Kage Summit


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Suzaku maintained a composed demeanor as he absorbed the updates from the other Kage during their virtual summit. The revelation of Yuichirō’s demise from the Kazekage, Shishiō, was particularly unsettling. Known for her formidable Scorch Release and her capacity to summon destructive tornadoes, Yuichirō had been a significant force. Her successor, Shishiō Shirogane, brought a different skill set as a puppet master, prompting Suzaku to ponder the implications for the Sand's military strength.

The discussions further revealed extensive damage in Kumogakure, shared by Chika, the world's first complete Jinchuriki, who also reported significant casualties. This pattern of destruction extended to Iwagakure, emphasizing the formidable nature of their adversaries. As Suzaku wrestled with these thoughts, a new face appeared on the screen, introducing himself as Yuki Kuro, the new Mizukage. Suzaku momentarily digressed to question the whereabouts of the former Mizukage but quickly refocused on the matter at hand.

"Glad to see Kirigakure has withstood the storm," Suzaku remarked, his voice carrying a mix of relief and seriousness. "This meeting is critical—we need to keep our lines of communication open. I suspect the attacks are far from over. Given the power of these enemies, I'm reconsidering the prudence of dispatching shinobi on regular missions; even the high-ranked threats in our bingo books seem trivial in comparison."

He paused, his gaze shifting to Itami, seeking to draw connections from the recent attack on Iwagakure. "The assault aimed to capture the Four Tails Jinchuriki. Was Taichi just a target of opportunity, or are all Jinchuriki at risk? If they are indeed targeting Jinchuriki, then we are all in peril—particularly Kumogakure, led by a Jinchuriki herself." Suzaku fell silent, allowing his words to resonate with the other Kage, waiting for their insights and decisions on how to navigate these looming threats.

Location: [Hokage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​


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Shishiō listens to the Hokage discuss if the Jinchūriki being the true targets of the recent attacks. His thoughts drift to Sunagakure's own Jinchūriki, Shabaka who is also known as Shabaka of the Bloody Sand. A young shinobi recognized for his exceptional intelligence and combat prowess, Shabaka is even more significant due to being the host of the One-Tailed Beast, Shukaku of the Sand. 'Does this mean that Sunagakure could be the target of a future attack simply because Shabaka resides in the village?' Shishiō mutters quietly. 'Perhaps moving Shabaka to a safer location would protect both him and the village. But doing so would drastically weaken Sunagakure, especially now that his training to control the power within him has begun.' These thoughts weigh heavily on Shishiō, as he tries to figure out a plan which would protect everyone in his village. This is the burden that comes with holding the title of Kage, a responsibility that demands careful and well thought out plans with every decision made. As he mutters for himself Shishiō places his hands in front of him and forms a vaguely diamond-shaped "tunnel" by interlocking his fingers, a gesture that reflects his deep concentration on his next move.


Location: [Kazekage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō --> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)




Chika’s hands still formed into a pyramid under her chin as she began to speak addressing Suzaku and Itami. Her tone was just as stern as when she introduced herself to the rest of the kage. They knew of each other in passing but their nations hadn’t truly interacted in quite sometime. Her words carried a weight behind them just the same as the rest of them and so they hit open air with palpable reverence.

“They attempted a similar effort in my own village attempting to strike with Limelight in hopes of removing me from the playing field as a whole.The loss of civilian life during an attack like this on all fronts is to be expected and my people have since began the process of recovering from this attack. It's clear to me they aren’t just after the jinchuriki, otherwise their attacks would be far more calculated. After all the patient hunter is often the one that succeeds.” She paused for a moment letting her words sink in before continuing. “However I do think its time the younger generation of tailed beast host begin taking the steps to master the hold they share with the beast themselves. They won’t all be capable of mastering it right away but it is far better to start them much younger than I ever got the opportunity too.”

Once she was done speaking her posture shifted from leaning on the pyramid her hands formed and into a more relaxed yet focused position. Her eyes narrowed for a moment pondering her next thoughts. She thought about bringing mention of KLAW to the table but in the meantime she would let the other Kage’s air their regards in hopes one of them would take the leap instead.

Location: [Kazekage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō --> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)

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Itami stood behind the words of the Hokage. The way he saw the meeting, this was just a showing of cards to see if any of the other villages might be behind the attack themselves, and were trying to pit Leaf and Stone against one another. It was the very thinking that wanted Itami to show their alliance was unbothered by this attack, if anything they were more determined to bring those to justice who were wronged. The Hyuga had suffered enough at others, there was no need to get one involved in this. Listening to the Hokage and the Raikage speak as the Kazekage sat idle listening to gather his thoughts.

Itami would nod to their advice and words.

"I agree, we should call home all Shinobi out on missions, whatever their goal. Only send those you know won't come back alive if they get caught and captured. One thing is known about this enemy, they don't understand us. They don't have any information on what they are up against, so we are on equal footing. "

He would then flick his eyes over to Chika the Raikage.
" I agree, it is time our Jinchuriki make up a team we have never seen before. An Allied Shiunobi special forces team. We can Call it the Amazing Chakra Beast Tamers of..." WOOF WOOF WOOF " Uh.. The Amazaing Beasts of Chakra and"..." .... WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF

A bulging blood vessel would creep down Itami's forehead, before he spoke again he reached over to Suzaku's nearest window and flung it open.


Itami would take his hand and rest it on his chin as he stared out the window. " You aware of any giant golden serpents that live in your forests nearby? It looks like something is out on the Kage Mountain. " He leaned in to whisper into the Hokage's ear. Itami would then shut the window and sigh, They never got long to speak together on the even rare chance that they had to. He wandered back over to Suzaku's monitor to face the other Kage.

"Anyway, we need to take this seriously. What are the actual plans moving forward, Stone is ready to send supplies and teams where they need to to bolster our foundation and buildings. I can have experts in stone crafting visit the areas under the most destruction and get them right. I'd ask to station a unit of special teams in each crossing and major land mass for instant communication between our sensors. "

Itami would then look down at Suzaku who sat in contemplation. " Are the Uchiha going to assist? I have heard some worrying things while I explored your village. Rumors and hear-say but all have a seed of truth I'm sure. "
Itami would sit on the edge of desk against the window he opened and wait for their replies.


Location: [Hokage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​




Shrouded with endless chatter amidst the kages brought the youngest amongst them to be sheltered within himself. Reflecting and anticipating. Each Kage had serious inquiries some more than the others, it was all about a new threat and probably the same exact one to have laid a wreckage to the very confines of the Land of Water. Typically, he was not home initially when it happened and was only notified of it on his return. A sudden chill, would compromise the very existence of anyone within the confines of Mansion. It was not an erection of power or even chakra, it was his natural entity pushing and forcing to the top, much like his thought process.

“Even the Mist was a target of a huge threat, a person of mammoth power and strength.. Though he brought destruction one could say he spared our nation for more major damage.”

The interim Mizukage, chimed in making the rest know what was going on within the confines of the village but still omitted important information such as the total damage caused by the intruder. This was something he cared not to disclose, especially to other major lands. In his sight it was some sort of weakness, even though there was some sort of Alliance between nations.

For his first assignment as kage, it was to repair and rebuild the trust of people within the Water country. To him it was essential to do so, within the meeting he was simply the voice of the people but it was not extended to winded conversation, it was more straight to the point than anything.

Location: Mist Mansion
Posting Order: Suzaku →Shisho → Chika → Itami→ Kuro Yuki
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


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Suzaku maintained a composed silence as each Kage recounted their encounters with the shadow world and the subsequent rebuilding efforts. His attention particularly sharpened when Raikage Kumoi Chika discussed the young Jinchuriki. As the only perfect Jinchuriki herself, her insights on nurturing these potent forces were vital. Suzaku harbored hopes that these Jinchuriki would emerge as saviors, not threats, emphasizing the need for them to grow in a nurturing environment surrounded by love.

His contemplation was abruptly interrupted by the Tsuchikage Itami, whose proximity seemed almost invasive. Suzaku felt a vein throb visibly on his forehead, his irritation palpable. "The Dogs are telling you to stop speaking nonsense, you IDIOT!" he snapped, his voice raised enough to cause nearby papers to singe in the rising heat of his temper. Although Itami acknowledged the contribution of the Uchiha, Suzaku's piercing gaze conveyed a silent command to focus on his own village's affairs.

Regaining his composure, Suzaku redirected the conversation to matters at hand. "Anyways, Lady Chika, any ideas on how we should proceed with the Jinchuriki?" he inquired, genuinely interested in her suggestions. The silence from the Kazekage and the youthful demeanor of the new Mizukage, Yuki Kuro, did not escape his notice, stirring a mix of concern and suspicion about the real situation in Kirigakure.

Location: Hokage Office
Posting Order: Suzaku →Shisho → Chika → Itami→ Kuro Yuki
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Staff member



After listening to the interim Mizukage describe the devastating attack on their village, Shishiō's gaze fixed on the fellow white-haired Kage. Though he remained silent, his attention quickly shifted to the Hokage. The puppet master's lips curled into a subtle smile behind his hands as he observed the Hokage's outburst toward Itami, the Tsuchikage. The Hokage's impatience with the other Kage provided a small, albeit fleeting, moment of relief in all the seriousness of their situation.

When Suzaku moved the conversation towards Lady Chika with a question about the Jinchūriki, Shishiō decided it was time to speak up. Lowering his hands, his voice emerged just as emotionless as the lifeless puppets he commanded. "Sorry to interrupt" he began "but Sunagakure's Jinchūriki is already undergoing training to master his inner tailed beast. However even if they were trained by someone with Lady Chika's expertise, gathering all the Jinchūriki in her village would only heighten the danger and not just to them, but to her village as well. What if a chain reaction occurred and they all lost control? Could Lady Chika handle multiple tailed beasts simultaneously while also protecting her village? Or if they are moved to another location, what safeguards are we prepared for and can afford to put in place for everyone's safety? “

When Shishiō was still just a shinobi in Sunagakure and not yet its leader. He had already heard of Chika, a powerful warrior with strength beyond what most could even imagine. Despite her incredible abilities, Shishiō understood that handling multiple tailed beasts could be problematic for anyone, no matter how powerful they were. His interruption during the meeting may have come across as disrespectful, but he hoped the other Kage would understand the intent behind his words. He wasn’t just thinking about Sunagakure’s Jinchūriki, his concerns extended to all the Jinchūriki and as well as the people who would be around these immense powerhouses.

Location: [Kazekage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)




It was clear that the kazekage misunderstood the endeavor in regards to training the jinchuriki. It would be too easily thwarted in her eyes to attempt to bring all of the jinchuriki under a single roof for any amount of time. This wasn’t simply because they would be a flight risk or even a danger to one another or the village they would congregate in, but rather it was impractical to think it possible for any nation to comfortably house them all without potential for conflict. She adjusted her posture as she listened to the Kazekage’s speech come to an end before speaking.

“I hear where you’re coming from, Shishio but its imperative that we begin facilitating their growth. Whether that's in our own village or in another location. I propose we make Nagi Island the cornerstone of this endeavor in the future. It would openly be under the protection of each nation while simultaneously having a hand in the growth of future generations to come. I’ll let you decide amongst yourselves who is directly under my tutelage. Perhaps, once a space like that is established I can more openly pass on my knowledge as a tailed beast host, through myself or an intermediary to keep things more hands off.”

Her brows were now knit with thought as the meeting progressed. Despite the simplicity of the things being discussed she knew that she was correct, any and every possibility was a reality no matter how far ahead one planned. Chika, mind shifted through the possibilities but just before she could become deep in thought the muffled sound of lightning caressed the ambient air just outside of her estate. This signaled the return of something rather important to her no matter how underlying. Her eyes hadn’t flit from the screen in question nor had her demeanor changed. This was merely a nod that things had gone her way elsewhere in the world.

Location: [Raikage Office]

Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki

Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
