Cloud District



Young Yugo.png


The small moment the acknowledgement and the feeling down his spine, it was that moment Yugo knew it would leave a lasting impression and made the clarity of his new life a reality. This man was now his sensei and better, yet Yugo felt this might be someone who could understand him a rarity, but one hope sparked by the instincts in his blood when their fists collided. He could feel Indira didn't hate pity or tolerate Yugo but could feel the genuine respect mirrored by the young Jugo clan Shinobi. Yugo stands just a little bit more at attention, his eyes opening just that bit more. It was like part of him was asleep but wanted to be awake recognizing a new chapter in my life had begun.

"Trust me, Yugo. You'll hate the person controlling this vessel of a body I have when we are done training,"
Those words and the accompanying smile, the words might have been cryptic, but their implication was clear that Indira would indeed respect Yugo's will and intent. A jolt like lightning runs through the young shinobi as he could tell his trainer wouldn't hold back, wouldn't coddle him, at last another person in this villager who could understand the feelings of the monster hiding in Yugo's blood the excitement and anticipation were Palpable. Yugo assumes a military recruit's posture at attention eager to learn "Yes Sensei...I may hate I may become angry, but I swear to you on this day...I will not cease, nor will I ever stop Until I surpass your expectations for me no matter what hell you deem to subject me to, I will fight to be worthy of it". Yugo's young face was surprisingly stoic but the primal hunger to begin could be seen in his eyes.

Yugo Blinks he had nearly forgotten to give proper attention to his team members, briefly wondering if it was only excitement to blame at the presence of the new sensei or if it was fatigue from the Pankration training routine, he had been subjecting himself to. Regardless as to which it was Yugo would internally scold himself the mental equivalent of a beast tamer snapping a whip at a caged lion reminding himself of how shameful it would be to forget his manners unwilling to fall short of the due behavior of a Kumogakure Shinobi. He nods in recognition to Gamu "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Yugo of the Jugo clan, I look forward to getting to know you better and to seeing how strong you can become for the sake of the village"


Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure
Posting Order: Yugo -> Senso -> Gamu ->Indira
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll




As Gamu waited for his reply from Indira as to the nature of his abilities the boy would calmly keep chewing his gum seemingly without a care in the world knowing full well there was more to Indira then meets the eye especially with these strange comments he'd been making and the way his speech pattern kind of shift along with him referring to himself in third person from time to time. This was a little off putting for Gamu but the boy chose to put it to the side and in doing so would soon find the situation shifting all of a sudden as Indira replied with a comment letting Gamu know he wanted to show him his jutsu personally instead of just telling him how it worked.

This next event would have been bad if Gamu hadn't picked up on the subtle weirdness in the speech of Indira he wouldn't had the time to prepare for the next move but even that meant nothing in the face of Indira's power as he would find himself being sent flying back 10 metres by the conjured vortex. Fortunately while Gamu could stop the vortex from sending him hurtling away he still had the gum he'd been chewing this whole time that he had been infusing with chakra and it just so had some very useful capabilities when infused with chakra. So as Gamu's body hurtled through the air he would shift his weight in a way that would allow for him to rotate his body so he'd end up facing the direction he was traveling and upon seeing the open space in the street between the building Gamu spit his gum out before him throwing out a hand seal at the same time specifically the Ram (未, Hitsuji).

Upon the formation of the ram seal the wad of gum spat into the air would expand sticking to the ground beneath and the walls of the building on either side to form a gum net to catch Gamu absorbing the impact and protecting him from anymore harm. "Ouch, that jutsu packs a punch. Luckily I'm always chewing gum," Thought Gamu as he was seemingly sticking vertically to the wall by his feet and left hand while his right quickly darted off to collect a gumball that was just a quickly deposited into his mouth. All the while the force of the impact caused the bubblegum net to stretch back like the band of a slingshot being pulled back. While this move was originally only meant to be a measure to catch Gamu as he hurtled through the air, it had quickly been adapted by the boy to be of use for a counterattack as he drew his sword only moments before the bubblegum snapped back sending him hurtling back towards Indira.

The propulsion granted by the unintentional bubblegum slingshot had sent Gamu towards Indira at high speed which for most ordinary shinobi would be hard to keep up with, but for a shinobi as highly skilled as Indira it wouldn't be anything he couldn't handle. In the end though that didn't faze Gamu as it was obvious that this was a test to see the genins capabilities firsthand as well of show the difference in level between the sensei and his students. So to prove he wasn't some weak twerp with no skill Gamu would begiun to focus his lightning nature chakra into his sword using its innate chakra conductivity to help his do it while move a speed before throwing himself into a spin to add even more momentum and force on a move that he normally only used from close range. The jutsu he was setting up to preform was none other then his signature kenjutsu technique he invented, Cloud-Style: Descending Thunder or as he would end up referring to in in the future as Rolling Thunder Cutter (転がる雷切, Korogaruraikiri).


Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure
Posting Order: Gamu ->Indira -> Yugo -> Senso
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


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Staff member


The transformation of Indira was both sudden and profound, with the stark white facial markings that adorned his visage shifting into a vibrant green, covering only half of his face. This new coloration, echoing the hue of the Wind Release symbol, signaled a dramatic change: Indira was no longer in control. His body and mind were now under the dominion of Fujin, the God of Wind, a deity known for his formidable prowess and elemental mastery. Observing the battlefield with a critical eye, Fujin noted Gamu's inventive use of his gum technique. Gamu skillfully broke his fall using the gum, then cleverly utilized it again to amplify his trajectory. This was followed by Gamu channeling his lightning nature chakra into his sword, exploiting its inherent conductivity. With calculated precision, he then launched himself into a high-velocity spin, adding immense momentum and force to a technique typically reserved for close-quarter combat.

In response, Fujin unleashed a surge of chakra that transformed into an invisible wall of wind, strategically manifesting around his upper body. This barrier was not just a shield but a reactive defense mechanism against incoming attacks. As Gamu's lightning-charged blade met the wall of wind, it encountered resistance; the wind, a natural adversary to lightning, began to weaken the electrical energy. For a fleeting moment, Gamu might have felt as though he had breached Fujin's defenses, only to realize he was contending with an unseen force that halted his advance.

Seizing this moment of stasis, Fujin transformed the defensive wind into a powerful outward blast, designed to repel everything in its vicinity with overwhelming force. He then harnessed the wind around his leg, using it to catapult himself into the air with the agility and lightness of the element he embodied. His leap carried him to a nearby forest, a known training ground, where he landed with the grace of a falling leaf. "Come catch me," Fujin called out while still airborne, his voice carrying through the trees as he touched down. His challenge was clear—a test for Indira's genin team to prove their mettle against the god of wind. This scenario was not just a demonstration of Fujin's control over wind but also an invitation for the young ninjas to evolve and adapt in the face of divine power.

Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure -> Kumogakure Training Ground
Posting Order: Gamu ->Indira -> Yugo -> Senso
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Young Yugo.png


The shift in Indira's demeanor was subtly unsettling, in the change Yugo could see an echos of his own experience he had faith Indria might be able to understand a degree of the young Jugo's experience, but this exceeded expectations. Yugo's rational mind was recoiling with uncertainty but the monster inside him that raw untamable desire for combat is would not tolerate even a delay to this opportunity as almost on an instinctive level. Yugo crouches into a hybrid of wrestling and sprinters pose positioning to maximize the movement of his legs knowing speed would be vital. The somber neutral expression common to the young man's face erodes invigorated and driven to gleeful battle frenzy by the personality radiating from 'Fujin' and the obviousness of the invitation to take our shot was something Yugo would not miss.

Yugo had witnessed the impressive defense his new sensei had demonstrated but the glimpse of it was to brief and so limited that it demanded consideration. Mere full-frontal assault was clearly insufficient but Yugo's talent with Taijutsu was not merely knowing how to strike but knowing how to leverage his strength to gain an edge. However he was not as well versed on team tactics the monster in Yugo to excited to be distracted by the activities of his fellow students his focus tunnel vision upon the prospect of letting loose if even just for a moment. The excitement and Yugo's own subtle exhaustion from his intensive training left him struggling to restraining the monstrous instincts from taking hold small bits of nature energy unconsciously seeping past the young Jugo clansmen's restraint a minor taste of that power filling him.

The Jugo monstrous instinct was indeed a berserk state but was not mindless in its methods only ravenously violent in intent because of the impact that natural energy has upon his brain chemisty. Yugos body flares with his 'OVERDRIVE' technique forcefully invigorating his own muscles with electrical shocks to bolster his strength and speed. Pivoting his body and sweeping his foot in a powerful kick aimed forwards a broken piece of debris a roughly fist sized portion of a brick hooking his kick upward to launch the object with as much velocity and force as his bolstered muscles could muster. The rock would hurtle aiming towards 'Fujin's' head but Yugo was far from done stomping to launch himself aiming his own body with his left elbow outstretched aiming to slam himself into his sensei's midsection with his left elbow intended to be the channel for his momentum and strength. Yugo was hoping to test just how extensive his sensei's defenses were aiming for a near parallel attack at two different portions of the body to see how the defenses would respond his curious mind eager to push himself to his limits and feverish at the thought of how this training might go even beyond.

If the elbow slam to the abdomen was in any way successful Yugo's taijutsu experience would try to turn the blow into a swipe of his hand and grab upon his shirt. The intent would be to maintain an advantageous melee position reeling back his right arm preparing for a full force punch to try and build upon the momentum of his earlier attacks or to try for another attempt against the impressive barrier his sensei was capable of making. Yugo was not much of an expert on unleashing a true flurry of blows but his not insignificant taijutsu skill sought first and foremost to practice motion and positioning for ideal impact of his blows aiming to deliver his punch with a twisting motion attempting to maximize the pushing follow through of the punch a motion often associated with a blow that might send a lesser foe flying backward a few feet.

Amidst all of this regardless of what obstacles might be in his path this sort of engagement was a thrill that the instinct in Yugo lived for. It could be seen in the gleeful grin wide across his face not one of overconfidence or hubris but an expression more aligned with someone craving conflict. The cruel irony of Yugo's internal psyche a desperate yearning to become stronger to make himself strong and worthy of the village taken advantage of by his own instincts to find challenging battle irresistible unless some true unavoidable threat to his existence was evident. Yugo would relish this opportunity and perhaps unwittingly may leave opportunities for his fellow genin to make effective combos with the attempted opening the Jugo sough to make.

Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure -> Kumogakure Training Ground
Posting Order: Yugo -> Senso ->Gamu ->Indira ->
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll

Even while the village was in disrepair it would almost seem as though things were at a relative peace to put it lightly. The raikage had effectively given her orders, her anbu was dispatched, and even the village's interior had begun to see a rise from the ashes. Her newfound squads of genin would likely find themselves lending a helping hand after everything had come to bare on the village's shoulders. Where pieces of the village's inner workings were now in shambles, its outskirts were being more than simply cobbled together. One could find even as the minutes turned to hours things were being erected rather swiftly. The raikage herself couldn’t be any more pleased with the progress those under her stead had come to make in fact even as she pondered the possibilities for those under her rule.

The village’s outskirts would be reminiscent of the land of stone in their own right, however rather than simply being pillars erected of stone the borders would be cobbled from that of a material known as obsidian. Obsidian, a material forged from the fusion of the village's unique lava and water release techniques, emerged as a symbol of Kumogakure's resilience. Its dark, reflective surface mirrored the determination of its people, promising unparalleled protection against external threats. Teams of skilled shinobi and craftsmen worked tirelessly to erect these formidable barriers, each layer meticulously crafted to withstand even the most determined assaults. But the innovation extended beyond defensive structures; it permeated every aspect of the reconstruction process. Sustainable building practices were adopted to minimize environmental impact, while advanced techniques were employed to expedite construction without compromising quality. The village's infrastructure was being redesigned with resilience in mind. At the heart of these efforts was a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. Those of Kumogakure refused to simply rebuild; it aspired to surpass its former glory, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before. The reconstruction efforts became a testament to the village's indomitable spirit, something all nations aspired for in their own right and they intended to be no different.

The machinations of critical thinkers and people far more savvy in regards to the foundations of a nation. Their defenses needed to be restored and just the same the village's resources needed to be a matter of importance for all those involved and what more important resource than the very people who called the village itself home. The attack that caused such bloodshed was one that would never be forgotten and moreover it would go down in the halls of kumogakure’s history as a stain. The village’s borders were now akin to a labyrinth of obsidian mirrors as the shinobi tasked with such a feat effectively worked around the clock to restore some semblance of the village's most basic defenses. The strategic directives of the Raikage were clear: prioritize the restoration of essential infrastructure while laying the groundwork for future defense and resilience. Teams were organized to assess the extent of the damage and formulate plans for the most efficient allocation of resources. Communication channels were established to ensure seamless coordination between different teams, enabling swift decision-making and adaptation to evolving circumstances. Under the Raikage's guidance, a sense of purpose permeated the village as individuals from all walks of life came together, united by a shared commitment to rebuild their home. The spirit of camaraderie and determination was palpable, fueling the reconstruction efforts and inspiring hope for the future.

Meanwhile within the village's remaining infrastructure debris was slowly but surely trickling from the forefront of the society that survived the aftermath of the village's attack. Those responsible for the village's reconstruction could be seen working tirelessly in a similar manner to those on the outskirts. Despite the mass delusion that befell her people those who survived the attack seemed to be working themselves to the brink of exhaustion. Simply put despite all that was going on in the village the entirety of its people seemed to be unified under a single purpose. It was a simple fact of the shinobi world, if there was something to unite even the nations themselves let alone their people it was turmoil and conflict. Now as the attack on their village was no longer in play those within were working tirelessly to ensure their home would return to a state of functionality.

Amidst the rubble and remnants of the past, a new sense of identity began to emerge within Kumogakure. The attack, while devastating, served as a catalyst for unity, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds under a common cause. As the reconstruction efforts progressed, this sense of solidarity only grew stronger, transcending differences and forging bonds that would endure long after the last brick was laid. The resilience of Kumogakure's people was awe-inspiring. Despite the challenges they faced, they remained steadfast in their determination to rebuild their home. Each day brought new trials and tribulations, but they met them with courage and perseverance, refusing to be defined by tragedy.

Within the village, a spirit of community flourished. Neighbors helped neighbors, strangers became allies, and divisions melted away in the face of a shared struggle. It was a testament to the strength of the human spirit, as individuals put aside their differences to work towards a common goal. But perhaps most remarkable was the sense of hope that pervaded Kumogakure. In the darkest of times, the village found light, drawing strength from the resilience of its people and the vision of its leaders. The attack may have left scars, but it also sparked a flame of determination that burned bright within every citizen. As the reconstruction efforts continued, Kumogakure looked towards the future with optimism and resolve. The village had weathered the storm and emerged stronger on the other side. With unity, innovation, and unwavering perseverance, it would continue to thrive, a shining example of resilience in a world fraught with challenges.

Location: Kumogakure
Post Order: Raikage
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3






Gamu's body would streak threw the air like a bolt of lightning as his body spun at such a high velocity that most shinobi wouldn't be able to do much to stop it let alone survive the devastating strike from his lightning infused blade. As said while most would be in quite a lot of trouble when dealing with this newly forged technique but right now Gamu wasn't facing just another shinobi as he was instead facing one of the districts greatest shinobi who even the Raikage was known to acknowledge. Against anyone else if the outcome that was to come was to occur it would most likely have devastated Gamu as this attack was an application of all his different skills and techniques rolled into one powerful offensive display, but as he was up against Indira the moment he hit the invisible wall wasn't a moment of despair and instead was a moment of celebration as Indira had to take the attack seriously and chose to pull out a powerful wind barrier to stop his attack.

This joy and sense of achievement wouldn't last long though as it was shortly cut off but the sudden shift in the nature of the invisible barrier as it stopped defending Indira and instead shifted to attack Gamu as it would pull him in the same boat as he was in when he started as the powerful burst of wind would send him flying. Unlike the first time though Gamu was prepared he tried to pride himself on not falling for the same trick twice and so he had a trick of his own prepared, so as soon as Indira triggered the shift Gamu would use the bubblegum he had being chewing since the moment before he launched into his high-speed rotational slash that was just blocked to form a protective sphere of gum that would absorb most of the impact before popping giving Gamu a view of Indira as he made his way off into the forest. As he watched Indira take flight Gamu would land on his feet taking a moment to let his fellow genin take his turn on offense while he caught his breath before head off in the direction Indira had gone. Gamu had no intention of getting front of a Jugo Clansmen and their prey.


Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure -> Kumogakure Training Ground
Posting Order: Gamu ->Indira -> Yugo -> Senso
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



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In the midst of their intense battle, Fujin's defensive capabilities were tested to their limits by Gamu, a shinobi with a diverse and adaptable skillset. Utilizing his bubble gum ninjutsu, Gamu ingeniously mitigated the forceful impact of Fujin's powerful wind wall, preventing any severe backlash from the initial confrontation. As Fujin prepared to conjure another gust, his focus was abruptly diverted by a projectile launched by a member of the Jugo clan. With minimal time to react, Fujin instinctively crossed his arms in an X formation, bracing for impact. The projectile collided with his forearms with such force that it left a visible bruise, a testament to its potency.

Before Fujin could fully recover or reassess the situation, Yugo, the aggressive genin, seized the moment to advance with a robust physical assault. Yugo's elbow drove forcefully into Fujin's abdomen, but Fujin managed to mitigate the blow using his own considerable strength, blocking further damage with his arms. Despite his efforts, the impact slightly staggered him, showcasing Yugo's formidable power. In a swift countermeasure, Fujin's legs entwined around Yugo's lower body, constricting the young shinobi in a tight grip.

At this critical juncture, the battlefield dynamic shifted dramatically as Fujin allowed his persona to morph into Raijin, the God of Thunder. Embracing this new form, Raijin summoned a fierce streak of lightning from the heavens, directing it to strike both himself and Yugo. The electric assault was a risky but calculated move, intended to disrupt Yugo's offensive momentum. If successful, the intense voltage would send both combatants plummeting from the sky. Raijin's inherent affinity for lightning and his enhanced durability not only ensured his survival but also activated his Lightning Release: Overdrive Jutsu. This technique significantly accelerated the neural connections between his brain and muscles, boosting his reflexes and agility to superhuman levels, preparing him for the next phase of this electrifying confrontation.

Raijin observed the unfolding battle with a mixture of admiration and astonishment, his thoughts racing as he watched the young shinobi demonstrate their prowess. "These kids are exceptional. With the right guidance and sufficient training, they could swiftly rise to the rank of chunin. Gamu's adaptable fighting style, combined with Yugo's formidable strength, makes them a force to be reckoned with," he mused internally. The intensity of their skills forced Raijin to confront a humbling realization. "There's no way I can continue to hold back, fighting at merely 40 percent of my capacity. It's remarkable—they've pushed Indira to summon me, the God of Thunder." Raijin's reflection on the situation underscored his respect for the young warriors' potential and the serious challenge they posed, prompting him to reassess his own approach in this training exercise.

Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure -> Kumogakure Training Ground
Posting Order: Gamu ->Indira -> Yugo -> Senso
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Young Yugo.png


There was an unmistakable sense of fulfillment and pride as his blow lands the killer instinct of the Jugo blood inside him stirring in reaction spurred on by the thrill of going toe to toe with a figure of Indira's reputation. The blow landing true a satisfying reverberation echoing through his body letting him know it was a solid hit though Yugo wouldn't be the sort to underestimate his new Sensei to assume it would be the end. A sentiment that would be proven correct by a sudden shift in mood and presence from Indira and the sudden vice like leg lock constricting grasp upon the young Genin's hips catching him off guard and limiting his positioning ironically turning the boys intended tactic against him. Yugo's eyes open wide looking up at yet another change in Indira's nature a charge of electricity flowing off of this 'Raijin' that put his Overdrive electrical charge to shame making the Genin realize his new sensei may understand him even more than he thought to have such distinct natures inside him.

However, even amidst the overwhelming presence Yugo had no intent to falling short of showing Indira his full capabilities as despite his positioning being less ideal than intended and with the clearly impending force of this new state incoming. Yugo would pivot as much as he could delivering the intended right-hand punch to Indira's lower abdominal as a palm strike and would aim to slam his left elbow against the muscle just above the knee of the leg on Yugo's left to try and provoke a nerve twitch to loosen the hold. Yugo could smell the Ozone build up trying to use the palm and elbow strike to create an opening and push himself away to make distance though even his enhanced speed by Overdrive would be insufficient even if the blows landed. The crash of Raijin's lightning and the subsequent power bomb motion of dropping in conjunction would mess with Yugo's senses as all seems to go white from the heat and shock wreaking havoc through his body his Overdrive charge quickly overwhelmed, and his Jugo physiology pushed to its limit.


The monstrous part of Yugo churns within his body as the blast of lightning crashing down upon him singes and burns a significant part of his jacket and leaves slight burns all over him and the impact of the crash left his body aching and in agony all factors that would make the monster desire to fight even harder. However within his mind Yugo's calmer demeanor would take dominance taking hold on the leash of his mind a stern rule he set for himself to never let his bloodline run wild against someone from Kumogakure. Internally a voice rings out "NO....Never against friends or kin...they are our people....WE WILL NOT FRENZY AGAINST THE CLOUDS!". Externally Yugo was panting and wincing as he kicks to slam the ground and launch himself a bit away from his sensei with left hand tossing his burnt jacket aiming it for Indira's face as a distraction gambit as he attempts one last surprise kick maneuver launching another piece of Debree aiming it to strike at the same abdominal spot he aimed at before to hopefully make some opening for his teammate. Yugo could feel his chakra body ache even with his fair amount of chakra his lack of control and stamina meant Overdrive was exhausting even more so when overpowered like that and the injuries were enough that Yugo couldn't keep this up much longer even with his robust conditioned body.

Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure -> Kumogakure Training Ground
Posting Order: Yugo -> Senso ->Gamu ->Indira ->
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Following his safe landing Gamu would still be on-guard for any possible attack especially since Indira could throw out jutsu with out seemingly needing to weave signs of say anything as if the weather itself seemed to bend to his will. Luckily, for Gamu he wouldn't need to be too worried as he took a moment to catch his breath after the rapid offensive assault he had attempted to unleash upon Indira moments before all for naught as in the end the man was to strong to be effected by his full frontal sword strikes. Instead he'd watch as his newly appointed teammate Yugo would take off unleashing his own offensive assault that seemed to have a bit more luck then Gamu's own.

"They said these Jugo guys are wild, but jeez this dudes a real wild one. I hope he never turns that rage on me," Thought Gamu to himself as prepared himself waiting for an opening as he used the obstruction of Indira's line of sight and the distractions by Yugo to make his move. Having followed them maintaining enough distance to not pull aggro from either if they felt inclined to attack him for whatever reason.

As Yugo was hit with the flash of lightning and attempted to blind their sensei Gamu saw an opportunity even if only a brief one and he was going to take it. Using the time he had wisely Gamu would throw out a quick few hand seals as his speed suddenly picked up as he seemingly disappeared from sight. To those with keen enough sight or a dojutsu that gave them better perception they'd have taken notice that he had used the common Body Flicker Technique to accelerate as he made his way through and up trees till he was at the right height before focusing his lightning chakra into the blade of his sword before launching himself at Indira from what should be a blind spot if he had even momentarily fallen victim to the distraction by Yugo. In a sudden flash like bolt of elctricity shooting through the air Gamu his speed enhanced by the body flicker and the strength of his well developed legs catapulted him towards Indira in the hopes of impaling him with his sword using his
Cloud-Style: Lightning Serpent.

Location: Cloud District, Streets of Kumogakure -> Kumogakure Training Ground
Posting Order: Gamu ->Indira -> Yugo -> Senso
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


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== Time-Skip ==

The training ground crackled with intensity as Yugo and Gumo engaged in a spirited spar against their sensei, Indira. Despite Indira's superior rank, it was evident that his apprentices were rapidly closing the gap in skill, suggesting that it wouldn't be long before they surpassed him. Their vigorous exchange was suddenly cut short when they were summoned by the Raikage. The Lady Raikage briefed them on a critical mission: they were to head to the Gold District, where troubling reports had emerged of missing miners and unusual flooding. Without hesitation, Team Indira promptly departed, ready to gather more information and unravel the mysteries plaguing the Gold District.