Cloud District


Byakko Laofang Normal State.png


As the food was to be brought out, Byakko once more did his best to try and ignore the loud hyperactive youth beside him, but it was upon the bowls of ramen being brought forth that the youth beside him began ravaging the bowel beside him. Splashing broth everywhere like a barbaric animal. As droplets of broth fell upon the counter, floor it was an inevitability that it too would land on the clean garbs of the young Laofang, and as it did the Laofang's eyes stared almost like a fanatic towards the broth stain upon his waist coat. His eyes widening as veins began bulging across his forehead and arms. In but that briefest of moment, where Byakko slowly removed himself from his seat, his hands gripped the stools legs as in that second to follow, with a mighty swing, one which reverberated the air around the stool the wooden chair would find itself swinging out towards the other youths head. In all intent and purpose to molly whoop the boy across the back of his head with a swing that would shatter the chair across the boys skull.

This moment in Byakko's perspective had seemed to slow down, adrenaline and fury coursing through his veins as his amber eyes glared forth towards the boy with such violent intent expelling from every fiber of his being, it would be but a matter of time before that chair would find itself slamming across the boy's head sending it slamming against the counter/ booth. As this scene played forth Byakko shouted out, his voice filled with fury,​
"You barbaric savage! Has no one ever taught you proper table manners! Now look at my clothing, these stains will take forever to get out!"

Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





Zi enjoying his meal, splashing broth around until the small shop was, suddenly quiet. Kusakabi let out a small shudder and sigh as Byakko lifted a chair above his head. The kid was fast, but he had no idea how durable the boy known as Zi was. All the training and punishment on his body. Zi knew what was coming next as if he purposely provoked it.


Chair pieces splintered over Zi's back sending him forward some, but not enough to damage the boy further. The sound of planks hitting the stone floor bouncing and then stopping as the rest of the patrons quickly left under the shade cloth. Zi would look up towards Byakko and then burst out;

" BUWAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that's what this ramen needed to kick it up a notch! "

Zi wouldn't even dust himself off from the wood splinters on his shoulders, instead, he would pick up his first ramen bowl and take a big drink of the broth. " And you even gave my ramen a deep wood flavor, that's nice! Ya' did, however, break a chair in my favorite shop tho... So I am gonna have to hurt you now, Moron! "

Zi would then slowly stand up and walk under the same cloth to the middle of the crowded street awaiting the young tiger to follow him.


Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll




The raikage sat in her office stewing in the essence of paperwork. The piles weren’t much higher than your average village textbook but it was likely her least favorite part of the job. He brow knit with focus as she stared into the sea of paperwork. Her seal of approval being slammed down every few pages or so to give her confirmation of the documents at hand. She was growing increasingly comfortable in her duties despite her tenure as the Raikage. The more she worked the more the pile shrank and as she shrunk another pile one of her own popped into her office. The figure in question was none other than Orihara, his mint green hair neatly tucked under his village headband fashioned in the style of a bandana. He rubbed the back of his head before he spoke to the Raikage, her gaze already fixated on the young man in question.
“Madam Raikage, I see I won’t have to pester you about getting through your paperwork but another matter of importance. I know the security of the village is important and you’ve already seen to it that our outside affairs are being handled but perhaps its time we reach out formally. See what could come of an interaction with other nations.”

The Raikage pondered for a moment her fierce gaze piercing through Orihara’s own often hidden eyes. Chika’s posture shifted from a laxed working position to that of a thinking one. Her hands formed a pyramid underneath her chin as she contemplated her bodyguards words. Perhaps he was right in his notion. She closed their borders for safety and yet that didn’t stop them from losing the sanctity of their land even for a moment. She pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement. She knew one couldn’t be at the top of the food chain without making a few sacrifices along the way. The raikage cleared a few papers from her desk revealing a slot in her desk. It was rudimentary but it was still functional. A screen emerged not long after flickering to life all the same. In time she would be met with the face of the Hokage. whom much like herself was seemed to be lacking a kage hat forgoing the formality as a whole to get things underway.

Orihara watched as the screen emerged from the Raikage’s desk and took the hint that she gave notice to his words and followed through on the suggestion. He gave a brief wave before his image had gone up in smoke via a simple trick of the trade, body flicker. In turn his visage ended up in the streets of Kumogakure making his way to get a meal or rather a drink for himself. His stomach was effectively a bottomless pit as far as the Raikage’s pockets were concerned. His footsteps were light and as it would appear things were returning to normal in the village even if it was only a few hours after the reconstruction. The people of the village worked diligently to repair their home. Despite the only thing being damaged at this point being the village's outskirts, things were starting to look pretty normal around Kumogakure as a whole.

However despite the diligent tranquility that came with working to restore the village there was always something to disturb the peace that came with it. As he approached kusakabe’s the first thing he heard was shouting. The voice of two young men one of which was the bull headed young man from his previous meeting with the raikage from just after the attack. It was as if cats and dogs were fighting it out within the restaurant as Orihara approached the door. Orihara would walk onto the scene, his hand already wrapped around a bottle of his favorite drink from the front counter display. His lips parted to reveal to speak with excitement in his voice “Hey! Kusakab….” His voice trailed off with the realization that the sound he’d heard from outside was none other than two genin seemingly having a spat about manners from the sounds of it. His shaggy hair parted just enough to reveal the sight of Zi being cracked over the head with a chair. He wasn’t shocked by the things transpiring in regards to Z’s reaction but he was in shock by the fact he took it so well. Orihara could remember a time when he and his own brother would act out like this. He chuckled a bit as their banter carried on before Kusakabe came from the kitchen again. The old man in question was already toting Orihara’s order in hand before his jaw nearly touched the floor in shock. Orihara’s chuckle continued into full blown hearty laughter. He was like a well fed child filled with joy as he clutched his stomach before his laughter tapered off settling into a more serious tone not but a few seconds later. Had they actually gotten into a true physical altercation, which was likely given the demeanor of Z himself Orihara would separate them but until then he would merely watch while taking a sip of his beverage.

Location: [Streets of Kumogakure: Kusakabe Ramen]
Posting Order: Suzaku --> Shishiō --> Kuro Yuki --> Chika --> Itami
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II



Byakko Laofang Normal State.png


As the young Laofang has slammed the chair across the boys head, where to a normal individual this blow would result in brain damage and unconsciousness due to the Laofangs unnatural strength leaving the enraged Laofang baffled yet excited as he watched the boy speak almost unfazed,

" BUWAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that's what this ramen needed to kick it up a notch! "

Before the boy continued his lil talks Byakko dropped the legs of the stool still in his grasp to the side, his amber eyes focused in on its prey,

And you even gave my ramen a deep wood flavor, that's nice! Ya' did, however, break a chair in my favorite shop tho... So I am gonna have to hurt you now, Moron! "

This being said as Byakko watched the young lad slowly walk out from the hutt, the young Laofang slowly followed, as if stalking his target who sullied his clothing with his sloppy eating habits. With each step that slowly drove him closer to the entrance/ exit where he'd step forth towards the bright noon light. His eyes having not averted, Byakko began assessing his prey, it was clear he possessed a durability equivalent to Byakko's physical strength but what of the rest? These unknown factors were going to need to be unveiled as the young Laofang slowly slid his feet on the tiled roads. Dust scattering as his hands slowly rose up to the ancient chinese martial arts style of the tiger. His muscles to his legs tensing as veins buldged against the skin, using his physical strength to compensate for his lack of natural speed the tiles beneath his feet began to crack to the sheer force and pressure pressing against them. The hunt was about to begin and Byakko's target of aggression, the kid called Zi.

Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​





The odd-dressed kid would walk out of the shop. Zi watched as he examined Zi. Nothing but smiles, with his sharp shit-eating grin. Wided-eyed and toothy, Zi noticed the boy take a strange fighting stance, then braced himself down into the earth, leaving the hard-pressed earth cracked and breaking. Zi tilted his head, understanding the speed he possessed. Zi would take his hands and put them inside the pockets of his overalls.

" Well, shit eater, Go for it. So mad you got soup on you, See whatcha got."

Zi looked relaxed, but what the too smart for his overalls seven-year-old was doing, Was starting to funnel chakra into his teeth and fingernails. Just a small amount, concentrating on the chakra flow, he allowed this to become his training for the rest of the day. He hoped this kid was strong; " I hope people think you're strong, HA, that way when I beat you up they know I'm stronger than yuh!"

Zi mouthing off was a mainstay while he fought. He looked past Byakko for a split second, and saw; " Orihara! What's up, Our district's favorite free haircut candidate."

Zi still expected some sort of reaction from Byakko, since he seemed so upset from the broth spilling on him. All this jabber was necessary. Zi stood there, relaxed, weight leaning on his right leg as he held the left just so slightly off the ground, giving himself the appearance of being off balance ever so slightly. His eyes narrowed back onto Byakko, awaiting the first strike.

Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko -> Orihara
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Byakko Laofang Normal State.png

Even though his targetted prey was trying to egg him on to attack recklessly, Byakko remained stoic in his spot, his hands slowly crossing over themselves as crackles of electricity began producing themselves around the young Laofang, his amber eyes piercing towards the individual called Zi it was here that his posture shifted to that of a Tiger about to pounce. his nails digging into the stone carving apart its earthly matter as his hair fizzled and stuck up by the lightning his body was producing. This technique which which sped up the signals from the brain to Byakko's muscle was the Lightning Release: Overdrive! And at the very moment his target even in a split second diverted his attention, a thunderous eruption occurred in Byakko's spot. His body flickering like a stream of lightning swiftly closed the distance between himself and the other youth. That split second of an opening where the targeted prey's attention was diverted was an opening that would leave Byakko's prey defenseless. In that same split second where Byakko was now underneath the child, his left claw struck froth towards the diaphragm, with such force and speed it seemed like but a flicker of lightning where should it meet its mark, a shockwave would be produced out the back of the young lad only to send the boy upwards into the air where he'd find himself slamming head first into a cabbage cart.

Byakko's calculated assault was necessary as he knew nothing of what this boy was capable of, if he was capable of anything outside his outrageous durability. This sort of knowledge would let Byakko know that his blow would barely do anything to this prey, ultimately meaning the fight wasn't over...

Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko -> Orihara
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​




Orihara watched as these two prepared to begin their brawl and turned his attention to Kusakabe as he took one last swig of his favorite beverage. Kusakabe couldn’t see Orihara’s eyes when he turned his gaze to meet the old man’s but it caused the mint green hair on Orihara’s head to bounce despite being tied down with his bandana as he let out a chuckle. He could remember a time when he was their age being so eager to throw blows with the nearest person he could find to simply prove his prowess with his clan’s hiden. In his eyes it inevitably paid off in the long run but there was no sense in letting these two boys destroy the restaurant in hopes of proving a point. Chakra and attitudes alike flared in the middle of the restaurant but just as these young men found themselves standing on edge with one another they could find their forms encased in a cerulean chakra. Had they looked around both Zi and Byakko could find Orihara standing between the pair on the outside of this newly formed cubed. His hand poised in the form of a half tiger seal.

“Zi! That's enough you two take it outside, we just got this place working again!”

Orihara boxed them both in the cerulean cube but was looking intently at Byakko amidst the interaction. His head tilted to the side as he hadn’t seen something as intriguing as what the boy was formulating with his chakra. His thoughts pondered on the posibilities between the two of them. They were fighting but little did they know Orihara had other plans for them he could see the synergies that the pair were too bullheaded to even consider. Had the two of them stopped their bickering to take it outside Orihara would have released them. However had they opted to continue they would find themselves in a cube of chakra big enough to house their brawl without damaging the shop anymore than they already had.

Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko -> Orihara
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





The second Zi looked away, Byakko attacked. Zi knew he would take that opportunity like a coward, Zi went to dive, lifting his leg off the ground like he planned and ducking backward into a midair roll away from the limb or limbs, however instead of a power landing, Zi was met with a cerulean cube of chakra, smashing the side of his head into the cube and bouncing back into the opposite side until he was sitting on the bottom of the cube scratching his head with the two growing lumps. Looking up to see Byakko would have likely smashed straight into the cube as well.

" Son of a bitch! I was gonna take it outside, and it was gonna look cool! " Zi stood up and sighed before looking over to Orihara after he scolded Zi yet again. " Nah nah nah, it's alright... If I fought right now I'd have to buy more food. Can't be seen fighting this moron in public anyway, might lose some of my reputation over that. "


Zi would push his hands into his overalls and await the release of Orihara's technique.


Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko -> Orihara
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Byakko Laofang Normal State.png


Though Byakko's attack had met true, He was sooner confused by the sudden appearance of this strange cerulean cube around them; for he hadn't seen a jutsu like this before. As Byakko readjusted his posture his eyes remaining on the younger boy, the sudden shift in tone and demeanor seemed to cause some form of calmer effect, but with his anger still pumping through his body, Byakko was not an idiot, he came to the realization if a fight were to prolong the establishment and people around would only suffer more. As such by taking a deep breath before letting his left arm hand to his side as his right hand rested upon his hip, Byakko let out a sigh of annoyance.​
"The brutish boy has a point... Fighting In public would only tarnish the Laofang name, and bring more strife to the people of Kumo. As such, I do apologize for slamming a chair against your head. I may have over reacted..."
Byakko spoke in response with what seemed to be a calmer tone as he'd slowly lower his torso for a bow. Showing that he meant his apology before tossing a small pouch of Ryu to the boy to pay for the next meal whilst at the same time setting some Ryu in a secondary pouch to the side to pay for the chairs replacement. Returning to his more collective mindset, Byakko would rise once more, waiting for the Cube to be released as he'd turn his attention to the caster, his back now facing the boy.

Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko -> Orihara
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll




Orihara chimed in after their collective responses almost like a chipper condescending father figure. “Oh good, it looks like the two of you have common sense after all.” His previous more enthusiastic tone shifted to what it was now and his own eyes peered from underneath his shaggy hair to look at the pair. His eyes locked onto the pair he would approach the cerulean cube and speak with a stern tone, his eyes leaden with chakra giving way to a soft glow. “Don’t let it happen again..” Orihara chuckled after speaking returning to his typical laxed demeanor as he placed his now empty drink bottle at the base of the cube allowing it to disperse effortlessly. Orihara gestured for them to follow him as he soon turned his back to the pair.

For someone in such a position he was often so nonchalant about his duties while maintaining an air of certainty only rivaled by that of the very woman he was sworn to protect. Orihara barked over his shoulder to Kusakabe and the pair alike. “Don’t worry about the damage to the shop Kusakabe, I’ll pay for it.” He chuckled as he exited the establishment disappointed he wouldn’t be able to enjoy a hearty meal before things got back to their usual hustle and bustle. Had the young men in question opted to follow behind Orihara they would find him heading in the direction of the village training grounds. He inevitably would call out to them to fill them in on the situation at hand.

“If you two are so eager to prove yourselves then why don’t you strut your stuff in an appropriate place. How about a little friendly game of tag?” His hands now tucked behind his head with his fingers interlocked. It painted the picture of a lackadaisical in its own way as far as Orihara was concerned he was always going to be this way, laid back until faced with adversity. He felt as though the children in question who were so eager to prove themselves needed something to put their effort towards. In turn Orihara was willing to give them just the opportunity they were looking for.

Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko -> Orihara
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
