Kage Summit


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This thread is dedicated to the Kage Summit, conducted remotely to facilitate discussions among the village leaders.

Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami -->
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​


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After wrapping up his conversation with Yaju, Inoka reconnected with Suzaku, to brief him on everything he had learned about the Hyuuga kunoichi. He pressed the need for a Kage Summit, convincing Suzaku of the urgency to share this critical information with the other great nations. Agreeing with Inoka’s assessment, Suzaku pressed a concealed button under his desk, causing four screens to rise smoothly from the surface. The screens flickered to life, beginning the process of connecting with the leaders of Sunagakure, Kirigakure, Iwagakure, and Kumogakure, setting the stage for a pivotal diplomatic engagement.

Location: [Hokage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​





The windows were shut, and the room was stifling with the summer warmth. Itami fanned his face with his large hands, before shuffling around a bit. Itami had sent Taichi home with his ANBU, They should be close to home by now. Itami however sat in a circular room with dim lights and uncomfortable chairs. He had yet to speak with the Hokage once. It was mostly due to Itami's impatience and the business of being the Hokage. Something Itami should be handling in his own district as well. He would let out a sigh, before grabbing his Tsuchikage coat and heading out the door.

" I'll go see the red-headed busybody myself! "

No doubt there would be Leaf ANBU escorting Itami, he didn't mind, he understood all too well. In Suzaku's shoes, Itami would have done the same thing. Itami pushed through the doors and ascended the stairs to the office's hallway. As Itami approached the door he was greeted by even more ANBU, he would growl at them before looking past the members of Leafs ANBU and shouting up the remainder of the hallway.


a visible strain in his throat as he shouted loudly and directly. A booming baritone voice echoed through the Hokage's hallways. He was nearly shaking the pictures off the walls. He would then look at the ANBU hoping he stopped by himself.
" You're lucky I have respect for myself and your Hokage or I'd show you why the nickname "Kind Mountain" Only applies to my kin and villagers." He scoffed, as he stopped and agreed to be guided by the ANBU to another.. circular room, this time he would fall into a chair and feel the material under him flex due to his weight. " He has ten more minutes before I turn into grumpy mountain! HMPH!"

Itami's scowl would make them feel the heat as nearly visible steam escaped his nostrils from the boredom he felt. He didn't know exactly how long he and Taichi spent in the Leaf District, but he knew Taichi would have learned a few things from the travels and journey through the village. It's why he made him travel on foot with the Stones ANBU instead of sending him via the Blast-warp Teleportation. He reflected on the whereabouts of his wife and the inner turmoil his son would have felt. It's time for them to go home.


Location: [Hokage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​
Last edited:


Staff member




Without wasting any more time, Shishiō follows the ANBU. Using the Body Flicker Technique, they vanish from the market, reappearing moments later at the Kazekage building. Shishiō strong match to his office, where he notices a screen flashing, a signal that a call is waiting for him. Sitting down at his desk, he presses a button under the table to answer the call. As the screen connects, he places the note from the bird on the table beside him, glancing at it while waiting for the other Kage to join the call. The room falls silent as Shishiō's gaze shifts between the note and the flashing screen. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever news the Hokage might bring. As the connection stabilizes and the faces of the other Kage appear on the screen, Shishiō sets aside his distractions, ready to address the matters at hand.


Location: [Kazekage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)





The raikage sat in her office stewing in the essence of paperwork. The piles weren’t much higher than your average village textbook but it was likely her least favorite part of the job. He brow knit with focus as she stared into the sea of paperwork. Her seal of approval being slammed down every few pages or so to give her confirmation of the documents at hand. She was growing increasingly comfortable in her duties despite her tenure as the Raikage. The more she worked the more the pile shrank and as she shrunk another pile one of her own popped into her office. The figure in question was none other than Orihara, his mint green hair neatly tucked under his village headband fashioned in the style of a bandana. He rubbed the back of his head before he spoke to the Raikage, her gaze already fixated on the young man in question.
“Madam Raikage, I see I won’t have to pester you about getting through your paperwork but another matter of importance. I know the security of the village is important and you’ve already seen to it that our outside affairs are being handled but perhaps its time we reach out formally. See what could come of an interaction with other nations.”

The Raikage pondered for a moment her fierce gaze piercing through Orihara’s own often hidden eyes. Chika’s posture shifted from a laxed working position to that of a thinking one. Her hands formed a pyramid underneath her chin as she contemplated her bodyguards words. Perhaps he was right in his notion. She closed their borders for safety and yet that didn’t stop them from losing the sanctity of their land even for a moment. She pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement. She knew one couldn’t be at the top of the food chain without making a few sacrifices along the way. The raikage cleared a few papers from her desk revealing a slot in her desk. It was rudimentary but it was still functional. A screen emerged not long after flickering to life all the same. In time she would be met with the face of the Hokage. whom much like herself was seemed to be lacking a kage hat forgoing the formality as a whole to get things underway.
Location: [Raikage Office|Kage Offices]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō --> Kuro Yuki --> Chika --> Itami
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​



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Suzaku, visibly agitated, sat rigidly in his chair, his posture as stiff as his mood. The presence of Tsuchikage Itami, who he found insufferably loud and bothersome, only fueled his irritation. “You dimwit, why are you still lingering around my village? Come into my office, pronto!” he barked into the communication device. His voice carried a mix of command and barely contained fury. “You’re lucky we have more important matters to deal with, or I’d vaporize you right where you stand,” he added sharply, a plume of black smoke puffing out as he exhaled in an effort to calm himself.

Turning his attention to the virtual Kage Summit, Suzaku scanned the faces appearing on the screen. “Lady Chika, Lord Shishiõ, and Lady Azu…” he began, his voice trailing off as he noted the absence of one key figure. “Any idea what happened to Mizukage Azuresato?” he queried, pausing for a response before continuing, “Forget it, we will have to learn of her absence later."

With a serious tone, Suzaku initiated the main agenda of the meeting. “Right now, I am calling this meeting because of the recent global attack we faced a few months ago. We are dealing with enemies claiming to be from the Shadow World—an alternate dimension to ours. I know it sounds ridiculous, but at this point, nothing is off the table. My own fellow kunoichi, Hanako Hyuuga, fell prey to the enemies known as Shinomori and Masaru. They manipulated her to help them attack Iwagakure. But thanks to the Tsuchikage and his shinobi, and our own Takashi Hyuuga, we were able to thwart this small internal attack from igniting a war between us."

Suzaku took a moment to let the information sink in before adding, “Slightly after the attack, Amegakure was targeted and left in pretty bad shape. They handled the situation but are now in a critical condition. We also ended up retrieving a sword laden with countless numbers of paper bombs that were in the enemy's hands.” Suzaku paused once more before speaking.

“We need to compare information so we are better prepared for future enemy attacks,” Suzaku concluded, leaning back in his chair, his eyes piercing the screen as he awaited updates or similar reports from the other nations.


Location: [Hokage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​


Staff member




Leaning back in his chair, Shishiō continues to observe the faces displayed on the screen. 'The Hokage... the Raikage... and someone who seems to anger the Hokage, but no sign of the Mizukage. Hmm...' He thinks to himself not realizing it is the Tsuchikage being summoned to the Hokage's office. Shishiō's gaze shifts to the paper on the table, just beyond the field of vision of the other Kages. While Suzaku is discussing recent events, Shishiō starts writing on a piece of paper. His eyes move back to the screen as he continues to write his thoughts. "A real conversation always contains an invitation. Come by the new Sunagakure anytime." With these words written and signed, Shishiō folds the paper in half before addressing the other Kages. " I have heard rumors of unknown attackers targeting the various hidden villages. Even Sunagakure has not been spared and we tragically lost my predecessor in one such attack. Unfortunately, I was not in the village at the time and by the time I returned the damage was beyond recovery. But fear not, during my leadership I have taken proactive steps to secure our village. We have relocated to a new location in the desert a move we have long prepared for. Sunagakure may be brought to its knees, but we will always rise again." As he speaks, he moves the piece of paper from the table and reaches towards Oboro who is standing nearby. The paper simply says "Grass district," which should be enough for Oboro to understand that the message is to be delivered to its leader.


Location: [Kazekage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Last edited:




The destruction of the Land was a major roadblock. It placed the village itself within economical struggle, though it was something that the Salt Witch had planned to overcome, giving the resources still readily available it was now left to the generation who were more deranged, hysterical and manipulative. A generation that lacked a lot of leaders, who would strive to ensure the economical growth of the village was significant especially from a great controversy as it was going through at the current day. It was not predestined to Kuro Yuki, who was someone who distinguished himself as one of the few problematic people who lived within the Era of Salt Witch. He was in fact nurtured by the woman, especially after she freed him from the prison lifestyle he had before he even made it within the system of shinobi. Convincing enough she chose to make him her problem, and bestowed upon him also a Seven sword which was only given to Shinobi within the mist who showcased exemplary strength. Promising enough, he worshipped the ground which the Queen walked upon and stood as one of her few loyal subjects. Her will was indeed his will, and now it was more so the case as he stumbled into a meeting which called for his presence to be made, especially due to the fact the recently instituted Mizukage was nowhere to be found.

The disappearance of her came as a surprise to the young Yuki, who just left the mansion himself, and had to return. It saw the clan lords of various clans as well as the elders of the village gathered in one room, he was uncertain to the degree of the meeting as the last time he was a part of a meeting with such a great magnitude, he was being on trial for the crimes he had committed. It was something which brought back an unpleasant yet unwavering feeling across his mind. Isolating feelings had him within a daze, gazing back to the past. His mind even wondered at the time he was released by the Mizukage from the clutches of the previous Kirigakure government, even though his crimes were not wrongfully committed. He was a genocidal maniac who had no care for anything, not even rules which existed within Kiri before he was born. He lacked ethnicity and morals, which most people had going for them, he was a man carved grit, killing instincts which he needed to survive. His parents grew him in the ways of old, the ways that village was built off. It was simply known as the philosophic ways of the Blood Mist. It was like his foundation and it was not something most people were fond of, especially people who wanted to get past the ways of old.

Now there was a revolution which would take place within the Village known as the Mist as the men congregated not to persecute the young Yuki, no it was just to ensure he knew what would be expected of him because of the disappearance of his mentor, the Salt Witch. Words were thrown out by each man giving their very stances of the matter and crowning him the Interim Mizukage, polishing him with the title even above the likes of many who seemed to be more worthy especially within his own sight. He conveyed such resilience and self-gratitude to the men by humbling and bowing his head in the midst of them. The respect was shown by the young Yuki for maybe the first time to many of the people but only time would tell as the shinobi who was cladded within his garments after being applauded by each men within the room didn’t stay to share even any sort of sentiments due to the fact he was a man of very little words, headed to the office of the Mizukage, pushing open the door and heading to the tabled seats which had a little pile of paper upon it’s surface. Gently he would sit down, removing his weapon completely from around his neck and resting it on the table next to the pile. The table was a humongous one, as it had several areas which had hardly nothing, but there was a laptop. A laptop which he reached towards and opened out of curiosity. Opening it would allow him to see several missed alerts, these alerts were not too long ago. Clicking into them he would join a meeting of some sort which beard several faces in which he had no association too.

His silence was sure, but only for a matter of time as allowed everyone of the men to speak their own tune before getting to his introduction. He simply was instinctive and deceived with the words he garnered. As he concluded by now who or what each man represented, it was much like what he represented, “kage”.

“So this is the meeting of the Five great nations isn't it? Or should i say Five now since i am here. My name is Kuro Yuki…. I am the Mizukage…”.

A democratic figurehead they all were, pawns of their nations who systematically were run by the decision of the people. Each of the men thought they belonged to some sort of hierarchy but it was not something which they all understood as they stood as dispensable figures even by the very democracy that they chose to protect. Idolised some were and feared others were, just by their very names. Each man was separated by personality and skill sets which they possessed. Collectively they were known as the Five Nations of the World, it was pressing to even think what was going on and what was this meeting about and why was it called. Sitting within the chair he would lunge over with hands neatly tucked beneath his chin and his eyes glued to the screen of the audience of the kages. Now it was only a matter of time for them all to greet him or even ask, what happened to the previous Mizukage. This was of course, not the Salt Queen, it was the one who resided before even her. The one which they all were probably accustomed to.


Location: Mizukage's Office
Posting Order: Suzaku → Shishiō → Chika → Itami →Kuro Yuki
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​




Chika listened to the Kazekage and the Hokage tell their versions of a similar tale not unlike her own. She mused on their words and constructed a story all her own to follow a similar to that of the other Kage’s. Her feminine tone stricken with grit and triumph all the same. As she peered at the kage’s on screen. “We were no different however unlike Amegakure we were largely unscathed casualties aside. Our central village is unscathed and our reconstruction is quickly approaching completion. It's good to know many of us are facing the same plights.” She pressed her thumbs to her chin while keeping her hands formed into a pyramid. This caused her gaze to narrow as she thought back to the attack. She knew very well it came from someone once belonging to her very village regardless of how one looked at it brainwashed civilians and shinobi alike. While well orchestrated, it was poorly executed. She let out a heavy sigh before continuing with her words.

“I’ve closed my borders in the meantime to get things back on track but perhaps the time for true peace is coming to an end. As they often say if you want peace, prepare for war… I’m glad we’ve all come to the conclusion that things within our world need to change. Let’s save the meeting in person for a time when we know safety is truly among our favored outcomes.”

Chika would open up a dossier on her desk amidst the neatly filed papers on her desk revealing what little information her own Anbu had discovered. Even amidst their own diligent work it was lacking. Even as gave it a once over and in the interim was met with the voice of someone claiming to be the Mizukage. They were effectively a child in her eyes and with that came a level of dismissiveness. She rebuttal this young individual’s interjection with another stern response of her own. “Its a shame Kazuo isn’t the one standing in front of the camera instead of you. They must have died or something less eventful though perhaps they couldn’t hack it as Mizukage…” she jest. She meant every ounce of what she said. Chika was from a clan of individuals within the borders of the lightning district that believed in the survival of the fittest so if one couldn’t stand the test of being kage then what were they really worth.






Almost falling asleep in the waiting room, Itami heard a booming hot voice roar down the stairs; " . “You dimwit, why are you still lingering around my village? Come into my office, pronto!”
Itami snickered at this, a deep rocky chuckle.

Finally, Itami was brought to the office. The Hokage sat awaiting the word of the other Kage of the great districts. Large monitors would be facing the legendary shinobi Suzaku. Itami first heard him speaking to the monitors, and before interrupting, he would listen to the others introduce themselves and introduce himself when they were finished.

Suzaku gave the reason for the meeting, and what was needed of everyone in this situation. Meeting eyes with Suzaku, Itami knew it was no time for jokes or pranks on his distant cousin. He cracked his neck and would walk until; he was side by side with the monitors, not yet in frame or known to the other Kage to be here.

Next, Shishiō the Kazekage of the Sand District. His voice was calm and peaceful, he might yet still be a boy unblooded. ' Moving an entire village is hard work, so he must be competent at least.' Itami thought as he continued to listen to Shishiō; He went on to recap the events in Sunagakure, Making Itami's brows furrow.

Lady Raikage went to speak next, but she was cut off, by a child's voice. Kuro Yuki, Itami thought, he waited for the boy to speak further, but he said nothing. Itami closed his eyes and put his right hand to his nose, trying not to sigh.

At this, Lady Raikage would continue unperturbed. She voiced her reaction to the events of Kumogakure but very little information was told. She then went on to mock the boy kage of Mizugakure.

Was this a game or did they plan on coming together and forming a strategy? It was early in the meeting, and Itami wouldn't give up hope. It has rarely done well to bring all these figureheads of great power and responsibility into one meeting.

Itami would now speak;

" My name is Yamazaki, Itami. The Tsuchikage of Iwagakure. " He would then turn to face the monitors, standing behind Suzaku in a sign of allegiance. He would look at each of the kages on the screen and begin again.
" I am here in Konohagakure as we investigated, more so Konohagakure, than myself, the little information we obtained in combat with these 'shadow shinobi' " Itami would cross his large arms over his chest; " I can verify the information Suzaku was able to extract is as accurate as it can be, I was in combat with three of an unknown amount of these invaders. We were able to capture one and bring her to her home village. The Hokage speaks true. I have a detailed appearance of the other attackers as well as a list of abilities used, all gathered by the noble sacrifices of my ANBU and Shinobi of stone. Iwagakure was attacked and much of it was destroyed, we evacuated the citizens and rebuilt with much to spare. If any of you or your minor lands need building materials, or food please do not hesitate to ask. I am already having members of my village prepare medical supplies and food to be sent to Amegakure in their hour of need. We must come together, no matter our size or longevity of status."

Itami would then relax his posture and allow the Hokage to continue.


Location: [Hokage Office]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō -> Chika --> Itami --> Kuro Yuki
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II​