Mist District

Hyogagetsu Bus(reize for post)t.png


Hyogagetsu felt the suffocating intensity emanating from the Swordsmen of the Mist, particularly Yumaro's palpable irritation. The cold demeanor of his brother Higetsu, along with Yumaro's dismissive aura, made Hyogagetsu feel insignificant. His initial enthusiasm and joy upon seeing his brother quickly turned into a pouty expression, his head hanging low in disappointment.

"Hyoga," Higetsu's voice cut through the air, cold and firm. "Instead of worrying about Mother, focus on the mission that's coming your way soon."

Hyogagetsu nodded, his face reflecting a mix of hurt and determination. "Yes, brother," he agreed, his voice barely above a whisper. He could sense the heavy burden his brother carried, the spirits of their predecessors urging him to retrieve the missing half of Hiramekarei. The injustice inflicted upon the village was a fire in the eyes of the Kirigakure shinobi, and Hyogagetsu felt its burn too.

As Higetsu withdrew his hand and turned to leave with the other swordsmen, Hyogagetsu noticed Kuro returning to the village. Kuro's presence was a stark contrast to the others; his expression was focused and urgent. Hyogagetsu watched as Kuro, after receiving whispered information, began to backtrack, indicating a sudden change in plans.

Hyogagetsu's curiosity and determination flared up. He wondered what could be so urgent to pull Kuro back to the Mizukage’s Mansion. Despite his brother’s earlier words, Hyogagetsu felt an undeniable pull to find out more. He took a deep breath, his resolve strengthening.

Stepping away from the gate, he approached Ryou and Inokoo. "I need to see what's happening. Kuro was called back to the Mizukage’s Mansion. This could be important and thats probably where I should go to retrieve my next mission."

Ryou exchanged a glance with Inokoo before nodding. "Alright, Hyoga. We'll accompany you. But be cautious."

With his guards by his side, Hyogagetsu followed the path Kuro had taken. His mind raced with possibilities, each step solidifying his determination to understand the unfolding events. He knew that proving his worth was more than just training; it was about being proactive and understanding the bigger picture.

As they approached the Mizukage’s Mansion, Hyogagetsu felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He was ready to face whatever awaited him, driven by the need to protect his village and honor his family's legacy.

Hyōgagetsu(resize for post).png

Location: Kirigakure Gateway
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Hyogagetsu→ Yumaro → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​




I suppose it really could have been worse…

The gulls had cawed their way around the shores of the Land of Water for hours as the day set in. Crashing waves wading onto the rocks below lifting the great village from its seabed estate, leaving nothing out to be gazed upon except for the beautiful blue-green tint of the Uzu Ocean. Such calm can only be seen after the tumultuous events that passed through the land not long ago. An unfortunate happenstance for any who stood to protect the village, although it still stood, no one knew the true cost of such survival. Some even rejected it with all that they had lost. There were however few who were away from the village at that time due to being out on a long term mission, some returned home to less family than they had when they had left. Others returned with none to grieve at all. There was a record sadness, even for Kirigakure’s history, that all truly felt such gloom. All around within the Land of Water as memorials, lights and sights of families gathered to pay their respects to the fallen men, women and ninja who were caught in the crossfire of this terrible tragedy bowed their heads in silence for days on end to properly send off the dead. The traumatic events put the Mizukage herself into A small state of hibernation, with no one knowing her whereabouts.

Sailing over the horizon of the ocean, what would appear to be a large island, with lush trees and even a small sized Mountain towards the back end. Even more so curious, the island was moving ever closer to Kirigakure. What a strange occurrence, as there could be no possibility for any land mass to be alive, much less mobile and sailing through the treacherous waters of the Uzu Ocean. There could only be one explanation, as the island was only inhabited by one particular ninja. deep within the lush forestry upon the moving terra firma, moved a ninja who swiftly made his way to the very top of the tallest tree he could find. Brimming his fingers over his eyebrows so as to be able to properly gaze upon the home he had left. Part of him wishes he was there to defend the village he grew up in, but based on its current physical outward appearance, the messages sounded more grim than what he expected to be greeted with. Within minutes, the moving island made land upon the edge of Kirigakure upon its desolate beaches. Leaping off the large island back onto home soil, he looks back at it and waves it off as if he were saying goodbye to a friend. It wouldn't be long after, the landmass quickly turned and sailed back out into open water, and sunk down deep into the ocean as if it longer existed.

Aōi Yuki has come home.

The Chūunin ranked ninja then made his way deeper into the village. With the conclusion of his mission, he would need to debrief the Mizukage of its success and outcome, and to potentially receive orders or instructions as to what his next mission will pertain to. Before arriving back home to Kirigakure, he was informed by the Hunter-nin who were searching for all journeyman level ninja to update them on the status of the village. Even vaguely, Aōi has an idea of what to expect. But even then, that expectation had a vast baseline. Flickering his body without haste, he would quickly make his way to the Mizukage Office and receive his next set of orders.​

Location: Kirigakure Outskirts → Mizukage Office
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Hyogagetsu→ Yumaro → Higetsu → Aōi Yuki (?)
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: lll
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The top of a tower, veiled in thick mist, the screech and reverberation of a whetstone on metal would be the only flash of light and for a brief second illuminate his face. Suikotsu sat, legs hanging over the edge of a tower. His massive sword was covered in a thin layer of his blood, as the stone passed by again with a shrill 'shink! ' He sat watching those of the village he was now bound to protect and train.

" Another boring day as those who seek strength seek to further the goals of the village.... Ehh...

His monotone and cold voice, met the ears of none, as he continued to lower his gaze at the different groups of people. Alas, a small group of shinobi gathered at the gates of the village. One stopped short and would turn to head back into the village, this would cause Suikotsu to sigh.
He set the large executioner blade on his back, a metallic 'clink' letting him know it was now holstered onto his back. Suikotsu would stand and then leap from the tower onto several rooftops before landing at the top of the village gates.

Suikotsu didn't suppress his chakra, so they would surely, if they had any merit, notice the tall and muscular figure looking down upon them.

Leaping down to meet them.

" Allow me the pleasure of traveling with you. " Suikotsu would say to those departing. His eyes catching his younger brother, Suikotsu wondered if he knew who he was to the young man. Suikotsu having time to process his new life decided it would be best to try and get to know him and the other swordsmen. " Allow me to fill this gap in your three-man squad, as it appears young Kuro must return to the Mansion. Although i wasn't really asking/"

It was true Suikotsu was still appointed against his will to lead the SEven Swordsmen of the Mist, this meant he would have to earn their respect like a true Shinobi of the Mist.


Location: Kirigakure Gateway → ???
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Hyogagetsu → Yumaro → Higetsu→ Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll
Skip Points: ll[/hr]​



Staff member
The unyielding desire to retrieve the sword was anything but fragile as the Hozuki remained vigilant. The trio was just a few minutes outside the gates, and the constant interruptions were growing increasingly frustrating. A soft, irritated "tch" escaped the Hozuki's lips as he bared his sharp teeth, his eyebrow arching in irritation when the guard approached the Yuki with some crucial information. The Hozuki leaned in slightly, as if trying to overhear the conversation without drawing attention. His right foot lifted slightly off the dirt, and he rested his hand on his knee, stretching almost as if to release some of the tension that had built up from the frequent disruptions. His frustration was palpable, stemming not only from the guard's interruptions but now from a new Kaguya's interference as well.​

"Ya bastard. Now that we're alone" He murmured.
"Something about your face annoys me... It's like Yumaro."
"Is it because you're from the same clan?"
He continued not knowing the familial bond between them.​

The man cupped his chin, scrutinizing the traits shared among the Kaguya clansmen, who now outnumbered the Hozuki in their group. His frustration was evident in his body language, as if he were dealing with two irritating Yumaros surrounding him. The sword on his back was a constant reminder of his purpose as he continued to push forward. Each word he heard earlier seemed to further agitate him, their incessant interruptions disrupting their timing. About an hour into their journey, the air grew thick with the metallic scent of blood emanating from the ruins of Amegakure—or at least its outskirts. As they approached, the sight of rats, mice, and vultures scavenging among the unburied corpses filled the Hozuki with revulsion. He grimaced, sticking out his tongue in disgust. "Eeeeew," he muttered, unable to mask his disdain in a playful tone.​



“I suppose it really could have been worse…”

The wind brushed through the dreaded tendrils of the esteemed Chūunin as he made his way deeper into the country. keeping his eyes open to any lingering threats that may still be within the borders of the land. He took his time, as he was also utilizing his superb sensing abilities to project his consciousness forward, able to ‘see’ multiple kilometers beyond his fast moving position. Keeping his chakra signature in itself low, it wasn’t fully extinguished as he truly feared little of any apposition still around, looking to attract them while he moved so as to dispatch them quickly due to having been far more rested after the attack had taken place. He could only think back to that meeting he had with the Shinobi from the Hunter Corps, as they searched for all away-from-village ninja to return to Kirigakure at the behest of the upper council. Aōi himself, was already making his way back from a mission but was found while he was taking a break traveling and was informed of the current situation.

Seventy-Two Hours Earlier…

The afternoon sun was beating down on the exposed neck of the young Yuki clansmen, opening his bottle of water and pouring a light sum of it into his hand to wet the back of his neck in an attempt to cool himself down from the abnormally hot afternoon. Stretching and loosening his muscles calmly, he carefully and individually cracks his arm, shoulder and neck before finally seeming settled as he takes a light gaze into the bushes over to his left hand side, looking in a forty degree angle. He looked mostly annoyed then swiftly took a sole kunai out and threw it deep into the foliage. No rustling or a body fell out or escaped, and Aōi rarely misses, but he did intentionally throw off his trajectory to see what would happen. Evidently, he would have to be more direct.

“What do you want? I’m already on my way back to the village. Mission is complete. Or did you want to check for yourself, Jushiro?”

Calling the Hunter-nin hidden in the bushes by name, confirmed some familiarity, meaning this man wasn’t an enemy but an ally, albeit a creepy one in the eyes of Aōi. He was familiar with Jushiro as they both shared the same age and were brought up around each other as Chūunin but Jushiro chose a more covert path through his Shinobi work, while Aōi remained on the frontlines. Although the two have lost touch due to the course of time and positions, they still always held a respect for one another's work in the name of the Village. Jushiro would reveal himself after some moments, along with a partner who had accompanied him on his own mission. Aōi was unclear of the nature of this meeting, especially in the middle of nowhere in broad daylight. Jushiro was masked, and cloaked so that his limbs and other extremities were unexposed and his movements largely concealed, same with his tag along. His demeanor was also hidden, Aōi had no way to know whether this was a social visit or if he was here on business, but the occurrence was near unprecedented so the news could range from small to large.

“Kirigakure has been attacked. No major casualties to the village, it was well defended. We did however lose many shinobi. The Mizukage is missing and Kuro Yuki, your cousin, is to act as the Kage in the interim until a more permanent decision has been made regarding the succession of the Mizukage position. As of right now, all ninja away from the village on missions are to be called back and return to the village for further debriefing and instruction from the upper council. That is the will of interim-Mizukage, Kuro Yuki.”

The hunter-nin paused as he knew he informed him of several bits of critical information, to which hearing Aōi could only raise both of his eyebrows in true surprise, a rare expression from the well-seasoned warrior. Blinking twice then looking away to process and digest all he had heard. He appeared to mouth a curse silently before returning his gaze back to Jushiro, who obviously had more to say but clearly gave his comrade the time to digest the information he had given him. He was always patient with Aōi, even as a child.

“And what of the casualties? How many Jonin, Chūunin…? Were any Genin harmed?”

“No, Genin went unharmed. However, the losses to Jonin and Chūunin were…considerable. There is more news also. You were given a mission, regardless of the success of the one you were already returning from.”

Aōi’s expression then changed from mild concern to slight anger. The last thing he wanted to be doing was to go on another mission while the village is in need of rebuilding and stabilization. Furthermore, he was already returning from a difficult espionage mission and needed to return with the sensitive information. Before he had the chance to protest his discontent, Jushiro began again.

“You were given instruction from Kuro Yuki to retrieve the Nuibari blade from the depths of the Usagi ocean. It currently resides within the tomb of the former Mizukage, Azuresato, who had allegedly sealed the blade within it under the depths of the sea. You were chosen specifically for this task due to your relationship with the Turtles of Turtle Isle. You are one of the most adept water specialists within the village. Once the task is completed, he will debrief you on both of the missions' success.”

Once again said plainly, but was only given a singular task with multiple points of information to process. He was now to turn toward the Usagi Ocean and retrieve one of the missing swords and return to Kirigakure alive to deliver both results of the mission. “What could possibly go wrong…?” he asked himself sarcastically. Sighing heavily, then nodding in understanding towards the Hunter-nin, the accompanying Ninja then threw the Kunai that was thrown into the bushes at the beginning of the encounter, Aōi gave a sly grin and caught the soaring weapons with his index finger by catching it by the ring as it twirls around his finger before finally slowly down and being put away.

“Is there anything else I should be informed of?”

“Not as of yet, we’ll find you if word changes. Sorry Aōi, really.”

“Yeah…not your fault. Be safe out there.”

And with that, Jushiro handed a small piece of parchment paper to Aōi, presumably with the information he required to get to the tomb. Afterwards, the two flickered away as if they were never there. Sliding the Kunai back into his pouch, and taking one more look at the scene around him before exhaling and flickering off himself towards the ocean.

Present Time

Aōi soon reached the gates of the village. It had not taken long due to his great speed and agility, as well as his know-how of getting around the country and is able to cover great distances that would take most up to several hours more in travel time. Appearing before the gates, he waved to the stationed guards as they confirmed his identity from afar before finally allowing him to return home to Kirigakure. He walked from this point on, greeting everyone who had welcomed him back who he had seen on the main road. They however never approached the young Turtle Hermit and only admired from afar. He took a look around, seeing the rubble from fallen debris and destruction to the structures of the village had taken up whole streets and even blocked entire homes and businesses. The folks that could be found were trying to salvage what was left of their properties or helping others dig out those still trapped within fallen buildings. It was an eerie and grim sight to behold. There were however, survivors and the Village Hidden within the Mist were never the sort to fold to adversity. They would not be so easily felled, and he wondered if the other villages could have survived an onslaught like this with as many casualties as they lost, although he seriously doubted it.

He chose a slow pace so that he could take everything he had missed in, and also semi-swore to himself that he would not miss the next invasion should it come to pass as they potentially could have used his expertise and skill in the repelling of the foreign element. Passing his home, it appears to be untouched, but he would have to concern himself with that later on as he was to be expected by the acting Mizukage, his cousin Kuro Yuki. Thinking back to some thirty-six hours ago, where he was at the depths of the ocean searching for the Nuibari blade, it was the first time reaching such levels and would probably be the last time he does so as the experience was treacherous, although Kenjin seemed to have enjoyed the trip which was abnormal and one of the rare times the two disagreed.

Soon reaching the Kage office, he paused before entering, standing by the door and looking up towards the Water symbol emblazoned on the face of the building, cracked halfway through. “Had that always been there…? It better not be an omen…” thought the young Yuki as he recanted his memory back to when he was underneath the sea.

Thirty-Six Hours Earlier…

The pressure from the water was growing greatly, Aōi was far from enjoying the mission but recognized the importance of recovering the blade from this deep sea tomb as Kirigakure would need every asset they could acquire to prepare for the next potential attack. He however was not alone as he jetted down toward the bottom of the ocean. A feat that he otherwise wouldn't be able to perform without the help of his Turtle summoning, Kenjin, the Chief Elder of The Land of Turtles. Being the fastest turtle amongst the summons within the isle, making his way down to the depths of any ocean was an easy enough task, even ferrying his summoner upon his back while also having created a shield out of his living shell, utilizing his grand level of chakra to allow Aōi to breathe air underwater, and also protect him from the crushing pressures of the deep ocean. The scene on Kenjin’s back was largely one Aōi was familiar with, he often maintained a forested area complete with a lake that was nearby. Due to the gargantuan size of his partner, one would feel as though they existed on an abandoned island.

The ninja could be found on the diving turtle's back sitting cross legged on a ground surface that appeared to be solid earth but in actuality was the shell of his summoning, eyes closed in a meditative position waiting patiently for Kenjin to make ground wherever they needed to get to. Kenjin being an expert seafarer along with being a powerful swimmer, he knew the waters of nearly every ocean within the ninja world having lived many centuries and traveled to various places, Kenjin was easily also the most well-traveled summons in the ninja world. If there was even any obscure place that he may have even glimpsed in his many century journeys, he would find it or at the very least, know where to begin looking. Thankfully, they had the location, although it was more so a radius that they were given rather than exact coordinates. Thankfully, the process didn't take long as they had only been submerged for little under twenty-five minutes. Kenjin, being a turtle, can speak underwater clearly enough and loud enough for the speech to penetrate through the tough earth that grew from his shell. He bellowed out to Aōi informing him of his discovery.

“I found it youngster, what now?” Asked the overgrown turtle

“Open the dome Kenjin, be ready.” he said calmly.

“What do you mean 'open it’? You can't breathe underwater.” he retorted. Fairly in a matter of fact tone.

“What else do I need to know before you open the dome?” he replied sarcastically.

Aōi then stood to his full six foot frame and placed his hands in the air in front of him and weaved through Tiger → Ox → Dog → Rabbit → Snake seals within seconds, as he gathered as much Wind Chakra as he could, breathing in as much air within the dome as possible. The gasp was long, great and one would think that his lung capacity was infinite. After gathering a stupendous gasp of air within his orifice, he stomped down on the shell indicating that he was ready to leave. He then leapt quickly towards the earthen wall of partner right as Kenjin opened a small enough window for Aoi to go through before resealing the dome before more water rushed in. Now in the great blue expanse, at the bottom of the Usagi ocean his mission could finally begin.

Now swimming out in open water under the sea directly in front of Kenjin, throwing a thumbs up. He looked as though he disapproved but was really surprised with how clever the young ninja was, an occurrence that continuously surprised him. Aōi then gestured to the tomb to inform Kenjin he intended to swim into the Tomb and retrieve the sword. Being a strong swimmer in his own right (thanks to Kenjin’s lessons) he was able to quickly maneuver his way into an opening in the side of the structure. Once inside, he swam to the top as there was nothing to note upon entering but did find other treasures that belonged to the Mizukage, the place felt more like a robbed museum rather than somewhere where you'd lay your final rest. Finally at the top, he sifted through multiple broken chests, covered with salt and coral. The water around the entire tomb was far higher in salt content, which by no means was no accident seeing as that the former Mizukage’s specialities lied in the mineral. After finding slightly more treasure, he would soon unearth a long, slender item deeply wrapped in a blackened cloth. After further inspection, he noticed a rather thin, yet abnormally long wire attached to the sunken artifact. Smiling, he would yank on the wire carefully for what would seem like several minutes before getting to its end and properly organizing it into a binding wrapped around his arm. Grabbing it and swimming back down to return to his lift home. Attaching himself to Kenjin’s shell once more, the turtle opened another ‘doorway’ into his dome and resealed it shut and began to make way to the surface.

Wet from his far from recreational swim, he immediately goes to dry out his long dreaded hair and wrings out the dampness of his clothes. Exhaling the wind jutsu from his mouth, the wind was powerful enough to fan the trees in the area as though bad weather were to set in. He turns his body and his gaze to the Nuibari blade which he now has in his possession, still wrapped and organized, laying before him upon the back of his summons. He'd never been close to one, furthermore, held a Sword Of the Mist. It laid there on Kenjin's back, seemingly taunting Aōi to hold it up and swing It to test its legend. Closing his eyes, he turns back around and resumes his meditation practices, awaiting Kenjin to resurface.

Present Time

He leaned as he reminisced about his recent time outside the village. The blade was safely sealed in a scroll, untouched and unused. Aōi believed that if the day were to come for him to join that special order, then it wouldn’t be by his choosing. Sensing that the building was basically devoid of any meaningful chakra signatures, he assumed that his cousin was out and about, no doubt seeing to the needs of the village within the wake of this reckless destruction. He did sense approaching familiar chakra heading his way, so it would appear, that his wait wouldn’t be as long as he had originally thought.

“What a day….what a day….”


Location: Kirigakure Outskirts → Mizukage Office
Posting Order: None
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: lll

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The destruction of the Land was a major roadblock. It placed the village itself within economical struggle, though it was something that the Salt Witch had planned to overcome, giving the resources still readily available it was now left to the generation who were more deranged, hysterical and manipulative. A generation that lacked a lot of leaders, who would strive to ensure the economical growth of the village was significant especially from a great controversy as it was going through at the current day. It was not predestined to Kuro Yuki, who was someone who distinguished himself as one of the few problematic people who lived within the Era of Salt Witch. He was in fact nurtured by the woman, especially after she freed him from the prison lifestyle he had before he even made it within the system of shinobi. Convincing enough she chose to make him her problem, and bestowed upon him also a Seven sword which was only given to Shinobi within the mist who showcased exemplary strength. Promising enough, he worshipped the ground which the Queen walked upon and stood as one of her few loyal subjects. Her will was indeed his will, and now it was more so the case as he stumbled into a meeting which called for his presence to be made, especially due to the fact the recently instituted Mizukage was nowhere to be found.

The disappearance of her came as a surprise to the young Yuki, who just left the mansion himself, and had to return. It saw the clan lords of various clans as well as the elders of the village gathered in one room, he was uncertain to the degree of the meeting as the last time he was a part of a meeting with such a great magnitude, he was being on trial for the crimes he had committed. It was something which brought back an unpleasant yet unwavering feeling across his mind. Isolating feelings had him within a daze, gazing back to the past. His mind even wondered at the time he was released by the Mizukage from the clutches of the previous Kirigakure government, even though his crimes were not wrongfully committed. He was a genocidal maniac who had no care for anything, not even rules which existed within Kiri before he was born. He lacked ethnicity and morals, which most people had going for them, he was a man carved grit, killing instincts which he needed to survive. His parents grew him in the ways of old, the ways that village was built off. It was simply known as the philosophic ways of the Blood Mist. It was like his foundation and it was not something most people were fond of, especially people who wanted to get past the ways of old.

Now there was a revolution which would take place within the Village known as the Mist as the men congregated not to persecute the young Yuki, no it was just to ensure he knew what would be expected of him because of the disappearance of his mentor, the Salt Witch. Words were thrown out by each man giving their very stances of the matter and crowning him the Interim Mizukage, polishing him with the title even above the likes of many who seemed to be more worthy especially within his own sight. He conveyed such resilience and self-gratitude to the men by humbling and bowing his head in the midst of them. The respect was shown by the young Yuki for maybe the first time to many of the people but only time would tell as the shinobi who was cladded within his garments after being applauded by each men within the room didn’t stay to share even any sort of sentiments due to the fact he was a man of very little words, headed to the office of the Mizukage, pushing open the door and heading to the tabled seats which had a little pile of paper upon it’s surface. Gently he would sit down, removing his weapon completely from around his neck and resting it on the table next to the pile. The table was a humongous one, as it had several areas which had hardly nothing, but there was a laptop. A laptop which he reached towards and opened out of curiosity. Opening it would allow him to see several missed alerts, these alerts were not too long ago. Clicking into them he would join a meeting of some sort which beard several faces in which he had no association too.

His silence was sure, but only for a matter of time as allowed everyone of the men to speak their own tune before getting to his introduction. He simply was instinctive and deceived with the words he garnered. As he concluded by now who or what each man represented, it was much like what he represented, “kage”.

“So this is the meeting of the Five great nations isn't it? Or should i say Five now since i am here. My name is Kuro Yuki…. I am the Mizukage…”.

A democratic figurehead they all were, pawns of their nations who systematically were run by the decision of the people. Each of the men thought they belonged to some sort of hierarchy but it was not something which they all understood as they stood as dispensable figures even by the very democracy that they chose to protect. Idolised some were and feared others were, just by their very names. Each man was separated by personality and skill sets which they possessed. Collectively they were known as the Five Nations of the World, it was pressing to even think what was going on and what was this meeting about and why was it called. Sitting within the chair he would lunge over with hands neatly tucked beneath his chin and his eyes glued to the screen of the audience of the kages. Now it was only a matter of time for them all to greet him or even ask, what happened to the previous Mizukage. This was of course, not the Salt Queen, it was the one who resided before even her. The one which they all were probably accustomed to.


Location: Mist Mansion
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki →??????
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​
Hyogagetsu Bus(reize for post)t.png

As Hyogagetsu and his two bodyguards Ryou and Inokoo, approached the Mizukage's office, the young Hozuki couldn't help but voice his concerns. His icy blue eyes, with their faint purple glow, reflected his worry as he spoke. The air was thick with the remnants of dust, ash and the unsettling quiet that followed in the wake of destruction. Despite the chaos around him, Hyogagetsu's thoughts were fixated on something more personal.

"Ryou, Inokoo," Hyogagetsu began. "I'm still worried about Mother," Hyogagetsu admitted, his voice soft but laced with concern. "She stayed behind to help, but what if something happened to her? What if she couldn't protect herself?"

Ryou, the taller of his guards, ever vigilant and protective, placed a reassuring hand on Hyogagetsu's shoulder. "Your mother is strong, Hyoga. She knows how to take care of herself, especially in times like these. She wouldn't want you to worry; she'd want you to focus on your duties as your brother has."

Hyogagetsu nodded, though his heart remained heavy. His thoughts shifted to his brother, Higetsu, and the other swordsmen who had exited the village on a retrieval mission. "And what about my brother and the others? They’ve gone after the missing half of Hiramekarei, but... what if something goes wrong? What if they don’t come back? Who was it who joined them?" After asking his long list of questions Hyoga thought of the tall figure at the village gate, leaping down from the wall with effortless grace. The man’s hair was the same shade of green as Yumaro's, and he had similar markings on his face. His green eyes seemed to gleam with a cold intensity. Hyogagetsu couldn’t help but stare as he and the guards had left, the new trio, Higetsu, Yumaro and the tall man who replaced Kuro.

Inokoo, the shorter but no less vigilant guard, spoke up. "That’s Suikotsu. He was the right hand and protector of the previous Mizukage. Higetsu is one of the strongest shinobi in the Mist, and he's accompanied by Yumaro as well. Together, they are nearly unstoppable. Trust in their strength, Hyoga."

"Protector of the Mizukage?" Hyogagetsu repeated, his concern deepening. "But... if he was her protector, how did she go missing? And now he’s here... Will he be able to protect my brother and the others on their mission?"

Inokoo hesitated before answering. "Little is known about what happened to the previous Mizukage, Hyoga. But Suikotsu is a powerful shinobi. If anyone can ensure your brother’s return, it’s him."

As they continued deeper into the village, lost in thought, Hyogagetsu was suddenly jolted back to reality when he bumped into someone. Startled, he looked up to see a young man with sun-kissed skin and long, dark spiraled locks held in place by a Mist Village headband.

Hyogagetsu blinked, momentarily flustered. "I... I'm sorry," he stammered, quickly regaining his composure. "I didn’t mean to... I was just—" He paused, then continued more confidently, "I was just thinking about my brother. He’s on an important mission, and I’m worried about him."

Ryou and Inokoo stood behind Hyogagetsu, their eyes on the stranger, waiting to see how the interaction would unfold.

Location: Kirigakure Village Gate → Mizukage Office
Posting Order: Hyogagetsu Hozuki →Aoi Yuki
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: lll​


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“I suppose it really could have been worse…”

He had begun to pace back and forth some steps as he awaited for an audience with his cousin. He was in no rush however, pondering a new Fūin formula he had begun working on in his journey back to the Village Hidden within the Mist. He had finally chosen the formula for a jutsu he had been working on over the last few months. “手鏡式” is what he had written on the scroll he had been using to theorize and craft this technique. Still within the Mizukage office courtyard, he began to do strange things while he pursued the studies of his jutsu. At one point, while he was reading and studying his scroll and its formula he began to walk the walls of the Mizukage Office, nonchalantly leaving a footstep trail of ice as if he were still pacing through the courtyard. Doing this consciously, he was fine-tuning his chakra control for the technique he intended on trying to create the next time he was free. Knowing that it would also require a considerable amount of chakra to even perform, he wanted to assure himself that his body was up to the task.

Eventually making it back down, he would put the scroll away and stretch out his arms with a healthy yawn. He was beginning to get tired of waiting around, growing half a mind to dropping off the scroll with the blade in it and carrying on about his day until his cousin sent summons for him again. But that would only waste both of their time. Instead, he decided he would try out this theory of setting the conditions up for his new technique. Looking around and visualizing no one in the immediate vicinity, he goes around the corner slightly out of general view to continue the protection of the creation of this move.

Forming the Tiger seal, and concentrating all of his Ice Release chakra into the very tips of his fingers, he would take time to continue and concentrate on what he was trying to perform. Kneading and visualizing the formula within his head, he then opened his eyes and held his arm out with both his index and middle fingers properly extended, with his fingertips now completely covered in ice chakra. “So far so good…” he thought. He seemingly had achieved the first step in his jutsu, and was feeling ever so confident enough to take another…until Hyogagetsu bumped into him. Instantly losing his focus, the ice chakra on his fingers were also gone. He wasn’t by any means physically moved by the force he had run into him, just surprised and slightly annoyed that he wasn’t able to figure out how to conceptualize the rest of the technique.

Aōi looked down at the young genin, shaggy hair clad in white, with the pale complexion that befit a member of the Hozuki Clan. He did know him however, he was the Three-Tails Jinchuriki, the host of Isobu. The boy was meek in Aōi’s estimation, not much to be observed of. But he did wonder if he was capable of more. Capable of mastering his inner potential. Flustered and confused the young boy exclaimed apologetically for his clumsiness.

“I... I'm sorry," stammering on his own breath, barely regaining his collective senses before properly explaining himself. "I didn’t mean to... I was just—" the dark haired Chunin now raised an eyebrow awaiting the response. He didn’t care that he was interrupted, he was now more interested if this kid was going to blow a gasket trying to form a coherent sentence. Taking one final breath, regaining what was assumed to be his full senses, he finally finished his sentence. "I was just thinking about my brother. He’s on an important mission, and I’m worried about him."

Aōi could understand his feelings. Especially after a time such as this, he was concerned for the Genin upon his arrival and was pleased to discover that they were safe, but it appears that what wasn’t mentioned was what they potentially lost. Hyogagetsu was accompanied by two bodyguards, both looked relatively strong in their own estimation. However, the young Turtle Hermit immediately felt no threat from either of these men, and they should feel the same. The dreaded shinobi lowered himself down ever so slightly to the young Hozuki’s level, placing a hand on his shoulder and poking his nose with his other hand, giving him a small grin of confidence, before offering some words of the same weight.

“Your brother is out there protecting the way of our Village, its citizens and…you. There isn’t anything you need to worry about, except for getting stronger when he gets back.” He said calmly.

Standing up to his full frame, he gave the guards a small nod before opening his mouth again. “What brings you to the office?” he simply asked. Killing the time would be beneficial to him at this point, who knows how long either of them could have been waiting.

Location: Mizukage Office
Posting Order: Hyogagetsu Hozuki → Aōi Yuki
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: lll

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As Toshimi walked back from the blood forest, having her feet drag blood from the place, she hoped that the lady Mizukage was in the office to give her some form of mission to go on. She stopped in her tracks after seeing some jonin near Mizukage's office; she flicked her hair and walked towards them. She licked her lips as she began to speak to them.

"So...Is the lady Mizukage in her office at the moment boys?~"

The two male jonin looked at each other and broke the news that Azuresato was nowhere to be found; in fact, she disappeared without a trace, and now there was a Yuki in the spot of Mizukage. Kuro Yuki. She hummed interestingly as she heard of the name of Kuro Yuki but didn't know what he looked like at all, and by the sounds of it, he was already on the way towards the Kage meeting or so a rumoured, whether this was true or not peaked to Toshimi's interest to find out if the Lady mizukage indeed did disappear out of nowhere. She thanked the two jounin and blew them a kiss as a thank you, which led the two to be entranced by her looks and her flirtatious side. Soon after she turned away, her face displayed disgust at the looks of the two males. She decided to kiss and thank them.

Nonetheless, she ran towards the Mizukage's Mansion, the first place to look for the new Mizukage. She flew past folks and winked at a couple of on-looking men, which caused them to pass out. Once she got there, she silently entered the mansion, dodging any guards that guarded the place. She sneaked into a room where she saw a male pinned back into a ponytail; his hair was white like snow, and the clothing on his back was a dark teal kimono top with light musky blue bottoms with a cow print waistband. She saw he was on the laptop, having a meeting to which the rumours were true then. This guy was the new Mizukage but wasn't physically in the meeting; he was using a laptop to do it. She knelt and crawled over to him to at least spy what they were saying.

Though being Toshimi, she couldn't help but get a tease in; her hands snaked over new Kage's body, allowing her hands to grip the clothes on his chest. She giggled as she whispered lowly, to which only Kuro could hear.

"So~ It is true we have a new Mizukage~"

Location: Mist Mansion
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Toshimi Tomogui
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​
Hyogagetsu Bus(reize for post)t.png


Hyogagetsu blinked in surprise as the older shinobi, Aoi Yuki, leaned down to his level and placed a hand on his shoulder. The gentle poke to his nose, combined with Aoi's small grin, caught Hyogagetsu off guard. For a moment, the young Hozuki froze, his icy blue eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and confusion. He wasn’t used to such casual, almost playful gestures, especially from someone he didn’t know.

As Aoi spoke, his calm words resonated with Hyogagetsu. The reassurance that his brother was out there protecting the village, its citizens, and him made Hyogagetsu feel a bit better. The reminder to focus on getting stronger when his brother returned struck a chord. It was something Hyogagetsu had heard before, but hearing it from a stranger, delivered with such confidence, made it feel more real.

Hyogagetsu managed a small smile in response, feeling a warmth spread through him despite his usual cool exterior. It was comforting, even if just a little, to know that someone else understood his concerns and took the time to address them.

Hyogagetsu managed a small smile in return and nodded. His voice, still soft but now carrying a hint of confidence, said, “Thank you… I will get stronger. I promise.” He felt a surge of determination welling up inside him, not just to become stronger for his brother, but for the entire village. Aoi’s words had ignited a spark within him, reminding him of his own potential and responsibilities.

He glanced up at Aoi, still feeling the lingering pressure of the older shinobi's hand on his shoulder. The poke to his nose had been unexpected, and while part of him wanted to react defensively, something about Aoi’s demeanor told Hyogagetsu that this man was not a threat. Instead, he felt a strange sense of comfort.

After Aoi stood to his full height and asked what brought him to the Mizukage's office, Hyogagetsu straightened up, trying to look a bit more confident than he felt. “I wanted to find out more about what's happening. My brother, Higetsu, and the other swordsmen went on a mission, and… I just want to know if there's any news.”

Ryou and Inokoo, standing behind Hyogagetsu, exchanged glances but remained silent, letting the young Hozuki handle the interaction. They could see the shift in Hyogagetsu’s demeanor; the brief encounter with Aoi had eased some of the tension he had been carrying.

Hyogagetsu looked back at Aoi, feeling a little less alone in his concerns. He still had many questions, but for now, Aoi’s presence and words had provided a small comfort. He waited to see if Aoi would say more, hoping that this unexpected meeting might lead to some answers or at least a better understanding of what he should do next.

Before Aoi could respond, a series of light, playful barks echoed from the shadows. A small figure emerged, yipping with excitement. Out of the darkness strolled a young pup with deep ebony shaggy fur and eyes that shimmered like emeralds.

The puppy bounded over to Hyogagetsu, barking joyfully, and jumped up, placing its front paws on Hyogagetsu's legs. Its tail wagged furiously, clearly excited to meet the young Hozuki.

Hyogagetsu laughed, the tension in his face melting away as he crouched down to pet the enthusiastic pup. Its fur was soft under his fingers, and the dog's wagging tail brushed against the ground. Hyogagetsu’s smile grew wider, “Hey there, little one!” he greeted, the simple joy of the playful puppy momentarily lifting the weight of his worries.

Looking up at Aoi, Hyogagetsu asked with curiosity, “Is this your dog?” The young shinobi’s voice was light, the previous tension replaced with a sense of playfulness and warmth as the puppy continued to yip and jump around him

Hyogagetsu looked back at the puppy, which was now happily wagging its tail and licking his hand. The unexpected interaction brought a sense of normalcy and comfort, even amidst the uncertainty of the village's situation. For the first time since arriving back at the Hidden Mist Village, Hyogagetsu felt a bit of the tension in his chest ease, reminded that there was still joy and hope to be found, even in the darkest of times..

Location: Kirigakure: Mizukage Office
Posting Order: Hyogagetsu Hozuki →Aoi Yuki
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: lll​