Recent content by iHaruno

  1. iHaruno

    Rain District

    *Listen while you read* Her steps felt wrong. Out of place. A simple glance around the environment identified the black and red form of her was a stark contrast to the world dyed blue around her. Mirai's journey led her to a secluded Shinto shrine, a place pulsating with a profound and...
  2. iHaruno

    Rain District

    *Listen while you read* As the old man concluded his eerie tale, Mirai's suspicions deepened, prompting her to discreetly activate her Sharingan. This would shield her from any deceptive genjutsu that might be at play in this peculiar gathering. Her eyes subtly shifted, the telltale crimson...
  3. iHaruno

    Grass District

    "How Lovely." The butterfly is typically a symbol of gentleness and silence, fluttering soundlessly through the air, delicate and vulnerable to the forces of the world around it. However, this particular flutter of butterflies was an anomaly. They were not the usual, fragile creatures, but...
  4. iHaruno

    Rain District

    *Listen while you read* The people of the town had little info, even the ones that were willing to talk to her. It didn't take long for her to realize that the residents of this tiny village were all making their way to one place. Despite their clear squalor, they all seemed to be enjoying a...
  5. iHaruno

    Rain District

    *Listen while you read* It might've been easy to track Mirai for the first leg of her journey. But it would be a mistake of anyone to think that Tenbo or Mujin were the only Masters of Death who didn't get followed when they didn't want to be followed. Her form flit through the trees, light...
  6. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you read* Mirai would follow, at least for the first couple of moments. Her gaze watched Tenbo carefully, observing his employment of a stealth based technique. Her eyes watched the ways his feet moved, and then noticed how his body maneuvered with the wind to further the silence...
  7. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you read* Mirai listened with a veneer of calm, her inner feelings swirling with a mild sense of discontent. Nevertheless, she acquiesced, following him out of the room. For the moment, it appeared that the Hokage's vigilant gaze had shifted away from her and the rest of the Uchiha...
  8. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you read* Mirai grimaced at Tenbo, almost in disgust, the way she had when they were young and he had said something that displeased her. She wanted answers, but it seemed he wanted to play games, and the day had been full of enough playing for her taste. Her mind debated about...
  9. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you read* As Tenbo scrutinized her under a scarlet gaze, she too observed him with equal intensity. Tenbo was a man who always had something up his sleeve, perpetually engaged in some hidden agenda or another. He was a master of manipulation, constantly weaving intricate plots that...
  10. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you read* Mirai chuckled at his questions. She knew Tenbo better than to have believed he would have hopped onto any bandwagon, even if the driver was her. But her gaze sharpened when he insinuated that she was the type to abandon her convictions easily. Her own Sharingan flared...
  11. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you read* "A mood," Mirai echoed, turning with a graceful twist, the ruffle of her attire floating over the hum of the monitors and the buzz of activity within the UMC. Her eyes, steady and piercing, held a pale gaze that meticulously analyzed Tenbo Uchiha. Bringing the cigarette...
  12. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you Read* Even if the people she reached out to were taking their time, the Uchiha Lady did not have a moment's rest. She had already began drafting letters, examining a map of the country as she debated where it would be best to move her clan for the time. The Tsuchikage was...
  13. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you Read* There was almost, disappointment in her eyes when they retreated. They had gone so far, done so much and when it seemed like they might get a peek at her power, they fled. The clone dissipated, returning Mirai to her power. The bright light brought on by Mirai...
  14. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you Read* Hand signs were for someone with less control. Somebody who had not spent her formative years fighting beings much stronger than them, with the only option to become stronger than whatever obstacle stood before her. Who hadn't been put through the most grueling training...
  15. iHaruno

    Leaf District

    *Listen while you Read* It irked the lady so how people never let her speak. They always chose to react and defend instead of listen to the words of wisdom the woman had to share. Her sensory detected the technique as the man aimed to bind her, and she grimaced. "Shadow Possession-" Her...