Recent content by Yatoru

  1. Yatoru

    Grass District

    As Jin had made his request, his eyes observed his cousins every movement, his every reaction; as Jin watched every motion his cousin did and listened to everything he first said only for Jin to twiddle his hair between his left index finger and thumb. It wasn't something Jin needed time to...
  2. Yatoru

    Grass District

    Jin Leaning against the wall of the Hideout, his eyes shrouded by his hair as Anrei retorted with his wise crack, speaking of getting distracted by Tsubaki, and yet something in Jin felt more uncomfortable about that situation. Yet it was after Jin making his request for a favor that his eyes...
  3. Yatoru

    Grass District

    As Jin stood with Tsubaki clinging to his arm, avoiding any eye contact as he listened closely to what both were speaking about, it only arose more questions. Though he listened, it was Tsubaki who seemed to make a pouting face as Anrei had ignored her suggestion of taking Jin out to see the...
  4. Yatoru

    Sand District

    As the Kusakage Xaio Tendo stood awaiting the response from the Kazekage, it would be upon the New Leader of the Sand District turning about face, to face their direction Xaio remained stern and stoic, his posture may seem lax and calm, but throughout his entire body a ten percent increase of...
  5. Yatoru

    Grass District

    As Jin slowly rose to his feet after Anrei finished healing his arm, his cyan eyes averted towards his arm looking at the scar tissue across his arms; his eyes narrowing with disgust before they avert themselves back towards Tsubaki and the Rogue Ninja. Watching as Tsubaki slowly rose upwards...
  6. Yatoru

    Grass District

    Tsubaki's eyes watching Jin's arm as she did her best to seal the destroyed flesh on his knuckles, leaving minor scar tissue on his arms yet unable to heal the broken bones inside due to her lacking experience as a Medical Ninja; her attention soon diverting towards Anrei as she heard him speak...
  7. Yatoru

    Grass District

    As Jin stood, his finger wrapped up keeping it stabilized though there was nothing Jin could do about the constant sharp throbbing pain that coursed up his arm, he'd watch the other two. Listening to Anrei's response, Jin's attention quickly switched to behind him, his body swaying to a full...
  8. Yatoru

    Grass District

    Jin Tendo stood wrapping his broken finger up as he stared forth towards Anrei and Tsubaki; even with pain coursing through his body his glowing Jikangan showed the cold analytical nature behind them. As Anrei gave his opinion on the matter of the Eyes powers, Jin couldn't help but scoff as if...
  9. Yatoru

    Sand District

    Xaio who stood beside Oboro, listening to the resolve of the Sand shinobi, responding only to his question about how he felt about his stay in the Sand District as they roamed through the village, Xaio's left eye seemingly back to its dulled Cyan color as he responded with a calm tone, His...
  10. Yatoru

    Grass District

    Listening to Anrei's words, Tsubaki remained silent, her eyes fixated on Jin Tendo as he cut down the burnt victim they were tasked with targeting, though her two toned eyes, her heterochromia eyes were fixated it was upon Jin's words about the Clans Enigmatic Doujutsu, a special ability that...
  11. Yatoru

    Sand District

    As Xaio Tendo sat in the lounge, waiting patiently, his eyes observed the various denizens going about their lives, but this focus would soon break upon a familiar voice speaking forth towards Lord Xaio, Greetings, sir. It is time to meet with Lord Kazekage. Do you wish for a bit...
  12. Yatoru

    Grass District

    Silent Meadows As Jin Tendo Felt the hand of Anrei place against his shoulder and that second to follow where the location transitioned to that of the Mushroom Forested Silent Meadows, Jin stood firmly, his eyes still focused forth as he slowly began stepping forth pushing himself from Tsubaki...
  13. Yatoru

    Grass District

    Listening to everything being said, Jin stood, stretching his arms over his body, loosening his muscles as his twin cyan eyes remained fixated on Toji, Tsubaki and Anrei Tendo. Though Toji upon Hearing Anrei's concern only clarified the reasoning behind this decision though in a low enough tone...
  14. Yatoru

    Grass District

    As Jin sat in the chair, his eyes staring forth with an almost cold and empty expression; his eyes watching as the Masked Tendo entered the room before removing his mask. Understood, Grandfather... - It's been a long time, Jin. You've grown. Hearing these words, Jin Tendo slowly...
  15. Yatoru

    Sand District

    Flash Back one week ago. As Xaio stood his chakra repulsion technique having sent the young Jin Tendo skipping across the sand dunes, the Head of the Grass District, Secret underground Organization, and Tendo Clan's eyes slowly averted towards the young Jin Tendo who can be seen visibly shaken...