Mist District


These soldiers stood before her and in doing so, they devoted themselves to her cause the future of their village and yet none of them knew her. None in the room had met her before, how could they consider her when up until now she had been believed to be dead. Her life during the times of the bloody mist reduced to a few paragraphs in text books, all of which are incredibly vague, and a collection of compositions the medic wrote herself now lost to the archives of the past.

"To know me, you need only ask your sword. You may not be familiar with me, but your needle is. Ask it to show you what we did together...it should have all of the memories there for your browsing. You see, each of the sacred blades are sentient in a way, some more than others. I, Azuresato Ryu was the former wielder of Nuibari and now that it’s become aware that I still live, it will not serve you in the way that it has before. Its allegiance was to me and with or without my influence it will remain with the desire for me until I leave this world and it will not perform it’s skill or aid you as a swordsman properly.”

This must have sounded outrageous to Yumaro who had been Nuibari's faithful weilder and who took his duty and the blade seriously. He treated the needle with the utmost respect as anyone before him had. However, that pull he was experiencing was one that could not be ignored. Even feeling it as early as when she had first stepped onto the mist's shores.

"Having said this, I have a proposition for you.”

Samehada was unsealed from a scroll, she’d unraveled across the desk all in one swift movement of her arm. Answering Higetsu's question as to where Samehada had ended up. Her hand reached out without hesitation and took hold of it’s dangerous hilt but its spines did not impale her as they would have a normal stranger whom's chakra repulsed it. It only made sense that the high level of chakra belonging to the Mizukage as well as it’s salty taste was deemed enough to earn its aid in combat and devotion. The creature-like sword was arguably the most sentient of the collection and upon being summoned, it began to feast on her delicious chakra almost instantly. A series of purrs and grumbles seemed to be how the two communicated but they were in fact communicating.

“I shall trade you Samehada for the needle. However, I must warn you, Samehada is unlike any of the other seven blades. This insatiable beast demands a sacrifice in the form of your chakra and beyond that it must accept your chakra. Samehada has been known to be significantly picky so…I do wish you the best of luck getting to know it. The far more challenging part will be learning to fight together. ”

It's then she turns her attention to the Yuki and Hozuki.

“Hozuki. To say that I am disappointed in you as one of the seven swordsmen of the mist would be a gross understatement. You have lost the battle, you have lost a crucial portion of one of the most archaic and ancient blades to have existed in the history of the land of water. In light of this, you will be given a chance to redeem yourself. Though we don’t yet know how to get to a point that recovering the remains of Hirameikarei is possible that does not excuse you of your duties. You will feel the sting of this loss until what has been done wrong has been made right. You will feel the pull of your blade's lost half wherever it now exists. If Hirameikarei is not complete, neither are you."

At this point, Azuresato began to write a letter using a parchment and ink and did not look up as she persisted with her etchings. Usually, someone might use a phone or even a computer to write someone a message but it seemed as if this woman was extremely averse to technology.

“I’ve received troubling word that the last of the sacred blades has been lost to battle. It is without a proper wielder, if it is not here then it is not where it belongs. Yumaro, Higestu and, you the Yuki. Your orders are to track down Shibuki and return it to the land of water under any circumstance…however. Should you run into bureaucratic nonsense that would be better handled diplomatically, alert me immediately and give this letter to the Kage.” She ensured to give Higetsu the letter with the official symbol of the water sealing it's secrets closed. Odd to give the most crucial failure of the bunch one of the most important documents that could be imparted, but if one thing was certain, there was always a method behind every action that the Lady took.

Her leer fixated on the icy arrival, instantly recognizing that he was the wielder of Kabutowari. Kuro Yuki, his arrival did little to derail the object of their discussions. Having said this, she had no respect for those who couldn’t maintain basic punctuality but she felt no real anger due to the fact he must have been off on some mission or something or that sort and couldn't have been aware of the impromptu meeting to begin with. He was completely unaware and therefore blameless.

“I’m sure you all have many questions to ask of me and there will be a time and place for that but as you can tell our situation is quite dire and our window to act is closing quickly. Any and all additional information you can discover about these elusive enemies are to be well documented and sent back to us. We face a powerful and unpredictable foe, for now, the more that can be learned of anything remotely resembling what was done this day then the more that we will be prepared for their return."


Location: Mizukage Office
Posting Order:
Azuresato Ryu → Kuro Yuki → Yumaro → Higetsu —-> Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Staff member
A master swordsman he was, and it was necessary for him to wield a blade such as Nuibari. Throughout his tenure as the master of this weapon, Yumaro formed an unforgettable bond with it. The utility of maneuvering with a needle and thread added a level of finesse to his movements, translating continuously through his battle skills for the rest of his mortal life. His existence with Nuibari earned him respect among all those who had once lain in his path. The current Mizukage spoke, addressing her concerns about the phenomena that had previously taken place. His grip was firm, channeling a flow of chakra into the blade to become aware of what the woman was speaking of. As she spoke, images flashed in his mind until they became like a motion picture. His consciousness was flooded with countless different battles, demonstrating the use of it with the Mizukage. It displayed instances where enemies were utterly ripped to shreds with no hope for survival. It also began to deconstruct moments where challenges were shown and overcome. The kinship between sword and swordswoman was revealed, an unexpected revelation for Yumaro, who did not believe that all weapons possessed a form of sentience, especially to this degree. Their indestructibility should have indicated this earlier, but he hadn't thought deeply about it, nor had he the experience of the Mizukage. As she spoke, he did not get offended by the degree of hubris, for the truth was being shown to him. Yumaro felt frustrated yet simultaneously humbled, a mixed set of emotions that left him standing neutrally as he listened and watched the truth unfold. He felt threatened that she would want the blade from him, and certainly, he wouldn't simply give it up. His emerald eyes stared assertively as she spoke. Of course, the King wouldn't be disrespected, even by someone as esteemed as Azuresato.

Her words eventually quelled his anxiety, leaving him wondering whether he would have to defend his pride to reassert his position. She mentioned a proposition that caused his eyebrow to raise slightly. She had pulled from the scroll the infamous and notorious blade from the mist district, a weapon of legend. To Yumaro, it was something he instantly felt drawn to due to his aquatic nature and intuition. Unbeknownst to him, his predecessor had wielded the weapon with great ability. His eyes widened in surprise at the abrupt showing of the legendary weapon. His left foot slid backward, his shoulders leaned back, and his grip loosened on the Nuibari. It was clear to him that the needle had a more refined and forged connection to the woman who would now lead the mist. However, this did not relinquish his fate to the sewing needle. Yet, before his eyes was a weapon whose sentience reminded him of the life beneath the waves. It was an uncomfortable position for him to be in; his entire arsenal and skill set were honed, and taking on another weapon with such consciousness could dampen his effectiveness on the battlefield. The Mizukage made an offer, yet it wasn't something he could simply deny. The Nuibari had decided, as well as Samehada was also in her favor, and he wanted to trust her vision. Yumaro sighed, dropping his shoulders in surrender to the apprehension, and decided to step forward with the same foot that had slid backward. Extending his hand, he withdrew the Samehada, while simultaneously releasing his grasp on the sewing needle onto the scroll for the Mizukage to take. As Yumaro stepped away, his breathing pattern slowly began to increase. It wasn't due to nervousness, but the direct correlation of holding Samehada in his possession. The weapon seemed to initially acknowledge him, as it did not intend to cause harm. Yet, he would need to prove himself, and he was confident of doing so. With the consumption of energy happening, he could feel the beast beginning to accumulate what was deemed necessary and determine if it enjoyed the taste of what it was consuming. He wasn't a slouch in possession of chakra, but he was also not an endless tank; time would tell if this union could last forever. A grin smirked on Yumaro's face, revealing his teeth, understanding the task necessary to show Samehada who's King, in case he is ever challenged by the sentient weapon. He didn't utter another word, for he decided to meet his assigned teammates at the village border. He'd arrive waiting for them to depart.


Location: Mizukage Office - > Kirigakure Gate
Posting Order: Azuresato Ryu → Yumaro → Higetsu —-> Kuro Yuki → Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

The loss of a sword can resonate deeply with the very words of their new Mizukage, each word laced with a venomous sting. It becomes increasingly clear to the Hozuki that without both weapons, he feels incomplete. There is no noise or protest from the Hozuki; the truth is evident. He cannot rebuke it, for it is his fault that he has lost one of the Hiramekarei. Though he knows he has poured a part of himself into both blades, when he attempts to connect with that piece stored within the Hiramekarei, it eludes him. "Interesting..." he thought. This amuses him, as it suggests that either the chakra is no longer stored in the missing half or it resides in another dimension. Regardless, he keeps this thought to himself until he can find more plausible evidence.

As the Mizukage handed him the letter, the waterproof material caught his attention immediately, provoking him to swallow the letter, only for it to be safely stored within his guts for security. If anyone in the room was aware of his ability, he could always retrieve the letter by transforming his body's state to liquid. "We won't fail you, Lady Mizukage," the Hozuki murmured. Almost as if it was on a cue by the Mizukage to find the missing Shibuki, in order to ensure it didn't fail in the wrong hands. His eyes kept darting to the side, checking on the Samehada that seemingly fit his comrade Yumaro before back at his own. "Don't worry... We'll have to find your missing half, Hiramekarei." He thought as the remaining blade appears to be resonating with the sentiment before a realization hits him - as his hand moved toward the back pocket. "Speaking of letters... What're we going to do with the letter I received earlier?" He raised an eyebrow as he lifted the letter that was addressed to Higetsu Hozuki only for him to place it on the desk - someone had delivered this letter to him in front of everyone, which made him rather skeptical of what had occurred. Could it be a blackmailing letter for the missing half of Hiramekarei? Or could it be something else?

"I'll be leaving this to you, Lady Mizukage. I'd rather focus on our mission, and not look into this letter, which might be a waste of time. I'll be leaving that to your discretion."

Either way. The timing was suspicious.

The Hozuki appeared to be ready to depart from the room to retrieve the Missing Shibuki with the Kaguya and Yuki.

Location: Kirigakure
Traveling to: Mizukage Office
Posting Order:
Azuresato Ryu → Kuro Yuki → Yumaro → Higetsu —-> Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll




Of course, he knew his arrival was boisterous and ridiculous, however this man was not devoid that sort of thing. He enjoyed to showcase his might even to the likes of his friends. One could refer to him as a showoff, whilst others would consider him as a genuine knucklehead, especially the Queen of these men who stood at the pinnacle of power within the village. She held the crown and they were simple pawns of war; indispensable tools of war each serving a purpose to the Queen who was known as the Mizukage. Damning to everyone, she was to exchange swords with one who stood as bystander within the fight against the threat that almost single handedly defeated two Seven swordsmen of the Mist which included a Hozuki and Kaguya. It was unexpected to say the least because these men stood as the best that the village had to offer. Clinching to his Splatter and Hammer, the Yuki grimenced as the exchange between the Mizukage and the Kaguya took place. He clinged onto his weaponry as he couldn’t fight the urge of knowledge he was going to attain by tracking down the other sword which would make the Seven swords of the Mist completed. The question was whether or not they could gather information speedly enough.

Talented they were but they had limited resources, however knowing the three of them they would get some information one way or another. Pitiful for the others who possibly get within the way of them especially causing them to detour from the idealistic notion that they possibly have. They were the three most ruthless beings within the Mist, especially by merits of their abilities. Deep down, opponents would be scared to clash with them especially if they were recognized by them. Their fame as newcomers of the Mist Sevenswordsmen, make them even more so relatively dangerous as any one who came across their path would ultimately flee on sight. Within the second the trade of swords was made the Yuki began to blabber yet again.

“So we're going after that sword huh? Well suppose we come across the same threat that made you guys quit the last time?”

Location: Mizukage Mansion
Posting Order: Azuresato Ryu → Kuro Yuki → Yumaro → Higetsu —-> Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Staff member


The Hozuki departed from the room without any objection from the newly appointed Mizukage, allowing the trio to regather at the gate. He rested his hand on the Hiramekarei, which continued to call out for its missing half, resonating heavily with sadness. The man looked down at it, feeling the weight of its sorrow as it persisted for what seemed like an eternity. "I don't know if it's the same bastards," he continued, his voice tinged with anger. "But if it was, best believe I'll take goddamn revenge on the giant." He snarled at the thought of the giant, but thankfully for the Yuki, his attention was also focused on their mission to retrieve the Shibuki. Based on the information he had gathered from being merged with the city itself, he had heard a rumor or two that caused him to reflect deeply.

"I believe someone saw Hanji departing the gate in the general direction of Amegakure," he stated, drawing on the scraps of information he had gathered. It was clear that they needed to act swiftly and decisively if they were to intercept and reclaim what was rightfully theirs.

"Should we be heading to Amegakure? Or could it be somewhere else?" He continued, inquiring from his comrades of the 7 Swordsmen.


Location: Kirigakure
Traveling to: Mizukage Office
Posting Order:
Kuro Yuki → Higetsu —-> Yumaro
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





By now they were gathered near to the gateway of Kirigakure. The three members of the elite Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Kuro, who was more so the outcast of the three, stood out as he looked oddly concerned about the latest mission, because failure was never an option, especially with the Mizukage. He knew her better than the other two and was more accustomed to her wrath. He knew the consequences of their actions if it was failure would fall to the wrath of the Salt Queen. Instead of answering the question posed by the one Higetsu, Kuro would convey such a cold stare towards him, just to underline the utter importance of the successful outcome of this mission. Though to Higetsu it would never seem as he could tell why, but Kuro didn’t choose to answer, he still carried the seven swords of his choice around his neck perhaps, conveying more control of the sword he earned over the period of years. Finally after a bit of silence the young Yuki began to speak, uttering everything he was thinking.

“Just know ,failure is not an option on this mission.” He placed a great emphasis within his words.

Shortly after stating what to them was obvious, he proceeded to walk a bit in front of the two, with his hands extended across his torso. He was perhaps absorbing the moment but he was truly thinking of the past and directly the Seven sword itself became lost from Kirigakure. It was more so a search and find mission, with limited resources. They had only one lead and Higetsu himself had said it, perhaps they would indeed need to look within Amegakure first then see where it should leader. Kuro waited for the input of the Kaguya who was yet to reveal his thoughts on the situation wholeheartedly. Even though he was walking ahead of them, he was not too far from them that he couldn’t hear their thoughts conveyed out within their speech. He closely analyzed everything, especially the simplest of words.

Location: Kirigakure Gateway
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Yumaro → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​
Last edited:
Hyogagetsu Bus(reize for post)t.png

As the ferry crossed the Amado Sea, Hyogagetsu stood at the bow, his icy blue eyes with their faint purple glow reflecting the misty horizon. The spiked, white-haired boy of ten years, a descendant of both the Hozuki and Yuki clans, looked out toward the distant shoreline of the Mist Village. His pale skin seemed almost to blend with the fog around him, and the cold air radiating from his body was a stark contrast to the warmth in his youthful voice.

Hyogagetsu was flanked by two jonin guards, members of the Yuki clan and loyal to the Hidden Mist Village. The taller of the two, with his towering presence and steely gaze, was named Taro. The shorter, but equally formidable guard, was Inokoo, who had a watchful eye on Hyogagetsu. They had been tasked with escorting the young Hozuki back home from the Frost District, a place where he had been sent by his mother to train and seek refuge during the invasion of the Shadows.

The Shadows had begun kidnapping citizens of their realm, forcing them to commit heinous deeds. Hyogagetsu's mother, in her desperate bid to protect her son, had sent him to the Frost District, known for its lower abduction rate. There, Hyogagetsu learned from the ice wielders, distant relatives of the Yuki clan. His brother, Higetsu, saw this as a sign of weakness, believing Hyoga's mother had denied Hyogagetsu the rights of battle. Higetsu, much like their father, embraced brutality and death, while their mother, a gentle yet ferocious protector, preferred to avoid conflict unless necessary.

As the tide splashed against the ferry, Hyogagetsu's mind wandered to what his brother would say upon his return. Would Higetsu see their mother's perceived weakness in him as well? Rumors of Higetsu's dark side, his unnecessary killings on missions, lingered in Hyogagetsu's thoughts. He wondered if he would ever tell his brother about the giant white bears of the Frost District or the magnificent ice sculptures, though he doubted Higetsu cared for such things.

Abruptly, Hyogagetsu was pulled from his thoughts by Taro's large hand pressing against his small chest. The tall jonin stepped forward, positioning himself between Hyogagetsu and the gate to the Mist Village. The landscape before them was a scene of desolation—broken trees, the smell of burnt flesh, crumbled buildings, and the taste of defeat hanging in the air. Yet, no bodies lay in sight; some manner of purification and sterilization was being attempted on the village.

Taro barked an order to Inokoo, "Inokoo, don't take your eyes off Hyoga! I'll continue ahead, but stay close. I see some people at the gate."

As they approached the gate, the trio saw three men standing there, and it became clear these were members of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Hyogagetsu recognized them immediately—Higetsu Hozuki, Yumaro, and Kuro. Higetsu, his older brother, stood with an imposing presence, the wielder of the Hiramekarei. Beside him was Yumaro, the King of the Dead Sea, known for his brutal and efficient combat style, although today he was not wielding his typical blade. The third man was Kuro Yuki, the newest member of the Seven Swordsmen, wielding the Kabutowari, his appearance a striking contrast with his white hair and pale skin, embodying the cold nature of his clan.

Taro revealed his Mist Village headband, ensuring the swordsmen of their loyalty. He began to ask about the situation in the village, but before the conversation could gain momentum, Hyogagetsu dashed past Inokoo and around Taro, his face lighting up with joy at the sight of his brother.

"B...b...brother, have you seen Mother?" Hyogagetsu stammered, his voice trembling with fear and hope.

Higetsu's face remained unreadable, a dark aura of anger or something else emanating from him. Hyogagetsu sensed the tension and destruction around him, the home he remembered now a war-torn landscape. Realizing his negligence, he bowed to Higetsu's comrades, greeting them formally, "Master Yumaro, Master Kuro."

Hyogagetsu had studied the Seven Swordsmen extensively, dreaming of joining their ranks one day. He wondered what these three could be doing at the village gates. Must've been a mission he thought. If he received positive news about his mother, he would eagerly ask his brother to join them.

The air was thick with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Hyogagetsu stood, a small figure amidst giants, waiting for a sign, a word, anything to assure him that his mother was safe and that he was not the weakling his brother might believe him to be.
Hyōgagetsu(resize for post).png

Location: Kirigakure Gateway
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Hyogagetsu→ Yumaro → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Staff member

Vibrations rippled through the atmosphere, the wavelengths extending to Yumaro's ears, their origin a man he'd recently encountered, another member of the swordsman. A weary sigh escaped Yumaro's lips, already irked by the presence of this unwelcome companion. Higetsu had earned his place, proving his worth as a comrade by cleaving through entire armies and standing steadfast in the face of a formidable threat—an abomination birthed from the shadow world. This pompous individual, however, was insignificant and likely to perish like so many others who had fallen before the otherworldly beings. His obliviousness to the menace recently confronted, while basking in the luxury of his safety, grated on Yumaro's nerves. The warrior who wielded the magnificent Samehada felt his irritation grow with each passing moment. He didn't have the need to address someone he saw as useless, for only few ever truly earned his respect. He pressed forwards, ignoring that gosling that greeted the swordsman, for no weakling was worth his time - not even the slightest to acknowledge. He had a mission to accomplish. Yumaro felt no compulsion to acknowledge someone he deemed worthless, for respect was a rare commodity, bestowed only upon the deserving few. He moved forward with unwavering determination, dismissing the feeble presence that dared to greet the swordsman. In his eyes, no weakling merited even a fleeting glance, let alone his time or recognition. His focus was singular and resolute—a mission lay before him, demanding his undivided attention and unyielding resolve.

Location: Kirigakure Gateway
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Hyogagetsu→ Yumaro → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Staff member


The intensity emanating from the Swordsmen of the Mist could be suffocating in the presence of fledglings, had it been directed at them initially. In his mind, almost as if it was cursed with a looming death over him; the spirits of their predecessors urged Higetsu to retrieve the missing half of Hiramekarei, haunting him like an echoing reminder until both halves were reunited in their rightful place. In that moment, his mind remained steadfast on the mission, a commitment he could not allow himself to forget. Until he secured Shibuki and reunited Hiramekarei, rest was a luxury he could not afford, no matter the cost. The injustice inflicted upon the village burned unforgivably in the eyes of Kirigakure shinobi. A child, his little brother, approached them, almost as if to ask his brother directly about their mother's whereabouts. Yumaro's silence in response made it clear that the child might have feared being ignored by the others as well.

Suddenly, his hand came to rest on Hyoga's head, causing the Hozuki to halt in his tracks, neither looking down nor attempting to move away.

"Hyoga." He paused. "Instead of worrying about mother. Focus on your mission that's coming your ways soon."

Almost cold, his expression could be described as ruthless and nihilistic as he withdrew his hand, leaving Hyoga behind. Higetsu's hand moved upward in a gesture that seemed to bid Hyoga goodbye as he departed on the mission with the other two Swordsmen of the Mist.


Location: Kirigakure
Traveling to: Mizukage Office
Posting Order:
Kuro Yuki → Yumaro —-> Higetsu -—-> Hyogagetsu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll




There was a lot to do, even for the Mizukage, the battle worn land showcased a significant amount of damage. Though the concern was not for its recovery but its intent to further itself so that something like this would never be a repeated occurrence. Barriers and military expansions were the answers, but someone like Kuro knew only Gorilla Warfare. He knew about the essence of the world being a being kill or be killed world, especially the world which had the Mist within it. It will be sooner than later for the Yuki thoughts to be wrapped around the messy affairs of local politics and the antics. For unbeknownst to him there was about to be a relatively uncertain turn to his fate, so which would engulf him sooner rather than later. He was about to have one of the most fruitful and eventful, perhaps forty-eight hours.

A sudden shift within the tides which collapsed upon his fate, would see him suddenly approached before reaching completely clear of the gates to head for the harbour. It was someone who represented the Mizukage’s company. The words were not shared to every ear; it was exclusively dealt to the Yuki’s ears, which were now fastened and ready for the whispers. In a startling turn of events the Yuki began to backtrack, only to stop in his very footsteps, clinching on both opposite ends of his weapon which he still collared around his neck. The information was not well received by the young Yuki who would then see the approach of Higetsu’s young brother who acknowledged them. Instead of bringing an acknowledgement of any sort of disrespect to the youngling the man raised his hand in a complete upright gesticulation. Then after he turned to the other member of the swordsmen clique.

“I have been summoned back entirely to Mizukage’s Mansion, you two have to continue without me.”

He ensued the man who whispered within his ear, following him back to the mansion with great urgency. It was as one would say, fate itself maybe something different from your faith. There was perhaps something of importance to the nation itself as the young Yuki was only dragged along for the joyride. He was completely ousted from omission also, as it was something of grave importance to have him escorted back to the mansion.


Location: Kirigakure Gateway → Mist Mansion
Posting Order: Kuro Yuki → Hyogagetsu → Yumaro → Higetsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​