: [The forest of Ouza Island]
Posting Order: Kumogakure ANBU -> Ouza Island
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Staff member

Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.