Demon District


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Districts and Locations:

Demon District



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ARC Begins
Chunin Exams - What's going on!?

In the heart of the Stone District, the day before the highly anticipated Chunin Exams was a flurry of activity. Two weeks had passed since the devastating attack from the Shadow Realm, and the shinobi world was still reeling from the aftermath. However, the indomitable spirit of the villages remained unbroken, and the prospect of the Chunin Exams brought a renewed sense of determination to its inhabitants. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the shinobi continent, as shinobi of all ages and ranks converged on the sprawling training grounds. The atmosphere was charged with energy and anticipation, a testament to the significance of this event in the shinobi world. Banners bearing the symbol of Stone City fluttered in the breeze, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the recent shadows that had loomed over their world. Teams of Genin, adorned in their respective land headbands, gathered to finalize their preparations. The air was filled with the sound of shuriken clashing and kunai piercing targets as they honed their combat skills. The many sensei of the young shinobis watched over them with pride as they were easily able to see that their students were determined to pass their upcoming tests.

Shinobi were getting ready for their adventure to the Stone in order to participate and/or spectate while some villagers left with their children and others remained in their lands to watch on TV. Though, with the memory of the Shadow Realms attack still fresh in their minds, they were prepared for any eventuality. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the world, the shinobi's preparations for the Chunin Exams were nearly complete. The village's resilience in the face of adversity, its unwavering determination, and the unbreakable bonds forged through countless trials were evident in every corner. Tomorrow, the Chunin Exams will begin, and the Stone District will host its first exams and stand as a beacon for the shinobi world.


Staff member
United Shinobi Alliance Mission - Zero Tails Pursuit

Rumors spread like wildfire throughout the Shinobi world, whispers and tales of an enigmatic Entity lurking within the mysterious depths of the Demon District. In response, the United Shinobi Alliance dispatched a formidable fleet of shinobi, handpicked for their prowess, to investigate these unsettling rumors and report back within a week. However, as days turned into weeks and then a full month passed, the task force's absence grew alarming. The ensemble had been comprised of the finest jounin and special jounin hailing from various districts, raising the question of what formidable threat they might have encountered. The mystery deepened, leaving the shinobi world in suspense, their questions unanswered. What was truly unfolding within the enigmatic Demon District?


Academy Student



The sound of what seemed to be a gentle breeze cascaded like sun rays across the area. For one reason or another, it was particularly chilly. However, this was a rather abnormal kind of feeling. It was almost as if something was causing this. Was this simply superstition? Was it an ill omen of what was to befall this already off-putting land? Perhaps the two were not mutually exclusive. One thing that was true, however, was that someone reminiscent of a demon had finally entered this district. Rumors that had reached him despite how far away he was drew him in. There was an odd kind of aura that exuded from the words of those whom he had heard these tales from. It was unlike other kinds of small talk or fairy tales that one would hear at any given time. What was described to him was a grotesque kind of rumor that excited him. People were going missing despite their demonstrated prowess. Most would find such a mysterious prospect terrifying.

Most were not Sena, however.

There was no one more selfish, no one more self-indulgent, and no one more chaotic than him. An enigma to all – even the Hidden Mist Village itself. He seemed to have just… appeared one day out of the mist. As with most things, no one questioned his presence. Unless directly confronted, he rarely allowed for his overwhelming intent to spring forth. So far, he had free reign to do what he wanted. Killing, stealing, and terrorizing were quite easy to get away with when one chose the right targets. Instead of attempting some sort of coup, he simple chipped away at lesser known targets and areas. Places that had formidable opponents, yet forgettable presences. After all, how would someone investigate a massacre that had no blood?




This sound seemed to slightly echo through the relatively quiet district. The man’s head was held high – he didn’t care if he seemed conspicuous, because he would get his answers one way or another. Either someone would willingly tell him, or he would play with the brain until he touched the right part of it to force an answer. Both were an option, yes, but one was much more fun. There were a third, fourth, fifth, and even sixth option, too, but that was to be expected given that torture can be anything that one wants it to be.

A distinct crimson pinstripe pattern adorned him and was left uncovered. He felt that there was no need to hide the village he came from. Confrontation would be a simple warmup to the beast he was looking to tame. Though, he didn’t sense a single presence that could give him a fun time quite yet. His eyes moved left to right as a steady excess of vitamins and minerals began to rush to his ears, temporarily increasing his hearing. So far, nothing piqued his interest. It was mostly small talk – what you’d expect within a typical district anyway.

Breathing in slowly then out loudly, a very audible sigh escaped him. At this rate, he wouldn’t get a chance to enjoy the battle he was looking for. His goal was to tame darkness itself. Anything in this world, animate or inanimate, could be controlled. In his own eyes, there was no such thing as a power ceiling. His own potential was infinite. There was nothing inhibiting him from reaching it – no family, friends, or even enemies. Hopefully, the “item” he was seeking could break this intense boredom he constantly felt.

“Did you hear about what happened with that last Shinobi unit?”

A particularly quiet conversation is happening just beyond him around the corner in the alley. He walks up to a wall on his right and leans against it mainly with his upper back, so as to not cause discomfort from pressing against the sheathe on his back that housed both of his blades. He closes his eyes and continues to listen

”Did you hear where they went to investigate the rumors? I wanna steer clear of that area, I’m not trying to die…”

A single violet eye can now be seen peering in the direction where he is listening, this may be the key he’s looking for.

”Well, actually, yeah… But I’m not sure if this is the best place to get into a lot of detail. Let’s go back to my place."


Sena’s body shifts to the right and he takes a single step, interjecting his presence between the two men who were whispering. A thick mist has overtaken the area simultaneously with his movement from the wall to the alley. His bright smile is the only thing visible to both men who are both within arm’s reach.

Oddly enough, the only one to react is the man with the information. For one reason or another, his companion was not speaking. Unfortunately, the reason for this was rolling towards them. Sena's outstretched arm firmly held onto the shoulder of the man containing the information. His other hand guided his face towards the ground by cupping his chin with his palm, where a head found itself bumping into their feet. Not only did this imply that the man should not scream, but he wouldn’t have a chance to do this either. The moment that any kind of muscle tensed around his throat, he would squeeze hard enough to force his mouth shut.

The index of his left hand that was cupping his chin was distinctly cold. The man would feel a dripping sensation rolling down his cheek and then off of it entirely with each passing second. It was now evident that Sena didn’t behead his companion with brute force, instead, he simply made a cut shallow enough to draw blood and then beheaded him with that blood in the same fashion that a sharp enough wire could. Hopefully, the man would choose his words wisely.

”Now tell me, where did these events occur?”



Staff member
United Shinobi Alliance Mission - Zero Tails Pursuit

In the hushed gloaming of a desolate alley, the man leaned close to his co-worker, the air thick with secrets and an impending sense of dread. As they exchanged words about the cryptic whispers that had been circulating, an eerie mist, like a malevolent spirit, materialized around them. Panic set in, and he desperately attempted to call out to his companion, their voices drowned in this spectral fog that now enveloped them.

The world twisted into a nightmarish blur, the man's sense of reality disintegrating as he helplessly floundered in this enigmatic shroud. His feet stumbled and descended into something altogether gruesome. A warm, viscous substance seeped around his ankles, not the soothing sensation of a spa, but a macabre pool that curdled his stomach. His eyes welled up with tears as the grim truth clawed its way into his consciousness. He stood in the midst of a crimson tide, his companion's blood glistening beneath him.

Crashing to his knees, his voice, now a quivering crescendo of cries and pleas, cut through the oppressive silence. His pleas were those of a man on the precipice of despair. "Please, I beg of you. Spare my life. I have a family, a wife, who depend on me, sir. I'm just a vessel for the rumors that have been swirling about the sealed section of Yōgakure, possibly tied to the vanishing shinobi of the United Shinobi Alliance," he stuttered, the words bubbling forth amidst his sobs and pleas. In the shroud of mystery, he clung to hope that the enigmatic figure before him might be swayed by mercy.





Back in the Demon District, with the events of the Chunin exams proceeding, Bofu had returned home, dishonored as he fell out of the chunin exams during the first exam, he now stood before his father; a menacing man who stood at the pinnacle of Taijutsu and Physical abilities. This man who stared upon Bofu with such disgraceful eyes, the mere sight of the boy irritated the man to no limit. The youngest of his children had brought about great dishonor to his name, and such a notion during this time of year was only answered with one simple but harsh reality. Yujiro who stood before Bofu, swiftly delivered a rib shattering blow, shockwaves produced out from behind the genin as blood expelled from his mouth. The onslaught that would follow would be as such, a knee straight to the face breaking the nose and jaw, an elbow to the right shoulder blade fragmenting the bones. A swift and brutal kick across Bofu's left arm, left it bending in unnatural ways as the genin crashed into a boulder atop of the mountain. Each blow like the sound of thunder came crashing upon the Genin as blood splattered across stone and soil. The beating that Bofu received was nothing but the necessary evil needed for the Kengan clan. Teeth flying out from his mouth as Bofu skipped against the ground from each blow, blood soaking his face, his limbs bending in unorthodox ways. this was a sight of horror as the Genin could only beg for forgiveness for his failures, wanting only to live up to his mothers ideals. Ideals that now would die with Bofu as Yujiro stood above him, his cold glare fixated as he cocked his arm back one last time, the muscles tensing and pulsating with blood; his arm seemingly bending the wind around it as he drove it down brutally and swiftly, like a gavel of justice, it came crashing into the skull of bofu Kengan, reducing his head into paste upon the mountain surface as the shockwave it produced created a medium sized crater as Yujiro held that position, taking in the responsibility as Clan leader and Kage of the Demon District. This blow which was the fatal straw to Bofu's life only left a corpse without a head. And in the end, left only Yujiro with two sons...

Kami Shia


Makoto Shika

Arriving in Demon District the air was thick and the feeling of this area was rather sinister as if evil spirits lurked in every corner. The young lord of the Shika clan entered the land avoiding in direct contact with anyone or so he thought, as he came to he found himself standing in front of a pool blood and two men staring at each other one pleading for his life begging for mercy. One of them seemed to be out of it as Makoto himself was when chasing down the voice whispering to him. Could this man had been controlled by some sort of mind control, whatever it was Makoto could feel a stranger aura oozing out of the man and he quickly eliminated the possessed man, rescuing the survivor in the process saving him from sharing the same fate that his friend had just experienced. Strange he thought, by the look on the mans face and the blood on his hand he could tell that whatever it was controlling these people was the cause of the recent unexplained deaths around this region any others around the shinobi continent. No one was safe.

"You there tell me what happened, perhaps I could find the source of all our troubles and take care of all of our problems at once"

Makoto asked the stranger with a kind smile on his face although deep down he was hiding the fact that he was slightly nervous, the feeling of chasing down an unknown target alone was quite disturbing to him. Not sure he would become possessed himself or if he had already been possessed when making his way here, he feared that maybe coming alone was the wrong decision or if it was his decision at all. Makoto could feel the presence of another lurking as if it were constantly watching him, yet he could not physically detect where the source of power was coming from. Raising an eyebrow he hoped the stranger could answer he question so that he may quickly come up with a solution before the targets gets a drop on him. If not he would be left to hope a useless emotion most humans have yet it somehow proves to be a great morale booster in times of need. Waiting for a response the young lord remained alert in this foreign land in case of a random attack his chakra circulating throughout his limbs as he would keep a close eye of those within his line of sight. He believed one could never be to cautious when dealing with strangers, the likeliness of finding the enemy was one in a million, whomever was responsible for these traveling whispers had to be an extremely and well rounded individual. Still running away wasn't an option as he felt he was getting close to solving this mystery on his own.


Staff member
United Shinobi Alliance Mission - Zero Tails Pursuit
Kneeling amidst the debris, his once defiant demeanor now shattered, the man's voice quivered and rose in a crescendo of desperation, a cacophony of cries and pleas that cut through the oppressive silence. His words were those of a man teetering on the precipice of despair, his voice quavering as he implored, "Please, I beg of you. Spare my life. I have a family, a wife who depend on me, sir. I'm just a vessel for the rumors that have been swirling about the sealed section of Yōgakure, possibly tied to the vanishing shinobi of the United Shinobi Alliance."

The man's speech, punctuated by sobs and pleas, flowed amidst the backdrop of this enigmatic figure, cloaked in mystery. In his darkest moment, he clung to the glimmer of hope that this enigmatic presence might be swayed by a merciful inclination.

The stranger, the arbiter of life and death, along with an audience that quivered in fear 20 feet away looking to see the man's fate would of watched him closely. The quivering man, stained with his companion's blood, reverently pressed his lips to the ground, offering silent gratitude for the reprieve he sought. Then, with the same urgency that had gripped him moments ago, he fled. His departure was a frenzied dash toward an uncertain sanctuary.

Moments later, an earth-shaking explosion echoed from the direction of Yōgakure, the peaceful façade of the Hidden Village shattered by a thunderous eruption. As the mushroom cloud of smoke billowed into the sky, it became an ominous clue, a riddle waiting to be unraveled.

Location: Outskirts of Yōgakure​

Kami Shia


Makoto Shika


As the young lord took into the consideration of the strangers plea of innocence and claimed to be a victim of the recent disappearances. Unsure if the man was trying to cause a scene but it sure seemed like a desperate attempt to get the young master to let his guard down. However prepared for the worst case scenario Makoto would keep both hands armed and ready holding a blade in each. As he watched the man cower in fear he felt a little sorry for him but in familiar territory he remained cautious and was prepared to incapacitate the individual before him. Normally he would have walked away but he had a feeling that the stranger possessed more information than he was sharing. However before Makoto could begin to ask any question the man took off running towards Yogakure.

They never learn.

Trailing the man discreetly without losing sight of him Makoto, despite being able to easily catch up, felt a sinister presence lurking within the shadows as if someone were watching him; but as he looked around he could see no one other than the man he was following. Perhaps the stranger was hiding some kind of strange power or was a subject of a failed experiment. The man would lead him to an abandoned hideout or sanctuary. The place seemed to be run down however the young lord maintained a safe distance so that he could refrain from being spotted by a potential enemy. Not long after the stranger entered the sanctuary an explosion occurred within the village. The blast from the explosion was immensely powerful, powerful enough that it caused the locals in the area to feel the earth trember beneath their feet. The explosion also manifested a giant mushroom cloud and nearly blew away Makoto himself had he not found something to cling to. As the effects of the explosion died down the young lord was able to gather his footing. “What the hell was that?” Makoto asked himself out loud. To him Yogakure has already proven to be a hassle and he hasn’t been around for more than two hours. The day was young but the night had much in store for the young lord as he began his investigation by searching for clues nearby hoping to run across some useful information.

Outskirts Yogakure​


Staff member

Time Skip - The Shadow's World Reappearance

The week-long time skip has heralded significant changes across the globe: a mysterious surge in the disappearance of both shinobi and citizens, coupled with a rise in the number of worshippers of an unknown deity from the Shadow World. These devotees pray for their lives to be spared and for the promise of a more prosperous existence within the Shadow World. In response to this escalating threat, the Gokage have united, forming an international coalition to combat the encroaching danger posed by the Shadow World. Although the true objectives of this shadowy realm remain elusive, the global leaders recognize that the recent massacres are merely the precursor to a more severe confrontation. To bolster their defenses, they've formed shinobi alliance squads—small, specialized teams comprising three to four ninjas from diverse nations, prepared to face whatever challenges come next.