Recent content by Shiryu

  1. Shiryu

    Stone District

    Shiryu's gaze hardened slightly as he was informed that lord Itami was missing, his eyes faltering slightly as he processed what he had just been told. The fuin seal on his neck seeming to glow ever so slightly as its did its job of keeping his unstable emotions in check, taking a deep breath he...
  2. Shiryu

    Stone District

    Having been approached by one of the ANBU members and told he had been summoned to the Tsuchikage's office Shiryu took off without hesitation something about the tone of their voice didn't sit right with Shiryu and this alone made his pace quicken as he made his way through the town. Finally...
  3. Shiryu

    Stone District

    Standing there he opened his eyes and gently tucked his swords away into their sheaths on his waistline, his head suddenly snapping to the side as he heard someone approaching only to see the sunlight bouncing off the golden devil mask of an ANBU member smiling ever so slightly the corner of his...
  4. Shiryu

    Stone District

    It felt like it has been a lifetime since he had left the academy when in reality it had only been a few years for the Chunin known as Shiryu Uzumaki who was currently sat on the ground looking up at the sky, sweat beading on his brow as his chest raised and fell rapidly as he tried to catch his...
  5. Shiryu

    Tatsu's Alley - 辰

    you are amazing and done these so fast!!! thank you so much
  6. Shiryu

    Tatsu's Alley - 辰

    Name: Jordan References: Color Scheme: you have creative freedom on that Extras: keep the general elven theme on the blades with fuin marking in place of the elven script,full creative freedom to you on that Nametag order: Name: — Client Name Jordan (Shiryu Uzumaki for the nametag) Color...
  7. Shiryu

    Tatsu's Alley - 辰

    Name: Jordan Type: Full References: Color Scheme: Same as Reference Extras: a slightly visible fuin sealing on his neck (ill leave the design of that to ya, its one his mother placed on him!)
  8. Shiryu

    thankful for the opportunity to be part of the green team <3

    thankful for the opportunity to be part of the green team <3
  9. Shiryu

    🌸Wawa Creations!🌸

    i would also like to purchase a weapon(small) just a simple gold coin with the akatsuki cloud on it and a name tag, Shiryu Uzumaki.
  10. Shiryu

    🌸Wawa Creations!🌸

    i would like to purchase the premade above, ive sent you a reference pic in dms for colour changes ❤️
  11. Shiryu

    The Shinobi's Den

    done as yozu,lining color and shading, its a gift for jade but my moneys tight right now so id only be able to send a portion at first tomorrow to secure the comission then pay the rest at a later date