Hot Water District


Akashi shell.png

Akashi's Training

The sun hovered high above the Hot Spring District, casting a warm, golden light across the tranquil training grounds of Yugakure that wound through the lush landscape. Standing on the water’s surface, Akashi Harunami, a shinobi known for his unique blend of Capoeira and his clan's Water Method style, began his daily training. The heavy waves within the stream beneath his feet were going to be the center of his balance training on such an unpredictable surface. Akashi’s feet barely made a splash as he moved, his body flowing with the rhythm of the stream. Each step, each spin, that he was going to take would only further added to the moving waves of the water's surface, this was a fighting style that combined acrobatics, dance, and martial arts. But practicing on the water wasn’t just about physical prowess; it was a test of his chakra control. By focusing his energy into his feet, he created a thin layer of chakra that allowed him to stand atop the water.

He began with a series of ginga movements, swaying his body from side to side, his arms fluidly moving in tandem. The stream's current tried to throw him off balance, but Akashi adjusted with a subtle shift in his chakra, maintaining his stance. With a swift kick, he transitioned into a spinning motion, his body twirling gracefully above the water’s surface. The turtle shell strapped to his back, added a distinct rhythm to his movements, its weight and shape perfectly complementing his Capoeira techniques. As he moved through a complex sequence of kicks and flips, Akashi’s foot unexpectedly slipped on a particularly strong ripple. His concentration wavered, and before he could regain his footing, he fell into the river with a loud splash. The cool water enveloped him, the sudden change in environment shocking his system. For a moment, the world was a blur of bubbles and shimmering light filtering through the water's surface.

But Akashi didn’t panic as he was already use to this. Instead, he began to swim up to the surface of the unusually deep stream started to gather his chakra. He extended the flow of chakra to his hands and feet, feeling the energy radiate through his limbs. As he reached the surface of he water, he used his chakra covered limbs to pull himself back on top of the water as if the water was turned to a solid. Gradually, Akashi pushed upward, his head breaking the water’s surface first, followed by the rest of his body. He emerged from the river, dripping wet and let out a short chuckle to his own mess up.
Akashi: Well that didn't go as planned.


This time, he slightly altered the ginga style movements, making his side to side transitions a bit shorter to go with the speed of the current, allowing the river’s current to flow beneath him with a more smooth pace, and resumed his training.

This time, he incorporated the sensation of moving through water into his Capoeira. The turtle shell on his back became more than just a tool for defense—it was now a source of momentum. As he rolled across the water’s surface, the shell added a unique spin to his movements, allowing him to maintain his balance more effectively. When he launched into a handstand, the shell acted as a stabilizer, making it easier to transition into a series of rapid kicks.

The training session became a dance between Akashi and the stream. He adapted his Capoeira to the water’s rhythm, using the turtle shell to accentuate his movements, adding an even more aquatic grace to his style. His connection with the water deepened, each motion blending seamlessly with the environment around him. The constant need to adjust to the shifting surface honed his chakra control, while the turtle shell provided a distinct, fluid dynamic to his already graceful movements. Even after his initial misstep, Akashi continued to push himself, knowing that this rigorous training would further refine his abilities.


Current Location: Yugakure Training Grounds
Post Order: Akashi
-> ???
Time Limit: 72 Hrs
Skip Points: 2



“Enter the Head of Steam!”

The Hot Water District was a tranquil, yet bustling place within the Shinobi continent, best known for its relaxing hot springs and amenable climate seemingly year round, the country was always rife with life and tourism, with its main attraction: the Hot Springs. The land was littered with various different springs that are almost all naturally sourced and created from the earth within the lands, heated by various vents of volcanic activity deep below the surface of the entirety of the district. A truly wondrous and blessed gift for their geographical location, as they are rather far and remote from the rest of the Shinobi Continent. Although this was still an area frequented by tourists and vacationists alike, there was in fact a ninja village within the borders, with capable and uniquely powerful bloodlines residing within the continent, helping make up its great tapestry of history. One of these families was the Harunami Clan.

One of the many talented ninja clans hailing from the district, the Harunami are a sect of ninja who have uniquely innate mastery over the element of water and thus make them some of the most keen water release specialists known to the natural ninja world. Able to finely manipulate water right down to the smallest of margins and molecules, this clan has built a reputation for being know as “Water Whisperers”, as they are born with the Unagi Tattoo, which is often an eel-shaped tattoo residing and originating from the middle of the back of nearly all Harunami born to the clan, giving them their access to their special abilities. With the further training and growth of ninjas born from this bloodline, they are often destined to become some of the most proficient water release users known to the world.

It is on their backbone that the Hot Water District has built its reputation, and their recent acquisition of the Five-Tailed Beast, the ivory hose with a dolphin head, Kokuō was caught and sealed long ago within a child born into the clan of Water Shifters. Further adding to their legacy as a clan who attempted to tame a tailed beast.

Fast Forward ten years later, the young Jinchuriki now a young genin ninja, in his own right has amassed great talent as a shinobi in his young career, becoming infamous across the country as not just the Five-Tails host, but also the Pride of the Harunami. While others who were not as fond of his status within the village, referred to him as the Demon of the Hot Springs. Both names he embraced as he always knew he would be destined for greatness one way, or another.

As the sun lowered across the country, with bright orange littering the daylights remaining visage, signified that the night was very much on its way. Villagers making their way home and packing up their shops for the evening, to pick back up business bright and early in the morrow. The streets were quiet, or at least quieting down with no children playing, no errand boys running about with no shopkeepers making their voices heard for those around…Well. Only for that moment at least.

“YAAAAAAAHHHHHH WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" could only be heard as the loud, boisterous voice echoed as it sailed with certain speed down the street, with a trail of white clouds flowing as his path was blazed. Accompanied by his healthy scream of excitement, could be heard a whistle as loud as an alarm with the piercing ability to penetrate through even the best concentrations of meditative masters like a hot knife through butter. The citizens ducked for cover as the wild young man further traveled at erroneous levels of speed and velocity, seemingly carried by nothing but the thrill of his own excitement and critical boiling point of his very own chakra. The Steam Head was notorious for this, always disrupting the flow within the district and seemingly putting others at risk with his shenanigans. The young genin surfed atop his Hyōtan gourd as it allowed him relative flight ability through the concentration of his chakra. Having just come back from a mission that had clearly gone well, he wanted to quickly make it to the training grounds to end the day with something he never allowed himself to forget to do at least once every single day.

Quickly through his flight, the scenery had changed and was almost immediately at the training grounds. With the steam and whistle pewtering out as he slowed down his motion and hopped off the gourd while slinging the chain attached to it over his shoulder, smoothly and coolly. He walked into the grounds and immediately breathed in the air familiar to him before calmly exhaling back out. The hot-blooded Harunami now appeared to be relaxed. Or was he? His senses took hold of something or someone nearby. Walking over through the bushes and looking down into the ridge, down some tens of feet in the river, he saw his cousin Akashi training his water method technique while on the surface of water. The waterfall behind him raged on but the water he stood on was calm and seemingly unfettered by the surrounding scenery.

Observing him lose his footing and falling into the river, he keeled over with laughter uncontrollably but made sure to stop before he was louder than necessary so as not to attract any attention to himself as he had an idea. Making a single clone, he would then aim and then throw his Hyōtan like a javelin directly at the head of his cousin Akashi. The trajectory was directly in line with his blind spot, meaning that he would need to rely on his spatial awareness to anticipate the gourd being thrown at him. Furthermore, this left little time to react as the strength and speed in which it was thrown was charged with Kozui’s chakra. It made no noise as it traveled through the air directly for its target. Should Akashi be caught off guard, his balance would be knocked off yet again as his head would have been beamed with the large and hardened weapon. Before he would have time to react, Kozui would then move in with certain speed, yet controlled enough to stop midair as needed to then launch an enlarged chakra enhanced fireball the size of a tall boulder, with the concussive force to force back down Akashi into the water, covering a considerable distance should he find himself swimming back to the top. Kozui could be found still weaving some hand signs as his body sailed through the air, before bellowing out to his cousin.

“What's going on cuz?! Like the sneak attack? Lets spar!”

The excited genin did not originally look to sneak up on his cousin, but he was feeling confident after his last mission and was looking to test his mettle against the best or rather, the first person he saw.


Location: Yugakure Training Grounds
Posting Order: Akashi Harunami → Kozui Harunami
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: lll





The tranquil stream that cut through the field shimmered in the fading light, its gentle current a stark contrast to the intense training session unfolding above it. Akashi had been transitioning into a few different movements, one of them being a Chapéu De Couro, his body spinning low to the ground as his leg swept out in a wide arc. The move was a spinning sweep kick, designed to take down an opponent by knocking them off their feet. As he was facing the opposite direction of what he normally was during the sweep, something caught his eye—a glint of metal cutting through the air, heading straight for him from behind. Without breaking the rhythm of his movements, Akashi followed through with the sweep to keep the momentum as he moved to the side during the sweep and shifted into a Chapéu De Couro aerial variation, launching himself into the air with a powerful spin. As he rotated, Akashi focused his chakra into the sole of his right foot, gathering energy in a concentrated burst. As such, as the kick was coming to completion, it made connection with the side of the large object that was thrown at him. The moment his foot made contact with the airborne weapon, it adhered to him as if glued, the chakra acting like a tether.

In the midst of his aerial spin, Akashi used the weapon’s momentum to execute a backflip, the force of the flip accentuated by the added weight of the weapon. As he reached the apex of his flip, he kicked his foot out, directing the weapon back toward its origin. Simultaneously, he released the chakra from his foot, sending the large gourd hurtling back with triple the speed and force it had originally possessed. The weapon shot through the air like a bolt of lightning, aimed directly at Kozui. If Kozui still decided to close the distance between them, the weapon would collide with him mid-air, the sheer force likely sending him crashing into the very cliff he had leaped from and taking some of the wind from the boys lungs on connection. The impact would be devastating, the weight of the weapon compounded by the velocity Akashi had imparted. However, Kozui chose to remain on his perch, the gourd would strike the cliffside instead. The cliffside will erupted with a thunderous crack as the gourd embedded itself deep within the rock, sending fragments of stone tumbling down into the stream below.

Akashi landed smoothly on the water, his feet finding their place atop the stream as if the entire maneuver had been part of his original training routine. He remained poised, his senses alert for Kozui’s next move. The field had grown still, the only sound the faint trickle of the stream beneath him. Whether Kozui chose to remain relaxed or engage, Akashi was ready now, his body and mind in perfect harmony with the environment around him as his eyes locked onto his younger cousin with a slight smile.
Akashi: Oh, it's you. You know, had that been anybody else but me you'd have probably gotten that sneak attack of yours off. Heh, but yea; I'm down for a spar.

Location: Yugakure Training Grounds
Posting Order: Akashi Harunami → Kozui Harunami
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



“Enter the Head of Steam!”

As expected, his cousin’s training and general prowess was always on display and never truly faded into the background. Calm, patient, and most certainly, alert to his surroundings while also patiently trusting his senses. The mark of a true ninja who still has much room for growth. Continuing to follow his forms as he stood upon the water’s face, ever so gracefully practicing and reciting his actions seeming seamless, or at the very least, with much more focus than before when he hadn’t accounted for a ripple in the water to throw his concentration. Even whilst turning his body, he was able to catch a glimmer of the metal that flashed against the orange sundown and follow through with his same movements. Lifting his body into an aerial which would eventually lead into a back-flip, while also emitting the correct level of chakra to have the Hyōtan adhere to his foot like glue and within the same motion, launch a kick with considerable force and weight, granted by the additional chakra Akashi had appeared to imbue into his sole and would also be absorbed by the Hyōtan he would launch with the kick right back at Kozui. An impressive maneuvering counter from a disadvantageous position was truly an incredible move on the part of the shell-clad Chunin.

The gourd would be launched back at the young Harunami with great speed and concussive force. However, what he didn’t account for was the gourd's ability to absorb the chakra it has come into contact with, meaning, the chakra upon his foot would allow for the gourd to be launched at certain speed, but the added weight from the kick it self would become mute as it sapped away all the kinetic force applied, with the gourd effectively storing the chakra he had accumulated in his foot. The gourd traveled directly towards the clone, who remained still as possible and managed to evade the launched weapon, while also catching it by the chain and using the momentum to begin his former flight as it would then begin to convert the stored chakra within Hyōtan into steam, to redirect himself right back down towards the river!

Additionally, upon the launching of the gourd from his kick, The real Kozui would reappear within the blind-spot of the mid-flip Akashi, having used the flicker technique to quickly move towards and grab hold of the loose foot that would have still been in motion from his previous counter-attack, and the other foot by the ankle, Kozui would use his great strength infused by his rising boiling chakra, to spin and throw Akashi straight away from the river and deeper into the nearby forested area with frightening force and velocity. “RAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!” The genin would yell, as the throw alone would effectively throw off the equilibrium of Akashi’ body, with him constantly spinning uncontrollably and disallowing for proper sight-lines in his travel pattern, while he was directed into many thick trees, branches and potentially being stopped by any boulders or large rock formations that could also be found in the deeper part of the woods. The force from the throw alone would potentially break apart those same branches and tree trunks, even toppling some before Akashi’s body had slowed down from the impact of the many obstructions. This alone would heavily injure the chunin, leading to some broken bones at worst, with heavy wounds at the very least, but would most certainly contract a concussive injury.

But would not stop there, had Akashi not managed to reassert control of his flung body during mid flight, Kozui would then relink up with his incoming clone who hopped off the flying gourd as it was led right back to the prime jinchuriki, catching it, slinging it over his shoulder and hopping onto it himself for flight going straight after the thrown turtle enthusiast! With the clone mid air, and Kozui in pursuit from the waterbed, directly in unison, they weaved the Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger seals with shocking speed and gathered a great amount of air infused with a roaring flame burning in his esophagus, and then released just before Akashi would have reached the treeline a barrage, no, massive volley of flaming balls of incinerating flame the size of full-grown watermelons. They would mesmerizingly sail towards the treeline, Akakshi himself and even would consume the forest itself with its great numbers equaling in the high fifties, leaving very little room to dodge anything had he actually managed to regain control over his out of control body. The fireballs directed at the forest rained down like meteors had replaced a hailstorm. After the performance of the jutsu, the clone would be dispelled as Kozui flew into the burning fray of the forest in search of his opponent.


Location: Yugakure Training Grounds
Posting Order: Akashi Harunami → Kozui Harunami
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: lll




Akashi vs Kozui (Family Spar)

In these few moments, a critical error was made on the part of his younger cousin with the attempt to stop the kick that had been in motion. Akashi's own physical strength far outmatched that of Kozui and while the plan was good if he was able to physically stop him, the momentum Akashi had from his spin and flip added to his strength only made his kick that much stronger. As such, once the kick itself connected with Kozui, instead of Akashi being stopped; The kick will slam against the arms and body of his cousin with such force that if not properly handled, a loud popping sound would be heard as it'd force the elbow of his cousin straight out of its sockets, followed by an even louder crashing sound which will echo through entire training field as Kozui will have been sent rocketting beneath the surface of the water.

While still in motion from his previous attack, he reached into one of the ninja tool pouches strapped to his leg, pulling out a small, turtle-shaped bomb. The bomb, intricately designed with chakra-sensitive seals, was a perfect representation of his unique fighting style—both unassuming and dangerous. Using the momentum from his flip, Akashi twisted his body, positioning himself to intercept the clone who had been launching towards him still. With the precision of a master, he spun around the back side of the clone and slapped the turtle-shaped bomb onto the back of the clone. The attachment was swift and efficient, and without breaking the flow of his movements, Akashi followed through with a kick, but this was no ordinary strike. His foot arced gracefully, almost as if he were reaching out to grab the clone with the back of his leg. The kick was more like a hook, using the force of the spin to latch onto the clone and hurl it toward the stream where Kozui was. The bomb being activated by Akashi's leg as it siphoned a portion of his chakra and began emitting a glow on contact. With the clone going at such speeds from the tool he was launching himself with, there was little to no time for a reaction as he was now using small bursts of chakra to boost the speed of his movements, being careful not to come into contact with the gourd while his chakra was active.

Though, as the clone closed in on Kozui, The turtle-shaped bomb detonated with a powerful burst, the explosion erupting from the clone’s back in a brilliant flash of light and heat. The force of the blast sent shockwaves across the training field, large waves shooting from the surface of the water and shaking the water beneath Akashi's feet. This will have caused the clone to disintegrated upon impact, its remnants scattering into the air before being absorbed by the explosion. With that Akashi hopped back from the water and landed onto a patch of land to oversee the water below. Focusing intent on what Kozui would try next if he managed to stay evade the explosion and/or remain conscious.



Location: Yugakure Training Grounds
Posting Order: Akashi Harunami → Kozui Harunami
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


Staff member

Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.


Owner and Founder
Staff member


Concealed from both sight and sensing, Asami finally revealed himself after a week of observing the intense training session between his younger brother, Akashi, and cousin, Kozui. Emerging from his hiding spot, Asami's presence was sudden and authoritative.

"That was pathetic. I expected a lot more from both of you," Asami declared, his tone sharp yet his face wearing a bright, almost mischievous smile. As the leader of the Harunami Clan and a master known as the Water Sage, his insights were revered; his mastery over water was so profound that he could manipulate the very molecules in the air.

"Akashi, I admire your physical strength, but you're too direct in your attacks. Why not use the surrounding water to counter the fireball and create a smokescreen? Combat isn't just about showing off your strength. Also, you really need to improve your footwork," Asami critiqued his younger brother with a constructive tone, then turned his attention to his cousin."Now for you, Oni-kun," he began, using the nickname—meaning 'demon'—he had affectionately bestowed upon Kozui. "You waste too much chakra. It's good that you can strategize, but your plans are chakra-intensive and physically risky. Scale it back and remember what I've taught you. Sometimes, the simplest strategies can be the most lethal." Asami's onyx eyes scanned the young shinobi before him, assessing their strengths and pinpointing their weaknesses. His critique was not just a rebuke but a tailored lesson intended to mold them into wiser, more effective warriors.


Location: Yugakure Training Grounds
Posting Order: Akashi Harunami → Kozui Harunami → Arashi Harunami
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




The forest surrounding the Yugakure training field was bathed in the soft glow emitting from the sun, the leaves casting shadows across the ground in a golden hue. Akashi, drenched in sweat, leaned heavily against the rough bark of a tree. His chest heaved with every breath, his body screaming for rest after a relentless week of training. His once-fluid Capoeira movements had grown slower, more sluggish as his stamina dwindled, but he refused to give in. His muscles ached, and his chakra reserves were nearly depleted, he hadn’t taken enough breaks, and he’d gone the entire week without food pills, pushing himself to his absolute limits. Akashi’s legs, usually so strong and agile, now felt heavy and unsteady beneath him. His turtle shell, which he normally wore with pride, now seemed to weigh him down like a burden. His breath was ragged, his vision slightly blurred from exhaustion. The stream nearby, which had been his training ground for days, now shimmered lazily in the fading light, mocking him with its calmness. He wiped the sweat from his brow, his hands trembling slightly, and closed his eyes for just a moment.
Maybe just a short rest...

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the silence calling his name. Akashi’s eyes snapped open, his body jolting awake despite the fatigue weighing him down. He looked up to see his older brother and clan leader, Asami Harunami, standing before him. Asami's presence was commanding, his posture upright and authoritative. His dark eyes, sharp and calculating, took in the sight of Akashi with criticism. The long, flowing robes of their clan swayed slightly in the evening breeze. He knew his brother wasn’t there for no reason, but hearing Asami’s critical tone now, when he already felt so drained, made the moment even harder to sit through. Akashi’s brow furrowed as he listened. He had been so focused on practicing and battling his cousin with his Capoeira techniques that he’d ignored the possibilities around him. The water had been there the entire time, offering an endless supply of tools and tactics that he had neglected.

Akashi winced at the last remark. His footwork was something he took pride in, but after a week of non-stop training, his movements had become heavy, uncoordinated, and unrefined. He knew Asami was right, but hearing it stung. His legs were tired, his body was worn out, and even now, sitting before his brother, he could feel his focus faltering. The young hermit shinobi bit his lip, unable to meet his brother’s gaze. He could feel the weight of his exhaustion pressing down on him, both physically and mentally. The desire to prove himself, to push past his limits, had blinded him to the importance of balance, of strategy, and of pacing himself.
I just.. I thought if i'd pushed myself harder...

He stopped mid sentence and Akashi finally looked up, meeting his brother’s eyes. There was no harshness in Asami’s tone—only the quiet understanding of an older sibling who had seen these mistakes before. This simply caused Akashi to nod, the weight of his own stubbornness settling on him like a burden.
I'll work on my footwork, and focus on more than just my physical techniques.

Location: Yugakure Training Grounds
Posting Order: Akashi Harunami → Asami Harunami →???
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll