Cloud District


Owner and Founder
Staff member


Indira stood patiently at the village gates of Kumogakure, the sunlight casting a warm glow on his face as he awaited the arrival of his students. Positioned so close to the Gold District, the journey ahead promised to be brief, yet Indira couldn’t shake a growing sense of unease about their mission. With limited information at hand, his concerns were not just about confronting a potential enemy—his deeper fear lay in the possibility of innocent lives being lost, a consequence far more permanent and haunting than any battle wound.

As the leader of his team, he felt the weight of responsibility heavily on his shoulders, particularly because this mission marked the first real test for his students outside the safety of the village. His thoughts drifted specifically to Yugo, whose powerful abilities could prove as much a liability as an asset if not carefully managed. "I must make sure that Yugo doesn't go berserk," Indira murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. This mission was not only about their objective but also about safeguarding his team and ensuring they returned not just successful, but unscathed.

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Indira -> Yugo -> Gamu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



Young Yugo.png


The faint rays of the morning sun piercing the veil of Yugo's Home stirred him awake a soft groan from his chest contrasting with his diligent and engrained stretch routine rising firm his futon on the floor as his body twists with a cacophony of small audible crackles. The rest had done his body good but the faint soreness of his Sensei's incredible attack still left phantom sensations all over his body a wince as he imagined how it had felt to be struck by the crashing thunder and powerbomb combo but he could feel his body delight in such trial and the instinct within him churns in glee at the possibility of learning similar skills to those shown off by Indira. Yugo feels his muscles loose and eager as he looks out of the window surprised, he was not awakened sooner to beginning his usual more intensive workout, but the thought is short lived before he recalls why he was resting so thoroughly "The Mission...Id better not keep Master Indira Waiting". Yugo would swiftly drench himself in cold water and dry himself with a towel before slipping into a pristine set of his usual wardrobe grabbing a large water skin which he binds to his hip and a small box of rice balls as he opens his window leaping out onto the roof across from his home running along the most direct route to the edge of the village where Indira is waiting for him.

Landing with a slam a few feet from his Indira Yugo swiftly stands with an attentive and disciplined posture before his sensei for whom Yugo had developed a considerable respect already as another who might seemingly understand the plight of his condition. "I hope I didnt keep you Waiting Sensei, I admit I have not left the village often before and had to fight against my own conditioned schedule, I accept any punishment you deem befitting of my tardiness". Despite his youth Yugo's nature was hardly a great mystery a stoic and harsh attempt to leash his own blood. The intensive spar was an indulgence to Yugo a moment to unleash his violent instincts for a few moments contrasting to the young shinobi clearly showing intent to fight his own instincts for something as important as a mission. However, despite the stoic personality of the Jugo clan boy there was an obvious excitement brimming just beneath the surface this mission means a great deal to him as a chance to be of use to Kumogakure. Even more exciting his mind swimming with eager glee considering how Indira might provide training or even just more glimpses of Indira's immensely impressive skills which had already begun to inspire thoughts of improvements Yugo could imagine for himself.

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gamu -> Indira
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




Following the recent training session between Indira and his team of genin which escalated into a all-out fight on the part of the genin. Gamu would be laying a top of the roof of one of the many buildings within the village. Up a top the roof he was fast asleep trying to recover chakra and stamina to replenish the amount he used in his losing attempt at landing a decisive blow on his new sensei. Unlike Yugo who actually managed to hit Indira, the bubblegum ninja found all his attacks blocked by Indira's powerful techniques. While he should be proud he managed to defend against a shinobi the likes Indira without being hurt the fact he couldn't even come close to landing a harmless blow left him a little let down.

All the while as he slept he couldn't stop thinking about where he went wrong and what he could have done different, but sadly he couldn't come up with anything and with this realization he opened his eye and woke up only to realize that he was now running a little late to meet up with his new sensei and teammate for their important mission. Now awake and fully grasping that he was late Gamu would rush off hoping from roof to roof as fast as possible to get to the meeting point.

"Crap, Crap, Crap I'm late. Indira sensei isn't gonna be happy," said Gamu as he hopped across the roves at high speed before finally arriving at his destination to find Indira and Yugo waiting for him. "Sorry I'm late sensei. I fell asleep and lost track of time," said Gamu with a goofy grin on his face as he hoped he'd not be in trouble.


Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll
Last edited:


Owner and Founder
Staff member


As the sun's rays glanced off his skin, Indira, a master of weather manipulation, used the ambient conditions to gauge the passing time with remarkable accuracy. Standing there, he could feel a twinge of annoyance at his team's tardiness, yet he also remembered his own youth, recognizing the growth still required at their age. He was not interested in punishing them physically; rather, he hoped to instill a sense of punctuality's critical importance.

Just as his patience began to thin, Yugo and then Gamu materialized before him. Seizing the moment to teach a vital lesson, Indira addressed them with a mixture of sternness and understanding. "Each minute you're late, people could be dead. It is crucial that you get an ample enough time to rest while also being on time to make sure you can save as many lives as possible," he said, his expression shifting from serious to more approachable. His face softened into a welcoming smile as he extended an invitation to move forward. "Let's go before we miss our train," Indira suggested cheerfully. Without waiting for a response, he executed a body flicker technique, vanishing in an instant and reappearing seamlessly aboard the train destined for the Gold District.

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Gamu -> Indira -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



Young Yugo.png


Yugo is struck by his Sensei's words a weight in his stomach realizing Indira words hit like a stone to Yugo's stomach a brief look of shame on his face but quickly his stoicism reclaims his features as he stands at attention. "Yes Sensei, I will push myself to my limit in recompense for my laxity and sloth!". Yugo does notice to his surprise that Gamu his new teammate was likewise tardy a surprise his new ally seemed quite dependable and tactical as Yugo had to admit his straightforward methods would have been far less effective without Gamu's technique forcibly drawing Indira's attention during the spar. It was something Yugo had to admit internally to his own shame that he himself fell short on as his methods always rely so heavily upon instinct making Gamu's skillful display all the more contrasting to Yugo's realization on his shortcomings. The Young Genin shuts his eyes and breaths in deep to clear his head but reconciles in his thoughts a note to show his gratitude and friendship with his new Teammate when the opportunity presents itself.

The Jugo clan Genin spares no time before following his sensei, but rather than Body Flicker technique he decides to sharpen one of his most trustworthy tools seeking to provoke brief surges of his Overdrive Technique performing leaping dash motions and trying to time the use of his Overdrive activations to coincide with his leaping steps. Of course this method might not be as efficient as sensei Indira's body flicker, but Yugo would be pushing his body seeing he needed to treat any opportunity as a chance to train himself to reach new heights focusing only on speed and the sensation of lightning pulsating in his leg and abdominal muscles. The method was an attempt to use his chakra and strength to accommodate for his currently lacking natural speed making use of his instinctive talent for ninjutsu and taijutsu in tandem. Yugo would not let his sensei down he intended to provide his whole being to this mission and would not miss even a single chance to grow.

Moving at his maximum speed it would be much of a wait before Yugo lands with a hard step just before the train letting out a long sigh as he commits to memory the sensation that had run through his body for future use. As he steps onto the train seeing Indira has already taken his seat as the young Genin follows suit sitting in just a seat just across from his sensei. Looking at Indira questions begin to filter into his head as he knows it would be rude to train during the ride so he turns his attention to curiosities "So...sensei is there anything you suspect we might come across that we wouldn't be able to handle based on our spar yesterday?"

Location: Cloud District,Entrance of Kumogakure -> Gold District
Posting Order: Yugo -> Gamu -> Indira
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




Not long after arriving Gamu noticed that yugo had also only just arrived. "Damn it we were both late. This isn't gonna look good to Indira sensei" Thought Gamu as he quietly waited for the scalding he and Yugo were most likely going to receive for being late to the party, but instead of reading the boys the riot act Gamu was shocked to be hit with a lesson about punctuality and how if this was a situation where the lives of other were involved then each second were late could be peoples live ending. Upon hearing this it really clicked in the mind of Gamu that he had screwed up and needed to do better next time.

Following this lesson from Indira the boy would be ushered forward towards the train station before seeing Indira flash away using the body flicker a basic technique that when used by a master like Indira was on another level. Upon realising this Gamu took off himself using the only movement based technique he had at his disposal the Body flicker the same jutsu his mentor had used only due to his age and lack of experience he was unable to keep up with the older shinobi and instead was left in the dust. Even though he couldn't catch up he moved as fast as he could so as to not let Indira get to far away.

Upon arriving at the train station Gamu would follow Indira in and slump down on the seat across from him beside Yugo as he would take a second to catch his breath. "Your way to fast sensei. I ran at top speed using the body flicker and I still couldn't stop you from widening the gap between us," said Gamu finally catching his breath as he noticed Yugo ask a question about their sparring session.





“Madam Raikage, Indira and his team have been dispatched as you requested.” She gave her assistant a curt nod and turned her attention back to the litany of paperwork that decorated her desk. She was typically on top of these things from day to day however with the attack on her village things were at an eleven in regards to her priorities. Things were falling into place like the pieces to a puzzle even after her encounter with the messenger from K.L.A.W. as well as the news involving a bounty on a young boy from the chunin exams known as Okami Kitsune. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of such a young individual having such a profitable bounty on his head and yet here it was sitting on her desk. Chika gave the bounty paper work a cursory glance before tucking it away in her desk for a later date as it was only a matter of time before she could truly dispatch anyone of note to properly handle the matter at hand. However one thing that became apparent amidst the rebuilding process was the acquisition of resources outside of their borders. Chika herself was comfortable leaving the village to handle negotiations en masse and yet she still conducted these efforts under table. This would only lead her mind to the ANBU team she chose to dispatch to the very same land the young Kitsune who’s ticket had come across her desk all the same.

Meanwhile in the confines of the village things were slowly but surely returning to normalcy. The people within and even the buildings while still damaged were returning to their former glory due to the hard work of the shinobi at the village's disposal. Where Konoha had wood release to reconstruct its buildings the cloud had its lava release users and earth release users alike to reconstruct the homes of the people within. They were working hard to ensure that even while the raikage handled her duties in these times that their own sense of worth was equal parts duty and resolve. They were a nation built on the idea of the philosophy that drove nature itself; survival of the fittest. It was something that the raikage herself held in high regard and her people were starting to understand just that. The will of lightning was something that couldn’t simply be tarnished by an attack on its people nor would it falter in the face of such a fathomless attack. It was a shame that those who had succumbed to the attack lost their lives but it was time for the village to build upon the foundation of their losses. Amidst it all however they seemed to be brewing their own means to uplift the village itself. Even though the village’s outskirts had been destroyed the infrastructure within was in the process of being bolstered; wall’s constructed, barrier methods established and more importantly it was as if the scientist and even the medical staff were working under the guise of research. Among those setting up the new found barrier network for the village was none other than the Raikage’s bodyguard Orihara.

Orihara was previously meeting with the village's barrier team to ensure that the formula being used were up to snuff but more importantly he was conducting his own research with the cloud districts scientist. Despite it being an industrial workshop those within seemed to be toiling away without hesitation. The sounds of hammer on anvil and fires billowing and all of this was taking place in the bowels of Kumogakure. Where the village outskirts had formerly been decimated, the forge in question was nestled deep within the mountainous landscape that made up Kumogakure today. The forge hummed with life, nestled within the jagged embrace of a towering mountain peak. This forge, once a mere part of the village's daily operations, has now become a crucible of innovation and determination following a recent attack that left the village scarred but unbroken. The entrance, a massive stone archway adorned with subtle lightning motifs, hints at the intense activity within. As one steps inside, the cavernous space unfolds, illuminated by the fiery glow of multiple forges. The air thick with the scent of molten metal, sweat, and determination, punctuated by the rhythmic sounds of hammering, grinding, and the hiss of quenching metal. At the heart of this industrious hive was a master Blacksmith by the epitaph of N more openly known to the workers as Nue, a towering figure with a grizzled beard and piercing eyes that miss nothing. His arms, covered in burn scars, speak to decades of experience. Nue's sleeveless, soot-stained kimono allows for ease of movement, and his fingers, adorned with rings inscribed with protective seals, flash as he gestures, directing the forge’s activities with a booming voice that commands respect and focus. Around him, the forge's workers move with a blend of urgency and practiced precision, each one contributing to a seamless workflow aimed at one goal: fortifying their village.

Engineer Kiyomi, a brilliant and innovative mind, stands out with her short, spiky silver hair and keen, analytical eyes. Her utility belt, packed with tools and scrolls, jangles softly as she moves from station to station. Dressed in a practical apron over a dark tunic and sturdy pants, Kiyomi is the mastermind behind many of the forge’s new designs. Today, she is focused on developing revolutionary armor known to those around the facility as project beast skin, a suit that can channel and amplify the wearer’s chakra, functioning like a second skin and bolstering several aspects about the wearer in question. Something that those of the Kumoi clan are capable of natively, those under Kiyomi were working tirelessly to create something from the hunted beast of Raiyama to help bolster those tasked with defense of the home. Kiyomi herself surrounded by an array of parts and chakra-infused components, Kiyomi's nimble fingers adjust seals and mechanisms, her concentration fierce. Her workstation is a chaotic array of blueprints, prototype armor pieces, and chakra conduits, each one representing countless hours of trial and error.

Young Apprentice Takeshi, with a shock of unruly black hair and an eager expression, mirrors Raijin’s every move. His hands, perpetually smudged with grease and soot, deftly handle the red-hot metal as he follows Raijin’s instructions. Takeshi's simple, sleeveless shirt and trousers are practical, his forearms wrapped in protective bandages. His eyes shine with determination as he hammers and folds the heated metal, creating blades that are sharp and durable. Takeshi’s enthusiasm is infectious, and his desire to prove his worth is evident in every swing of his hammer. Chakra Specialist Hana moves through the forge with a serene grace, her lavender robes flowing around her. Her long, dark hair is tied back in a loose braid, and her eyes shine with a gentle, focused light. Hana’s role is to imbue the newly forged weapons with chakra, enhancing their capabilities. Her hands, glowing with chakra, perform intricate sealing techniques on the finished blades. As she channels her energy, the weapons glow faintly, absorbing the chakra and becoming extensions of the wielder’s will. Hana’s presence adds a mystical element to the forge, her chakra infusions transforming ordinary metal into extraordinary tools of defense.

The forge itself is a marvel of both traditional craftsmanship and advanced ninja technology. Massive anvils and hammers share space with precision tools and chakra-infused devices. The walls are lined with racks of raw materials—chunks of chakra-infused steel, rare ores, and bundles of high-quality leather for grips and armor. Scrolls containing ancient designs and blueprints are stored alongside modern technical manuals, highlighting the blend of innovation and tradition. The forge’s layout is meticulously organized to maximize efficiency; workstations are strategically placed to allow for a smooth flow of materials and finished products. The workflow in the forge is a well-oiled machine. Raw materials are brought in by sturdy, silent shinobi who ensure a constant supply without interrupting the craftsmen’s focus. Raijin and Takeshi work side by side, transforming raw metal into deadly kunai, shuriken, and swords. Sparks fly as they hammer and fold the metal, the rhythmic clang echoing through the forge. Each piece is then passed to Kiyomi, who incorporates her mechanical enhancements and chakra-infused components, creating weapons with enhanced range, power, and precision. Finally, the weapons are handed to Hana, who infuses them with chakra, adding the final touch that transforms them into powerful tools for the village's defense. The atmosphere in the forge is one of determined focus and collaborative effort. Despite the urgency brought on by the recent attack, there is a palpable sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among the workers. Raijin’s booming voice occasionally breaks the steady rhythm of work, offering instructions or encouragement. Kiyomi’s focused muttering can be heard as she tinkers with her inventions, occasionally breaking into a triumphant cheer when a new design functions perfectly. Takeshi’s enthusiastic questions and Hana’s calm, reassuring answers create a backdrop of learning and growth.

The forge operates in a carefully coordinated ballet of movement and sound. Workers communicate with concise hand signals and brief, efficient exchanges, ensuring that each step of the process flows seamlessly into the next. The clanging of metal, the hiss of quenching blades, and the hum of chakra create a symphony of resilience and innovation. The occasional burst of laughter or shared joke lightens the atmosphere, reminding everyone that despite the gravity of their task, they are in this together. The sense of purpose is almost tangible, as every hammer blow, every infused seal, and every completed weapon brings them closer to ensuring their village’s safety. The recent attack has left its mark, but it has also ignited a fire within the forge’s workers, driving them to new heights of creativity and dedication. They are not just crafting weapons; they are forging the future of Kumogakure, one blade at a time. In this forge, the spirit of Kumogakure is alive and thriving. The workers, united in their resolve, embody the village’s resilience and strength. Every clang of metal, every glow of chakra, and every shared moment of triumph and challenge is a testament to their unwavering commitment to protect their home and forge a stronger future. Orihara was simply checking on the safety of those involved in the heavy flow of the village's inevitable functionality returning . Those working within seemed to be pleased they had even gotten him as a visitor but kept to their workflow ballet. Orihara merely did his due diligence before returning to the team that had been so purposefully working on the barrier network that was going to protect the village from future attacks. Orihara himself being the final piece to the puzzle as the necessary formulas were formed things were falling into place with ease. However he knew that even with this in place things were never going to be the same for the village.

Location: [Raikage's Office]
Posting Order: Chika Kumoi/ Orihara
Posting Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days (Approximately 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II






How long had it been? No one ever came to meet with Zi, He figured they'd abandoned him like his parents did. He didn't let it bother him. He also didn't let it stop him from pursuing his own goals. Zi continued, pushing past the physical pain and mental strain. His muscles cried, and his brain begged him to stop, yet with an all too familiar shit-eating grin, Zi would continue.

The floor underneath him was cracked and splitting, and the marks on his body were deep and starting to engrave, Zi's body was drenched in sweat, and visible tremors would shake him. The weighted suit he wore now was ten times the weight it normally was, which was an impressive hundred pounds more than his body weight. Yet he continued until he shouted out; " One thousand! "

Zi would slowly stand, every atom in his body screaming for a reprise; He dropped the weighted bracers to the ground, where they crashed with a loud crack of the floor below him. He never had the other Genin come find him, and he never had a Jonin teacher locate him either. So Zi continued his isolated training, all alone. He met with Chika now and then for meals at her house but other than that he remained alone. As the weight left his body, Zi felt lighter than ever, like he could finally breathe. Taking a towel and wiping his chest and arms off, then his forehead, Zi returned to his usual outfit.

" Time for some food! " His voice echoed in the empty apartment, In here there was nothing but a bed, a dresser for clothes, a washroom, and an entire personal gym that took precedence over everything Zi owned. Cracking the bones in his neck, Zi would open and close the door to his room behind him. Walking with his hands in his pockets, the same smile etched on his face as he bobbed towards his favorite fast food joint. Passing by the people of Kumogakure as if he were a ghost, Zi finally reached the hut of a building.

"Ayyyeee Zi, How's it going kid? The Usual?"
The man who owned and cooked here warmly welcomed Zi as usual.

" You know it Kusakabi! Make it a triple this time with bacon, I finally hit a thousand pushups today with over 100 extra pounds this time!" Zi threw his hands over his head resting his weight on them as he took a seat on the stool he typically sits on.

"Oh yeah! Next Raikage material for sure hahaha!" The man said in jest, knowing it bugged him to speak like that.

"C'mon! No jokes today old man!! Hurry it up will ya'!" Zi would shout rocking the stool and nearly falling over backwards in it. "Alright, alright! Don't get so worked up. It's coming." Kusakabi said while throwing Zi a water bottle.

Zi caught it, opening it with a smile before taking a large gulp of it. He would then turn to watch the bustle of Kumogakure as he awaited his meal.


Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Byakko Laofang Normal State.png


As the Cloud continued its repairs, a member of the Laofang clan with such a carefree almost lax stride could be found slowly walking down the bustling streets. Each step moving him forth as the young genin found himself greeting all who survived the strange ordeal that caused the turmoil in the cloud. With a smile on his face and his right hand waving to all, he gradually moved throughout the streets doing his best to bring a smile upon the faces of those in the district. Though this busyness wouldn't be without a cost as after Thirty Minutes of greeting and cheering up the denizens of the cloud district, a rumbling sensation would find itself echoing throughout the young Laofang's stomach. Hunger was finding its gripping claws around the young genin, a hunger that rumbled causing a slight embarrassment to the young lad as he'd rub his head before turning to head to one of the untouched Ramen Shops in the cloud. His legs now picking up the pace, the young Laofang began sprinting down the streets of the cloud. Leaping and parkouring over carts to avoid running into people, he'd use the immense strength in his legs to send himself upwards. Feeling the wind and fresh air rushing past him as he ascended higher before finding himself bracing his landing upon a rooftop with his knees before finalizing it with a simple tuck and roll before continuing his sprint forth. With each building edge drawing near, the Laofang genin would push upon his mighty legs sending him across the sky towards another rooftop until alas it came into view.

Within his eyesight resided the Ramen Shop Hutt, in its untouched glory its very sight would draw forth a small stream of droll from the genin's lips, the idea of a delicious bowl of ramen only solidified his excitement as his sprint soon came to a halt. His eyes focusing in on the hutt as his knee's slowly bent at a ninety degree angle gradually descending down to a forty five degree angle. The muscles of his thighs and calf's collecting energy as with but a simple push on his legs, he erupted forth across the skies above. His trajectory being that of the Hutts frontal entrance. The roof which he had lept from after that push would find cracks forming in a circular pattern where the genin once stood as across the skies, soaring or gliding like a bird, the White tiger of the Cloud descended and landed with a thunderous slam. His knees bent at a ninety degree angle as he landed, cushioning his body, his left hand pressing against the ground, feeling the warmth of the dirt below as his amber eyes pierced forth like a predator on the hunt. His white and black hair, resembling that of a white tiger fluttered before settling. In a seconds moment, the genin would slowly rise and straighten his posture as he extended forth his left hand, moving the hutts hanging cloth from his way, the sight, smells and sounds of the active shop wafted by the genin. With his first step forth, the Laofang known as Byakko, named after the Thunder God of the west, the white tiger Byako; the genin would come to a visualization of the activeness of this shop. Finding what seemed to be a shinobi possibly a genin or chunin having what can be described as fits of ADHD as he shouted while rocking his stool.
"C'mon! No jokes today old man!! Hurry it up will ya'!"
With Byakko watching this he would come to notice the only available seat remaining was one beside this rowdy shinobi, and with some reluctance the young Laofang let out a sigh before slowly taking a seat beside the boy. His amber eyes doing its best to not make eye contact as the young genin sat speaking with a calm tone,
"Can I get a water, and a bowel of Kashu Ramen with double eggs and meat."
Byakko ordered with such a sincere smile upon his face as from the corner of his eye he'd watch the strange peach haired boy watching the other patrons. Doing his best not to speak out of term, Byakko sat waiting.

Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​





Zi would chomp large bites out of the triple burger he ordered, Kusakabi the cook would make sure Zi's drink was refilled after every bite. Zi would come to notice a boy dressed in funny clothes, this kid would sigh and with some reluctance; sit next to Zi. Zi paid no mind to this newcomer as he devoured the huge burger and several drinks. He listened to the kid ask Kusakabi for water and some ramen. Zi taking the last bite would wait for the kid to finish before speaking, his mouth still full.

" Ayo! Kusa-san bring out two more of those with this guy's order, and don't forget to triple the meat!! " Zi finished chomping down his last bite and then started drinking the last of his drink awaiting Kusakabi's return.

While he waited, Zi would think of new ways to train his ninjutsu. He had smashed dummies until he was purple in the face. He wished that Jonin would have come and found him, It made him suspicious of what was in store for his training. "Maybe it's something special! Oh hell yeah!" Zi thought as he awaited the Ramen bowels to be brought out.

After a short time, Kusakabi came back in with his wife, they were carrying three bowls of ramen stacked to the brim with toppings. Two of them were nearly piled a foot high. Kusakabi set the two down in front of Zi along with four more cups of soda. At the same time, There was no waiting or thanks for the food, Zi would throw a thumbs up to Kusakabi and his wife and then start digging in, broth splashing everywhere.


Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Zi -> Byakko
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll