Mist District



Mellow New Name Divider.png


In the Mist District, within the wetlands on the outskirts of the mist village, Mellow lay peacefully in a makeshift bed within the Wendigo Cave. His long onyx hair spilled over the bed as he slept, and the air was filled with an eerie stillness. Unbeknownst to him, his twin brother, Xuan, emerged in his room, his figure obscured by the darkness with the only sources of light being from candles. As Xuan's voice echoed through Mellow's room, and the feeling of his foot touching Mellow in general annoyed him. As such, Mellow retaliated with savage force and swiped his arm in the direction of his brother's leg. At first glance, it would have simply looked as if the longer haired twin moved his brother's limb out of the way. His eyes finally slowly opening, revealing a deep glow of crimson and orange. His sharp, angular features twisted into a sarcastic like frown as he stared at Xuan.
Mellow: One of these days brother, you'll learn not to wake me up out of my sleep. What do you want?​

In this moment, a stream of blood will have shot from Xuan's body, as crimson blood began spraying all over the room walls and floors, even covering part of Mellow in the blood himself. From that moment, Mellow sank his teeth into the torn limb of his brother, and tore off a chunk of flesh. The eerie silence of the room was broken only by the sickening sound of Mellow crushing the bones in the leg as he feasted. Though, in an impulsive act, he spat out the torn flesh on the floor, and threw the mutilated limb away with a disgusted grunt.
Mellow: You're disgusting, now get away from me.​

After speaking to his brother, the young wendigo could feel an unusual disturbance in the air. The scent, carried by the chill wind, reached the confines of his home. A strange hint of death lingered in the aroma, awakening the primal beast within him. His sharp wendigo senses heightened as excitement coursed through his veins, eager for the impending feast. With a predatory grace, Mellow emerged from the shadows of his cavern, his 2-toned eyes gleaming in the dim light. The moonlit leaves and inch deep water crunched beneath his feet as he ventured out of the cave and into the wetland area that surrounded his cave that led into the forest towards the village. The scent led him through the twisting labyrinth of rock formations and trees in an eerie silence. As Mellow ventured further, the scent intensified, guiding him to a clearing where an interesting sight awaited. A group of undead figures, their ghastly pallor illuminated by the pale moonlight, moved with a purpose. The wendigo's lips curled into a feral grin, as his excitement continued to grow. Undead meant fresh corpses, and fresh corpses meant a feast that would satiate the wendigo spirit within him and make him stronger.

Mellow's hair rustled as he formed a few quick handsigns and raised his hands into the air, with his palms down facing towards the marshy ground beneath him. This triggered the forested wetlands to respond to him as colossal jaws made of rock and stone erupted from the ground, snapping shut with a deafening crunch to devour and crush a great portion of the approaching undead horde heading towards the village. However, a few agile ones managed to evade the crushing jaws, and that's where the young wedigo's taijutsu ecpertise came into play. Engaging a dynamic dance, he seamlessly blended the fluid movements of capoeira with the precise strikes of jeet kun do. His body flowed like water, avoiding the climsy attacks of the undead, and retaliating with a series of devastating kicks, confusing spins, and brutal punches. The dance-like taijutsu style was a mesmerizing spectacle, but the strikes were lethal and precise. His fists and feet met the decaying flesh of the undead, each impact resonating with the crisp sound of breaking bones and tearing sinew. With a roar, Mellow breezed though them, his claws and fists becoming merciless instruments of destruction. The wetlands echoed with the grim symphony of battle—the earth swallowing the fallen, the clash of Mellow's taijutsu, and the anguished moans of the undead.

Having stopped the immediate threat, from moving any further past his cave and ultimately keeping the mist village from being attacked by the first wave of these beings, Mellow took a survey the situation as his nose picked up the sent of more of these beings a few miles ahead of them. Now, with the scent of fresh corpses laying around him, his primal insticts took over as he knelt beside the corpses of the defeated. With a swift motion, he tore into their flesh, feasting on the macabre banquet as his prize, the dark communion of the predator and its prey had begun as he indulged in the sustenance provided by the enemy.



Location: Mist District Forested Wetlands
Posting Order: Mellow -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member


The knowledge from the shadow clones would have been passed on to the original, potentially overwhelming the brain with the painful experience of being devoured, resulting in the original becoming unconscious or worse. This would normally be the case, had it not been for the fact that Higetsu created the shadow clones through his Hydrification Technique. Because of this, they are also a variant of water clones. What the revenants hoped to achieve was futile in the end, as it did nothing to the clones. They simply dissipated into water, only to reaccumulate and get in their ways once more it was almost as if it was a zombie swarm. It was almost a never-ending battle between the clones and the revenants; resulting in the battlefield covered in water. "Yeah..." The man whispered. "We'll have to deal with the leader." Higetsu glared, and the expression appeared to be darkened almost as if it was a predator finding a target to hunt. The long cloak fluttered in the air as his right arm moved to the right, only for it to rotate to retrieve the Hiramakarei from the back, gliding through the air. Despite the initially perplexing nature of his movements, it became evident that he was navigating without the constraints of gravity or any hindrances. It seemed as though he effortlessly transformed his very state into water, gliding alongside the moisture and mist in the environment as if it were an ocean.

The mist seemed to intensify, gradually enveloping the surroundings as visibility dwindled with time in its wake. It became evident that the environment was favoring their cause — launching an attack on people in their domain could prove foolish, especially when the shinobi knew how to harness it effectively. A metallic clang resonated through the ever-thickening mist; the clones had now employed water prisons in an attempt to confine the revenants, restricting their every movement. At the same moment, the progenitor tapped into the environment, utilizing the water to monitor each individual navigating the submerged city. The water belonged to him, a force he dominated completely; none could challenge Higetsu or his clones, unless, of course, it was another water god.

In sync with Yumaro, Higetsu's feet touched the ground, only for them to discover the colossal figure before them. "Hey, hey..." he whispered, a bead of sweat visible on the back of his head. "You didn't tell me he's THAT big," he sneered, amused by the sheer size of their opponent. His canine teeth exposed as a smile appeared on his face when he chuckled at the giant's appearance. The comparison between the duo and the giant was comically stark – like comparing a shrimp to a mountain. However, this size difference didn't pose any hindrance to their confidence. The larger the target, the more advantageous it was for them. Hiramekarei glowed in a vibrant blue hue as both of Higetsu's hands gripped its handles, transforming the blade into its Twinsword form. The blades were coated in a potent chakra aura, which had been stored earlier. His eyes darted in the direction of Yumaro, who appeared to be eager to deal with the enemy with the Nuibari, before back at the opponent.


A strategic unfolding commenced the moment Yumaro initiated his move towards Kagaya. Almost without a hint of hesitation, his left hand seamlessly transformed into a water clone, wielding the left blade and veering in the opposite direction, utilizing the trademark soundless footwork in the mist, producing even more thickness of the fog in the air. The left blade can be summoned by the progenitor at will through the seal on the Hiramekarei itself This intricate maneuver not only showcased Yumaro's dexterity but also laid the groundwork for Higetsu to exploit the situation. Executing the technique with finesse, Higetsu ensured that the blade aimed directly at Kagaya's chest with both accuracy and force. This particular technique is known as the standard ability of the Hiramekarei by making use of the chakra to form unique shapes with purposes. With precision, Higetsu extended the chakra aura of the blades, transforming them into a long-range aura in that is said to be as sharp as the Hiramekarei itself, capable of lacerating flesh like butter. Both the original and the clone swung at Kagaya from the opponent's front and the right side simultaneously, creating a complex offensive onslaught. The calculated swing of the Hiramekarei generated a substantial impact, provoking Kagaya alongside the awaiting Nuibari as part of a united assault.

Location: Mist District shore
Posting Order: Kagaya -> Yumaro -> Higetsu - > Gabimaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Gabimaru Yamishi.jpg


Watching the eruption of the Sea Vessel from his Bloody Chi Gun technique, though the debris scattered and the outcome he didn't expect, it was progress nonetheless. His scarlet eyes observing as the two Jonin stepped forth into the fray, the battle seemingly heating up whilst the Yamishi Chuunin remained upon the tree he resides. Watching the two swordsmen rushing to try and combat this hulking foe; Gabimaru wasn't going to let them take his pray, no he knew fighting on his own would spell disaster; so cooperation was a necessary evil. Accumulating the surrounding darkness, giving them a solidified form as a giant eldritch monstrosity; One with hulking features which towered over this invader by 3 extra feet with an eye on its shoulders and a singular ocular organ to make up its head. Upon its body or rather the torso was that of a Gapping maw filled with near endless rows of dagger like teeth. This beast created from the Darkness Release : Dark Sabbath looked down upon the invader, its gleaming scarlet red eyes focused upon the Hulking man as with each opening given by the two jonin shinobi of the mist the hulking eldritch beast would swing its arm down towards the man who had invaded the mist district. These blows being calculated only for the openings granted by the two shinobi. Gabimaru though who remained upon the tree quickly placed a strange red pill into his mouth, soothing the rapidly growing blood lust that was succumbing his very being.

Each motion being like a dance, all doing their best to bring harm across this Invader to the best of their ability; thing is if this beast were to land a blow upon the invader, it would draw a small amount of his blood from his body, storing it into the creature whilst Gabimaru using the surrounding Darkness to slowly accumulated into a singular mass, one that would overly tower the current creature created by Gabimaru. One in which would take quite some time before it would be finalized, but by doing this Gabimaru's schlera would begin becoming blood shot, almost blood thirsty as his left hand gripped against the tree trunk, his chakra rapidly shooting out into the darkness to accumulate this singular mass in the sky; a mass that slowly formed out a couple tendrils that would slowly reach for the land where it would dig into the soil keeping the mass upwards...

Location: Mist District shore
Posting Order: Kagaya -> Yumaro -> Higetsu - > Gabimaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



Mellow New Name Divider.png

Listen While Reading

The Forested Mist Wetlands lay shrouded in an otherworldly haze as Mellow surged through the darkened terrain. The scent of decay lingered in the damp air, a foreboding sign that more undead beings were converging about a mile away from the wendigo cave. Mellow's predatory instincts kicked in, and his senses heightened as he navigated the twisted labyrinth of marshy vegetation. His strides were a blur of movement, his form weaving effortlessly through the dense foliage. Each step seemed to stir the mist at his feet as he traversed the wetlands with a preternatural swiftness. His strength, speed, and chakra steadily grew with each encounter, the remnants of his previous battles still coursing through his veins like a dark elixir. As he approached the new wave of the undead threat, the misty environment cloaked his presence, and the undead, unaware of the approaching terror, ambled aimlessly through the damp terrain. The wendigo's lips curled into a feral grin as he unleashed his tactics. Mellow lunged into the midst of the undead, his claws slashing through the air like lethal crescent moons. His taijutsu prowess danced with the ruthless efficiency of a predator on the prowl. Agile spins and bone-shattering strikes were executed with brutal precision as he dismantled the undead with an almost artistic grace. The chakra he possessed surged as he absorbed the life force of his fallen foes, the dark energy replenishing his strength and fueling the growing hunger within. As the undead fell, Mellow didn't waste a moment. He descended upon his adversaries, his jaws snapping shut with the force of a bear trap. Feeding on the lifeless husks, he absorbed their essence, the chilling satisfaction of a hunter devouring its kill.

The wetlands echoed with the eerie symphony of battle—the moans of the undead, the tearing of flesh, and the guttural growls made by him. Mellow's onyx hair whipped through the air like a dark storm, and his eyes burned with an unholy fervor as he relentlessly pressed forward. Eventually, the sweet smell of the sea entered through his nose, signaling him that the mist shores loomed in the distance. With each adversary felled, his own prowess grew, a malevolent force that pulsed through the mist-laden air.

In the aftermath of Mellow's feast on the fallen undead in the Forested Mist Wetlands, an ominous event began to unfold. His form, satiated with the macabre banquet, radiated a chilling energy that seemingly transcended the boundaries between life and death. As Mellow's body absorbed the essence of the fallen, the dark energy within him pulsed, resonating with the unholy power of the wendigo spirit that coursed through his veins. His muscles, now surging with newfound strength, visibly compressed and expanded, a grotesque dance of power rippling beneath his skin. The air around Mellow crackled with an electric charge as his chakra surged, dark tendrils of wendigo energy manifesting and swirling around him like ethereal shadows. The onyx hair atop Mellow's head stood on end, charged with the electrifying energy that pulsed through his being. His claws, once instruments of brutal efficiency, now crackled with an otherworldly mist that sent shivers through the air. Every step he took resonated with a primal force, leaving imprints of in the marshy terrain.


As the young wendigo closed in on the shores of the Mist District, the newfound power surging within him extended its influence far beyond his physical form. The wendigo's malevolent aura expanded like a creeping tide, seeping into the very fabric of the Mist District with an otherworldly force. The mist-laden air quivered with the dark energy emanating from Mellow,. The moisture in the air seemed to freeze at his very presence, creating an eerie tableau of suspended mist that bore witness to the supernatural might of the approaching wendigo. As he advanced, supernatural speed propelling him forward, the mist around Mellow seemed to dance in tandem with his power. It twisted and twirled, creating spectral shapes that mirrored the form of a wendigo itself. The very essence of the mist became a canvas for the dark artistry of his chakra. The expanded influence of Mellow's power left an indelible mark on the Mist District. Trees bowed in submission, their branches laden with a frosty sheen. The air grew colder, and the ethereal glow of his wendigo chakra cast long, haunting shadows across the landscape. The entire district resonated with an ominous hum, an audible manifestation of the supernatural power that pulsed through the air. The very ground quaked with each step he took. The fabric of reality seemed to warp and distort, the boundary between the physical world and the wendigo's intent blurring in the wake of his advance. As Mellow closed in on the shores at supernatural speeds, the mist itself seemed to part in submission, creating a ghostly trail in his wake.
Mellow: Hunger, death. This feeling has returned once more, but this time.... I'm going to eat every last one of them!



Location: Forested Mist Wetland -> Traveling To Mist District Shore
Posting Order: Mellow -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​

For the first time since humanity’s creation of ninjutsu, the brilliant flame that brought humanity its grace and shinobi their brilliant fervor for conflict came a beast like no other; Kagaya bared his fangs without fetters!!

Kagaya’s form seemed unmoving and to those so set on an onslaught of his physique their attacks felt certain. The mist prided itself on assassination and all the techniques that came with such dark dealings, however the intensity such a titan of the shadows bestowed upon the battlefield never felt threatened. His presence posing as nothing more than an indomitable bulwark for the very machinations he served. Even as these young men cut down the very thing they thought to be nothing more than a feeble threat to the village yet something was amiss. Their resolve in the eyes of Kagaya was admirable and so when they came with their own strategic hopes and dreams Kagaya did more than crush them beneath his might. The revenants that had just as equally been slain and confined were nothing more than fodder, a means to an end for a warlord of such stature. His ship reduced to ruins and his forces doing nothing more than accomplishing their goal in both life and death. What laid ahead was the culmination of war and all of its grotesque aftermath. Yumaru and Higetsu, hoping to catch Kagaya in a trap like no other, could only find his other worldly gaze upon them without falter. It came across as though Kagaya had eyes in the back of his head as everything came to fruition. The pale skinned young man and profound wielder of nuibari confident in his skill the slaughter he left in his wake before his arrival a testament to his skill and his partner Higetsu an adept wielder of the water style as well as hiramekarei a welcomed sight for the warlord of the shadows. Among this remained a third and soon to be a fourth with hopes of bringing his own display of skill to the battlefield and much like those hoping to bring a newfound obstacle to the battle at hand everything had come to a boiling crescendo.

That mocking breath from moments ago a rolling bell to the overwhelming might of a warrior. If any onlooker was -aging close attention his chest did not bellow, his lungs did not swell and nothing truly escaped his maw. As the pair of mist swordsmen descended upon him they could find that something was Awry. Yumaru had slain those revenants in hopes of thwarting their numbers and releasing his weapon of their added nuance, the blood that came from battle was the hallmark of warrior and with that this feeble shinobi in Kagaya’s eyes would find that it rang true. Even Higetsu, so content in his usage of water release, could find something amiss as his clone and weapon hoped to ring true. The air was leaden with something more than just the air of battle. Yumaru could find that despite his mastery of Nuibari it did not ring true in its devotion to its strike aimed for Kagaya’s spinal cord more aptly planned a ploy to render him motionless he could find that those revenants they had slain was now a haunting badge of honor. His earlier hope of shaking the blade of any foreign substance proved foolhardy as if there was one fetter that these young men could never escape; it was chakra. Yumaru had slain the revenants with ease however with each body that fell in his wake his very being as tainted had he taken a closer examination of their very make up it would present itself as an infection like no other. They had been nothing more than a vessel to spread the lengths of Kagaya’s grasp so with each body that fell they merely paved the way for something far more malevolent. Kagaya’s form seemed to twist with a roar, ax in hand as the team of shinobi descended upon him with a finesse worthy of praise.

What they could find in their wake was nothing more than a torrent of wind and chakra alike. Higetsu could find his lengthened chakra blade being met with an otherworldly force. For the young Higetsu he could find that the chakra that radiated from the from the first half of the blade seemed to be crushed in Kagaya’s grasp the chakra that came from the blade seemingly snuffed out by the gauntlets that resided on his hands their thick form seemingly breaking down the very fabric of the raw chakra. It's very make up on a basic level divided and seemingly lost to the ether of the universe. This was Kagaya’s way of asserting his dominance over the battlefield. There was far more than just the simple tactics of manifesting chakra to perform a jutsu or even manifesting it to conceive such basic attacks. He had broken it down to its equal halves both Yin and Yang, something only seen by shinobi long since deceased, just like these young men were about to become in time. This was jutsu cancellation breaking up the very thing that made a jutsu possible; the perfect balance of the aforementioned a simple influx of or the other was enough to provide catastrophic results. The twist of Kagaya’’s form resulted in his left hand being the one to make contact with Higetsu blade catching it with utmost ease. The chakra that coated the blade no more. It was an impressive feat even among the realm of the waking shinobi but Kagaya and the revenants manifested from his battles long since passed were ancient. His knowledge of battle seemingly boundless and his very presence was a testament to that having become such a bulwark of a man. When Higetsu blade made contact with Kagaya’s gauntlet it would’ve been like tolling the church bell at the zenith of the final hour. As for the clone that found itself attempting to flank he could find the violent twist that resulted in Kagaya catching the progenitor's blade was also the result of his ax being brought around with unhinged force. The epic arrival of a being’s titanic might as when his ax came around it would clash with the flow of chakra just the same as Kagaya’s gauntlet had done with the original, a culmination of a warrior's knowledge to combat, everything was flowing in perfect synchronicity like a river carving its path through the landscape. What would likely come as a shock to Higetsu and the young mist shinobi alike was the fact that not only was his form hulking nature it was far from simply brutish. It moved with an unheard of grace given his stature. The twist that culminated in this entire interaction was one that brought Kagaya within arms reach of Higetsu to begin with, moreover his use of higetsu’s blade was what resulted in such a reaction. Kagaya had put himself nearly face to face with the enemy with every intention of facing them head to head. Higetsu and Yumaru were going to be no exception so as it stood they were at the mercy of this and the invader of their homeland.

The clone that found itself meeting with the initial impact of Kagaya’s blade could find the chakra that coated it much like first being crushed under the wake of the ax's impact. The clones half of the blade being thrown awry finding itself falling short of home and with that the humble sound of what sounded like glass being shattered. Chakra was palpable and this instance was no different for Higetsu and his clone; so like a father scolding his child Kagaya’s onslaught continued with utmost haste. Higetsu clone could find the trajectory of his blade being thrown asunder even if he were to back it with the might of enhanced strength it would be snuffed with little resistance at all not because Higetsu himself was weak in his mastery of water or even ninjutsu for that matter but something else was afoot meaning in time it would likely all become clear. Beholden to the brunt of his might however was Yumaru the one who initiated it all, the one who had been the reason to bring them to their knees in this baptism by battle; Kagaya’s ax swung around after deflecting the blade of Higetsu clone and as if right on que Yumaro could find himself in the air descending upon what was now no long Kagaya’s back but instead his now absent flank.

The toll of death's bell was nothing to scoff at whether one was currently walking the earth as a living breathing human. Breathing, something these humans held so dear and yet they threw themselves to the wolves all the same as they stood before the might of such a warrior bathed in the eminence of the night. The very thing those of the shade called their home their land was bathed in darkness and the moon now high in the sky only furthered Kagaya’s strength beyond rapport but the thing that made him such a force to reckon with was his berserker like nature a hallmark to something this realm likely thought lost and with his overwhelming intensity Yumaro was going to face it as he closed in on his mark. He could find as he was at the apex of his leap the clan of Kagaya’s ax knocking Higetsu’s halved blade asunder was already in the atmosphere and with that came the climax of this interaction. Yumaru could find his own flank being struck with the impact of Kagaya’s ax. Its form titanic and its unyielding as it aimed to carve clean through his physique with one fell swoop. This was a battle of weight, momentum, and the weakness of flesh itself as it all culminated in a battle beholden to even the dead. However one thing Yumaru could more importantly take note of was the fact that despite him shaking his weapon free of the revenant's residual physical essence he had become beholden to the chakra of Kagaya the leader of these shambling dead warriors. He had baptized the young mist shinobi in that of his own chakra as a result of his own previous interaction. The mist was known for its inherent need to shed blood even in times of peace and this was no different. Those of the shadowed realm had come to bring an end to peace and claim this world for themselves. Yumaru could find himself being pulled into Kagaya’s ax like a magnet pulled metal shavings from the floor of a blacksmith’s workshop. This was a byproduct of Kagaya’s revenant’s being slain and as such they had given their master just the opening he had hoped for a foe so eager to spill blood and lay waste to an enemy they thought beneath them.

To those who couldn’t leave their bloodlust behind… Those who inherited the hatred for the enemies of their nation that stood before them… These young shinobi would all bear witness to… the beast that came to conquer it all in the name of the shadows; Kagaya.

The manifestation of shadows and the night itself that found itself coming to life would be snuffed out all the same as the hopes and dreams of the young shinobi currently locked in a physical confrontation with Kagaya. The blood and water this young man sent to contend with the bulwark of a man was going to be his downfall as if one was capable of seeing such a machination in its grand scheme the blood had been stripped of the very thing that made it the foundation of human essence, iron. Stripped of its vibrant red color now left to be nothing but the darkness that the shadow realm and all of its warriors called home. Gabimaru could find the beast he called to help deal with Kagaya was going to be met with the same unrelenting force that the trio had been met with some distance away. The creature would unfortunately be left in waiting its opening for attack, never found as Kagaya’s might carved up the battlefield in glorious combat. Had the young Yamishi been paying attention he could find that the bloody chi gun he fired had been stripped of its metallic essence the very thing that made it that vibrant red and now as being used against him. Gabimaru and all that stood on the battlefield could find the iron provided by the destruction of Kagaya’s vessel as well as the iron from the blood in question was now being used as a weapon. The perfect application of millenia of combat knowledge and prowess as a warrior alike. Gabimaru could find pieces of Kagaya’s ship being slung the distance with a velocity akin to cannon fire. The beast of shadow could find just as equally find itself struck with the iron from its own creator's blood as well as the metal from Kagaya’s ship cleaving the beast clean in half should its form not be amorphous. Like an arrow piercing the night Gabimaru could find the thing he thought was a wise attack on an invader now the downfall of his very being should he be incapable of escaping his own incoming onslaught. The seeds of Kagaya’s might were planted from the moment he arrived but this was going to be the stepping stone they all dreaded the arrival of a monster of a man and the beast that shinobi hoped to never face in their lifetime. The essence of his chakra was now spread far and wide even as these shinobi hoped to thwart his invasion of the land. Amidst it all Kagaya let out a beastly roar, his vocalization that the battle had come to an welcomed climax. However the mist that coated the battlefield seemed to be pushed aside the very thing they thought their aid now parting like the seas in the wake of a ship as a result. Had Gabimaru not been hasty in his response he could find himself under the pressure of this onslaught the first of these metal fragments aimed to strike directly at his midsection. The others peppering his routes of immediate escape several pieces aimed to strike above as so below in hopes of entrapping the young man. This of course far less accurate than a direct attack from the man they all hoped to cut down and yet they seemed to be on target for their intended purpose.

Those that found themselves making the trek to the battlefield could find themselves met with the same warring revenants that those currently on the battlefield did. The young shinobi known as Mellow Tomogui could find himself faced with what is easily numbered in the hundreds of these revenants. He would find that in the wake of him carving his path to the battlefield that even as he made such leaps and bounds that the dead carried onward in search of their next meal. The marshlands only served to slow their progress but yet they seemed to endure their tumultuous trek deeper within the land. Even those who still fought within the confines of the thick mist itself found themselves fighting a losing battle. Higetsu’s water prisons were only a fraction of the forces at this point. Their efforts were slowly proving futile in regards to the defense of their homeland. These creatures didn’t need to breathe so their liquid prisons only deterred them but with the sheer amount of numbers they had it was like a drop in the bucket by comparison. The shinobi that fell from the encounter with the revenants were now on their feet and shambling forward now mere paces from the finish line the village of Kirigakure itself. The sound of the raving dead grew louder as they knocked on the very walls of the village itself. It was a numbers game as any sound minded tactician knew. While numbers didn’t solve all of a general’s problems, enough of any activity was enough to bring a steadfast nation to its knees.

Mellow’s arrival would be a welcomed one regardless of whether or not this young man proved to be nothing but kindling to the fire of battle. It was honorable in the eyes of a warrior to die at the hand of the enemy even if the effort was futile. Kagaya was no exception to such a notion so even if he fell in battle on the shores of the mist district he would not return to the shadows with an ounce of remorse within his corpse. The civilians within the borders of Kirigakure’s village walls could be found cowering in their homes as the assault of their village truly began. Kagaya’s forces didn’t stop regardless of their leader's conflict on the shore. The revenants would soon begin to pour into the village, clambering over the walls of the village with only a few moments of forethought. Their deaths were already certain but alas they had a goal to accomplish; bring the nation of the mist to its knees…


The roar that escaped Kagaya’s maw in those moment’s was earth shattering both literally and metaphorically as this battle brought him a level of joy unprecedented by the battles from long ago. The shinobi of the mist were planning to give it their all and he could respect that about those of the former bloodied mist now turned just the mist. The tarnished reputation of their ancestors now on display as they came to conflict with Kagaya himself. Despite the absence of the very thing that made each and every individual passionate and capable of love alike Kagaya seemed to be in animalistic euphoria and the air leaden with chakra seemed to cease as his muscles bulged and his skin darkened further than its ebony luster had revealed before. The lines that decorated his body seemingly to bulge with his physique and his golden amber eyes ablaze. Something was wrong here and it was up to those locked in combat with the brutish titan to discover exactly what had been afoot since the very beginning. The mocking breath from before now a nightmare before their downfall. What would these young shinobi due to preserve their home land only time could tell as it all culminated into what one could only hope was a victory for the people they called their heroes.



Location: Mist District shore
Posting Order: Kagaya -> Yumaro -> Higetsu - > Gabimaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



Xian barely flinched from the savage swipe but didn't realize his leg was missing until blood sprayed outwards on the walls, floor, and his brother which made the twin chuckle at how far his blood is going even when mellow gave him a sarcastic frown, the two brothers have had their days of pissing each other off yet today was different, today is when conflict arises and Xuan could only spare this moment to just get on his brother's nerves before answering.
Xuan: Well my brother, i woke you up cause something is coming to mist district and its make other people flee from where the comotion is going on and.....​

Watched his brother take a bite out of the severed leg which broke the silence with a sickening crunch, quite curious if his brother gonna eat the whole leg by himself, standing perfectly still on one leg before he grew a new one in its place with a sickening wet sound as flesh before growing back the missing limb that was removed. After watching him chew, spit out, and toss aside the leg with a disgusted grunt but sensing the same unusual disturbance in the air as Xuan had, the two brothers went outside to smell the lingering aroma of death that made him stay on guard as they walk down this labyrinth path, his two-toned eyes scanning his surrounding before he notices a group of undead figures walking upon the shore in search of victims which made him smile along with his brother. A group of undead corpses walking on their island is a good finding for the two Wendigo brothers, good thing they are the first to find the undead lackeys cause they get the first serve of them before anyone else.
Xuan: Nashiro wants me, you, and Soma to rendezvous on top of the hospital and come up with a plan to deal with the threat but i haven't seen her sister on my way to you.​

After explaining this to his brother the message, Xuan combed his hair back with that smile widening on his face before he took off, the force of his legs added with a little chakra boost kicked up a bit of earth as the boy flew across the opening area that is now opening with his arms cocked back slightly as he collide with an undead, slamming his stretched out arm onto its neck tearing the head off, sending it fly across the ground rolling around. Xuan slammed hard on the ground with a low grunt, rose back up, and sidestepped the second undead that reached out for him, swiping its rotting hand to him but snatched the hand off the body and taking a large chunk out of it, not even tasting the meat only chewing and swallowing it down his throat while giving the undead a nasty sucker punch in the face before kicking it in the left ribs and kneecap knocking down on one knee but Xuan dug his clawed right hand in the creatures head before snatching out the frontal lobe and brain that fell out of its rotting skull. finishing the hand he took from the undead, extends his arms out to grab ahold of the two undead then retracts them back to his open mouth, chomping on the first undead to his left, tearing out the jugular while he crushes the throat of the other, basking in the gore of his making, blood pouring down his face and body from the carnage he did but he wasn't satiated, he wanted more and plans to get more, the closer to this attack, the better the feast.
Location: Mist District Forested Wetlands
Posting Order: Xuan -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll
Last edited:


Staff member

He was soundless in maneuvering across the water district, that even the most astute individuals of his time had trouble deciphering his movements. It was a pleasantry to understand in his pursuit of his prey that he would not succumb to a demise swiftly. It was the first revelation to the ghostly swordsman that the impending threat wasn't misleading; as disappointing the white-haired maned man would not happen at this stage. He was rather thrilled, exhilarated by the the first inclination to comprehending that. Thus being instinct, he had been hunting his prey but the phenomenal gesture of luck, intuition and battle instinct gave preview that he was rushing into a mortal whom exceeded the natural origins of humanity. It came as a warning that a worthy obstacle was ahead, which instinctively made Yumaro aware of possible danger. The emerald-eyed man did not fret nor worry, but that did not mean he would ignore any potential opportunity that could be exposed. In any case, he needed to be quite perceptive before his strike, during and the aftermath of his committed and well-timed actions. His determined strike came with the understanding of his own positioning, as well as the right chance of circumstance for his enemy to expose. It was a tirade of countless possibilities, those probabilities instinctively assessed at the commencing of. To be considered also was the endless years of employing a familiar tactic and the situations that resulted from it. The mist was known for assassinations attempts and those who did not falter from the first strike, soon counterstrikes but befell soon afterward when engaging with the viridian-eyed man.

The second inclination was that the atmosphere was moving in a slow, heavy, or awkward way. It was something Yumaro noted, as he was physically able to feel the difference, even if slight and minuscule it was now noticeable to him. With the somatic interference taken into account, Yumaro confirmed the opposition was more than a bulking man in stature, there was deception amiss. He needed to figure things out swiftly, and the first action taken was to neutralize the target. The effort he put forth to immobilize the enemy proved futile, as the very strike he intended for had struck the atmosphere because of the blistering speed exhibited by Kagaya. Lastly, the missing of his target caused him to instantly react in a manner to safeguard himself. A grin rose across Yumaro face in expectation of a counterstrike, as he was capable of following the movement of Kagaya with no physical or mental exertion. At the initial maneuvering of the opponent, Yumaro already begun utilizing his chakra sensory skill in tandem with his capacity to follow the structural frame. An unexpected fact became known to him, one that he had to urgently respond for. Nigh simultaneously converting his chakra away from sensory mode to something else. As Kagauya repositioned himself, he had completed a motion that was without any wasted effort. The pathway to Yumaro was through Higetsu, one that Kagaya boldly considered to trample through unrestricted or unscathed. The action committed was a daring one, regardless of one's own advantage it could become fatal to underestimate any of the swordsman. Yumaro cheeks at this point practically was touching his temples, it was a great delight he was currently experiencing. It was a bewitching short-lived, for his very well-being was on the line.

It was obvious the hunt turned into a battle of
predators, each hunting the other. In the minute time frame of observing Kagaya plow his way through Higetsu, Yumaro generated a deliberate amount of chakra that circulated through his circulatory system. It served a purpose that was variable, a tactic unseen and unknown to humankind. It wasn't otherworldly but it was fascinating, and a great, unique utility. As the chakra of Kagaya was threatening to contaminate, the energy of the opposition was actively being devoured and torn asunder expeditiously. Considering all of the probabilities the warlord had to take into account, it was likely he'd become confused on why if given the chance to notice. Unbeknownst to any of his comrades, dwelling within the body of the Yumaro is an horde of osedax, an unpopular and overlooked species, which serves at his will beckoning. As a source of their favorite meal, at the instantaneous moment of his revelation he had succumbed to danger they reacted without further ado. Burrowing through bone, organs and flesh, are microscopic creatures of the underworld, each fascinating themselves with foreign energy which had been broken down in its most basic form. The indistinguishable life-forms breaking down the chakra to its Yin and Yang halves, halting whatever exploitation the progenitor of it thought to have. They traveled amongst the Nuibari, to complete the same course of action too. They found different form of energies to be dietary, considering variable species lived within the host they were beneficial. Unlike his predecessors whom were apart of the swordsman, the absorption was a fry cry from Samehade as it could not share energy with its host. They were great parasites, generally homed to the carcasses of the sea. They primarily served another reason for Yumaro, and were fortunate blessings in this circumstance. Now with relinquished control over the chakra the originator could no longer control the energy. The Osedax lingered through bone, organ, blood and flesh, carrying out the wishes of their master.

A vessel born from lineages housing spectacular shinobi, Yumaro was different and his prowess in taijutsu was nothing short of extraordinary. For the following consequences will unveil to the opposition, Yumaro was not one to be overlooked or underestimated. With his perception aware of the foredooming events, at the climax of his position an incredible strike threatened to consume him with a forceful blow. A strike that was intending to sever his structural frame, a physique built unlike any other, whose very physical durability contended against if not usurped that of all previous Raikage. A specimen unlike any human of this age or any other, an individual far removed from others he had developed the exterior tougher than natures very environments. There wasn't a singular man-made technology on this planet usurping his natural endurance and ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage. Even against profound otherworldly beings who harvested great physical might, it would take the greatest of efforts to harm Yumaro. All without the likes of the additional support of his blood limit. Naturally the bones of Yumaro are stronger than tampered steel and over the recent years, Yumaro developed an osteokinetic structure underneath his skin which acts as a proficient make-shift armor across nearly his entirety with durability equating similar to his natural skeleton. It was a tremendous level of security he possessed, which supplements his Adamant Rigidity. Kagaya had no clue of Yumaro's abilities, however, he would soon bow to the King. As the strike which was coming to blitz him did not possess enough force, pressure, keenness to surmount any noticeable damage upon his immaculate mortal anatomy.

The tearing of flesh went unheard, overshadowed by the sounds of battle, seemingly bells of death was rung. It was a metaphorical and literal one happening in the water district. Emerging through the flesh are various protrusions, formations of bone weapons that were revealed to the world with dynamic and vigorous appearance. Shooting outwards with tremendous might. They were pristine in quality, density, and malleability. These weapons were extensions of Yumaro, a representation of his undeniable identity. Possessing edges as sharp as one could imagine, practically rivaling that of Nuibari, and more durable and resistant than Yumaro. The essence of these bones were crafted by masterful control over osteoblast and osteoclast cells, allowing for gradual increase and manifold reinforcement. The absoluteness of this Kekkei Genkai was yet to be comprehended at this battle to those around. Multiple skewers emerged across Yumaro's body, including chest, back, arms, legs, shoulders, ankles, and palms. They were angular, straight, diagonal and horizontal, an intricate formation to handle a surplus of various close-quarter scenarios. At any given moment, more bones could be manifested and manipulated in shape and form in an instant. Currently summoned as a result of close-combat, the massive arm of Kagaya descended towards Yumaro, holding an axe aimed at his flank which crashed into the outstanding creation of his kekkei genkai. Intercepted by a stacked formation of six-bone skewers, which shielded the King. The consequence of being mid-air instantaneously hurled Yumaro downwards, crashing through the already sinking surface of the ship. Further breaking apart the wreckage, causing the complete foundation of its remaining surface to rupture into smaller parts. Undoubtably impacting the surface Kagaya and Higetsu stood upon. This would disrupt the balance of anyone without the reinforcement of chakra which would force them to adjust. A massive upheaval of debris and water happened, and the it unfolded very quickly shrouding the immediate vicinity in debris and water. The event unfolded swiftly, and that which could be seen were scales of white powder fluttering amidst the wreckage and water. The force of the axe was countered by the bones, the force and pressure countered by the protrusion, as well as its insurmountable levels of strength, endurance and durability. The momentum carried Yumaro below the boat and into the water, any observers would not know his current status in the aquatic terrain. As any and all revenants that arrived touched land, and any that were previously on board died as a result of Gabimarus initial attack which began the mist district counterstrike leaving Yumaro alone with the creatures in the sea.

As his body was plunged into the water, Yumaro's structural frame and the Sewing Needle brushed against various ship wreckage, including that of broken metal, various in kind and he repeatedly collided with them during his fast descent. As he was leveled below the surface, he inconspicuously used the momentum to gyrate in motion, causing him to swirl increasing the pace of his downward climb. He was seemingly tossed by the aftermath of the encounter with stupendous momentum, and unusually as it may be Yumaro was completely unscathed. In the aftermath of his urgent descent, remnants of alloys torn asunder floated in his wake. These were the fractured remains of the ship's metal structure, rendered brittle by Yumaro's bone creations. An unusual occurrence, considering that most of Kagaya's ship irons were being utilized in his assault against a fellow comrade of Yumaro. Were they mere consequences of his bone creations and the sewing needle being in the hand while plummeting through the water? Or casualties of the supposed might from the mist adversary - Kagaya. The purpose was veiled to those unbeknownst to certain circumstance. At the moment of regaining control of momentum, Yumaro twisted his form to be upright within the water as his emerald orbs stared to the surface with an additional pair. As he twisted his form, Yumaro seamlessly molded water into a clone, a sentient extension of himself prepared for the impending clash. He was free within this environment, as this estate was not encumbered like the atmosphere above. Not identical to the riddled ether, and so from the deep blue he was capable of flowing and moving freely within the temperate aquatic terrain. It was his home, a place where he loved to dwell and spend majority of his time, it was a gift by his opponent to strike him down within a place he was hailed as the Monster of the Sea. His hands formulated together into a clasp, a signal to the forthcoming events that would threaten to consume his worthy prey. "A reckoning has begun and you'll be the one to suffer it!"

One could relate Yumaro's control over the submarine world as complete; he was a veteran of practice and a talent of utmost competency. The very dimension under his influence responded; such tailoring was commendable and applauded, as each molecule reacted with no delay in pace. The energy utilized was the necessary amount according to Yumaro's control, said manipulation rivaling the greatest of element users of any era. Each and every single molecule in the vicinity bent to his mercy, and the immediate accumulation of dominion continued to spread far and wide. The sea and the shoreline, recognizing him as its sovereign, surged with an immediate allegiance to his command. The water in the vicinity coalesced, forming an enormous swirling vortex beneath the surface of the water, inadvertently impacting the equilibrium of the surface and those who reigned atop it. The currents, like obedient servants, twisted and twirled at Yumaro's authority, threatening to create a colossal sphere of densely packed water. This wasn't just any water; it was a manifestation of Yumaro's profound mastery over the element. The control continued to grow, drawing in water from the vast expanse of the liquid body spontaneously. It expanded in both width and height, becoming an imposing structure that encapsulated a considerable portion of the area wider than Kagaya's former ship.

The sea surged with majestic force, closing in around Kagaya, moving with fluid grace. A translucent barrier shimmered under the moonlit night. As the prison walls breached the surface of its level, converging, they created a hypnotic dance of liquid walls that reached to one another with great precision and speed. The density of the water was beyond anything a human could endure. The walls surrounded Kagaya from all sides and conceivable angles, like an impending tidal wave ready to crash. The imprisonment was readied to take place the instant the enemy let out a roar, not allowing time for any to blink. Before anything massive could unfold or build further from the prey, an unyielding fortress seemed to consume Kagaya. It would not falter against the thunderous roar that echoed through the mist-laden air. The water prison was undeterred by the echoing roar, continuing its inexorable defiance to advance. The transparency of the walls allowed glimpses of Kagaya within—a breathtaking yet ominous sight, a clash of the natural and relentless force of the sea. It was one of the oldest and strongest elements in existence, wielded by the Monster of the Sea. A power known to topple civilizations throughout existence. These walls were not mere barriers; they were a reflection of Yumaro's mastery. The king of the sea had set the stage for Higetsu to continue where he had left off. With an impervious fortress of liquid might, it would soon ensure death through drowning considering the mouth of Kagaya was wide open and crushing intensity from all conceivable angles.

In the midst of Yumaro's intricate manipulation of the colossal Water Prison, the water clone harnessed the power of Yang Release. The skill of mobilizing matter through Yang enabled him to utilize thermal energy by setting the water particles surrounding the two into motion. With a precise application of Yang Release, the water clone's hands glowed with an intense warmth. The clone, an extension of Yumaro's mastery, began to mobilize the water molecules surrounding them. The tiny particles bumped into each other, generating kinetic energy that transformed generating heat. The water, once lukewarm and indifferent, now started to warm up rapidly. The temperature within the aquatic terrain rose, creating an additional layer of complexity to Yumaro's strategy. The heat focused strategically, emphasizing the controlled chaos within the water. The battle of predators continued, as the mist and sea bore witness to an unprecedented clash within the district—a clash orchestrated by the Monster of the Sea, whose will was driven by a relentless pursuit of being the best. "
To believe one is above me - is delusion itself." His words bubbled underneath the sea, as he was anticipating the response to his lighting fast reaction to the circumstances above. He floated fifteen meters from the surface, readied to react and adjust depending on the forthcoming events.


Staff member
The synergy between Yumaro and Higetsu was evident in the seamless combination of their abilities, particularly their mastery over the Water Release. The precision of their teamwork was the primary reason why they were assigned to the same team, entrusted with the task of hunting down those who posed a threat to the Land of Water. Their affinity and efficiency yielded harmonious results, whether they were supporting each other or executing flawless teamwork. However, this well-coordinated partnership faced an unexpected challenge when Higetsu found himself in a predicament. The opponent had seized the Hiramekarei, and the chakra seemed to be nullified. Whispering with disbelief, Higetsu muttered, "Oi... Oi... You're kidding me, right?" Despite the adverse situation, the Hozuki grinned, displaying an absence of fear in his eyes. It became evident that Higetsu was shrouded in secrecy, hinting at something unfolding in the background. Suddenly, the boat encountered a powerful surge of waves from the sea, almost as if influenced by a sentient mist. The boat swayed, responding to a certain unseen force. The link to a certain influence in the mist became apparent. Amidst the unfolding chaos, Higetsu couldn't ignore the peculiar nature of the gauntlet, capturing his attention despite the damages he had received. As the pressure of energy intensified, Higetsu braced himself, his eyes betraying a momentary flinch. Simultaneously, his clone faced resistance from the formidable might of Kagaya and the Ax, propelling the Hiramekarei into the air.

In a surprising turn of events, the opponent failed to anticipate the perpetual state of Hydrification that Higetsu maintained. This unique ability made it challenging for anyone to experience the impact of an ax swing if necessary. As the opponent's strike hit, Higetsu's body responded with a wobbling motion, succumbing to the force of the imploding impact. This caused Higetsu to transform into a slime-like substance that gracefully stood on the ground, seemingly untethered by the gravitational pull. What the conqueror was unaware of is that the person standing before him was merely an extension of the mist. This mist lingered in the air momentarily, only for Higetsu and his clone to swiftly reaccumulate. In that split second, the clone's Hiramekarei, caught in suspension, appeared to be floating. In reality, it was being held by the moisture, effortlessly gliding back to the Hozuki. Despite the failure of the initial attack, the Hozuki remained seemingly unfazed. This demeanor was mirrored by his comrade, Yumaro, who had a strategic plan in mind.

What about Higetsu, whose Hiramekarei was ensnared by Kagaya's gauntlet? With both of his index fingers pointed at Kagaya and one hand firmly on the hilt, he unleashed a formidable water bullet from each hand. This resulted in an intensified manifestation of the Water Gun Technique, creating a sudden cascade of water chakra on Kagaya's face and mouth at an incredibly close range - making it nearly impossible to evade such a dynamically executed technique. It occurred right as Kagaya opened his mouth to exert such a roar. Simultaneously, the water enveloped his body, reclaiming the free-floating osadex. At that same moment, Higetsu's awareness of Yumaro's capabilities is given, as it is also the same for Yumaro knowing Higetsu's as well. Almost as if it was to match the timing of Yumaro; the rise in the sea becomes apparent as it is the result of the duo channeling their chakra into the moisture, water, and liquid within their grasp - enabling the water to rise until it submerges the group with such precision this was the technique that most shinobi of the Kirigakure is known for. It occurred in a blink, giving no hesitation in his action as the water fully emerged surrounding the group in the shape of a dome.

The water's temperature escalated swiftly, reaching a boiling point under the watchful control of the clone. Despite the scalding heat, it became evident that the duo's durability and endurance surpassed the challenging conditions, proving their ability to withstand even the depths of the sea. With the ocean as their ally, the execution was both swift and effortless, attributed to the precise timing of two shinobi who had specialized in the art of manipulating the ocean at their command. There was no rush in the intention to impede Kagaya's movement; instead, it was a calculated plan to maintain control over the pace of the battle. At the same moment, the Hozuki engaged in a purification state in which it filters unwanted materials - such as the things that conduct lightning. At the same moment, something exited his body into the air.​




After devouring the flesh he tore out of the undead and swallowed it with a big, audible gulp, he looked over at his brother before dropping the corpse he held in his other hand and kicked the corpse hard enough to send it flying into more undead that fell over but behind that kick, he channeled wind chakra into his foot that formed into a blade of wind that knocked it far but sliced right through, spilling its intestines out on the grass but the blade also sliced the knockdown undead that also severed their bodies in various parts which he'll dine on soon enough but kept the assault on the undead horde but delivering concussive blows to the body with wind chakra incasing his fists, each blow shattering ribs and rupturing whatever organ that is intact or not but no doubt they were destroy. The corpse was sent crashing into more undead with a sphere of wind sent into its chest before he disappeared for a split second and then reappeared in front of it, delivering a shattering uppercut that created a large gust of wind sending a bunch of corpses up into the air, the air blades slicing them up into a gory mess that came raining down on him and Mellow but Xuan stretch his arms out in bliss, enjoying the carnage he's created, opening his mouth to get some of the blood and flesh in his mouth before swallowing it down with a big smile on his face.

After finishing up the rest of the horde, he took off towards the city to help the citizens there but decided to grab a few hands and store them in his extra pocket in his pants on his way there, having a feeling he'd be needing them for the fight to come. During his journey deeper into the city, more undead he saw attacking those who weren't able to defend themselves but he made quick work of them with the help of some Jonin who came to evacuate the people to safety leaving Xuan to dispatch the horde that is flooding the streets, despite his enjoyment with feasting and grow stronger from the flesh before him, he plans to find the source of the problem. Xuan looked around seeing many dead bodies of both civilians and ninjas alike littering the ground before him but that didn't stop him from picking up a random severed arm off the ground and biting into it with an audible crunch, the sound of bones breaking and squelching of meat was loud enough for anyone to hear which there was still people running from the undead but a few who saw him looked bewildered and disgusted with what he's doing but Xuan shrugs and kept eating but heard more commotion further in the city, unable to use echolocation from too many noises, he decided to take the high ground by jumping on the side of a random building he saw with the name "Katatsuki Corp" in neon violet purple. The Tomogui twin ran up the side of it, scaling up the building till he was high enough to stand on the side of it with chakra keeping him planted there without falling and with the cool wind blowing through his hair, the boy looked around the city then spots a ship near the beach, a ship he does not recognize but detects three chakra signatures there.​
Xuan: That must be where these freaks are coming from…​
Xuan got on all four before using the muscles in his limbs to propel him off the building with the added boost of chakra to aid him as he take off through the air towards the battlefield.



Gabimaru Yamishi.jpg


Though his chakra is being used to focus on the creation of a massive Eldritch beast of Darkness, his eyes had not once left the location of his adversary; observing as the Iron seemingly from his ship manipulated as he did battle with the jonin and his hulking beast, which unbeknownst to his adversary, though the beast was being hit around no substantial damage was taken, as if the solid formation of darkness was being treated as a rag doll for the moment. And though the Iron was fired towards both he and his creature, the metalic alloy of iron that was meant to cleave the eldritch mass in half did not meet its goal, as the weakness of Darkness Release Dark Saboth was not met; rather the metal merely stuck to the solid mass of darkness before being crushed to dust by the constantly shifting and condensing mass. The tendrils that formed from the massive beast that had not fully been given its notable features of completion though were currently too slow to shield Gabimaru, but he was not one to slouch around; being one to be swift on his feet as the moment he noticed the iron being fired towards his position; Gabimaru Yamishi leaped from his position on the tree. Due to his natural speed and thus natural perceptive skill, seeing such attacks were not out of his skill set; as such by leaping away before impact could be made the iron would find itself embedding into the wood of the tree and that of the one behind it.
During the moment that this attacker would unleash the barrage of Iron towards him and his beast, the beast found the opening it was waiting for; as it was no longer being punched around its hulking arms came swinging with such fierce force that should this attacker continue with his iron assault he'd find his arm being pushed in towards his torso, blood being extracted from the blow and concealed inside a seemingly unknown time space inside the creature. Though the damage would be minimal It would be considered the first form of damage on such a animalistic and mighty man.

With shards of wood scattering around from the tree as Gabimaru landed upon a rooftop, the Titanic mass of Darkness began intertwining its tendrils, formulating and condensing its mass into that of arms; the ball that loomed over like an eclipsing moon of the abyss began extending out a conjoined shape, one taking the form of a head that seemed elongated as visual eyes seemingly peeled open; revealing the Scarlet iris that rapidly darted around in an unnatural and bewildering way before alas focusing towards the invader who'd let our a warriors roar, one that seemingly altered his physical appearance. This Massive Eldritch beast though seemed to gaze down upon this ant of a man compared to its size; its ball of un-condensed mass that would be its body soon finding itself breaking apart, the darkness that had formulated its existence spreading far and wide still laced with Gabimaru's Chakra. Though as Gabimaru stood upon the rooftop he'd come to notice the hidden plan behind the two jonin's hard efforts, to a water release user, the mere ripple of the ocean's surface in a specific manner was a hint to something grander, and as such his right hand slowly reached out towards the invader, his scarlet eyes amiss with such hatred towards such a being from that realm, a what you'd call kinship between them of nature was only fueling the hate from Gabimaru. His hand pointing towards this attacker of the district he calls home, the Titanic Mass of darkness swiftly spreading about, taking on singular forms resembling lamprey like creatures covered in scarlet eyes with two sets of bat like wings allowing them flight, Though One of these strange creatures latching itself to the mid portion of the Mist Jonin who seemed to cause the water levels to rise, the same utilizing the Infamous Nuibari. This lamprey like creature, which latched its eldritch being upon him sunk its teeth into the flesh, thanks to specialized saliva no pain would be indicated. The Lamprey like creature beginning to absorb foreign substances and chakra from the individual that did not belong to this said jonin's natural body.The swarm that formed during this time seemed to flutter about, consuming the vast and ever spreading; latching themselves to the Revenants that remained ashore; absorbing the unnatural chakra whilst many fluttered in the air consuming chakra not of this world.

At this moment, though rage fueled him, Gabimaru was still a tactical individual, he knew he wasn't the one to do battle with that Goliath of a man, and rather would need to pursue the efforts of support by ridding the Mist district of an ever growing pestilence. As Gabimaru remained atop of the roof of one of the buildings, his swarm of Dark Saboth swiftly did its job, consuming and spreading as the swarm began moving out towards the forests of the Mist, hunting their prey of foreign chakra and lifeforce from a world of shadows. This left Gabimaru's hulking creature to disengage, leaping between the battle and Gabimaru, now acting as a wall to shield its creature. . . To gabimaru he'd pray this would be the change in the tide of battle! Even if it meant letting two of the seven swordsmen due battle whilst he made sure the revenant threat and any foreign plague that could turn his allies into undead monsters was purged by his Eldritch Swarm...

Location: Mist District shore
Posting Order: Kagaya -> Yumaro -> Higetsu - > Gabimaru
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​