Cloud District


Opening the door to what appeared to be a festive room, her eyes would fall upon the Raikage as she couldn't believe the devistation that had fallen on the village. Her expression was seriousness as the matter at hand deemed to need their undivided attention. As two male shinobi go back and forth about those who invaded the village Senso had deducted a number of things heading to the area. Her tracking skills would allow her to identify what remnant of trace there was left of the suspect though nothing was solid as she was too late to assist in anyway let alone see anything up close, this was due to grace as the destruction was catastrophic.

As all those who dwell in the hidden cloud village know the Raikage's orders are absolute and for the first time she was being assigned to a team of two. This co-operation is to solidfy each shinobi and give them a partner to build with grow with and become stronger with. The two arguing she'd note would be assigned together and all she could do was consider, consider the Raikage's rational and reasoning for these decisions.

"Yes, Lady Kumoi"

There was alot of work to be done and now that she was assigned a partner she would have to figure out the quickest most effecient way to cure the problem at hand. Learning about other villagers would help aswell as she can devise plans utilizing everyone's ability. An Kumoi such as herself depended on her social status to become well renown and a powerful leader she walked in the shadow of the Raikage. Idolizing her poise, instruction, and leadership. She'd have a burning desire to make due of these missions so that she could further prove herself to be the promising clansmen she'd hope for her to be.

After her instructions were done Senso turned away to leave the office awaiting Gamu before stating

Sensō, Sensō Kumoi, I'm not too accustom to the villages standards of partnership so I'll try to be very patient and listen carefully."

She'd say to him with the same serious demeanor, what troubled her most was that the enemy was still alive and could come back at any day or time. What to do if she's left to her own devices and have to protect her partner from another invasion. Will they make it out alive, what if they're both badly wounded. Now was no time for spuratic jestures the young lady would finalize her statement seeing the other two already seemingly enough to have a sort of chemestry.

If there's anything that I can do to assist you let me know, I'm an weapons specialist and always have something in hand when it comes to hand to hand combat, well that and armed"

Her steeping aquatic ocean bluish green eyes would resemble the very woman who took down the 8 tails and saved their village from imminent danger. Fierce, Strong, and Calm she'd await his response checking her person making sure she was well prepared to leave to start their first mission.

I wonder who our squad leader will be" she'd wonder





Listening to the Raikage's words Xi wouldn't lose his insane grin. It was his resting face. Looking over to the one known as Yugo as he spoke back, Zi didn't hear a single word. Instead halfway through Yugo 'scolding' Zi, Zi rudely spoke up.

" Hear that?! You better not be a moron or else i'll leave you behind Yuuuuugoooooo! HAHAHAHA "

He would mockingly wag his finger, before waving his hand and turning away from Yugo.
"Lemme know when our sensei is found out, i'll be eating till then. "

Zi would then shove his hands in his pockets and start to walk away to find a spot to enjoy some food. He held no real hate towards any of his Kumo kin, Zi just refused to be seen as weak or small, he fought for his voice his entire life. Secretly he was excited to start this new chapter in his advancement and couldn't wait to see the things this team would accomplish. Zi would make his way to a fast food service. most of the buildings were fine with minor cracking or some shattered stone structures. in this area at least.


Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Chika -> Anbu -> Yugo -> Zi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



As the Raikage and other shinobi present for the meeting continued to converse about what they wanted and how to do and how they should act Gamu keep quiet simply chewing his gum and waiting for his time to speak. He would end up waiting for a short while, as after a bit the Raikage herself would speak to him,. While she wouldn't refer to him in name as she did two of thye other genin she would end up informing him of his assignment to a team with a relative of the Raikage. While the loud and rowdy kid from the Raikyu Clan would be teamed with the guy named Yugo. Those two were partnered seemingly to help deal with the issues the two boys seemed to have, while Gamu and the other genin were teamed without much reasoning to Gamu outside of they were the only two other genin present.

Following the team assignments which didn't really seem to bother Gamu as he had teamed up with other genin numerous times before seeing he had previously competed in two other Chunin Exams which he sadly failed. He would find himself and the other genin being told to head off and help with the rescue and clean up while they wait for their new sensei's. "Ok Lady Raikage. You can count on me," said Gamu removing his right hand from his pocket to give the Raikage a thumbs up, a show his understanding and compliance. Following this alongside his new team mate they would take their lead where in which his new ally would introduce herself as Sensō Kumoi before giving a small rundown on her abilities.

"Nice da meet ya, the names Gamu and don't worry we should be fine. The best way to learn is through experience. Now as for what I'm good at it's pretty easy to explain. My specialty is in my Bubblegum Ninja Arts and Kenjutsu," replied Gamu as the boy blew a bubble while he drew his Supervibrato Lightning Release Sword he had sheathed upon his back and giving it a twirl before re sheathing it. "So what do you want to doi while we wait for this new Sensei? We can go help some people or even relax and kill time. I ain't really bothered either way. Oh, and before I forget do ya want some gum," said Gamu following up his introduction by pulling a wrapped stick of gum from his pocket and holding it out to Sensō.




Despite them being children they sorted themselves out without much issue, even if the bickering Yugo and Zi poised for one another was squashed on the forefront it was clear to her that it would likely become a point of interest in the grand scheme. She stifled a motherly chuckle of sorts as she watched them go about introducing themselves, their interactions almost akin to an awkward first date. She leaned up against her desk simply observing as they continued their introductions. She knew who they all were from start to finish despite their young age. Chika couldn’t help but hope for the best from the young generation that stood before her and just as she was getting comfortable in her position on her desk a shadowed figure amidst her own people would emerge clad in the attire of Kumogakure’s own ANBU. He seemed to be waiting for the appropriate moment to speak given the presence of the children at hand. This figure wasn’t exactly sneaking up on the raikage but merely doing his due diligence as a member of their shadowed operatives. His image sat perched on her desk so relaxed it almost seemed as if he cared not for his job. He looked between the children from behind his mask and threw up a single hand in jest as if to wave at them or ask pardon for his intrusion of sorts.

“I’ll be assigning your jonin very soon, for now however make ready for the coming storm. Whoever was responsible for this attack on the village is still afoot.” She gave a curt smile and a nod. This was her more polite way of dismissing the genin that stood before her. Had they all chosen to take their leave and make acquaintances with one another in their free time. There were a few things she needed to get in order herself and one of which was the plight of returning her nation back to its standing power.

The figure's presence signaled a serious matter, and Chika's attention shifted accordingly. Despite the ANBU member's relaxed demeanor, Chika recognized the gravity of the situation. This was not a casual visit; it was a reminder of the constant threats looming over their village. The ANBU member, poised and vigilant behind their mask, waited for the opportune moment to speak, acknowledging the presence of the young genin before delivering a message. Chika's expression would remain composed as she awaited his delivery, understanding the importance of the task they had been given. The recent attack on their village had left wounds that went beyond physical; it had shaken the very foundation of their community.

As they left, Chika couldn't shake the weight of responsibility that rested on her shoulders. Rebuilding their nation after the attack would require more than just physical reconstruction; it would demand unity, resilience, and unwavering determination. As the genin dispersed, Chika turned her attention to the task ahead. The coming storm was not just a metaphorical threat; it was a stark reality that loomed over Kumogakure like a dark cloud. The village had endured countless trials in its long history, but this recent attack had struck at the heart of their resilience. It was a reminder that their enemies lurked in the shadows, always ready to strike when least expected. Rebuilding after such devastation would be no easy feat. It would require meticulous planning, cooperation from all corners of the village, and the guidance of seasoned ninja to navigate the treacherous waters ahead. Chika knew that the appointment of jonin to mentor the young genin was just the first step in their journey toward redemption.

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Chika refused to loosen her resolve. She had seen the potential in the eyes of the genin who stood before her. They were the future of Kumogakure, the torchbearers who would carry on the legacy of their village. With their unwavering spirit and her guidance, Chika was confident that they would emerge stronger than ever before. However, she also understood that rebuilding their nation would not happen overnight. It would be a long and arduous process, filled with setbacks and challenges. But Chika was prepared to lead her people through the darkness, guiding them toward a brighter future. With renewed determination, Chika set to work, knowing that the road ahead would be difficult but not insurmountable. Together, they would rebuild their nation, stronger and more united than ever before. For Kumogakure was more than just a village; it was a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. And as long as they stood together, nothing could break their spirit.

Location: Cloud District, Raikage Office
Posting Order: Chika -> Yugo -> Senso-> Gamu -> Zi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


Young Yugo.png


Yugo was admittedly slightly disappointed to have to wait longer to be assigned his Jonin Sensei, but it was an understandable delay doubtless the entirety of the village's resources would be tied up by the state of emergency. With the look on Chika’s face when the Anbu arrived it was clear her time to accommodate us had run its course for this day. Yugo would simply nod his head his posture showing his respect for the Raikage but he would turn and leave quietly ignoring the childish words of his supposed teammate deciding either the boy would prove his talents outside of manners…or he would be put in his place even if Yugo considered doing so himself despite the fact that scolding a brat seemed even beneath a Genin. As Yugo departs the Raikage's office his expression remains somber normally knowing he would be assigned to a chosen Jonin would have been relieving but this was not a day for self-indulgence as Yugo knows his path is one of tireless effort.

Most of the Rescue work was complete, after all shinobi were excellently well suited for swift response to crisis and the Anbu were a source of pride for the village with good cause but stopping at merely saving lives was for the apathetic. Reisu marches to the destroyed rim of the village seeing the debris within the scorched earth where the Limelight had crashed upon his beloved home as he wordlessly slides down into the nearest patch of broken debris and positions himself under a relatively light piece of rubble and with a guttural grunt before to lift himself and the debris with him as he carries it in slow steps out of the blast zone. Yugo knew his body was naturally suited to strength due to the monstrous attributes of his bloodline but his study of medical ninjutsu made him aware where he was falling short namely his Stamina needed improvement and likewise with his medical and taijutsu knowledge he would begin his next phase of training “Progressive Overload…”. Yugo could feel his tired muscles ache from the debris as he drops it outside of the blasted ground at the edge of the village, he would take it slow and methodical training his muscles to adapt to strain and slowly develop his strength planning to keep moving increasingly heavy remains of the destroyed buildings of the village and place them in a pile for future construction efforts to use.

An hour of this labor passes without pause Yugo he wrapped his outer coat around his waist and his under shirt is stained with sweat, dirt, and dust a soft methodical and rhythmic panting coming from him as he drags and carries rubble trying to incrementally increase the load by small steps with each trip to the pile. Yugo's internal monologue derives this weakness, telling himself that the body of a monster should be ashamed to feel strain after so little. As he nears the rubble pile with the latest batch of debris he hears a firm voice “Stop right there!” Startling the young Genin as he turns, seeing to his surprise one of the family members from the house he rescued provoking a small blink of confusion “Oh…hello sir is someth…” The old man cuts off Yugo “You Young people are reckless…sit down and have a bite to eat, and don't argue with your elders on the subject!”. Yugo was confused but in his tired state he was in no mood to argue taking a seat on a nearby rock looking with curiosity at the older man who hands him a box of Cooked Pork Katsu and Rice and a canteen of cold water instantly prompting Yugo’s stomach to growl embarrassing the young man as he considers raising a question only for the man's stern yet surprisingly caring expression to silence the Genin as he begins to heartily eat.

Yugo was uncertain if someone had told others his favorite meal was Katsu or if it was merely coincidence, but he could tell the meal was home made recently, likely in some of the makeshift street kitchens being built for the survivors. Regardless in this tired state the food was beyond delicious taking considerable willpower not to seem uncivilized while feasting swiftly as the old man watches a stern look slowly becoming a smile as Yugo finishes the meal. “...My thanks sir…youv made my work much easier” As he rises handing back the box a brief wave of emotions flooding his senses as he doesnt know how exactly to feel about the interaction but puts on a smile which seems to appease the man rescued earlier. They part ways with a friendly wave as Yugo waits a long moment collecting himself and chugging down water before his eyes wander to the field of debris still to clear “Time to get back to it…to put this monstrous body to good Use”.

Location: Cloud District, Destroyed Rim of Kumogakure
Posting Order: Yugo -> Senso-> Gamu -> Zi -> Chika
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Awaiting the Raikage was an shinobi who seemed to have stealth in his step naturally. His flak armor complimented his breathable gear with to note a few assorted items for combat. With an wave she was stare as she attempted to figure out what problems lie for the Raikage and how she could help, there was much to do in the village. Starting with Gamu who formally introduced himself he seemed to know an style of fighting she'd never heard of before. "Wait you know bubblegum ninja arts? Ninja have such artforms?" though all the while she was watching the Raikage's demeanor to see if it'd change in anyway during her conversation with the Anbu before finally coming to the conclusion that they'd need to help villagers get to shelters saftely, create a safe haven for our villagers to congregate where our defenses wouldn't be exposed to the enemy. At that moment there was alot to ask the Raikage but at the moment she deemed busy so she took it upon herself to seek the help needed to protect the village. As she did too wish to take revenge on the enemy she knew this was beyond what was capable of her and she also knew it would be a waste of time for her or a couple of genin venture to do something that dangerous. Though there were other methods of fighting an opponent she didn't want to be liable for the life of anyone, it would be hard enough staying alone on her own. "I'd like to know more about your Kenjutsu and sword, I train in base swordplay though you can call it kenjutsu more or less." After pondering for awhile she'd come up with the perfect idea for them but it would have to postpone because the village came first. Though she would love to train with Gamu and learn and train in kenjutsu the village came first. Guiding Gamu with a notion of a nod towards the exit, she'd take him to the forefront of the destruction where they'd head to the next section of the kage house where they could print papers showing the shelters and safe locations to post on post in the village getting people the proper direction. Then they'll venture to find out if anyone survived the rubble and bring them to safety or the nearest working hospital. "I hope the teacher comes soon, we need to be stronger to move the larger pieces of rubble. or rather in particular I need to be stronger."TabForSenso.png


Owner and Founder
Staff member


Who was Indira? The question was simple yet complex at the same time. A mysterious aura shrouded around him, as it was too soon to tell if the he was an ally or enemy of the cloud. Such doubts was silenced by the attire that Indira wore proudly, visibly showing the Kumogakure symbol on his right shoulder. Indira was a migrant who always returned back to Kumogakure in the end. In short, Indira was the weather man, the man who sold countries weather. Receiving a request from Sunagakure, who asked for Indira’s help to resolve their plantation issue, a job thought of impossible to most as they lived within a desert but to Indira this was simple enough.

Before leaving for his easy cash grab he sought to run this against Lady Chika, the Raikage and noted to be one of the strongest kunoichi within this modern world, and was thus the reason why Indira was loyal to Kumogakure. Indira never second guessed in himself in a battle, but he was not foolish to think of any hypothetical battles between himself and the Raikage. Roaming through the bustling streets of Kumogakure, his mind flickered back to a past interaction he had with Kumoi Chika. The conversation involved asking Indira if he would oversee a genin team, in other terms he would be bonded to a life contract. An agreement was set between the two, such jonin duties would not interfere with Indira's weather business. Carefully studying the ninja cards in his hand, Indira would able to learn the appearance and abilities of the three young ninja that would be under his tutelage. "Interesting" he thought to himself. Indira strolled peacefully until it he watched a genin that matched the appearance on the info card. “You’re physic and strength is impressive but if you drain yourself mentally, you’ll become a hinderance to your teammates.” Indira dared not go into detail but he hinted at Yugo’s chances of going berserker mode a psyche that Indira suffered from as well. Indira’s Kanjōgan would of course come in handy had he needed to suppress Yugo’s ability to destroy when in destabilized state. “Forgive Raijin for his outburst” Indira immediately followed up. One would of been confused of what he meant and who was Raijin one would ask. “My name is Indira. I will be the jounin overseeing this team. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Indira’s voice was deep yet inviting a genuine smile would have coincided with his greeting a long with a fist pump. Had Yugo responded fist bumping him he would lead the boy back to his teammates.

Indira meticulously scanned the ninja info cards, absorbing details about his future students, strategizing the best approach for their upcoming training. As his focused gaze shifted from the cards to the exterior of the Raikage's office, he was nearing, he was unexpectedly greeted by the sight of Sensō and Gamu. They were deeply engaged in their efforts to locate and assist survivors amid the devastation. Observing their endeavor, Indira wordlessly whistled, summoning controlled gusts of wind that swept away the heavy rubble, swiftly freeing trapped survivors. "There, that should take the load off," he remarked with a relieved smile, addressing both Sensō of the Kumoi clan and Gamu, known colloquially as the bubble-gum shinobi. "It’s nice to finally meet you in person," he added, his comment hanging with unspoken implications as Yugo, remained quietly at his side.


Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure
Posting Order: Indira -> Yugo -> Senso-> Gamu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Young Yugo.png


The effort was considerable, but the hours of labor had left a section of the blasted ring cleared by Yugo Effort, but that effort and intent of his training was evident in his strained but healthy-looking physique. The sheen of sweat covering his figure a brief pause in his effort with slow patient breaths preparing himself for more until he hears someone speak to him. Yugo would look at this figure his tired eyes taking a moment to focus on their features wiping sweat from his brow and face. His eyes widen as he recognizes a well known figure being the one speaking to him a slightly look of embarrassment for not having reacted sooner as he swiftly Bows when Indra's words are finished.

“You’re physic and strength is impressive but if you drain yourself mentally, you’ll become a hinderance to your teammates.”
“My name is Indira. I will be the jounin overseeing this team. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Yugo was at once shocked and elated nearly star struck at the very idea, and the offering of his fist for a bump was a known honor in Kumogakure as without hesitation Yugo meets Indira's fist with his own bumping with a respectful but firm amount of force a stoic but soft smile on his face to show his appreciation. Yugo's instincts told him this was a powerful man as despite the soreness of his own body Yugo offers a proper bow to his future master and teacher. "Its my honor to make your acquaintance sir Indira, I am curious how much youv been told of me but...regardless it seem you have been able to see one of several things I must work on" . The words carried with it a subtle admonishment of himself a sideways glance to the field of Debree still beside him came with the implication of feeling ashamed he could not do more and resentment for his own lack of current strength. "I look forward to working with you, and I will be eager to see the methods you will use to train me...just dont hold back I must put this body to its test so I can make it useful to the people who I owe everything to". Yugo hears the command to congregate with his fellow students taking leave immediately falls into line following as directed. Astern determination in his face as he had been awaiting the chance to have a sensei and so he would show respect and compliance with orders just as he had long been disciplining himself to as a means of trying to forcefully tame his inner monster.

Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure
Posting Order: Yugo -> Senso-> Gamu -> Indira
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Gamu being the relaxed individual was still going with the flow as he listened to Senso reply to him seemingly awed by his unique Ninjutsu that he had previously mentioned. It was obvious she wouldn't know of it as it is a ninja art derived from a single jutsu that isn't commonly used. "Yeah, it lets me shape and control may gum. That's why I'm always chewing, cause ya never know when things could get crazy," said Gamu blowing with his gum that would float up before popping and disappearing. "As for my Kenjutsu I can probably show you a thing or too but even I'm still learning how to do it right."

Following the somewhat lackadaisical explanation of his skill Gamu would quickly find that the 3 of them weren't alone anymore as out of the blue a tall man would appear before them. From his appearance he was definitely a shinobi of the Cloud District and a strong on to boot. As soon as the man appeared a question popped into his brain, but just as soon the thought would be popped like a bubble with to much air as the man introduced himself to the group. The name of the individual in question was shock for young Gamu though as they didn't just send them your average jonin, no they sent these three one of the villages strongest The Atmospheric Demon himself Indira.

"No way dude your him. Your that weather guy Indira. This is so cool, its nice to meet you too bro," said Gamu in his normal chill, laid-back way that seemed to rub some the wrong way sometimes even though he means no harm. "That was so cool how you lifted that rubble off them. If you don't mind me asking dude how'd you do it," said Gamu excitedly as it wasn't everyday you get to meet, let alone become the student of one of the villages top shinobi.


Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure
Posting Order: Indira -> Yugo -> Senso-> Gamu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


Owner and Founder
Staff member


When Indira's fist connected with Yugo's, a palpable shiver ran down their spines—a silent acknowledgment of mutual respect and power between two formidable beings. Indira, while familiar with Yugo and his transformation abilities from generic briefings, realized that to truly gauge and guide his potential, firsthand observation was crucial. He was determined not to seal Yugo's powers; such an act would negate the very essence of his purpose. Indira believed in nurturing Yugo's capabilities, aiming to mold him into a formidable ninja both in and out of combat.

"Trust me, Yugo. You'll hate the person controlling this vessel of a body I have when we are done training," Indira declared with a knowing smile. His words, though cryptic, carried a weight of sincerity and commitment, promising rigorous training and eventual mastery.

As their training session progressed, Indira encountered another intriguing figure, Gumo, known for his unique bubble ninjutsu. Although Indira had briefed himself on the technique, experiencing it in action piqued his curiosity about its effectiveness. Gumo, sensing Indira's interest, engaged him with a question about his own capabilities. Indira's response came with a shift in demeanor; his face settled into a stern expression, the lightness in his eyes replaced by a focused intensity.

"In the flesh," Indira had initially replied with a giggle, acknowledging Gumo's presence. However, as the conversation turned towards the capabilities of their respective jutsus, Indira's casual smirk transformed into a serious line. "I’d rather use the jutsu against you than tell you," he stated, his voice dropping to a darker tone. With a purposeful tilt of his head downward, Indira then whistled sharply. The sound triggered a powerful reaction in the environment—a strong tornado erupted around him, creating a swirling vortex that thrust everything within a 10-meter radius backwards with formidable force. This display was not just a demonstration of his power but a clear statement of his readiness to handle any challenge that came his way, marking him as a ninja not to be underestimated.

Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure
Posting Order: Indira -> Yugo -> Senso (Skipped)-> Gamu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​